Even if an new version for NReality is relatively small, Unreality recently said it is not impossible.
So I am asking moderators not to lock this thread.
Tiles created by tile drone are only solid to N. Other stuff, such as Thwump can go right through it.
Custom image on gold cause bug. When the gold is taken(by N), the image is not removed(but the actual gold is).
Alarm Drone that uses coordinate-pathing loses its hitbox(meaning it cant kill N).
- Faster image loading: Say you have a custom image to gold. You place about 50 gold pieces on the map. It is going to take very long time for the custom gold image to appear on every gold object. Even if it is just one image, applying them to all the gold object takes very long time. Perhaps an improved algorithm could make this instant?
- When setting custom drone path(U,D,L,R). I am suggesting a fifth one: N^****. N stands for neutral(the drone stand still) and **** is an integer representing how long time in milliseconds the drone stand neutral.
- Support for animated images.
NReality bug- and wishlist thread
- Radio Douchebag
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Just to shoot down some things to bring it to a realistic level.
Else, have at it, but just pointing out the points that are extremely time consuming or unfeasible.
Your speed will depend on the connection to unreality's server and your own internet. Different speeds, different loading times. There isn't really a "better" algorithm unless he stored all the images on his servers and upgraded his connection. At NReality's population, not a feasible thing.- Faster image loading: Say you have a custom image to gold. You place about 50 gold pieces on the map. It is going to take very long time for the custom gold image to appear on every gold object. Even if it is just one image, applying them to all the gold object takes very long time. Perhaps an improved algorithm could make this instant?
This would take even longer to load than gold, and if the N engine even supported animating would require hella extra code. Not feasible on the current engine and amount of work Unreality was willing to do.- Support for animated images.
A delay before it began its action? Why not just start it farther away from the destination. This would lead to unbalanced and unpredictable gameplay, because the player has no indicator of how long the drone will remain. A better solution would be to instead either start it farther away, or add a door/block in its way that is placed somewhere that N has to run into it and open it to complete the level.- When setting custom drone path(U,D,L,R). I am suggesting a fifth one: N^****. N stands for neutral(the drone stand still) and **** is an integer representing how long time in milliseconds the drone stand neutral.
Else, have at it, but just pointing out the points that are extremely time consuming or unfeasible.

- Plus (Size) Member
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So you are saying that a single image is read multiple times?our speed will depend on the connection to unreality's server and your own internet. Different speeds, different loading times. There isn't really a "better" algorithm unless he stored all the images on his servers and upgraded his connection. At NReality's population, not a feasible thing.
Example, you have a custom image for bounce block. You have placed 20 bounce blocks on the map.
When loading all the graphic, this image for the bounce block would be read/downloaded 20 times from the server.
Why not just read/download it one time, store it in a buffer/memory, and take it from there?
It is much more efficient.
You misunderstood. This has nothing tot do with delaying its starting mission.A delay before it began its action? Why not just start it farther away from the destination. This would lead to unbalanced and unpredictable gameplay, because the player has no indicator of how long the drone will remain. A better solution would be to instead either start it farther away, or add a door/block in its way that is placed somewhere that N has to run into it and open it to complete the level.
Example: 6^756,564,4,0,122,3^2.5,1,1111100000^^UUUN^1000DDDN^1000,6,,2
This drone would move 3 steps upwards, pause for 1 sec(but keep its hitbox), go down 3 steps, pause for 1 sec, and start over.
Currently, when pathing a drone, there is no way to make it pause for a moment and then continue.
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You can delay an object by adding a 'timer gold', it's usually a piece of gold placed in the border tiles of the map & has pathing that goes into an area trigger that starts the object (by adding a wait for trigger to the object), basically - Gold with pathing > gold goes into area trigger > object with the wait for trigger starts - or if you want it to start with a delay after a certain point you could have the ninja get an area trigger or a switch with a trigger to start the gold moving, basically - Ninja gets trigger > gold goes into area trigger > object with the wait for trigger startsRhekatou wrote:A delay before it began its action? Why not just start it farther away from the destination. This would lead to unbalanced and unpredictable gameplay, because the player has no indicator of how long the drone will remain. A better solution would be to instead either start it farther away, or add a door/block in its way that is placed somewhere that N has to run into it and open it to complete the level.NPLUS wrote:- When setting custom drone path(U,D,L,R). I am suggesting a fifth one: N^****. N stands for neutral(the drone stand still) and **** is an integer representing how long time in milliseconds the drone stand neutral.
Else, have at it, but just pointing out the points that are extremely time consuming or unfeasible.
You can have a stop trigger to stop it moving & a start trigger to start it again for it to keep its pathing, with 'timer gold', so if a drone moves 3 grid squares thenNPLUS wrote:Currently, when pathing a drone, there is no way to make it pause for a moment and then continue.
- either an object ('timer gold') that was activated by the same trigger the object was (or nothing if it's from the map start) moving at the same speed (default 1.6 for non-seeking) gets a stop trigger for that object but the 'timer gold' keeps moving (so the area trigger only stopped the object & not the 'timer gold') & then you have your delay just like a normal 'timer gold' delay to add a start trigger for the gold to get in a few seconds to start/resume the object again
- or have the object go into a stop area trigger (that is 1 pixel/coordinate wide/high) & have that same trigger start a 'timer gold' that will eventually start that object again
Yes, i felt that line ^ was necessary
Bug - Tile drones sometimes randomly place '5' & '1' tiles
Code: Select all
They may be placing the '5' & '1' tiles because all of them are only 4 grid squares away from each other & they move around in a square replacing tiles that were just placed by the drone in front of them about a second earlier, but i think it's happened before when i had an extra long amount of tile code
Bug - Coordinate Pathing on a rocket ^^^,8,, makes the rocket unable to kill the ninja if the rocket is fired while the turret is moving or if the rocket has stopped moving it will be unable to kill the ninja if the ninja is standing still, it just goes through him, it can also cause the NReality.exe to crash sometimes
- This not being able to kill the ninja if he's not moving could make a good challenge, it may be a little glitchy tho
Other - I don't want this to be fixed, but just saying what it is - The 'One-Way Platform & Pathing'
Wishlist - The possible integration with NARC, due to NUMA possibly being archived (new maps won't be able to be submitted ((as i know it) to NUMA) having a secondary map number box for NARC as well as keeping the NUMA one (NUMA maps will still be playable from NReality (as i know it))
Last edited by Paradox on 2012.04.24 (17:32), edited 2 times in total.

- Plus (Size) Member
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I asked some time ago about being able to use NReality features in the ingame stage/tile editor. Every one say the same, it is extremely hard or even impossible to implement it.
So how about making a NReality Stage Editor that in independent on the game(NReality_v***.exe)? I.e, a separate program.
Its only features, except building a NReality map is to import and export maps. That shouldn't be so hard. Or is it?
So how about making a NReality Stage Editor that in independent on the game(NReality_v***.exe)? I.e, a separate program.
Its only features, except building a NReality map is to import and export maps. That shouldn't be so hard. Or is it?
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You can play NReality maps in NED, you have to load the map with L & then play the map with P & the NReality stuff will be there, you can reset the map with R & the NReality will still be on the map, but not in the map data edit box, if you press E or T the NReality is lost & all objects just become normalNPLUS wrote:I asked some time ago about being able to use NReality features in the ingame stage/tile editor. Every one say the same, it is extremely hard or even impossible to implement it.
So how about making a NReality Stage Editor that in independent on the game(NReality_v***.exe)? I.e, a separate program.
Its only features, except building a NReality map is to import and export maps. That shouldn't be so hard. Or is it?
Bug - Coordinate Pathing on a rocket ^^^,8,, makes the rocket unable to kill the ninja if the rocket is fired while the turret is moving or if the rocket has stopped moving it will be unable to kill the ninja if the ninja is standing still, it just goes through him, it can also cause the NReality.exe to crash sometimes

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