Maps are due on Friday July 17th at midnight (ET USA).
Here is the map data for Round 1. The THEME for this round is Symmetry.(
It is that time again!
Me and Bobaga_Fett are going to run this contest once again, but it will be done smoothly and correctly this time.
*Note we do have 3 judges now, Daikenkai has requested that he be a judge. We three will be the only judges.
The Judges (Being Me and Bob) are going to create a map that contains only objects.
You (The Mapper) are going to create a map out of those objects using only tiles.
Each Round will have a special theme, which may or may not have to deal with the tiles, but will affect the judging.
You may not cover up objects in any way, but you do not have to use all of them.
Then the maps will be judged, and depending on the number of players, at the end of each round there will be eliminations. This will continue until there are 2 people left, then there will be a special round.
1. You may not delete, add, alter, or cover up any objects at all.
2. You do not have to utilize all of the objects (It is advised), yet the more you utilize the better your score.
3. All maps must be completed 1 week, or 168 hours after the beginning of the round, this will most likely be midnight where me and bob are, which is -6 GMT or Central Time (North America).
4. You must submit all maps to NUMA with the tag "TACIII", and post in this topic the link to said map.
Me, Bobaga_Fett, and Daikenkai are going to be judging this.
The Criteria is as follows:
Total score of 100.
x/50 Will be the overall enjoyment of the map.
x/25 Will be how many of the objects were utilized and if the correct theme was used, or if the theme is perceivable.
x/25 Will be how playable the map is and how well the map looks.
So, each map will have an overall score of 300, 100 from each judge.
There is no need to average, as it is the same thing. This also makes it more dramatic, larger scores!
So everyone wants to know what 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place gets.
Well you get to decide, I'll be setting up a poll once the contest begins, to see whether you want ded's, sigs, sigbars, or just recognition. So be thinking!
1. BNW
2. bobaga_fett
3. Daikenkai
1. goatman
2. spudzalot
3. toaster
4. NicNac14
5. UndeadPie
6. handofgod
7. adam_zappul
8. karmap0lice
9. cheesemonger
10. Riobe
11. stonedeagle
12. Inspired
13. cheez
14. spoof
15. bionicryonic
16. numa_ninja
17. Kablizzy Sucks
18. sTALKr