2 Player Pipe Dream - Staff wanted!

Got a project? Want some help, ideas, advice, or just want to get the word out? This is your place.
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Postby ska » 2009.07.29 (14:39)

Hey guys, I have a very solid idea for a fairly simple two player version of Pipe Dream, Pipeline, MacPipes, Pipe Mania etc. I've done some Paper cut-outs and tried playing against real-life opponents and I think this spin off an old classic would make a very nice addition to anyone's game collection. If you're interested in assisting me with this project please tell me what your preferred job would be, (write as many as apply)
MacPipes (Mac Only)
Pipe Dream (PC Only)

Programmer(s) - This is especially important and probably the biggest factor which is stopping me from creating this myself as my programming ability, unfortunately is not very good. I'd prefer using a program which is more suited to Coders and Designers alike such as Game Maker (but if you can think of a better suggestion for this kind of project, please tell me.) I'd also need a programmer who can use the multiplayer/LAN functionality too. That'd be brilliant. The focus is multi-player, but if you want to make a single player mode (How much harder could it be?) that would be perfectly acceptable ;)

Graphic Designer - This might sound daunting but it wouldn't really that be difficult, after all, there are only 4 tiles which I will need you to implement. Edit: I've already drawn the tiles (see post below) I don't want a half-assed job of this either, I would like the graphics to be as rich and clean as possible. See This image to give you an idea.

Sound Designer - Maybe Lenny or someone could look into this ;)
I just need a nice modern soundtrack that will encourage playing and sound FX for object placement, water flow etc. If you feel like you might be able to chip in with anything at all, post here.

I'll give more information on my ideas as soon as you make a genuine application.
Thanks for reading,
ska :P
(for individual sprite download and rules/scoring etc, see later post)
Last edited by ska on 2009.08.06 (06:51), edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Vyacheslav » 2009.07.29 (16:04)

Sounds like a great idea. Except I know next to nothing about programming...

For all you Windows 64-bit users: Pipe Dream won't work since its a 16-bit application and 64-bit processors do not support 16-bit programs. Use a virtual machine.

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Postby Adoniseppi » 2009.07.29 (16:08)

Well, the only one of those jobs I could do is programmer. My programming skills aren't quite up to snuff with some of the other people here, but I've been teaching myself on and off. I think it would be fun and motivational to improve my programming skills if I had an actual project to look forward to. Therefore, I would be happy to look into this project and see if it's something I'd be up to.

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Postby otters » 2009.07.29 (22:26)

I'm a graphic designer.

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Postby Animator » 2009.07.30 (00:15)

Take this to here because it's very unlikely you'll find anyone here that can program with the necessary free time to commit to this project in this forum.

You'll get tons of graphic designers, though. Like me.

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Postby Rhekatou » 2009.07.30 (01:50)

I agree with animator. But if you need me, I've already got some basic retro pipe dream sprites that I made for a minigame in a game me and my friend were doing. A little editing would bring them up to snuff.

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Postby ska » 2009.07.30 (08:17)

Excellent to see so much interest and Rhekatou, that sounds very good - do you think you could upload the sprites?

Also, I'm not sure about going external with this project - I'd like to keep it within this community if possible. Once we get some nice looking tiles, (they will all need to match perfectly at every 90 degree rotation) I will release an overview of how the game will work, a list of current rules and a potential points system etc. We can essentially begin it's creation once we have the core graphics and decide which program(s) we will us to create the game.

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Postby squibbles » 2009.07.30 (08:28)

I can image, and probobly code. I'm relearning actionscript at the moment, and I know Basic and Java.


Tsukatu wrote:I don't know what it is, squibbles, but my brain keeps inserting "black" into random parts of your posts these days.
I totally just read that as, "I'd hate to be the only black guy stuck using v1.4."

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Postby Lenny » 2009.07.30 (09:36)

ska wrote:Sound Designer - Maybe Lenny or someone could look into this ;)
I'd be more than happy to help with the soudntrack, or even try and make some game sounds, once the project gets off the ground.
At the moment I'm fairly busy (and will be for the next two months), but after that I'll have a few weeks with not much to do so I can compose and do that kind of stuff.
<&Yanni> I've had an ambient song like this playing for a couple hours,
<&Yanni> Oh no wait that is MY AIR CONDITIONER

<@Animator> :::: Techno was killed by a better music genre.
<SouthyMcGee> Music is auditory art. What art is a different argument.
<&sforzando> Alright, no 247MHz for you.

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Postby ska » 2009.07.30 (10:19)

nice man - what's a game without cool sound FX? ;P

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Postby Rhekatou » 2009.07.30 (17:18)

ska wrote:Excellent to see so much interest and Rhekatou, that sounds very good - do you think you could upload the sprites?
It might be a while before I can get the sprites; I lost my usb and they were at school, but they wipe our accounts over the summer.
It's hidden in the system directories somewhere in the network. So I will have to find it, but I'll see if I can get it within the middle of september.

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Postby ska » 2009.08.02 (07:07)

OK, if anyone else is keen to create some place-holder tiles (vector might be better?) please let me know ;)

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Postby ska » 2009.08.04 (08:32)

OK! I have carefully modified some Pipe Dream Sprites which I have attached in a zip file.
(There are 16 bmp files for each player making 32 tiles in total) using a 8 x 10 grid, each player starts from the 'home' line at opposite ends. i.e. row one for player one and row ten for player two.

The Pieces
Firstly, the tile distribution for both teams can be done in varying ways and could be customised according to the player's preferences:
1) Random Tile Generation
2) Equal Tile Distribution - So far I have devised and tested a system where each player draws randomly from a stock pile that contains 24 curved pieces (6 of each rotation), 12 straight pieces (6 of each rotation including 2 'bonus' pieces worth 1000 points each if used in the 'flow path'), 6 cross pieces, 1 started piece and lastly, 2 bomb pieces (which can be used to destroy your own piece or your opponents as long as it is a valid move (i.e. it needs to be adjacent to one of your own pieces and cannot be part of the opponents flow path. (This hasn't been tested yet in physical form but the rules can be tweaked to taste and also could be customised by the players prior to the start of the game.)

Secondly, the 'flow' of the water runs exactly as it does in Pipe Dream/MacPipes, however the gameplay is a lot different.
Essentially, each player can see their opponent's pieces (an alternative 'secret version' can be made where you can't see them) Players both choose where they put their starter pipe (this piece must be placed on the home row outside their half of the grid. Players both given 5 random tiles. Initially it was made so you could rotate them (since it was first played on paper) But I thought for an added challenge I'd stick with no rotation as it's too easy in my opinion. The player may choose any one piece from the 5 given and place it next to a tile of their own only (This is to prevent intentional cheap blocking of the opponent.) If a player can't make a move, they have the option to discard a tile - at a penalty.
After the first move is made, the player draws a new tile that they can add to their plumbing arsenal. Play then moves to the other player (unless a player legally 'connects' an opponent's piece with his own piece whilst continuing the flow path. Each opponent's piece used is worth double, including any loop bonuses) The game carries on much like this until either player cannot or choose not to make any more moves. Once a player has 'declared', he cannot continue to make any more moves. If one player decides to declare, the other can keep on making moves until he can no longer or decides to declare.

Each piece used in the flow path = 100 points (this includes the bonus pieces), Cross pieces are counted twice if used twice)
Each Loop yields a bonus 400 points
Pieces not used in the flow path = -100 points to the respective player.
Discard Penalty = -200 points
Bonus Piece = 1000 points when used in flow path (opponent's piece is worth 2000 points if used)
Opponent Piece Bonus = Double value for each opponent's piece that is used)

The highest score at the conclusion of the round is the winner.

Tell me what you guys think please :)
Pipe Dream 2.zip
Pipe Dream 2 sprites
(14.48 KiB) Downloaded 396 times

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Postby Rhekatou » 2009.08.04 (15:08)

Cool. The only thing I have to say about those is that we're going to have to have the 'water' "flow" in the pipes. With the colors, I think you mean to gradient change it, but just checking.
Oh, and if some pipes have the 1000 thing and some don't, are the '1000' pipes the bonus pipes?

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Postby ska » 2009.08.04 (15:18)

Rhekatou wrote:Cool. The only thing I have to say about those is that we're going to have to have the 'water' "flow" in the pipes. With the colors, I think you mean to gradient change it, but just checking.
Oh, and if some pipes have the 1000 thing and some don't, are the '1000' pipes the bonus pipes?
I'm not 100% sure what you mean by 'gradient changing'. Do you mean when it comes to end game and the water flows through, you'll need animation for each piece? I assume that that can be programmed in later? (Just to clarify: The 2 different colours I used indicated the pieces for each player - i.e. blue pieces = player one, purple pieces = player two.) Also, to answer your second question; the '1000' pipes are the bonus ones which are worth 1000 points when used in a flowing pipeline in addition to the normal 100 point bonus for every pipe used.

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Postby ska » 2009.08.05 (15:38)

Sorry for the double post, but I think I will try and do the programming myself and I plan on using The Games Factory 2 to create it. Feel free to assist me, but yeah :P

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Postby ska » 2009.08.08 (08:08)

I've attached a basic prototype here.


- Made using Games Factory 2
- .exe file
- Grid layout completed
- virtual random piece generator (odds are balanced so rarer pieces such as the bonus pipes are mathematically less likely to come up)
- made it so after all 5 pieces are revealed, a player may choose a square (so far only the top left corner tile) to place a piece (currently you can only place the very left of the 5 'stock' pieces)

That's it. This is only for gisting purposes. Please, if anyone can think of a way to get this happening quicker, TELL ME!

Work in Progress 01 download

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Postby Rhekatou » 2009.08.20 (23:53)

I can't believe I missed all this.

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Postby ska » 2009.10.07 (12:35)

Rhekatou wrote::P
I can't believe I missed all this.
Anyone still interested?

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Postby Winter_Red_Snow » 2009.12.22 (23:36)

ska I am interested. I can make tiles for it, or backgrounds or whatever else. Hell, I can even rework it a bit!

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Postby Lenny » 2009.12.23 (06:08)

ska wrote:
Rhekatou wrote::P
I can't believe I missed all this.
Anyone still interested?
If coding's going well and it looks like this game will actually go ahead, then yeah. Just have a chat sometime about the kind of music you'd like.
<&Yanni> I've had an ambient song like this playing for a couple hours,
<&Yanni> Oh no wait that is MY AIR CONDITIONER

<@Animator> :::: Techno was killed by a better music genre.
<SouthyMcGee> Music is auditory art. What art is a different argument.
<&sforzando> Alright, no 247MHz for you.

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Postby Zer0 » 2010.01.23 (11:13)

Really... Um... Interesting...
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Postby SlappyMcGee » 2010.01.23 (14:21)

Zer0 wrote:Really... Um... Interesting...

Not a helpful post and you're coming off as a dick. Thanks.

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Postby ska » 2010.07.17 (07:45)

Looks like this is turning out to be quite literally a pipe dream...

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Postby Universezero » 2012.04.06 (12:23)

I can help with all three. I know a rather obscure alteration of Visual Basic, and plan on learning C++ soon. I can design sprites, backgrounds etc, and I can do soundtracks too.

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