The giant cube of DOOM (or, the map of 121 maps)

Share and discuss your N map releases in this forum.

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Postby formica » 2010.04.17 (08:29)

MAJOR EDIT: Signup table now available here. For more information, see the rules for contributing a map.

Have you ever played a common, run- of- the- mill N map and thought "hmmm, yeah, I guess this map is okay, but it sure would be better if it was exactly ONE- HUNDRED AND TWENTY- ONE TIMES AS BIG!!!"? Or thought "Wow, this map would be better if it had been a collaboration between DOZENS UPON DOZENS OF MAPPERS EACH WITH COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, POTENTIALLY INCOMPATIBLE STYLES!!!"? Or even "that formica guy is pretty cool, and I really want him to be able to claim all the credit for creating a map series which can only succeed with huge, possibly bigger dedication from the rest of the N community!"?

If so, you're totally in luck right now, because right here I'm unveiling...

THE GIANT CUBE OF DOOM (or, The Map of 121 Maps)

Here's the idea.
  • N is stuck in the centre of a giant cube, 11 maps tall by 11 maps high. The purpose of the cube is mysterious, even more mysterious than the purpose of your average N map, and EVEN MORE MYSTERIOUS than the purpose of the giant cube in the Cube movies. N will never know its exact purpose (though plenty of hints may be dropped along the way.) Each room holds something different. Mysterious clanking machines doing mysterious clanky things, floating islands of steel, and a whole bunch of loveable homicidal robots.

    Each map has four exits- one on the ceiling, one in the floor, and one on each side. Each exit leads to the map next to it- either to the left, right, above or below, depending on which exit you went into. The only way out of the GIANT CUBE OF DOOM is to traverse from the starting point in the very centre of the cube to one of the cubes in the outer corners. There will be an almost infinite number of combinations of paths to reach the ultimate exits.
Here's how it will work.
  • Users will contribute maps to the cube, using the guidelines listed below. These will each correspond to a certain position in the cube. An overall map/ guide with map previews and hyperlinks will be posted at the beginning of this thread when the project is complete. After this happens, you can easily play your way through using the metamap. Additionally, I'll create a map pack with the appropriate coordinates for people to use in their in- game userlevels.
HERE are the rules for map- making.
  • TILESET: All levels must be based on this tileset: can then create any structures you want in the middle of the map, but the outside border must remain unchanged. You also cannot attach new tiles to the border.
(click here for some explanatory images)


  • EXITS: Each of the four exits must be possible to reach. They should either all be roughly the same difficulty, OR the two exits leading towards the cube's edge should be harder to get to than the two exits leading towards the inside of the cube.
  • DIFFICULTY: The maps should become progressively harder as you become closer to the exits. The colour- coded chart below should give a rough guide to how difficult you should try to make whichever map you pick, so keep this in mind when picking and working on your map. Obviously, everybody interprets difficulty differently- try to think of “easiest” as the early levels in the early columns in N, “insane” as the most difficult Mare & Raigan levels or slightly harder.
(click here for difficulty chart)


  • MAPS ON THE SIDE OF THE CUBE: Only the corner maps lead outside of the cube. For maps bordering the edge of the cube, simply wipe out the exit and the groove for the exit on the appropriate border.
(See this image for an example)


  • CORNER MAPS: Access to the corner maps can be unlocked by being generally awesome.
And HERE are the rules for contributing a map.
  • The sign- up list (okay, table, really) can be found right here. It's an open, public google document open for anybody to edit. Not being a **** and deleting other people's reservations would be very much appreciated.
  • Add your name in the slot you'd like to reserve. You can only reserve one slot at a time. After you've completed a slot, feel free to reserve another coordinate.
  • When you post your map on NUMA or on this thread,the title of the map must read “THE GIANT CUBE OF DOOM x,y- insert title of map here” where x is the x (horizontal) coordinate of the map, and y is the y (vertical) coordinate of the map. Obviously you can replace “insert title of map here” with whatever you want. See picture below for the coordinates.
(click here for coordinate map)


  • The message must link back to this thread.
  • Before posting a map, you have to contribute to the peer- review process.
  • After posting a map on NUMA, you must post a link to it back in this thread.
The peer- review process:
  • Before you can submit a map, you must review the last three maps submitted in the thread. And by “review”, I mean choose between “Yes, this should be included” or “No, this shouldn't be included.” If any map gets more than one “no” vote, it won't be included in the final version. You can use your own discretion re: whether or not the map is fun or not/ whether the difficulty is appropriate, but don't be too harsh. The idea is just to weed out any awful maps.

    The peer review table is on the google docs signup page ... LSkE&hl=en

(thoughts, comments, suggestions very welcome)
Last edited by formica on 2010.04.20 (03:16), edited 3 times in total.

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Postby Brainstone » 2010.04.17 (11:55)

This project is huge and I would love to be part of it. But I think 121 are too many. The project will probably die before reaching this number. With a 7*7 cube there`d be a much better chance to finish, IMO. However, here is my first map: 9,9 challenging:

Code: Select all

$The giant cube of doom; 9,9-Circle Strategics#brainstone#TGCOD#110000000G101H00000001111QQQQQQQQI0FQQQQQQQQ110P00000000Q0Q00000000N00P0000000000000000000N00P0000000000003LH0000N00P0000N1L0000K5FJ1000N00P00OHN00000000F0N000N00P001QQ0000000000N000N00P001000000000000NP00N00P00B0000000000000000N00P00N0011O000O1<0N1D0N00P00N0010000000N0N0Q0N00P00000N0500020P0N000N0?P000000000000000>@00N@1AP00000000000000000N>1000000000000000P00000001@P00000000000000000N?1>P00000000000>000?A00NA0P00000N0400H00P0N000N00P00N0010000000N0N0O0N00P00N0011Q000Q1=0N1E0N00P00C0000000000000000N00P001000000000000NP00N00P001OO0000000000N000N00P00QIN00000000G0N000N00P0000N1M0000J4GK1000N00P0000000000002MI0000N00P0000000000000000000N00P00000000O0O00000000N011OOOOOOOOH0GOOOOOOOO11110000000F101I000000011|5^396,108!7^396,372,3!7^420,372,3!7^372,372,3!7^348,372,3!7^420,372,1!7^396,372,1!7^372,372,1!7^348,372,1!7^492,300,2!7^492,300,0!7^492,276,0!7^492,276,2!7^300,324,2!7^300,324,0!7^300,300,2!7^300,300,0!7^300,276,2!7^300,276,0!7^396,228,3!7^396,228,1!7^420,228,3!7^420,228,1!7^372,228,3!7^372,228,1!7^444,228,3!7^444,228,1!7^348,228,3!7^348,228,1!2^396,396,0,-2!7^396,324,1!7^444,372,1!7^492,324,0!11^756,300,492,228!11^396,36,300,228!11^36,300,300,372!11^396,564,492,372!0^396,408!0^408,414!0^384,414!0^396,432!0^408,438!0^384,438!7^396,252,3!3^396,300!9^300,360,0,0,29,12,1,0,0!9^480,372,1,0,16,3,1,0,-1!9^492,240,0,0,3,12,1,-1,0!9^312,228,1,0,16,21,1,0,0!7^348,144,3!7^372,144,3!7^396,144,3!7^420,144,3!7^444,144,3!7^468,144,3!7^420,468,3!7^396,468,3!7^372,468,3!7^420,456,1!7^396,456,1!7^372,456,1!7^624,324,0!7^624,300,0!7^624,276,0!7^624,252,0!7^168,252,2!7^168,276,2!7^168,300,2!7^168,324,2!9^540,456,0,1,20,17,0,0,0!9^540,456,0,1,20,18,0,0,0!9^252,456,0,1,12,18,0,-1,0!9^252,456,0,1,12,17,0,-1,0!10^552,204!10^240,204!1^216,348!1^576,348!0^576,312!0^582,300!0^216,312!0^210,300!7^324,144,3!12^168,228!12^168,348!12^624,348!12^624,228!0^372,156!0^384,162!0^396,156!0^408,162!0^420,156!0^408,186!0^420,180!0^384,186!0^372,180!0^636,108!0^648,120!4^588,114,1!4^204,114,1!0^168,96!0^156,108!0^684,468!0^678,480!0^108,468!0^114,480!12^108,540!12^684,540!12^660,540!12^132,540!1^180,288!1^612,288!2^492,396,0,-1!2^300,396,0,-1#
1,1 - RESERVED 1,2 - 1,3 - 1,4 - 1,5 - 1,6 - 1,7 - 1,8 - 1,9 - 1,10 - 1,11 RESERVED

2,1 - 2,2 - 2,3 - 2,4 - 2,5 - 2,6 - 2,7 - 2,8 formica 2,9 - 2,10 – 2,11

3,1 - 3,2 - 3,3 - 3,4 - 3,5 - 3,6 - 3,7 - 3,8 - 3,9 - 3,10 – 3,11

4,1 - 4,2 - 4,3 - 4,4 - 4,5 - 4,6 - 4,7 - 4,8 - 4,9 - 4,10 – 4,11

5,1 - 5,2 - 5,3 - 5,4 - 5,5 - 5,6 - 5,7 - 5,8 - 5,9 - 5,10 – 5,11

6,1 - 6,2 - 6,3 - 6,4 - 6,5 - 6,6 formica 6,7 - 6,8 - 6,9 - 6,10 – 6,11

7,1 - 7,2 - 7,3 - 7,4 - 7,5 - 7,6 - 7,7 - 7,8 - 7,9 - 7,10 – 7,11

8,1 - 8,2 - 8,3 - 8,4 - 8,5 - 8,6 - 8,7 - 8,8 - 8,9 - 8,10 – 8,11

9,1 - 9,2 - 9,3 - 9,4 - 9,5 - 9,6 - 9,7 - 9,8 - 9,9Brainstone - 9,10 – 9,11

10,1 - 10,2 - 10,3 - 10,4 - 10,5 - 10,6 - 10,7 - 10,8 - 10,9 - 10,10 - 10,11 RESERVED

11,1 RESERVED 11,2 - 11,3 - 11,4 - 11,5 - 11,6 - 11,7 - 11,8 - 11,9 - 11,10 - 11,11 RESERVED

EDIT: May I make more than one map per weeek?


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Postby formica » 2010.04.17 (12:52)

Sure! I'll change the rules. As long as there's a fair mix of authors involved I guess it doesn't matter how often people submit maps.

And you might be right about the size- still, I was hoping for something really epic, that would take at least 9 or 10 maps to play through. I guess we'll just see how much attention this gets and maybe convert things from there.

EDIT: Here's a quick remake of THIS MAP for the cube, taking up slot 10, 4:

EDIT EDIT: Peer review YES for Brainstone.

1,1 - RESERVED 1,2 - 1,3 - 1,4 - 1,5 - 1,6 - 1,7 - 1,8 - 1,9 - 1,10 - 1,11 RESERVED

2,1 - 2,2 - 2,3 - 2,4 - 2,5 - 2,6 - 2,7 - 2,8 formica 2,9 - 2,10 – 2,11

3,1 - 3,2 - 3,3 - 3,4 - 3,5 - 3,6 - 3,7 - 3,8 - 3,9 - 3,10 – 3,11

4,1 - 4,2 - 4,3 - 4,4 - 4,5 - 4,6 - 4,7 - 4,8 - 4,9 - 4,10 – 4,11

5,1 - 5,2 - 5,3 - 5,4 - 5,5 - 5,6 - 5,7 - 5,8 - 5,9 - 5,10 – 5,11

6,1 - 6,2 - 6,3 - 6,4 - 6,5 - 6,6 formica 6,7 - 6,8 - 6,9 - 6,10 – 6,11

7,1 - 7,2 - 7,3 - 7,4 - 7,5 - 7,6 - 7,7 - 7,8 - 7,9 - 7,10 – 7,11

8,1 - 8,2 - 8,3 - 8,4 - 8,5 - 8,6 - 8,7 - 8,8 - 8,9 - 8,10 – 8,11

9,1 - 9,2 - 9,3 - 9,4 - 9,5 - 9,6 - 9,7 - 9,8 - 9,9Brainstone - 9,10 – 9,11

10,1 - 10,2 - 10,3 - 10,4formica 10,5 - 10,6 - 10,7 - 10,8 - 10,9 - 10,10 - 10,11

11,1 RESERVED 11,2 - 11,3 - 11,4 - 11,5 - 11,6 - 11,7 - 11,8 - 11,9 - 11,10 - 11,11 RESERVED
Last edited by formica on 2010.04.18 (01:30), edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Sunset » 2010.04.17 (16:30)

Am joining.

Last edited by Sunset on 2010.04.17 (22:28), edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Scrivener » 2010.04.17 (16:42)

i'll take 10-2. this looks awesome.

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Postby Tunco » 2010.04.17 (20:46)

I am going to take 87-3. Reserve, please. Thanks.


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Postby otters~1 » 2010.04.17 (23:22)

Went ahead and stuck myself in at 7,5.

1,1 - RESERVED 1,2 - 1,3 - 1,4 - 1,5 - 1,6 - 1,7 - 1,8 - 1,9 - 1,10 - 1,11 RESERVED

2,1 - 2,2 - 2,3 - 2,4 - 2,5 - 2,6 - 2,7 - 2,8 formica 2,9 - 2,10 – 2,11

3,1 - 3,2 - 3,3 - 3,4 - 3,5 - 3,6 - 3,7 - 3,8 - 3,9 - 3,10 – 3,11

4,1 - 4,2 - 4,3 - 4,4 - 4,5 - 4,6 - 4,7 - 4,8 - 4,9 - 4,10 – 4,11

5,1 - 5,2 - 5,3 - 5,4 - 5,5 - 5,6 - 5,7 - 5,8 - 5,9 - 5,10 – 5,11

6,1 - 6,2 - 6,3 - 6,4 - 6,5 - 6,6 formica 6,7 - 6,8 - 6,9 - 6,10 – 6,11

7,1 - 7,2 - 7,3 - 7,4 - flag - 7,6 - 7,7 - 7,8 - 7,9 - 7,10 – 7,11

8,1 - 8,2 - 8,3 - 8,4 - 8,5 - 8,6 - 8,7 - 8,8 - 8,9 - 8,10 – 8,11

9,1 - 9,2 - 9,3 - 9,4 - 9,5 - 9,6 - 9,7 - 9,8 - 9,9Brainstone - 9,10 – 9,11

10,1 - 10,2 - 10,3 - 10,4formica 10,5 - 10,6 - 10,7 - 10,8 - 10,9 - 10,10 - 10,11

11,1 RESERVED 11,2 - 11,3 - 11,4 - 11,5 - 11,6 - 11,7 - 11,8 - 11,9 - 11,10 - 11,11 RESERVED
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Postby formica » 2010.04.18 (01:29)


1,1 - RESERVED 1,2 - 1,3 - 1,4 - 1,5 - 1,6 - 1,7 - 1,8 - 1,9 - 1,10SeventhSpirit 1,11 RESERVED

2,1 - 2,2 - 2,3 - 2,4 - 2,5 - 2,6 - 2,7 - 2,8 formica 2,9 - 2,10 – 2,11

3,1 - 3,2 - 3,3 - 3,4 - 3,5 - 3,6 - 3,7 - 3,8 - 3,9 - 3,10 – 3,11

4,1 - 4,2 - 4,3 - 4,4 - 4,5 - 4,6 - 4,7 - 4,8 - 4,9 - 4,10 – 4,11

5,1 - 5,2 - 5,3 - 5,4 - 5,5 - 5,6 - 5,7 - 5,8 - 5,9 - 5,10 – 5,11

6,1 - 6,2 - 6,3 - 6,4 - 6,5 - 6,6 formica 6,7 - 6,8 - 6,9 - 6,10 – 6,11

7,1 - 7,2 - 7,3 - 7,4 - flag - 7,6 - 7,7 - 7,8 - 7,9 - 7,10 – 7,11

8,1 - 8,2 - 8,3 - 8,4 - 8,5 - 8,6 - 8,7Tunco 8,8 - 8,9 - 8,10 – 8,11

9,1 - 9,2 - 9,3 - 9,4 - 9,5 - 9,6 - 9,7 - 9,8 - 9,9Brainstone - 9,10 – 9,11

10,1 - 10,2Scrivener 10,3 - 10,4formica 10,5 - 10,6 - 10,7 - 10,8 - 10,9 - 10,10 - 10,11

11,1 RESERVED 11,2 - 11,3 - 11,4 - 11,5 - 11,6 - 11,7 - 11,8 - 11,9 - 11,10 - 11,11 RESERVED

Remember that you can only sign up to one coordinate at a time. When you post the map/ a link to the map in this thread you can reserve your next choice.

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Postby aapse » 2010.04.18 (02:07)

1,1 - RESERVED 1,2 - 1,3 - 1,4 - 1,5 - 1,6 - 1,7 - 1,8 - 1,9 - 1,10SeventhSpirit 1,11 RESERVED

2,1 - 2,2 - 2,3 - 2,4 - 2,5 - 2,6 - 2,7 - 2,8 formica 2,9 - 2,10 – 2,11

3,1 - 3,2 - 3,3 - 3,4 - 3,5 - 3,6 - 3,7 - 3,8 - 3,9 - 3,10 – 3,11

4,1 - 4,2 - 4,3 - 4,4 - 4,5 - 4,6 - 4,7 - 4,8 - 4,9 - 4,10 – 4,11

5,1 - 5,2 - 5,3 - 5,4 - 5,5 - 5,6 - 5,7 - 5,8 - 5,9 - 5,10 – 5,11

6,1 - 6,2 - 6,3 - 6,4 - 6,5 - 6,6 formica 6,7 - 6,8 - 6,9 - 6,10 – 6,11

7,1 - 7,2 - 7,3 - 7,4 - flag - 7,6 - 7,7 - 7,8 - 7,9 - 7,10 – 7,11

8,1 - 8,2 - 8,3 - 8,4 - 8,5 - 8,6 - 8,7Tunco 8,8 - 8,9 - 8,10 – 8,11

9,1 - 9,2 - 9,3 - 9,4 - 9,5 - 9,6 - 9,7 - 9,8 - 9,9Brainstone - 9,10 – 9,11

10,1 - 10,2Scrivener 10,3 - 10,4formica 10,5 - 10,6 - 10,7 - 10,8 - 10,9 - 10,10 apse 10,11

11,1 RESERVED 11,2 - 11,3 - 11,4 - 11,5 - 11,6 - 11,7 - 11,8 - 11,9 - 11,10 - 11,11 RESERVED

nice idea formica. i'm taking 10,10.



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Postby heatwave » 2010.04.18 (02:48)

You could do it like this.
Nevermind. Use the spreadsheet.
Last edited by heatwave on 2010.04.18 (15:41), edited 1 time in total.

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Postby sniper_assassin » 2010.04.18 (02:53)

i'll have 5,5. (im not good at making hard maps) sounds like an awsome idea. i'd love to be part of such a big project!
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Postby numa_ninja » 2010.04.18 (03:55)

Really like this idea. It's rather like gloomp's project thing that he finished/is still doing, but less confusing. Could you sign me up for 6,7, please?
heatwave wrote:You could do it like this.

Fill in an Image if a spot is reserved. The [img] code is ridiculously impossible to edit, though.
Also, loving this idea as well, but maybe just a simple image that people could edit and re-upload or something.

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Postby heatwave » 2010.04.18 (04:30)

numa_ninja wrote:Really like this idea. It's rather like gloomp's project thing that he finished/is still doing, but less confusing. Could you sign me up for 6,7, please?
heatwave wrote:You could do it like this.

Fill in an Image if a spot is reserved. The [img] code is ridiculously impossible to edit, though.
Also, loving this idea as well, but maybe just a simple image that people could edit and re-upload or something.
yeah, It's way more readable, but way less changeable.

Maybe someone could set up a grid at ?

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Postby formica » 2010.04.18 (04:32)

Is there any way to use google docs to create a public spreadsheet?

EDIT: I think this page here should work. I'm not sure if you need a google log- in, though...
Last edited by formica on 2010.04.18 (05:21), edited 1 time in total.

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Postby heatwave » 2010.04.18 (04:51)

formica wrote:Is there any way to use google docs to create a public spreadsheet?

EDIT: I think this page here should work. I'm not sure if you need a google log- in, though...
That'll do just fine.

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Postby formica » 2010.04.18 (05:19)

Okay. THIS PAGE HERE is now the official sign- up page. Head over here to reserve a slot.

Should me make a colour- code for slots reserved/ maps made? Or is that all just getting too complicated?

EDIT: Also, I've been stupidly inconsistent with using cartesian coordinates. I've gone x,y for the coordinate map in the first post, and y,x for the original sign- up list. Which is more intuitive?
Last edited by formica on 2010.04.18 (05:25), edited 1 time in total.

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Postby numa_ninja » 2010.04.18 (05:22)

Man, if I could be bothered, I could have it so there would be the number of people involved, how many people have different spaces, the percentage done, and other usless things.

But yeah, colour-coding it so we can see what maps are done sounds awesome. I'll put a key somewhere so it doesn't get too confusing, or something like that.

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Postby formica » 2010.04.18 (05:37)

numa_ninja has been awarded ONE OF THE RESERVED CORNER SLOTS for his help. That leaves 3! Be especially awesome (submit lots of maps, be generally helpful, or feed my ego through lots of compliments) and you might get one too.

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Postby Brainstone » 2010.04.18 (11:29)

7,6: Very Easy:
EDIT: I added a Review table.


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Postby Sunset » 2010.04.18 (22:19)

formica, can we delete some exits?

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Postby formica » 2010.04.18 (23:52)

nah, sorry. Not unless you have one of the maps on the side of the cube, in which case you delete the exit on that side. In general I'm trying to keep the routes through the cube completely open.

You could always make the exits which essentially go backwards really easy to get to, though.

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Postby numa_ninja » 2010.04.19 (00:06)

'Nother question. With a corner spot, can we make the exits that lead back into the maze really easy, but the ones that lead out mind-numbingly hard? Y'know, just for a laugh or something, because I've got a great idea. The only thing is that you said:
formica wrote:
  • EXITS: Each of the four exits must be possible to reach, and they should be roughly the same difficulty. Roughly is the key word- easier and more difficult exits is fine, but there shouldn't be any one exit that is unrealistically difficult relative to the rest.
So, yeah. :/

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Postby Scrivener » 2010.04.19 (01:06)

formica wrote:Also, I've been stupidly inconsistent with using cartesian coordinates. I've gone x,y for the coordinate map in the first post, and y,x for the original sign- up list. Which is more intuitive?
X,Y with (0,0) at the bottom left.

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Postby danield9tqh » 2010.04.19 (01:34)

How exactly do u plan on making this giant level? Not being rude, just curious. Are ppl going to actually play the whole thing all at once?


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Postby da_guru » 2010.04.19 (19:40)

I'd love to reserve (4,4).
the google docs sign up doesn't work for my part...

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