Level tiles shifting.

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Postby The Muffinmaster » 2010.04.22 (21:20)

Ok, so I've tried to make a level of my own- a kind of rocket dodging mayhem thing- in base n (as in, not nreality), but I'm having a couple things lost in translation when I try to add it to the userlevels list.
For one, a bunch of tiles on the right edge keep shifting, disappearing, and transforming in relation to how I made it.
Second, those shifted blocks usually are insubstantial. I can pass right through them, even if some of them appear to be in the right place. The tiles on the top, left, and bottom edges of the level are usually fine.
A no, word wrap is not on. No, it's not RTF. Also, I recently beat the game, so I don't want to reinstall on the off chance that would help.
Also notable: The objects are almost always the way they should be.
Here's the latest data I copied from the level editor text box.

Now the before/after.
The only object that seems to have moved is the door in front of the right exit. Also note that there are snipers I had removed in the editor and I am passing through "solid" blocks.
Last edited by The Muffinmaster on 2010.04.22 (22:15), edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Spawn of Yanni » 2010.04.22 (21:44)

As a sort of knee-jerk response to this, just make especially sure that when you paste the data into the textbox in N, you click outside of the white textbox before pressing L. If you don't, the letter L gets added on to the end of the data and that tends to fuck things up.
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Postby lord_day » 2010.04.22 (22:21)

The trouble is with your level data. Some how you've deleted some of the tiles from the level data, and so that when you load a level, visibly you can see the tiles that were present on the level loaded before you loaded, but you won't be able to interact with them. Your best bet is to press J, load the data in NED and then add in tiles where there aren't any.

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Postby BluePretzel » 2010.04.22 (22:27)

Basically what lord_day said.

The only thing I can suggest (having experienced the same sort of problems myself) would be the same sort of thing; that the tile data isnt long enough. Because Ned places tiles down the screen, then stars back a the top for a new column, missing tiles will be at the right of the map. It seems there are some tiles missing.
Have a try. Copy your data, then go into Ned, press H, then load the data. The tiles at the end are just plain E tiles that you can't interact with. They are from the previous data that was there, but because Ned doesn't replace the missing data, it just gives the image of the tiles.

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Postby The Muffinmaster » 2010.04.23 (00:31)

Well, I tried that, but then once I fixed it, it changed around again as soon as I pressed \ to get out of the edit menu. This time it appears that no tiles have been deleted, but some have been added and a few replaced with different tiles. Still in the right 4 columns.

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Postby Spawn of Yanni » 2010.04.23 (01:06)

Yeah, there's definitely some tile data missing from the end there. Adding tiles to the last four columns does seem to keep things weird, though.

Does this code work?

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Re: Level tiles shifting.

Postby TheMuffinmaster » 2010.04.23 (14:22)

Yes, it seems to be working! Thank you, I can't imagine how you fixed it, but it still works even if I edit it now.

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Postby rocket_thumped » 2010.04.23 (17:13)

lord_day wrote:The trouble is with your level data. Some how you've deleted some of the tiles from the level data, and so that when you load a level, visibly you can see the tiles that were present on the level loaded before you loaded, but you won't be able to interact with them. Your best bet is to press J, load the data in NED and then add in tiles where there aren't any.
TheMuffinmaster wrote:I can't imagine how you fixed it
some kind of magic.

If you don't know what you're doing, you're doing it right.

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