The situation: I used to play NReality v6c2 on this computer. Then I moved and this computer got stored for several months. Before that happened, I copied that NReality v6c2 onto a thumb drive, and have been playing it fine on a different computer. I finally got this computer up and running again, so I copy it back over and delete the original folder (because I've made new files and deleted/changed older ones, so I figured that would be quickest). But that NReality didn't work, and unfortunately, I perma-deleted the old one (I wasn't expecting a problem). I never did try out the old one before I deleted it, so it's possible even the old one didn't work anymore.
The problem: N v1.4 runs fine (the one I copied over). It recognizes my .sol file and userlevels file and plays fine. But if I run NReality, the light-gray loading screen shows (with the white NReality text on the sides), but no loading actually happens. The transparent update comes in pretty quickly saying it's completed. Then it promptly goes back to doing nothing. Here's a screenshot after 5 minutes:

Unreality asked for a screenshot of my N folder in an attempt to help me out. Here it is:

Unreality: did you want a screenshot of specifically a v6d4 setup or will v6c2 work?