The Highscore Rankings #171
- As of 26/August/2013
- Includes Tied 0ths
- Using the Spoiler system
New 0th Report00 - Old: [ golfkid, 359.325] New: [ macrohenry, 360.000]
15-3 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 107.825] -> [macrohenry, 108.300] -> New: [EddyMataGallos, 109.075]
15-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 132.925] New: [ macrohenry, 132.975]
18-3 - Old: [ lookatthis, 127.425] New: [EddyMataGallos, 127.675]
18-4 - Old: [ golfkid, 104.400] New: [ macrohenry, 104.575]
23-1 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 126.375] -> [jp27ace, 126.425] -> New: [EddyMataGallos, 126.625]
24 - Old: [ macrohenry, 341.375] New: [EddyMataGallos, 342.550]
28-2 - Old: [ xaelar, 114.225] -> [macrohenry, 114.300] -> New: [ vankusss, 114.350]
28-4 - Old: [ Izzy, 104.750] New: [ macrohenry, 105.200]
28 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 246.250] New: [ macrohenry, 248.675]
29-3 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 122.300] -> [macrohenry, 122.400] -> New: [EddyMataGallos, 122.525]
34-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 114.825] -> [macrohenry, 115.225] -> New: [ macrohenry, 116.250]
35-0 - Old: [Darkshadow1416, 153.550] New: [ vankusss, 154.450]
37-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 123.200] New: [ macrohenry, 123.275]
39-2 - Old: [ macrohenry, 156.525] New: [EddyMataGallos, 156.600]
39-3 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 129.875] New: [ macrohenry, 129.975]
40-2 - Old: [ macrohenry, 112.000] New: [ macrohenry, 112.075]
42-2 - Old: [ Wolfos, 167.175] New: [ Wolfos, 167.250]
43 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 285.750] New: [ Wolfos, 285.950]
45-1 - Old: [ Kool-aid, 124.575] New: [ macrohenry, 124.675]
46 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 355.150] New: [ macrohenry, 355.725]
50-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 140.300] New: [ macrohenry, 140.325]
51-0 - Old: [ macrohenry, 145.225] New: [ macrohenry, 145.250]
52-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 134.100] New: [ macrohenry, 134.275]
54-1 - Old: [ vankusss, 136.750] New: [ macrohenry, 140.325]
55-0 - Old: [ Jp27ace, 112.300] -> [vankusss, 112.900] -> New: [ Jp27ace, 113.225]
57 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 350.325] New: [ macrohenry, 355.775]
61-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 111.950] -> [macrohenry, 112.000] -> New: [EddyMataGallos, 112.125]
64-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 107.325] New: [ macrohenry, 108.125]
68-1 - Old: [ golfkid, 161.550] New: [ macrohenry, 161.775]
69-3 - Old: [ xaelar, 109.225] New: [ macrohenry, 111.675]
72-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 369.300] -> [macrohenry, 369.875] -> [vankusss, 369.975] -> [macrohenry, 370.825] -> [jp27ace, 371.525] -> New: [ macrohenry, 371.950]
73-3 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 110.325] New: [ macrohenry, 110.600]
74-3 - Old: [ glib_jase, 163.575] New: [ macrohenry, 164.050]
77 - Old: [ Mr_Lim, 230.875] New: [EddyMataGallos, 233.050]
82-1 - Old: [ macrohenry, 162.200] New: [ macrohenry, 163.275]
82 - Old: [ Analu, 361.650] New: [ macrohenry, 367.025]
85 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 352.675] New: [ macrohenry, 356.700]
91-4 - Old: [TWA_MATO_Titan, 271.250] -> [ Jp27ace, 271.550] -> [EddyMataGallos, 272.225] -> New: [ Jp27ace, 272.550]
91 - Old: [ Hendor, 568.375] New: [ macrohenry, 570.225]
92-0 - Old: [ xaelar, 132.150] New: [ macrohenry, 132.200]
95-3 - Old: [ Mr_Lim, 184.025] New: [EddyMataGallos, 184.175]
95-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 142.250] New: [ macrohenry, 142.350]
97-4 - Old: [ xaelar, 167.925] New: [EddyMataGallos, 167.950]
99-1 - Old: [ vankusss, 193.275] New: [EddyMataGallos, 194.025]
Total: 45 changes
Total 0th Rankings0 EddyMataGallos - 300
1 macrohenry - 68
2 vankusss - 57
3 xaelar - 56
4 Kool-aid - 36
5 Ben_Schultz_11 - 27
6 eru_bahagon - 19
7 golfkid - 10
8 swipenet - 9
- Raif - 9
10 Mr_Lim - 5
11 jp27ace - 4
- Seifer - 4
13 nadroj347 - 3
- glib_jase - 3
- clux - 3
- Wolfos - 3
- Izzy - 3
- Gutland - 3
19 lookatthis - 2
- ToeFaceKiller - 2
Level 0th Rankings0 EddyMataGallos - 262
1 macrohenry - 61
2 xaelar - 50
3 vankusss - 43
4 Kool-aid - 36
5 Ben_Schultz_11 - 21
6 swipenet - 9
- Raif - 9
8 jp27ace - 4
- golfkid - 4
- Seifer - 4
- Mr_Lim - 4
12 nadroj347 - 3
- glib_jase - 3
- clux - 3
- Izzy - 3
- Gutland - 3
17 ToeFaceKiller - 2
18 trib4lmaniac - 1
- tktktk - 1
- lookatthis - 1
- linkissoowickeddank - 1
- glupi_zmaj - 1
- eru_bahagon - 1
- djballz1200 - 1
- blobglob - 1
- Wolfos - 1
- VerbalKint - 1
- Toad - 1
- Thunder_Mute - 1
- Sammage - 1
- Meta_Ing - 1
- Melchoir79 - 1
- Knu - 1
- Just4TheFun - 1
- Johnny_faneca - 1
- Ivsound - 1
- Eeyore - 1
- Echarin - 1
- Darkshadow1416 - 1
- CrazyKilla - 1
- Brian1233 - 1
- Brett_Sully_ - 1
- Arctic_Pony - 1
- 1211 - 1
Episode 0th Rankings0 EddyMataGallos - 38
1 eru_bahagon - 18
2 vankusss - 14
3 macrohenry - 7
4 xaelar - 6
- golfkid - 6
- Ben_Schultz_11 - 6
7 Wolfos - 2
8 lookatthis - 1
- esp - 1
- Mr_Lim - 1
- Hendor - 1
Top-20 Rankings0 EddyMataGallos - 599
- macrohenry - 599
2 golfkid - 598
3 eru_bahagon - 584
4 lookatthis - 564
5 xaelar - 553
6 Mr_Lim - 528
7 Hendor - 502
8 Ben_Schultz_11 - 455
9 vankusss - 415
10 glib_jase - 406
11 ToeFaceKiller - 364
12 Analu - 328
13 Johnny_faneca - 274
14 Darkshadow1416 - 215
15 swipenet - 186
16 Chouse - 164
17 Izzy - 153
18 trib4lmaniac - 151
19 zapkt - 126
Top-10 Rankings0 EddyMataGallos - 599
- macrohenry - 599
2 xaelar - 506
3 eru_bahagon - 475
4 lookatthis - 450
5 vankusss - 371
6 Mr_Lim - 368
7 golfkid - 318
8 Ben_Schultz_11 - 312
9 Hendor - 228
10 swipenet - 114
11 glib_jase - 110
- ToeFaceKiller - 110
13 Analu - 104
14 Johnny_faneca - 98
15 Izzy - 92
16 Darkshadow1416 - 75
17 nadroj347 - 65
18 Chouse - 56
19 Kool-aid - 51
Total Level Score Rankings0 EddyMataGallos : 71825.100
1 macrohenry : 71647.625
2 xaelar : 71544.475
3 eru_bahagon : 71289.675
4 lookatthis : 71275.225
5 Mr_Lim : 71268.475
6 golfkid : 71044.300
7 Hendor : 70775.625
8 Analu : 70631.975
9 Ben_Schultz_11 : 70520.850
10 glib_jase : 70281.175
11 ToeFaceKiller : 70008.150
12 johnny_faneca : 70007.175
13 Darkshadow1416 : 69970.900
14 zapkt : 69602.800
15 jg9000 : 68776.675
16 trib4lmaniac : 68322.025
17 blobglob : 67763.800
18 vankusss : 67558.925
19 999_Springs : 67195.525
Total Episode Score Rankings0 eru_bahagon : 35040.650
1 EddyMataGallos : 34739.250
2 macrohenry : 34422.000
3 lookatthis : 34368.600
4 golfkid : 34226.475
5 Mr_Lim : 34106.500
6 Ben_Schultz_11 : 33973.350
7 Hendor : 33573.550
8 jg9000 : 32462.500
9 Analu : 32127.975
10 zapkt : 32070.025
11 ToeFaceKiller : 32068.000
12 xaelar : 30792.200
13 OnurO : 30756.475
14 loudog004 : 30543.825
15 ari22hoops : 30164.325
16 animal_rights : 30117.050
17 innuendonewb : 29307.425
18 J0803 : 27536.275
19 poppinfresh : 27289.875
Total Point Rankings0 EddyMataGallos - 10746
1 macrohenry - 9799
2 xaelar - 8979
3 eru_bahagon - 8147
4 lookatthis - 7419
5 vankusss - 6925
6 golfkid - 6818
7 Mr_Lim - 6803
8 Ben_Schultz_11 - 5683
9 Hendor - 5069
10 glib_jase - 3349
11 ToeFaceKiller - 3078
12 Analu - 2865
13 Johnny_faneca - 2592
14 swipenet - 2282
15 Darkshadow1416 - 1951
16 Izzy - 1791
17 Chouse - 1385
18 trib4lmaniac - 1227
19 nadroj347 - 1119
Episode Ownages20 - EddyMataGallos
62 - EddyMataGallos
98 - EddyMataGallos
Community Total ScoresCommunity Total Level Score: 72035.500 (20:00:35.500)
Community Total Episode Score: 35505.050 (9:51:45.050)
Difference between both : 530.450 (0:08:50.450)
Hey there guys, has it really been 4 months already? Phew, Im very sorry for that. First it was the exams, and then I got completely distracted with N2.0, but NO! This won't happen again. So in the highscoring scene these past 4 months, macrohenry has been the most active player by far. He took the most 0ths, and eventually passed both xela and van on the 0th Rankings, now standing 1st. He wasn't just the one who took the most 0ths, but also reached a couple very important achievements. He reached 599 Top-10 Scores, and became only the 2nd player ever to do that. This also affected his Total Level Score of course, as he beat xaelar's TLS and passed 71.6k, hence attaining the 2nd highest ever. And this also made him surpass xela on the Total Points Rankings, hence standing 1st as well. For all this we would like to congratulate him. The rest was a little activity by Wolfos, jp27ace, vankusss and myself. Analu and TWA_MATO lost their last 0th.
The community as a whole gained a total 20.825 seconds for its TLS since the last rankings, which averages 5.2 secs per month, a bit poor but still ok. As for the non highscoring related news, N2.0 has been finally released! (This would have had more sense on the May edition haha), although its of course still being developed and updated from time to time. This might sound a bit self promoting but the reason Im saying it here is because I think its pretty pertinent, you can have my version of NHigh for N2.0
0th Changes by Player since last Update (20th April, 2013) Click on the names:
xaelar (-4)Lost 4 scores:
28-2 - Old: [ xaelar, 114.225] New: [ vankusss, 114.350]
69-3 - Old: [ xaelar, 109.225] New: [ macrohenry, 111.675]
92-0 - Old: [ xaelar, 132.150] New: [ macrohenry, 132.200]
97-4 - Old: [ xaelar, 167.925] New: [EddyMataGallos, 167.950]
Before: 60 0th, 553 scores. After: 56 0th, 553 scores
vankusss (-4)Lost 6 scores:
34-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 114.825] New: [ macrohenry, 116.250]
51-0 - Old: [ vankusss, 145.225] New: [ macrohenry, 145.250]
54-1 - Old: [ vankusss, 136.750] New: [ macrohenry, 140.325]
64-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 107.325] New: [ macrohenry, 108.125]
95-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 142.250] New: [ macrohenry, 142.350]
99-1 - Old: [ vankusss, 193.275] New: [EddyMataGallos, 194.025]
Gained 2 scores:
28-2 - Old: [ xaelar, 114.225] New: [ vankusss, 114.350]
35-0 - Old: [Darkshadow1416, 153.550] New: [ vankusss, 154.450]
Before: 61 0th, 413 scores. After: 57 0th, 415 scores
eru_bahagon (-4)Lost 4 scores:
28 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 246.250] New: [ macrohenry, 248.675]
43 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 285.750] New: [ Wolfos, 285.950]
57 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 350.325] New: [ macrohenry, 355.775]
85 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 352.675] New: [ macrohenry, 356.700]
Before: 23 0th, 584 scores. After: 19 0th, 584 scores
golfkid (-3)Lost 3 scores:
00 - Old: [ golfkid, 359.325] New: [ macrohenry, 360.000]
18-4 - Old: [ golfkid, 104.400] New: [ macrohenry, 104.575]
68-1 - Old: [ golfkid, 161.550] New: [ macrohenry, 161.775]
Before: 13 0th, 598 scores. After: 10 0th, 598 scores
Mr_Lim (-2)Lost 2 scores:
77 - Old: [ Mr_Lim, 230.875] New: [EddyMataGallos, 233.050]
95-3 - Old: [ Mr_Lim, 184.025] New: [EddyMataGallos, 184.175]
Before: 7 0th, 529 scores. After: 5 0th, 528 scores
Kool-aid (-1)Lost 1 score:
45-1 - Old: [ Kool-aid, 124.575] New: [ macrohenry, 124.675]
Before: 37 0th, 51 scores. After: 36 0th, 51 scores
lookatthis (-1)Lost 1 score:
18-3 - Old: [ lookatthis, 127.425] New: [EddyMataGallos, 127.675]
Before: 3 0th, 564 scores. After: 2 0th, 564 scores
Darkshadow1416 (-1)Lost 1 score:
35-0 - Old: [Darkshadow1416, 153.550] New: [ vankusss, 154.450]
Before: 2 0th, 216 scores. After: 1 0th, 215 scores
Izzy (-1)Lost 1 score:
28-4 - Old: [ Izzy, 104.750] New: [ macrohenry, 105.200]
Before: 4 0th, 153 scores. After: 3 0th, 153 scores
glib_jase (-1)Lost 1 score:
74-3 - Old: [ glib_jase, 163.575] New: [ macrohenry, 164.050]
Before: 4 0th, 407 scores. After: 3 0th, 406 scores
Analu (-1)Lost 1 score:
82 - Old: [ Analu, 361.650] New: [ macrohenry, 367.025]
Before: 1 0th, 329 scores. After: 0 0th, 328 scores
Hendor (-1)Lost 1 score:
91 - Old: [ Hendor, 568.375] New: [ macrohenry, 570.225]
Before: 2 0th, 503 scores. After: 1 0th, 502 scores
TWA_MATO_Titan (-1)Lost 1 score:
91-4 - Old: [TWA_MATO_Titan, 271.250] New: [ Jp27ace, 272.550]
Before: 1 0th, 20 scores. After: 0 0th, 20 scores
EddyMataGallos(+0)Lost 8 scores:
15-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 132.925] New: [ macrohenry, 132.975]
37-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 123.200] New: [ macrohenry, 123.275]
39-3 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 129.875] New: [ macrohenry, 129.975]
46 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 355.150] New: [ macrohenry, 355.725]
50-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 140.300] New: [ macrohenry, 140.325]
52-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 134.100] New: [ macrohenry, 134.275]
72-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 369.300] New: [ macrohenry, 371.950]
73-3 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 110.325] New: [ macrohenry, 110.600]
Gained 7 scores:
18-3 - Old: [ lookatthis, 127.425] New: [EddyMataGallos, 127.675]
24 - Old: [ macrohenry, 341.375] New: [EddyMataGallos, 342.550]
39-2 - Old: [ macrohenry, 156.525] New: [EddyMataGallos, 156.600]
77 - Old: [ Mr_Lim, 230.875] New: [EddyMataGallos, 233.050]
95-3 - Old: [ Mr_Lim, 184.025] New: [EddyMataGallos, 184.175]
97-4 - Old: [ xaelar, 167.925] New: [EddyMataGallos, 167.950]
99-1 - Old: [ vankusss, 193.275] New: [EddyMataGallos, 194.025]
Tied 1 score:
87-0 - Old: [ xaelar, 118.225] New: [EddyMataGallos, 118.225]
Retook 4 scores:
15-3 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 107.825] New: [EddyMataGallos, 109.075]
23-1 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 126.375] New: [EddyMataGallos, 126.625]
29-3 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 122.300] New: [EddyMataGallos, 122.525]
61-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 111.950] New: [EddyMataGallos, 112.125]
Before: 300 0th, 599 scores. After: 300 0th, 599 scores
jp27ace (+1)Gained 1 score:
91-4 - Old: [TWA_MATO_Titan, 271.250] New: [ Jp27ace, 272.550]
Improved 1 score:
55-0 - Old: [ Jp27ace, 112.300] New: [ Jp27ace, 113.225]
Before: 3 0th, 12 scores. After: 4 0th, 18 scores
Wolfos (+1)Gained 1 score:
43 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 285.750] New: [ Wolfos, 285.950]
Improved 1 score:
42-2 - Old: [ Wolfos, 167.175] New: [ Wolfos, 167.250]
Before: 2 0th, 64 scores. After: 3 0th, 69 scores
macrohenry (+28)Lost 2 scores:
24 - Old: [ macrohenry, 341.375] New: [EddyMataGallos, 342.550]
39-2 - Old: [ macrohenry, 156.525] New: [EddyMataGallos, 156.600]
Gained 25 scores:
00 - Old: [ golfkid, 359.325] New: [ macrohenry, 360.000]
15-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 132.925] New: [ macrohenry, 132.975]
18-4 - Old: [ golfkid, 104.400] New: [ macrohenry, 104.575]
28-4 - Old: [ Izzy, 104.750] New: [ macrohenry, 105.200]
28 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 246.250] New: [ macrohenry, 248.675]
34-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 114.825] New: [ macrohenry, 116.250]
37-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 123.200] New: [ macrohenry, 123.275]
39-3 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 129.875] New: [ macrohenry, 129.975]
45-1 - Old: [ Kool-aid, 124.575] New: [ macrohenry, 124.675]
46 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 355.150] New: [ macrohenry, 355.725]
50-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 140.300] New: [ macrohenry, 140.325]
52-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 134.100] New: [ macrohenry, 134.275]
54-1 - Old: [ vankusss, 136.750] New: [ macrohenry, 140.325]
57 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 350.325] New: [ macrohenry, 355.775]
64-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 107.325] New: [ macrohenry, 108.125]
68-1 - Old: [ golfkid, 161.550] New: [ macrohenry, 161.775]
69-3 - Old: [ xaelar, 109.225] New: [ macrohenry, 111.675]
72-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 369.300] New: [ macrohenry, 371.950]
73-3 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 110.325] New: [ macrohenry, 110.600]
74-3 - Old: [ glib_jase, 163.575] New: [ macrohenry, 164.050]
82 - Old: [ Analu, 361.650] New: [ macrohenry, 367.025]
85 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 352.675] New: [ macrohenry, 356.700]
91 - Old: [ Hendor, 568.375] New: [ macrohenry, 570.225]
92-0 - Old: [ xaelar, 132.150] New: [ macrohenry, 132.200]
95-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 142.250] New: [ macrohenry, 142.350]
Tied 5 scores:
24-1 - Old: [ Seifer, 117.300] New: [ macrohenry, 117.300]
53-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 123.400] New: [ macrohenry, 123.400]
57-1 - Old: [ Mr_Lim, 185.925] New: [ macrohenry, 185.925]
61-1 - Old: [ xaelar, 255.975] New: [ macrohenry, 255.975]
94-2 - Old: [ golfkid, 122.875] New: [ macrohenry, 122.875]
Improved 3 scores:
40-2 - Old: [ macrohenry, 112.000] New: [ macrohenry, 112.075]
51-0 - Old: [ macrohenry, 145.225] New: [ macrohenry, 145.250]
82-1 - Old: [ macrohenry, 162.200] New: [ macrohenry, 163.275]
Before: 40 0th, 599 scores. After: 68 0th, 599 scores
Extra Things
Ignored Cheaters and Hackers• Cheaters: ANGERFIST, kryX-orange, L3X, Bonzai, naem, crappittrash, Goo, Sp33dy, pokemaniac1342, ACEOFSPADEWINS, Vegeta, BAS3, cheese_god, fuckingyourdad, fuckingyourmom, fuckingcrappitrash.
• Hackers: sry4trbleIMdone, haxYOscoreboard, haxyoscoreboard, igotbored:(, Cuppy33, alllan, ninjump, dnawrkshp, PolakJamByc, Yvsk, Marcao, luanplayer, KOKOZUDO, banan049.
Adjustments to the RankingsWhen doing the rankings, some adjustments together with the ignoring list must be done in order to have absolutely proper and correct rankings. This extra adjustments are the following:
• Add Last_FairyTail 0ths to xaelar.
• Add van_come_to_irc 0ths to vankusss.
• Take into account that kryX's 25-2 tied 0th is Legit, even though he is ignored because the rest are cheated.
And thats all at the moment!