N+ DS oneway walljumping

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Postby Meta Ing » 2011.06.07 (19:46)

Bit of an odd glitch I found. Kinda defeats the purpose of vertical oneways...

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Quotes (Click to open):

Izzy and TRO - #n-highscores: <@Izzy> Where'd those frames come from? | <TRO> meta's ninja runs faster | <@Izzy> He stole TFK'S?!
Life247 - #n-highscores: Grrr, you're too perfect Meta.
Pryocheese - this map: of course you'd figure out how to cheat anti-cheat methods
Kablizzy: Click
kkstrong: I fully expect him to sig that.


AKA Xsczo on n++, discord, and twitch

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