The (mis?)adventures of Bob.

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Postby Tunco » 2009.04.22 (17:12)

Erik-Player wrote:Look up. What do you see?
Probably you can't see anything, so as Bob, because it's probably dark in there.
kamikaze3000 wrote:Tie the cloth round his head like a ninja and continue his search
Adventures of Bob!


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Postby KinGAleX » 2009.04.22 (17:22)

As a broadsword wielding pseudoquadrilateral, Bob needs a cape. Fashion the cloth into a cape, and pose majestically, waiting for his superpowers to kick in.
* Sig provided by Steve.
* Avatar manufactured by LittleViking.
More relevant images!


spect - There are more posts like this and it's like posting "I don't have any pie." in a Pie Forum.

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Postby Luminaflare » 2009.04.22 (17:33)

aperture wrote:he should take the cloth and keep it as a whip like weapon, the he should proceed, now on his guard
kamikaze3000 wrote:Tie the cloth round his head like a ninja and continue his search
Erik-Player wrote:Look up. What do you see?
Panel 1
Bob: 'Nope nothing but purple sky above me. Eh who cares, I'm like a ninja Indiana Jones'
Last edited by Luminaflare on 2009.04.22 (17:37), edited 1 time in total.

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Postby KinGAleX » 2009.04.22 (17:35)

"Sup, Megaman?"

* Sig provided by Steve.
* Avatar manufactured by LittleViking.
More relevant images!


spect - There are more posts like this and it's like posting "I don't have any pie." in a Pie Forum.

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Postby Exüberance » 2009.04.22 (20:19)

Spawn of Yanni wrote:Use the cloth as a blindfold, that should make it easier to run around blindly.

This is an epic thread!

Bobert the Box: "Hey, metal-face! Where are we?"


Warn megaman that he is about to be eaten by a grue, then run away as fast as possible!
Last edited by Exüberance on 2009.04.22 (20:38), edited 1 time in total.
ExüberNewsFeed: Exuberance is mostly <AFF> (Away From Forums) for a while, though I may still participate in epic contests/threads. When I return, I shall bring several comic updates (enough to finish season 1) and hopefully 1 or 2 games- at least one of which is N-related
Comic Activity-O-Meter: (how often I'm updating my comic)
(Click here to see what each level and half-level means in terms of updates per time period)

NOTE: If I just add a bunch of comics in one day, but plan on going back to normal after that, I probably won't update the status.
+ Dead: Canceled. Done. Maybe you'll get a random comic like once a year, but it's pretty much done.
- Zombie (Dead/Comatose): The comic is probably done regular updates forever, but I'll probably still add something once in a blue moon. It's still POSSIBLE, that I'll raise the status up, but not very likely. Maybe I'll have a comicplosion for like a week, then go back to being dead
+ Comatose: Complete stand-by. No (or very few) updates for some amount of time, but the comic's far from being over
- <AFK> (Comatose/Loitering): Stand-by, but you might possibly count on a few updates once and a while. Again, this is temporary
+ Loitering: Like comatose, but for short amount of times.
- Turtling (Loitering/Semi-Active): Really slooooww updates
+ Semi-Active: One every 2 weeks...ish?
- Quasi-Active (Semi-Active/Active): Averaging about 2 comics every 3 weeks
+ Active: Loosely defined status, but about a weekly update
- Over-Active (Active/Power-leveling): About 2 comics a week
+ Power-leveling: About 3 comics a week. Possible a schedule, possibly not
- Über-Epic (Power-leveling/COMICPLOSION!!): In some cases, this may actually be mean updates more frequently than COMICPLOSION!!, but I'm defining this level as a non-organized comic rush, kind of like a few days after my comic started
+ COMICPLOSION!!: Daily updates for a minimum of 5 days (since the daily updates started. It remains at this status until the 5, 7, whatever days are done)

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." ~Albert Einstein
My N+ Vector Sprite Sheet ::: My Caption Contest ::: My Comic :::Puzzles of the Exuberant ::: DEFEND YOUR NINJA: THE FLASH GAME (Release Date TBA)
Exüberance on WoW
Maps in the Fernat Epic (so far): (meh, let's put this in a spoiler too. My sig's gettin too big. I'm such a packrat :p)

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Postby Tunco » 2009.04.22 (20:27)

Luminaflare wrote:[
Panel 1
Bob: 'Nope nothing but purple sky above me. Eh who cares, I'm like a ninja Indiana Jones'
He needs a better -hat-, and Megaman? 'Come on!
Or he needs to ask Megaman where he is. He is lost, he can't just run and jump around like nothing is happened.


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Postby Luminaflare » 2009.04.22 (20:39)

KinGAleX wrote:"Sup, Megaman?"

Tunco123 wrote:ask Megaman where he is.
Bob: "Sup, where are we?"
Megaman: "..."

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Postby Exüberance » 2009.04.22 (20:46)

Uh oh! Megaman is getting defensive! Bob must protect himself!

Bob decides to follow the advice of the internet and it's peculiar memes and decides to...


Also, what happened to the lightsabrebroadsword?
ExüberNewsFeed: Exuberance is mostly <AFF> (Away From Forums) for a while, though I may still participate in epic contests/threads. When I return, I shall bring several comic updates (enough to finish season 1) and hopefully 1 or 2 games- at least one of which is N-related
Comic Activity-O-Meter: (how often I'm updating my comic)
(Click here to see what each level and half-level means in terms of updates per time period)

NOTE: If I just add a bunch of comics in one day, but plan on going back to normal after that, I probably won't update the status.
+ Dead: Canceled. Done. Maybe you'll get a random comic like once a year, but it's pretty much done.
- Zombie (Dead/Comatose): The comic is probably done regular updates forever, but I'll probably still add something once in a blue moon. It's still POSSIBLE, that I'll raise the status up, but not very likely. Maybe I'll have a comicplosion for like a week, then go back to being dead
+ Comatose: Complete stand-by. No (or very few) updates for some amount of time, but the comic's far from being over
- <AFK> (Comatose/Loitering): Stand-by, but you might possibly count on a few updates once and a while. Again, this is temporary
+ Loitering: Like comatose, but for short amount of times.
- Turtling (Loitering/Semi-Active): Really slooooww updates
+ Semi-Active: One every 2 weeks...ish?
- Quasi-Active (Semi-Active/Active): Averaging about 2 comics every 3 weeks
+ Active: Loosely defined status, but about a weekly update
- Over-Active (Active/Power-leveling): About 2 comics a week
+ Power-leveling: About 3 comics a week. Possible a schedule, possibly not
- Über-Epic (Power-leveling/COMICPLOSION!!): In some cases, this may actually be mean updates more frequently than COMICPLOSION!!, but I'm defining this level as a non-organized comic rush, kind of like a few days after my comic started
+ COMICPLOSION!!: Daily updates for a minimum of 5 days (since the daily updates started. It remains at this status until the 5, 7, whatever days are done)

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." ~Albert Einstein
My N+ Vector Sprite Sheet ::: My Caption Contest ::: My Comic :::Puzzles of the Exuberant ::: DEFEND YOUR NINJA: THE FLASH GAME (Release Date TBA)
Exüberance on WoW
Maps in the Fernat Epic (so far): (meh, let's put this in a spoiler too. My sig's gettin too big. I'm such a packrat :p)

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Postby Universezero » 2009.04.23 (06:47)

Exüberance wrote:Also, what happened to the lightsabrebroadsword?

Okay; defeat Megaman with the whip. Then steal his blaster. Then try and blast a hole in the floor.

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Postby Exüberance » 2009.04.23 (18:38)

Universezero wrote:[...]then try and blast a hole in the floor.
Lode Runner style!
ExüberNewsFeed: Exuberance is mostly <AFF> (Away From Forums) for a while, though I may still participate in epic contests/threads. When I return, I shall bring several comic updates (enough to finish season 1) and hopefully 1 or 2 games- at least one of which is N-related
Comic Activity-O-Meter: (how often I'm updating my comic)
(Click here to see what each level and half-level means in terms of updates per time period)

NOTE: If I just add a bunch of comics in one day, but plan on going back to normal after that, I probably won't update the status.
+ Dead: Canceled. Done. Maybe you'll get a random comic like once a year, but it's pretty much done.
- Zombie (Dead/Comatose): The comic is probably done regular updates forever, but I'll probably still add something once in a blue moon. It's still POSSIBLE, that I'll raise the status up, but not very likely. Maybe I'll have a comicplosion for like a week, then go back to being dead
+ Comatose: Complete stand-by. No (or very few) updates for some amount of time, but the comic's far from being over
- <AFK> (Comatose/Loitering): Stand-by, but you might possibly count on a few updates once and a while. Again, this is temporary
+ Loitering: Like comatose, but for short amount of times.
- Turtling (Loitering/Semi-Active): Really slooooww updates
+ Semi-Active: One every 2 weeks...ish?
- Quasi-Active (Semi-Active/Active): Averaging about 2 comics every 3 weeks
+ Active: Loosely defined status, but about a weekly update
- Over-Active (Active/Power-leveling): About 2 comics a week
+ Power-leveling: About 3 comics a week. Possible a schedule, possibly not
- Über-Epic (Power-leveling/COMICPLOSION!!): In some cases, this may actually be mean updates more frequently than COMICPLOSION!!, but I'm defining this level as a non-organized comic rush, kind of like a few days after my comic started
+ COMICPLOSION!!: Daily updates for a minimum of 5 days (since the daily updates started. It remains at this status until the 5, 7, whatever days are done)

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." ~Albert Einstein
My N+ Vector Sprite Sheet ::: My Caption Contest ::: My Comic :::Puzzles of the Exuberant ::: DEFEND YOUR NINJA: THE FLASH GAME (Release Date TBA)
Exüberance on WoW
Maps in the Fernat Epic (so far): (meh, let's put this in a spoiler too. My sig's gettin too big. I'm such a packrat :p)

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Postby DoctorAperture » 2009.04.23 (19:38)

If megaman takes aggresive action kick him in the crotch, if not try being diplomatic
random stuff

Thanks tp pawz and GTM for the sig

obligatory ad for my comic(s)


LittleViking wrote:Oh, sure. I just hope this doesn't open the door to new jokes instead, you know? I'd hate for this to shed some light on more name-related puns. Maybe now they can focus their efforts elsewhere.
Awww, so cute!


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Postby Luminaflare » 2009.04.23 (20:19)

Gunna be away tommorow and probably about half of the day after so don't expect any updates, please keep suggesting things though :D

Also Aperture have you seen how short his legs are?

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Postby DoctorAperture » 2009.04.24 (00:19)

get closer :p
random stuff

Thanks tp pawz and GTM for the sig

obligatory ad for my comic(s)


LittleViking wrote:Oh, sure. I just hope this doesn't open the door to new jokes instead, you know? I'd hate for this to shed some light on more name-related puns. Maybe now they can focus their efforts elsewhere.
Awww, so cute!


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Postby Exüberance » 2009.04.28 (14:31)

Epic fail at attempting to show Megaman a magic trick and end up teleporting yourself to yet another dimension!
ExüberNewsFeed: Exuberance is mostly <AFF> (Away From Forums) for a while, though I may still participate in epic contests/threads. When I return, I shall bring several comic updates (enough to finish season 1) and hopefully 1 or 2 games- at least one of which is N-related
Comic Activity-O-Meter: (how often I'm updating my comic)
(Click here to see what each level and half-level means in terms of updates per time period)

NOTE: If I just add a bunch of comics in one day, but plan on going back to normal after that, I probably won't update the status.
+ Dead: Canceled. Done. Maybe you'll get a random comic like once a year, but it's pretty much done.
- Zombie (Dead/Comatose): The comic is probably done regular updates forever, but I'll probably still add something once in a blue moon. It's still POSSIBLE, that I'll raise the status up, but not very likely. Maybe I'll have a comicplosion for like a week, then go back to being dead
+ Comatose: Complete stand-by. No (or very few) updates for some amount of time, but the comic's far from being over
- <AFK> (Comatose/Loitering): Stand-by, but you might possibly count on a few updates once and a while. Again, this is temporary
+ Loitering: Like comatose, but for short amount of times.
- Turtling (Loitering/Semi-Active): Really slooooww updates
+ Semi-Active: One every 2 weeks...ish?
- Quasi-Active (Semi-Active/Active): Averaging about 2 comics every 3 weeks
+ Active: Loosely defined status, but about a weekly update
- Over-Active (Active/Power-leveling): About 2 comics a week
+ Power-leveling: About 3 comics a week. Possible a schedule, possibly not
- Über-Epic (Power-leveling/COMICPLOSION!!): In some cases, this may actually be mean updates more frequently than COMICPLOSION!!, but I'm defining this level as a non-organized comic rush, kind of like a few days after my comic started
+ COMICPLOSION!!: Daily updates for a minimum of 5 days (since the daily updates started. It remains at this status until the 5, 7, whatever days are done)

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." ~Albert Einstein
My N+ Vector Sprite Sheet ::: My Caption Contest ::: My Comic :::Puzzles of the Exuberant ::: DEFEND YOUR NINJA: THE FLASH GAME (Release Date TBA)
Exüberance on WoW
Maps in the Fernat Epic (so far): (meh, let's put this in a spoiler too. My sig's gettin too big. I'm such a packrat :p)

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Postby runningninja » 2009.05.14 (17:20)

Go DBZ and fuse with Megaman to create MegaBob.

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