You also have most likely heard of Evil_Sire, a hot new mapmaker and active in the community.Most of you wont know me, those who do know me probably wont like me, but for the spare few that do, I'm leaving.
None of you will of noticed that I'm not very active lately, but i've been spending more and more time with the girl I love, and I want to spend more with her, because every moment is to precious to waste.
I'll still come here now and then, and (hopefully) review maps, but there are a few people I want to mention.
Rule: You're a good guy, you were the first to notice me here on NUMA and you were a good friend.
RN: You're also a good guy, you've been getting good at mapping recently, hopefully you'll be a big name someday, also, I hope you continue my map pack "the greatest map pack" because you took a huge interest into it
ATOB: You came across as a wise, experienced guy, and you are also my favorite admin on NUMA, you also made me a reviewer, and I hope to stay one as I'll still play maps sometimes.
Good luck, you Three, good luck everyone, I know I'm not a particularly a nice guy, but i've tried to be friendly with most.
There are a few people here I don't like, but i wont mention there names.
Well, its been fun, and for those of you who don't know, my real name is Tom, I'm 13, and I live in sydney, Australia, with my Mum, Dad and Sister.
These two members are the same person. Evil_Sire contacted me with a PM on the old forums concerning this, and gave me permission to talk to the community concerning it.
So mods, make what you will of this, just please don't deal with godenAtor/Evil_Sire too harshly.