Are my maps any good?

Discuss N mapping theory, N maps, and other aspects of map-making.

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Postby bretterson » 2009.08.08 (07:33)

Hi, I'm Brett. These are my first four maps I was just wondering if they were any good. Any suggestion would be really appreciated, thanks.

Thanks, I hope you like them,


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Postby ChaoStar » 2009.08.08 (09:06)

Oh, cool. We now have a total of two Brett's on NUMA.

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Postby otters~1 » 2009.08.08 (17:15)

To be frank, they weren't. But they could be a lot worse. Keep trying. :)
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Postby Amadeus » 2009.08.08 (18:32)

For a beginner, they're above average maps. However, you make some classic first-time mistakes, which include spamming/overusing gold, enemies, and mines, and on placing little value on aesthetic quality. Aesthetics are the second most important factor in the quality of a map, trumped only by gameplay. If you remember this and try and make your maps as visually appealing as possible, it will greatly improve the quality of your maps. A good model for future levels are the Standard N Levels and Episodes found in the 'Play Game' section. Look to these both for inspiration and modeling of how to make a successful. Also, you may want to exhibit your levels on , which is the N User Map Archive. There you'll find more than 175,000 maps that fellow N players have made and uploaded to the site.
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Postby Ampersand » 2009.08.08 (18:33)

Easy Burning reminds me of Suki's old Spire of Batman. If you need some tips, feel more than free to ask for 'em. We're more than happy to help with mapping.

Edit: Amadeus with the steal.
mintnut wrote:Oh my life, STRAP ON A PAIR! Get over it, make better maps, innit?
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Postby njitsu » 2009.08.08 (23:29)

Gold should be placed so that you can get it without disrupting the flow of the map.
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Postby bretterson » 2009.08.09 (04:37)

Thanks a lot guys for the replies and honest feedback. I'll keep trying to make better levels and I did put these on the n user map archive.

edit: just wondering because I'm using a mac and I have to borrow a keyboard to make maps if there is a good n map editor for mac? because my macbook doesn't have home or ins keys. I have looked around and haven't been able to find one.

Thanks again

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Postby Rose » 2009.08.09 (19:25)

njitsu wrote:Gold should be placed so that you can get it without disrupting the flow of the map.
That's not always true. Gold can be placed in out-of-the-way areas that the player would otherwise have no motivation to go to. Also, some maps don't have flow, and that's okay if it's fun in other ways.

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