The NReality Mod Help Thread

Talk about Unreality's Dronie winning N 1.4 mod, NReality, here!
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Postby Slayr » 2010.07.26 (19:39)

that is a direct link

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Postby bufar » 2010.07.26 (21:19)

A direct link would only link to the picture, not some landing page like the current link.
To get the direct link from that site, mouse over the picture, then share, then click more option. Click get link code, and copy the data from the direct link box. Here's the direct link to that image: ... rdrone.png
See how the image is the only thing on the page? That is what you need for nreality.

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Postby Slayr » 2010.07.26 (21:29)

thanks bufar, its workin, but theres something wrong with collision detection.

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Postby Universezero » 2010.07.27 (00:03)

Slayr wrote:thanks bufar, its workin, but theres something wrong with collision detection.
What's wrong? If the custom icon is bigger than the drone, then it will only kill you when you touch the drone area, not the icon area.

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Postby Slayr » 2010.07.27 (01:11)

no it has issues detecting it has come into contact with walls. and i think the offset is off./how big is the ninja (pixel wise)

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Postby bufar » 2010.07.27 (05:57)

Slayr wrote:no it has issues detecting it has come into contact with walls. and i think the offset is off./how big is the ninja (pixel wise)
The custom icon doesn't autocenter, so you have to change the offset yourself.
As for the ninja, I can only assume that he's 10 pixels, as the size playermod defaults to 10.
If I'm reading this correctly, are you trying to make the ninja look like that drone?

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Postby Universezero » 2010.07.27 (10:13)

bufar wrote:As for the ninja, I can only assume that he's 10 pixels, as the size playermod defaults to 10.
If he was ten pixels, then he would be a very bad quality ninja. After measuring it, I'd say he's roughly 20x20 pixels.

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.07.27 (10:59)

I need some help. This time I am trying to do something harder(so I am not going to ask in my newbie thread). I am trying to create Phanto from Super Mario Bros 2

I used Chase Pathing which was perfect movment for my creation of Phanto in N+.
However there is a problem, I want him to stand still until I open the door for goal(exit door)
I guess this is do-able with triggers, but I have no clue how to do it.

Some help please

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Postby bufar » 2010.07.27 (12:33)

First, you need to put a locked or trap door switch under the exit switch. Then, add "^1," (sans quotes) to the door's code. This makes that switch activate start trigger 1. This next part might be a bit confusing so I'll break it down:

Code: Select all

6^normal drone code^drone-specific mods^trigger data
If you don't have any drone-specific mods, just leave that part blank. In the trigger data slot, put the following (again, without quotes): "1,1,". The first 1 tells it that the drone should wait for a start trigger to be activated. The second 1 tells it to activate when start trigger 1 was activated.

It's pretty simple but I feel like I made it more complex than it has to be. If you need any more explanations, please ask.

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.07.27 (13:29)

Thanks for your help.
I got it to working, but when the drone was "activated" via the switch(to the locked door), it didnt use the "Chase Pahting" feature, the drone was acting like a normal drone. Here is the code:


This is tricky, if the code look like this:


Then the Chase Pahting feature will work, but the triggering will not work at all.

What am I doing wrong?

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Postby bufar » 2010.07.28 (01:25)

I've figured it out. The code should be this:


The custom path data goes after the third caret. I'm sure you could do this with a ghost drone somehow, but this code definitely works.

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.07.28 (13:59)

Thanks it works now.

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Postby Slayr » 2010.07.29 (06:32)

im trying to activate zap drones and such using area triggers but i dont know what it wants me to do for the x/y thing.

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Postby bufar » 2010.07.29 (16:57)

The x/y thing defines that area that an object must enter to activate the trigger. The first set of coordinates is the top-left corner of the rectangle, and the second set is the bottom-right corner. It's hard to explain so I made an example map:

Here's the parts that deal with the area trigger:

Code: Select all

The first part is the drone data, with "^^1,1" added to the end. The first "1" tells it to wait for a start trigger and the second "1" tells it to wait for start trigger 1. The area trigger is everything after the 6 vertical bars. It starts with "!5^" which tells it to wait for the ninja to enter the area. "300.420" sets the top-right of the area trigger, and "396.516" sets the bottom-left. This area is highlighted with tiles in the example map. The "^1" tells it to activate start trigger 1 when the ninja enters the area. The semicolon marks the end of the trigger. It's not necessary but NUMA adds "#" to the end of every map, which might screw it up.
If this doesn't answer your question please post again.

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Postby Slayr » 2010.07.29 (18:27)

thanks bufar.

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.07.30 (17:27)

Need some help.

Take a look at this drone:


So what this done is that it "walk" up 9 times, and then left 3 times. After the drone have done that, it keeps going up, thru tiles like a ghost.
What I want it to do is to stop(after it have moved up 9 times and left 3 times.


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Postby bufar » 2010.07.30 (21:04)

It automatically loops through whatever path you tell it to take. If you want it to stop, add a letter that's not U, D, L, or R to the end.

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.08.07 (12:51)

How do I make N do not fall to the ground like he is some piece of paper?
I added these two tags to playerdata but nothing changed:


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Postby bufar » 2010.08.07 (23:26)

I tried those and it seemed to make the ninja jump higher or longer.
If you want the ninja to fall slower, increase normGrav and maybe decrease maxspeedAir.
If you want him fall faster, do the opposite.

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.08.09 (18:59)

Thanks again bufar.
Now I have something better to ask. Can you list/write NReality techniques?
Exemple of a technique would be if you put a very high value to the force field drones "force shot", the drone would get a glue function, if you touch the drone, you will get stuck with it.
There are many of them.
There is one map were the map maker made it possible to walk on the celling if N was in a certian area.

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Postby bufar » 2010.08.09 (19:59)

Player_03 has a list on the wiki:
I don't know all that many techniques offhand, I usually just look for mods that I think might work and build from there.

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.08.11 (20:39)

That link is very useful, thanks.
Sorry for being annoying, but I got another question(really appreciate your help).

This time I am trying to make something harder.
Here is what I want to do
I have a rocky drone and a zap drone.
The rocky drone stand still and the zap drone is moving. When the zap drone move to a specefic cell/area, the rocky drone will start moving.
How can I do this?

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Postby bufar » 2010.08.11 (21:41)

You're not being annoying. I like doing this.
As for your question, you want to create an area trigger which is explained above. The only difference is that the "!5^" in the code should be changed to "!6^". The 6 makes the area trigger wait for a drone to enter (I think all drones, but I may be wrong). The 5 told it to wait for the ninja. Here's an example map. Notice that the rocky drone stays still until the zap drone enters the box.

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.08.13 (14:45)

Thanks, I look into it another time, becuse the map with that function will be created another day.
Now something else, is it possible to change the "hitbox" of a drone, and possebly a bounce block? I saw a map that made larger hitbox for gold, but I have no idea how to make it, it isnt explained in List of Mods

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Postby bufar » 2010.08.13 (18:11)

That's a really good idea. What you would have to do is resize the item and then use a custom icon on it. Or sometime if you re-size the item to be huge, the hitbox reaches its upper limit and the item appears larger than the hitbox.

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