You make a good case! I'll run this as a poll tomorrow to gether your opinions - it would be much easier though if van decided to continue.999_Springs wrote:Yuck I don't like that. I think it sort of gives a disadvantage to whoever's going to be in 5th place after the shift (which is... um...) because he doesn't know whom he has to play until after the wildcard round finishes and he may well end up having to play xaelar or even THE NEW XAELAR (a.k.a. _destiny^). In a situation like this I'd definitely prefer to be seeded 6th/7th rather than 5th. Though maybe that's just me.
BLUR 4: I've given control back to van, please see his topic
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- Smoothest Taint in the West
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999_Springs wrote:Yuck I don't like that. I think it sort of gives a disadvantage to whoever's going to be in 5th place after the shift (which is... um...) because he doesn't know whom he has to play until after the wildcard round finishes and he may well end up having to play xaelar or even THE NEW XAELAR (a.k.a. _destiny^). In a situation like this I'd definitely prefer to be seeded 6th/7th rather than 5th. Though maybe that's just me.
On another way, it is totally unfair that people that miss the correct qualification round are seeded in the top 4. Because top 4 people are sure to play round 7 at least (or directly round 8). Round 4 and 5 are quite useless if we can be seeded 1st playing only the wildcard round.
One other option is to shift without adding a new player, and therefore the 5th player is sure to play round 7 and doesn't have to play round 6 (because there will be no 8th player, but he is not as advantaged as top 4 people because he can't go directly to round 8). 6th and 7th will have to play round 6 to reach round 7. And top 4 people will playing for a place in round 8.

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these are all good ideas. thanks guys. I'll sleep on it and get back to you tomorrow.
- The Konami Number
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Damn you TFK!

- Lifer
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(This will be long)
Okay I might have overreacted with that sudden leaving thing. I guess few things have to be cleared.
It was just a nice situation to leave, it was so dramatic. I guess next time I say something like that noone will believe me :P
It was just hard to believe that golfkid and romaniac are WITH ska and this hijack. They didn't say anything to me, they didn't criticise anything. They just betrayed me (although it might sound fun in this n context).
It makes me sick how you expose your politeness in every post in which you reply to someone, ska.
In past, in most competitions the organisator choosed all maps and noone had none right to open his mouth. You should have considered it a bonus that I set up a poll for some rounds. I didn't have enough suggestions for this round to actually make a poll (I went through like 400 maps on numa to finally find this one). Also:
Don't say I called you an asshole when I didn't. It isn't the type of insults I use on irc :P Also I was angry because people were asking me things that were clearly wrote in that 2nd post. On the other hand, I admit that I should have had organized it better, sorry.
I played hs for like 1,5 hours (after it was submitted) to find a route and good run. My sr started at around 360, then 340. Then I saw 310 route, I'm really, really truly sorry. (Kool found that route after like 15 minutes of playing).
Once again, I didn't choose that map because I thought I'll do good at it, it's just better than yours.
And it's lie, that isn't the thing that bothers you. I just think that you are angry because i started this before you started Mistixia Try number 2.
The real thing that bothers you is that you were ONLY a contestant. You're just too hyperactive to let it be that way.
Also there is no 'etc', you did exactly that. I bet you didn't spend more time on this than I did. If I didn't care enough I wouldn't make a watermellon poll. I also went through all forums users and PM-ed everyone who might have had interest in joining.
I won't use your images just so you can't take over whole competition because of them.
I said i'll use your map in next round map voting. You ignored that.
Also I was getting quite positive comments about whole competition, dunno why you generalize your opinions on everyone (not liking BLUR 4).
You're welcome, it's just funny how are you trying to offend me and fake good manners in 1 post.
You would have joined if it was run by almost anyone else if other highscorers would be in. I called myself obama when I was vanbanned from #n-highscores and joined with mibbit.
Thanks to Inspired, TFK, TRO, Hendor (PM) and xaelar for positive comments. Dunno if Izzydactyl's taxi-comment was positive or negative, but thanks for that, too.
Other players were just quite, so it seems that this happens on regular basis and it's socially acceptable. Noted.
I hopefully don't have AIDS from what I know.
I'll continue with BLUR 4 the way I started. I'll PM everyone about it, and we will see how it ends.
Also it makes me sad that i just made such long comment over such not important (from RL perspective) thing.
I believe it's clear, now.
Okay I might have overreacted with that sudden leaving thing. I guess few things have to be cleared.
It was just a nice situation to leave, it was so dramatic. I guess next time I say something like that noone will believe me :P
It was just hard to believe that golfkid and romaniac are WITH ska and this hijack. They didn't say anything to me, they didn't criticise anything. They just betrayed me (although it might sound fun in this n context).
It makes me sick how you expose your politeness in every post in which you reply to someone, ska.
In past, in most competitions the organisator choosed all maps and noone had none right to open his mouth. You should have considered it a bonus that I set up a poll for some rounds. I didn't have enough suggestions for this round to actually make a poll (I went through like 400 maps on numa to finally find this one). Also:
I didn't see your comment that you have a problem with it. Though:vankusss wrote:To notify you in advance, I'll be playing, too. Because I'm doing it also for myself, I want to play something with competition. I might have a little advantage, though, I'll know which maps are going to be played like 1 day sooner. If anyone has problem with it, please say it in your registration post, if more than 50% of all contestans don't want me to play, I won't. Or I might authorize someone to choose maps. We will see.
Why did you emphasise that 'you' word? I was open for suggestions, don't try to make a dictator from me. As I said up, from 400 maps I choosed 1. What's the percentage of me accepting 401th map?ska wrote:Please suggest maps you want here so I can make map selection a democratic affair, as opposed to being a bias selection.
I did listen to every word you said. I didn't do every thing you said. That makes me bad and gives you rights to take over whole competition.ska wrote:I have no permission from vankusss to do this since I'm essentially mutineering against him, and he refuses to listen to me - and most importantly: you, the competitor. Any questions, suggestions? Ask me, I won't insult you or tell you to *go read the second post, asshole*. Make your voice heard. Thankyou.
Don't say I called you an asshole when I didn't. It isn't the type of insults I use on irc :P Also I was angry because people were asking me things that were clearly wrote in that 2nd post. On the other hand, I admit that I should have had organized it better, sorry.
You have to understand, that I'll do quite well on any map. You know, I play for like 2 years :/ska wrote:See.. I wouldn't mind if you weren't competing, van, or if you put this map to a poll and it won. But the fact is, you picked a map that you would do well at, and that bothers me.
I played hs for like 1,5 hours (after it was submitted) to find a route and good run. My sr started at around 360, then 340. Then I saw 310 route, I'm really, really truly sorry. (Kool found that route after like 15 minutes of playing).
Once again, I didn't choose that map because I thought I'll do good at it, it's just better than yours.
And it's lie, that isn't the thing that bothers you. I just think that you are angry because i started this before you started Mistixia Try number 2.
The real thing that bothers you is that you were ONLY a contestant. You're just too hyperactive to let it be that way.
I firstly thought you made those spider things just for fun and support, I was thankful. Now I see that you made it just to use it in argument in future.ska wrote:I believe I've spent more time on this contest than you (constructing images, working out the draws, mapping specifically for this contest etc), and I daresay; care about it more than you as well.
Also there is no 'etc', you did exactly that. I bet you didn't spend more time on this than I did. If I didn't care enough I wouldn't make a watermellon poll. I also went through all forums users and PM-ed everyone who might have had interest in joining.
I won't use your images just so you can't take over whole competition because of them.
3 people stated they don't like the map. You, matt and Daik. Is that really that much from 14 people? People who do like the map rarely post that they like it. Why would they, actually, most of people aren't you (taking over the contest because of a map). I think all maps were really good for competition like this.ska wrote: Also the fact that three people have stated they don't like this map and you don't care... I'm not surprised people aren't liking this as much as Blur 3, even if it is more competitive. I know you're going to say how dumb and annoying I am, but it's only because it gets to you and deep down, you know I'm right.
I said i'll use your map in next round map voting. You ignored that.
Also I was getting quite positive comments about whole competition, dunno why you generalize your opinions on everyone (not liking BLUR 4).
I haven't. Such action seems more probable coming from you, actually, seeing what you did.ska wrote:Vankusss, (if you haven't hanged yourself already) I want to say thank you for initiating this contest.
You're welcome, it's just funny how are you trying to offend me and fake good manners in 1 post.
I believe I wasn't arrogant much. Only in the day before this happened against Daik and ninja. I'm sorry. I was constantly arrogant against you, though. I also discarded SOME of your opinions (and there weren't any more opinions coming from anybody).ska wrote:Let me be absolutely clear: van has contributed markedly to the highscoring community with with his impressive statistics and runs, there is no doubt about this, however, this alone does not give him the right to be arrogant and discard other players' opinions (and perhaps are more experienced when it comes to N as an entity).
I have a status, yay. I would be more happy if it's a statue, but w/e.ska wrote:TRO's right, obviously it didn't bode well when he rushed into starting this contest only to not even have the first map organised. I suspect if this wasn't Blur (e.g. it was renamed to something else), or wasn't hosted by a highscorer with the status that van has, I suspect this contest would've failed almost instantaneously, or at the very least, not be very competitive. I know I for one wouldn't have joined, alas, I gave van a chance, and another... and another and another and it has come to this. It's ironic that he calls himself Obama when he is more like Bush.
You would have joined if it was run by almost anyone else if other highscorers would be in. I called myself obama when I was vanbanned from #n-highscores and joined with mibbit.
Disappointed that you actually thank ska for doing THIS, not me for doing everything else.OutrightOJ wrote:I like the idea. This whole thing has got me back involved in the comp - nice one, ska. :D
Thanks to Inspired, TFK, TRO, Hendor (PM) and xaelar for positive comments. Dunno if Izzydactyl's taxi-comment was positive or negative, but thanks for that, too.
Other players were just quite, so it seems that this happens on regular basis and it's socially acceptable. Noted.
I hopefully don't have AIDS from what I know.
I'll continue with BLUR 4 the way I started. I'll PM everyone about it, and we will see how it ends.
Also it makes me sad that i just made such long comment over such not important (from RL perspective) thing.
I believe it's clear, now.
Last edited by vankusss on 2010.09.24 (17:00), edited 1 time in total.
iNsane (watch in 480p)( yellow wins )
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Well, no. I was very busy this week -back to school-, and i learned about that affair yesterday, when ska pm me (and everyone). And well, wednesday's night i went clubbing, while thursday's courses started at 8am. So, i was really tired.Other players were just quite, so it seems that this happens on regular basis and it's socially acceptable. Noted.
I came to this thread, read it quickly, and quote xaelar comment because it was what i tought.
I hope you're not angry after me. I just haven't much time to deal with BLUR 4 (or anything else over the internet).
I'm in. You're more than welcome to fisnish YOUR contest :)I'll continue with BLUR 4 the way I started. I'll PM everyone about it, and we will see how it ends.

- Lifer
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Oh sorry, I'm not mad :). I hope you'll find time to sub runs. And it's always fun to go to school after being up all night. I once did that, and no matter how hard I was trying to concentrate on the table, sticking a sticker on a friend in front of me was just more fun :Deru_bahagon wrote:Well, no. I was very busy this week -back to school-, and i learned about that affair yesterday, when ska pm me (and everyone). And well, wednesday's night i went clubbing, while thursday's courses started at 8am. So, i was really tired.
iNsane (watch in 480p)( yellow wins )
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1. I didn't make those spiders as ammo to use in a conspiracy to end your control of Blur. That's preposterous! I just genuinely wanted to contribute to the comp. (Same with the flags and finding other mappers to contribute [part of the 'etc' part thank you very much <_<])
2. I'm hyperactive? You're the one that rushed starting this competition with a lot of stuff not organised when you began.
3. Yes, you were arrogant, at least you can admit that now; it's a shame that you lash out and accuse me of cheating when you compare xaelar, who is extremely modest. It also shows weakness in your arguments when you need to try and concoct an irrelevant arguement to try and get support.
4. You talked about me behind me back... on IRC... that's just like so lame I actually laughed.
5. You fester about being 'betrayed' by players and act shocked like there was no reason why people would lose faith in your ability to run a contest to the standards that we expect. I'm envious of the players (mostly the ones that sent messages of condolences to you) since they probably didn't have to put up with your headiness or insults.
I'd write more, but I have a competition to run and I must sleep.
*End of Act 2*
2. I'm hyperactive? You're the one that rushed starting this competition with a lot of stuff not organised when you began.
3. Yes, you were arrogant, at least you can admit that now; it's a shame that you lash out and accuse me of cheating when you compare xaelar, who is extremely modest. It also shows weakness in your arguments when you need to try and concoct an irrelevant arguement to try and get support.
4. You talked about me behind me back... on IRC... that's just like so lame I actually laughed.
5. You fester about being 'betrayed' by players and act shocked like there was no reason why people would lose faith in your ability to run a contest to the standards that we expect. I'm envious of the players (mostly the ones that sent messages of condolences to you) since they probably didn't have to put up with your headiness or insults.
I'd write more, but I have a competition to run and I must sleep.
*End of Act 2*
- Lifer
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That was a nice post, ska. I also like the numbering.
1. yea i though so, but dunno why you bring that up now, then
2. i didn't have it organized, now it runs pretty well, so that doesn't seem to be a valid point nowadays
3. i took that back before you posted, so why are you bringing that back up? (i stand by my words, though)
4. well people talk about other people even if those aren't present physically; be more specific
5. Actually, i was only mean to daik and matt. i said sorry for that. And then there's you, but that's other category, right? YOU lost faith in me running a contest, i actually think you never had any. Matt and Daik just weren't happy with the map, i don't take that as an act of loosing a faith into the organization. The standards were low at the beginning, and they didn't go up much. It's more about playing than making sweet formatted posts (though i'm trying to fix that 2nd post now) etc.
1. yea i though so, but dunno why you bring that up now, then
2. i didn't have it organized, now it runs pretty well, so that doesn't seem to be a valid point nowadays
3. i took that back before you posted, so why are you bringing that back up? (i stand by my words, though)
4. well people talk about other people even if those aren't present physically; be more specific
5. Actually, i was only mean to daik and matt. i said sorry for that. And then there's you, but that's other category, right? YOU lost faith in me running a contest, i actually think you never had any. Matt and Daik just weren't happy with the map, i don't take that as an act of loosing a faith into the organization. The standards were low at the beginning, and they didn't go up much. It's more about playing than making sweet formatted posts (though i'm trying to fix that 2nd post now) etc.
iNsane (watch in 480p)( yellow wins )
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IRC wrote:[03:54] <ska> van look
[03:54] <ska> you had your chance
[03:54] <ska> you said you didn't care
[03:54] <ska> you lost power
[03:55] <ska> and now you realise you do care
[03:55] <Matt|A> yeah
[03:55] <ska> it took losing what you had to realise it
[03:55] <ska> but I'm afraid it's too late
[03:55] <ska> i...WE gave you every chance
[03:55] <ska> we were patient, even if you weren't
[03:56] <ska> My offer of co-host still stands
[03:56] <van> i realise i DO care after i cool out
[03:56] <ska> I don't really see how this would change much anyway
- Maxwell Smart
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How does that say he is talking behind you're back ?ska wrote:IRC wrote:[03:54] <ska> van look
[03:54] <ska> you had your chance
[03:54] <ska> you said you didn't care
[03:54] <ska> you lost power
[03:55] <ska> and now you realise you do care
[03:55] <Matt|A> yeah
[03:55] <ska> it took losing what you had to realise it
[03:55] <ska> but I'm afraid it's too late
[03:55] <ska> i...WE gave you every chance
[03:55] <ska> we were patient, even if you weren't
[03:56] <ska> My offer of co-host still stands
[03:56] <van> i realise i DO care after i cool out
[03:56] <ska> I don't really see how this would change much anyway

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It doesn't really.ninja_matt wrote:How does that say he is talking behind you're back ?ska wrote:IRC wrote:[03:54] <ska> van look
[03:54] <ska> you had your chance
[03:54] <ska> you said you didn't care
[03:54] <ska> you lost power
[03:55] <ska> and now you realise you do care
[03:55] <Matt|A> yeah
[03:55] <ska> it took losing what you had to realise it
[03:55] <ska> but I'm afraid it's too late
[03:55] <ska> i...WE gave you every chance
[03:55] <ska> we were patient, even if you weren't
[03:56] <ska> My offer of co-host still stands
[03:56] <van> i realise i DO care after i cool out
[03:56] <ska> I don't really see how this would change much anyway
Oh, and Van, I'm pretty sure I didn't hear an apology from you about the stuff on IRC. Just saying.
- Lifer
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Daikenkai wrote:Oh, and Van, I'm pretty sure I didn't hear an apology from you about the stuff on IRC. Just saying.
it's in that long postvankusss wrote: I believe I wasn't arrogant much. Only in the day before this happened against Daik and ninja. I'm sorry.
iNsane (watch in 480p)( yellow wins )
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although I support ska to run this contest ( which I instinctly voted yes without reading the story behind.... and then I realized what happened), I also support van to run this contest.
Basically I think both are willing to put their best effort to host the contest in the best way that they believed in.
If the poll has one more option of "supporting both and want ska & van be back to their super friendly relationship" then I'd like to vote that option for infinity number of times
Basically I think both are willing to put their best effort to host the contest in the best way that they believed in.
If the poll has one more option of "supporting both and want ska & van be back to their super friendly relationship" then I'd like to vote that option for infinity number of times
- Lifer
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Thx for comment, Unreality.
I guess we all reached an agreement that in this point, the contest management is only about choosing maps. Because of that, i think it would be better to finish it in original thread. Ska can choose maps if he feels like taking the responsibility for doing so. Also in next round(s) we can choose someone who isn't competing anymore to choose maps.
I guess we all reached an agreement that in this point, the contest management is only about choosing maps. Because of that, i think it would be better to finish it in original thread. Ska can choose maps if he feels like taking the responsibility for doing so. Also in next round(s) we can choose someone who isn't competing anymore to choose maps.
iNsane (watch in 480p)( yellow wins )
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i love vaginas
- Jedi Pimp
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So you'd be willing to let van run the contest if he offered you his?ska wrote:i love vaginas
- Maxwell Smart
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LOLmohamedraif wrote:So you'd be willing to let van run the contest if he offered you his?ska wrote:i love vaginas

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- Smoothest Taint in the West
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I appreciate the support of the 6-2 poll in my favour which seems to contradict van's poll. Nevertheless, I'm officially letting van continue to run Blur 4 in the original thread but I will have the final say in map selection. Secondly, for the Wildcard round, vankusss won both highscores and speedrun on 205668 with a couple of impressive runs which means there will be no change to the final 8! Hopefully Unreality can unlock it at some stage. Thanks to everyone who played that map and now we'll all eagerly wait for van to relaunch the first round of finals. Good luck to all contestants once again.
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