UnknownKirbyMan wrote:Level 1 please.
!!! You've picked the blammo button !!!
*crashing noises*
...Anyway, the button you choose below decides your fate! Ha ha!
Code: Select all
< Player > < Money > <AVx> < This Round > < Rank >
<EdoI > <£ 11,541,668.00> < 3> <£ 200,500.00> < *0th>
<Hoohah2x2sday > <£ 2,776,941.99> < 1> <£ 0.00> < 1st->2nd> BOMBED!
<999_Springs > <£ 1,631,491.39> < 1> <£ 1,999.99> < 1st->4th> BOMB THE PENGUIN
<UnknownKirbyMan> <£ 770,338.00> < 1> <£ 0.30> < 2nd->6th> SPEED CASH, BUTTONS OF DOOM
Also, square 6 doesn't work. >.<