Alright, so I've caught up with Unreality in full, and here's the deal:
Unreality has his own site,, hosted on his own server. The NReality server is, but that's not on his own server - it's just a URL mask for a site.
Recently, quotaless just took down his site. Completely. All data gone. Why? So far, Unreality hasn't been able to get a reason out of them, other than
this general one. While that certainly sucks, I don't think there's a way to get the data back at this point.
So what to do now? Unreality will have to put the site on his own server. He does have a database backup, but it's 8 months old. On the one hand, that sucks. On the other hand, it could be worse - everyone's highscores still exist in local .sol files, meaning that everyone still has their own scores, it's just that they need to resubmit them to the database. A pain in the neck? Yes. Permanent damage? No.
When I asked how long it would take to set up his own server with the 8-month-old backup database, he said it would take a full day, and that he doesn't think he has much time, but he'll see what he can do. So Unreality is working on it. In the meantime, you probably shouldn't hold your breath.