#n Operator Elections April 2011 Nominations

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Postby KinGAleX » 2011.04.16 (04:56)

Welcome to the nominations thread for the April 2011 #n Operator Elections. This thread is only for the nomination of candidates for #n operators in these elections, which are described in this, the information, thread. Please read this information thread before posting a nomination, and do not make any post in this thread other than a post nominating yourself for an operator position. It will be deleted.


This is a self-nominating process. Include within your nominatory post your (main) IRC username, a substantiation that you recognize and fulfil the citizenship requirements of this nomination (your post will be deleted if you do not in fact fulfil these requirements), and a short (250-500 word) statement on why you are nominating yourself for an operator position. Do not go into expanded rhetoric in this thread; it is a simple nomination and introductory thread, and your statement should be limited to these focuses. Create your own thread in the Pie Forum for your campaign if you wish to make a broader statement to the voting populace.

For example:

Nickname: KinGAleX
Citizenship requirements: Obvious; I am an #n regular who has posted at least 100 lines in the last day. (If you're not sure about whether or not you fulfil the citizenship requirements, you probably don't. 100 lines is not a lot.)
Statement: I am nominating myself for an operator position because I think that I am a very reasonably minded person, and that my past experience in such roles, on other servers, and in other channels, lends me a huge chunk of credibility when it comes to dealing with common IRC situations. And so on and so forth.

List of Nominees (linked to their nominatory post)

* Sig provided by Steve.
* Avatar manufactured by LittleViking.
More relevant images!


spect - There are more posts like this and it's like posting "I don't have any pie." in a Pie Forum.

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Postby otters » 2011.04.16 (05:02)

Nickname: incluye
Citizenship requirements: I'm always in #n and fulfill the 100-line requirement (twelve and a half thousand lines in 250 days or so).
Statement: I'm nominating myself for operator because I think I'm pretty reasonable, am able to keep a situation under control, and have the ironic sense of humor necessary for a true operatorship in #n. I founded and successfully run a popular and formerly featured writing chatroom on deviantART, which I try and succeed to keep to the sanity standards of #n. I've been a member of the community for almost 4 years and a regular of #n for nearly that long, and have gained a hopship based on scythe's faith in me. Hungry for change? Well your appetite is about to be sated! I can guarantee almost nothing, but expect social reform and greater equality among not only IRC users, but the members of Metanet as a whole! I am a staunch libertarian despite the irony of me actively running for a position of authority, and will push for your social freedoms and individual rights as humans until the day that I die! I can promise that your right to free speech will NEVER be encroached upon unless the situation demands it. Vote incluye today and do YOUR part toward bringing the USA closer together! My username is incluye and I approve of some of this message.
Last edited by otters on 2011.04.16 (05:51), edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Rose » 2011.04.16 (05:09)

Nickname: Rose

Citizenship requirements: I'm in #n every day, for most if not all of the day, and I indeed meet the 100-lines requirement, probably in the last day or two alone.

Statement: I'm nominating myself for operator because I am an op or higher in every single other channel on mountai.net of which I am a regular user, and I have been for some time (months, years in some cases, assuming you count previous servers that Metanet used to use; I don't see why you wouldn't). I have the experience with being an IRC op to know how to use that power, and I'm active enough on the server to use it if need be.

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Postby Sunset » 2011.04.16 (05:30)

Nickname: Sunset

Citizenship requirements: I'm a regular on #n, who meets the minimum of 100 lines requirement.

Statement: I am a person who is active for most of the time he is on IRC. I've been here for 2 years, and I will take advantage of this and slowly become corrupt over the long and cruel amount of time that will befall upon me if I am to get Ops. Also, I am cool with some people in IRC, and am a helpful person.

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Postby TommyWiseau24 » 2011.04.16 (05:49)

Nickname: TommyWiseau

Citizenship Requirement: I'm on #n everyday and post quite often, definitely enough to meet the requirement.

Statement: Well, I may not have been at Metanet for too long (Two and a half months, to be exact). I rarely (read: never) post on the forums, either. However, this community is a pretty unusual one. It's the perfect balance of friendliness, humour, and entertainment. To pass by the place would simply be illogical. I want to stay here, and especially in #n, with something that I believe I would do well, and with dedication. If I have a 'job' or a 'role' here, it will be a great way for people to get to know me, and let me know you guys. Seeing how I've got shit for talent in ways that others here have (mapmaking, image editing, etc.) I would believe that an op position would be suitable.

You may ask: "You? But you've only been here for two and a half months!" Well, I know that I'm a very calm, level-headed person who knows the rules and where to use them. I will always hold off and judge my actions before acting, but I'm not afraid to pull out the big guns when absolutely needed. I will also be able to access #n during many hours of the day (currently about nine, soon much more). The people of #n seem to tolerate me after such a short time, and I've made quite a few acquaintances with y'alls. Therefore, I think I fit the description well of one of the friendlier types of ops.

I want everyone to use their better judgement in the upcoming election. Just remember when you consider a vote for me that it will be a job that I will perform well. I'd love to get to know you guys better, and an op status will be one of the better ways to do so.

Last edited by TommyWiseau24 on 2011.04.16 (06:24), edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Tanner » 2011.04.16 (06:05)

Nickname: Tanner
Citizenship requirements: Near constant member of #n for many years, creator of notable game bots and current holder of opship in the channel.
Statement: I, Tanner Rogalsky, hereby nominate myself for operator status. I have a long track record with #n and, as a current op in the channel, have stepped down from my position because of my respect for the democratic procedure as well as my peers. There's no need for an overly robust opening statement here as everyone already knows me and knows how things are with me around. If you have any questions, I would be happy to address them in my election thread or on the IRC.
'rret donc d'niaser 'vec mon sirop d'erable, calis, si j't'r'vois icitte j'pellerais la police, tu l'veras l'criss de poutine de cul t'auras en prison, tabarnak

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Postby aids » 2011.04.16 (07:23)

Nickname: Aidiera
Citizenship requirements: Active member of IRC for about three years. I probably average 100 lines a day, but in two different channels.
Statement: Well...

Now this is the story all about how
My rank got flipped, turned upside down
Now I'd like to take a minute, just lemme begin
I'll tell you how I became an op in a channel called #n

In South Phoenix, Arizona, born and raised
On my PC is where I spent most of my days
Dodging drones, thwumping, and jumping all cool
And all playing the ninja game right after school
When a couple of ops, who you couldn't forget
Started making trouble on the mountai.net
They got in one little fight and KinGAleX got tough
He said, "You're moving down in rank, and without any guff"

I Whisted for a bit but then it was clear
The channel needs a new op and so I looked in the mirror
If anything, I never would've guessed this could be
But I just said, "Nah, forget it, yo dawg, promote me!"

Now me and the other ops, seven or eight or
So, yelling at miscreants, "Yo dawg, ban you later!"
I looked at my ranking, I was finally in
Sitting high on the nicklist as an op for my #n


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Postby Snuggletummy » 2011.04.16 (18:51)

Nickname: Snuggletummy
Citizenship Requirements: I've been here for roughly six years. Within that time I've been in IRC for about six years, and I have probably tallied up the required lines within the last three months.
Statement: I bet you’re wondering why I a want to become an operator. Well, for starters, I’ve been here since 2005, so that’s 6 years. I may be a dick sometimes, but when I have power, unlike most people, I don’t go crazy with it. I tend to lurk in the background and when something turns up that nobody notices, I quickly pop out and nab the intruder.

If I were to become op, I would sign a bill to lower the taxes of all the citizens; I’ll even manage our military in case another community decides to breach our defenses and begin an attack. Next, if I were opped, I would pass a bill that will lessen the crimes in this country. No longer will families have to be in their houses at 9 P.M. due to the unruly actions of criminals. Along with this bill, death sentences will be carried out MUCH more often. No longer will taxes be paid just so our criminals can sit in prisons, have great meals, and furthermore, be free of harm. Finally, I will set up a twelve month plan that will reduce the power that we are wasting with keeping out computers on all the time. I will take our best scientists and I will have them create a new, efficient, power source.

So, the next time you leave your homes and experience the downfall of our society in terms of criminals…when you experience the downfall of the inferior power supply we have start to diminish. Think of me. Think Snuggletummy.

Snuggletummy for op!

Cracked.com wrote:All video-game characters are in fact made of cotton candy. This theory, and only this theory, can explain the cat-like hydrophobia shared universally by their kind. How else are we to believe that Frogger, a frog, is killed instantly on contact with water?

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Postby otters~1 » 2011.04.16 (22:48)

Main nick: flag
Citizenship Requirements: Regular on the IRC for a few years now. I've posted 100 lines easily in the last day -- but dammit, my lines count. I don't spout frivolity like some I could mention.
Statement: Well, I told KinGAlex that I was going to nominate myself for this dubious honor, and everything was going swimmingly until I read the bit about the 250-500 word "statement" that I am indeed now writing. So. As far as I can tell, there are two important parts of being a channel operator: setting a good example and avoiding the temptation to abuse power. The best way to prove that I will do both of those things is by example, since I don't really run anything in the community except for some of the featured maps stuff over on NUMA (although I've volunteered to do more on that end). I'm constantly on the IRC in #n, #moa (where I'm an op), #music and sundry, so that's not an issue. Also it just occurred to me that I am running the reincarnated mapdraft right now with ChrisE, and have helped out with MoA for a hell of a long time. I might be in too deep.

If any of you bother with the crazy, convoluted voting process, vote for me!
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Postby krusch » 2011.04.17 (01:58)

Nickname: krusch
Citizenship Requirements (socketed w/ Hel for -20% Reqs): I am currently the fifth most active user in #n, with 18027 lines since the foundation of #n stats. I'm also the only non-Vyacheslav user to hold a "Most active nick by hours" position for my particular busy quarter, or rather, for Vyacheslav's only non-busy quarter. -_-
Statement: For my statement, I will let my dad do the talking ...

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Postby GamingWolf » 2011.04.17 (03:06)

Nickname: GamingWolf
Citizenship Requirements: It's pretty clear I've been around awhile. The server stats had to split my gamertags to give people a fair chance. As long as I've joined the IRC channel #n, I've checked in at least a fair amount of time a week as long as I've had any trace of an internet connection.
Many know me. Many do not. I've been witnessing your behaviors and activities fitting the molds of my expectations. You can all be good competitors in my playbook. Here's the game plan. It's been agreed that anyone willing to vote will vote. In any leader's lifetime he has to deal with those that agree with him and those that disagree with him. Or at least I can. I'm saying this because I can already appeal to people that will vote for me. My main concern are the people who may not. I'm not saying there aren't worthy candidates. I'm saying that if I'm voted for that I request the respect of others in exchange for my responsibility. That and it's a good challenge. Of course technically I'm an op already but you guys didn't vote for me! I'd be glad to lend my assistance again in various matters so we can enjoy the glorious pastime of exchanging pleasantries and information.

Here's what GamingWolf has to say: THE POWER IS YOURS!

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Postby squibbles » 2011.04.18 (15:48)

Nickname: Steve
Citizenship Requirements: I pretty much live in the channel. I think #n-stats proves my furfillment enough.
Pretty much, I went to the effort of making a poster. That's about all the reasoning I have.



Tsukatu wrote:I don't know what it is, squibbles, but my brain keeps inserting "black" into random parts of your posts these days.
I totally just read that as, "I'd hate to be the only black guy stuck using v1.4."

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