Mac Version isn't creating .sol

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Postby NewGuy » 2009.05.26 (20:26)

As you can imagine, the game isn't saving any progress (yes I know you have to complete a whole episode) or any settings. I have about 30 random letters/numbers folders in the #SharedObjects folder, none of which contain a folder with the name localhost. I do have a n_data.sol file in the #Shared Objects folder, but it's within the folder for, so I imagine it's progress from the online version of the game. I've tried downloading both mac versions on the site, the .dmg and the .sit, and have tried completing several episodes, going to the main menu, seeing that progress is being saved, restarting the game to find everything blank again. Macromedia is allowed unlimited data storage for the game.

...And that's everything I can think of to add. Any ideas? Because I do love the game and want to start playing it again.

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Postby Spawn of Yanni » 2009.05.26 (21:09)

Guh, sounds like you're checked all your bases. I'm no technical guy, but shouldn't there be other applications using a localhost folder? What happens if you create one, and stick a blank .sol in there?

Oh, no, nevermind, you can't tell which folder to put localhost in. Huh.
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Postby Exüberance » 2009.05.26 (21:32)

Is pratice mode on?

Also, right-click and go to the tab that controls how much information it can store on your computer and slide the bar to unlimited.
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Postby NewGuy » 2009.05.26 (23:21)

The bar is at unlimited memory, and no, practice mode is not on. A few more details I noticed: in Macromedia Settings (after right clicking) if i check the box that says Never Ask Again, the slider moves to 0kb allowed, and I can't move it. Also, whichever folder I put the N game application in, 3 folders are created whenever I play the game: Mac, Macinto, Macintosh HD. All 3 are empty.

Postby NewGuy » 2009.05.26 (23:33)


Ok, so maybe someone should bring this to the attention of one of the programmers, or put a note about it in a sticky or FAQ somewhere, or something. You guys are members, you know best where this might be most helpful.

So like I said before, I had about 30 folders in my #SharedObjects folder, all with random letters/numbers. All but 3 were empty, so I deleted those. I also deleted the folder from one of the random folders (which contained the n_game.sol file, which I believe to be data from the online version of the game). Finally, inside one of the random folders I found 2 others folders with random names, one the incomplete name of the other. Inside one of those was 2 more randomly named folders, and so on and so forth, about 10 folders deep. The final one was empty, so I deleted all of them.

I have no idea which of those steps allowed the program to work, but it does now, saving both progress and settings. I can also see my n_v14b_userdata.sol file, so hopefully N continues to work. Anyways, hopefully this might help someone else and/or the programmers (if they can figure what in god's name happened).


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Postby Spawn of Yanni » 2009.05.27 (06:43)

Sounds suspiciously like the existence of an .sol file from the online version messed things up. But hey, good to see you've got things sorted. Glad to be of little to no help at all! ^_^
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Postby Chessax » 2010.07.16 (22:03)

I think I have finally isolated the problem:
There are too many folders (perhaps empty) in "~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#Shared Objects/". I have never really seen more than one folder in there before (can anyone confirm this?). I had two (+more, read on...) because, in January this year (about the time of Security Update 2010-001?) a new folder was created which now stores all new .sol files. The old folder hasn't changed since then. I also had about 10 folders which was empty, as well a folder inside the current ".sol save" folder (the one being used), with a random 8 character alpha-numerical name, with many nested folders inside using the same name structure, the depth kept increasing by a couple of levels each time the game was launched. I also removed them later with no ill effects. I also removed (and _backed-up_) the old ".sol save" directory, with no apparent ill effects. I thereof only have _1_ folder in "#Shared Objects" now. I also tried creating a few random directories in "#Shared Objects" using 8 character hex names and the game stopped working again, so I'd say stick with one folder. Either way the game is working again: My n_v14b_userdata.sol is resting comfortably in its refuge in "localhost", waiting to be called for :).

I have also loosely confirmed that the error is not because of any previous web based play, been playing the game everywhere I can find it and it still works. (btw: those web based games are violating the Metanet Software Inc. terms nowadays aren't they?)

But I haven't figured what the folders "Macint", "Macinto" and "Macintos" do, feels like it's trying to spell "Macintosh" but failing, hehe. I managed to get them created earlier but, after fixing the game I can't unfix it enough to actually get the folders to appear again :P.

As a side note: The game also likes to create temporary .sxx files, don't know what they're for, though probably a temporary .sol file.

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