Corridors - By Pinkymyno1

Are you a rad N player or want to put some rad N players to the test? Talk about your skills and challenge each other at N in this forum.

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Postby MattKestrel » 2010.01.01 (17:23)

Disclaimer: The following contest idea is being hosted by my 8 yr old cousin, I'm just doing the formalities since his account isn't working on here.

"In this contest the maps have to be based around corridors. Each round I am going to ask for a different quality to the map which must be fulfilled. For example the first week has to be based on drones, the next based on thwumps, then freeform maps, etc. Up to 30 people can join if they want, but less is fine, so long as its not 3 or something. Me and my older cousin will judge the maps, which cannot be made before the contest and should be mostly new (remixes are okay). The maps will be judged on how well they fit the theme and rules, how difficult or easy it is and how fun it is, as well as how good it looks." - Pinkymyno1

GTM back here. Basically, the aim of the contest is to make maps around the central theme of corridor-style maps, whilst the unique themes of eachweek hope to make each of these maps as diverse as possible. As my cousin said, I'll judge the maps along with him, and for the sake of argument we might as well use the following rubric.

Compliance to unique theme: Out of 20
Compliance to corridors: Out of 20
Aesthetics: Out of 15
Fun to play: Out of 15
Good map design (added by GTM) : Out of 15
Good difficulty curve: Out of 15

I'll see if we can get enough people to do this (8-16 would be nice) by January 8th, and each round will be weekly. 2 people will be eliminated after each round, drop-outs will also be removed. I release how similar this is to the apt contest, but my cousin really wanted to give a contest a go, so bear with me eh? Have fun, you're all nice people if you decide to join!

1) GTM
2) Pinkymyno1
3) Tunco
4) Blackson
5) Aldaric
6) Scrivener
Last edited by MattKestrel on 2010.01.05 (16:54), edited 2 times in total.

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Postby blackson » 2010.01.01 (18:37)

Can you show an example of a corridor map, or better describe one? It seems like a pretty loose term, especially if your contest is based upon "corridor maps".

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Postby Tunco » 2010.01.01 (20:03)

Blackson wrote:Can you show an example of a corridor map, or better describe one? It seems like a pretty loose term, especially if your contest is based upon "corridor maps". and are good examples. It's not so hard to make "corridor theme" maps, and it's fun.

If this starts, sign me up for the list.


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Postby MattKestrel » 2010.01.01 (20:05)

Erm, okay. A corridor map would be a map that consists of tight passageways, rather than open areas. That's about as much of a concrete definition that I can give, it was intentionally made to be a flexible central theme, since me and my cousin wanted diverse maps as opposed to just e tile passages.

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Postby blackson » 2010.01.02 (00:28)

Eh, I'll give it a go. Mind sending out a message when the first round starts with the accompanying theme?

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Postby Aldaric » 2010.01.02 (02:28)

Sign me up!

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Postby Scrivener » 2010.01.04 (21:45)

sine mee up.

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Postby isaacx » 2010.01.09 (20:14)

id like to join

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Postby Nexx » 2010.03.02 (01:53)

Did this die then? It sounded interesting.

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