lolzers wrote:I know but ALL of the things she said I couldn't help!
None of them.
You couldn't possibly:
use circles and the straight line tool for speech bubbles, or not have bubbles, just lines and text.
choose a different font (okay, I don't know about this one, but you could easily copy paste stuff from Word like Boredom does in small bit of code)
not slant text
not add extra panels
draw the border lines AFTER importing the graphics
remove the ambiguity in speakers, mostly by changing the speech bubbles.
or if you don't want to change the speech bubbles, AT LEAST MAKE THE THICKNESS CONSISTANT
not cut off sprites that established members of this community worked so hard to originally produce
made your panels bigger
use a similar text size for all the speakers
No, no. I'm pretty sure GIMP makes it impossible to do ANY of those things.
As for calling your comic crap: Yeah, that was harsh. As for your response that it's your first webcomic: sorry. Not an excuse. If it was n00bish, that would be one thing, but it honestly looks like you didn't even put any (read: enough) time in it. Oh, wait, you didn't:
lolzors wrote:I know that there are to extra boxes at the bottom I was going to put the end in them but I didn't have time!
Didn't have the time? You weren't exactly on a deadline for YOUR FIRST WEBCOMIC (zomg I can do that too!). Seriously. I'm not going to sit here and say how my first webcomic was a piece of art: it wasn't. But it wasn't anywhere near the realm of this.
I'm sorry if I'm hurting your feelings. There's just simply no way that I can express what you need to hear, and unfortunately don't want to hear, without using language like that (not crap, I'm sure I could have just as easily said what I did had I not said the word "crap," and again, I'm sorry for that). I'm sure you're a great guy, and I hope you trust me when I say I'm not so bad either. I'd sit down with you any day for coffee (okay, I hate coffee. Tea, maybe?) and we could talk about school and N, it just so happens that instead we met in this context and both of us obviously made bad first impressions.
In conclusion, I'm not Tsukatu; I'm not here to win arguments (great, now I'm going to get flack from Tsukatu), and I look forward to improvements. I'm going to drop it, and I'd appreciate it if you did as well.
EDIT: Bonus points for a kickass way to get 8 responses in the first response-day.