adding user levels to userlevels.txt help!?

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Postby xxNRulesxx » 2010.10.08 (03:10)

I know it's kind of lame, but I want to put user levels from online onto my N Game,and whenever I try to add text to the userlevels.txt document, it doesn't save, saying that it is a "read only" document. any help, really good walkthroughs on how to get through this annoying snag? thanks!

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Postby 乳头的早餐谷物 » 2010.10.08 (14:17)

Nothing lame about it. I would suggest right-clicking on the userlevels.txt file, selecting 'Properties', and un-checking the 'Read-only' checkbox.

(This assumes you are running Windows.)
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Postby LastOod » 2011.07.28 (04:38)

I have this problem and I'm using a Mac!

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Postby Seneschal » 2011.07.29 (09:12)

LastOod wrote:I have this problem and I'm using a Mac!
I don't use a mac myself, so I'm saying this from a position of total ignorance, but I'd guess it's still possible to access properties on a mac. Try using this page to help you.

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