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Postby aids » 2011.06.12 (15:57)

I wanted to make a column with four attributes:
  • thematic - clear and noticeable ideas throughout the whole pack
  • motif'd - common layouts and positionings in the objects and tiles
  • concise - small, easyish maps with a decent difficulty curve included
  • enjoyable - every map needs to have a high replay-ability value
I spent about 13 hours total on this (half of yesterday and some organizing/tiny edits today) which isn't too shabby for 25 maps. Whether or not I make the next part depends on how my audience (i.e. you) responds. So if you like them, I'll make 25 more. But it'll be hard, and dare I say I've run out of things to do with the pack (needs more oneways though). Also, if you would like a map to be submitted to NUMA, the answer will probably be no, but no harm in asking.

UPDATE: 4 July 2011

The column is now finished. I probably spent two days total on this half of the column. There are two maps for every letter of the alphabet, except for x, y, and z, and there are three t's. Not that it matters, but I liked it. Also, as per the difficulty curve, this half is much harder than the first half. I've included demos (AGDs) for all the levels, but know that my route is not the only route for many of the levels. I really hope you enjoy this column, and in regards to the people who want to make a column of their own, go for it; it's a very refreshing experience.
v1.0 - 04 downloads
v1.1 - 07 downloads
v2.0 -
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Last edited by aids on 2012.03.27 (16:01), edited 5 times in total.


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Postby zoasBE » 2011.06.13 (02:29)

It would have been perfect an whole column without seeking feedback.
The concept of the half column is very good. Cool. Innovative. Simple. And extremely fun, challenging and addictive. Breaking the mold of dense and complex maps, which we are so accustomed to see, has a unique strength and simplicity. Idea, concept, atmosphere, are very cool.
What I like about the idea and half the package is that you can take in one sitting and once complete. Fast, trying to improve your own scores the next day. A package of an afternoon of N simple and intense.
Is binding on your part to complete the other half. And make an whole column.

Also, I want to help/give you in the next 25, you've inspired me to create these maps fast, I hope you like (same concept of the package and between them). For more collaboration, tell me.
Very Good Work <3

I hope to see these maps in the next 25. ;)
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Postby aids » 2011.06.13 (05:43)


I'm glad you like it. This means that I was successful in my attempts. However, // will be a solo column if/when I complete it. I encourage you to make your own column if you'd like. I'm a big fan of this one in particular:



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Postby zoasBE » 2011.06.14 (01:51)

I'm starting to make my own whole column (50 maps).
I think a good idea. You are going to use my three maps in your next 25? Or I can use them in mine?
I think "Double Slash" can be a great project. We could invite more mapmakers to do their own column "Double Slash" and then we could edit and present a big/great package as "Vehemence" or "Legacy". I think it sounds interesting. We just need people to commit to create your own columns.

And "Double Dash" could become a new game concept in N. Whole columns to play in one afternoon. O replayed the next day to improve marks. People could play one day one author, the next afternoon of another author, and one day when I return to desire could play other different author. This is the idea/concept "Double Dash". Even take a stopwatch and measure how much is the time in which column gets complete from start to finish.
We just need collaborators, engaged and interested.

What do you think?
I tell you that you have inspired me lots!
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Postby trance » 2011.06.14 (04:11)

I voted bagels, but yeah, great pack. I said in my comment on NUMA, "I like the style of this pack," and I still stand by it. Some of my favorites are: 00-1 highways and motorbikes, 02-1 hieroglyphics, and 04-3 v. My personal favorite is the last one, 4-4 resurrection complex, because it utilizes double-jumping off of bounce-blocks. Overall, a great pack. Even though it can be completed in one sitting, it is worth the time to check out. Good job, Aidiera.
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Postby ChrisE » 2011.06.14 (09:21)

I want to be more involved in the next one - and I can be, provided maps are made between tomorrow and late September. That's my summer vacation :D

Provided I need do no resits...

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Postby bugz » 2011.06.14 (10:21)

Voted "Yes". This reminds me of atob's "Sunshine Science".

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Postby Sunset » 2011.06.14 (17:11)


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Postby Sunset » 2011.06.14 (17:11)


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Postby aids » 2011.07.04 (08:35)

Bump. Comments go here. VvVv\/v\/vVvV


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Postby otters~1 » 2011.07.19 (05:54)

well, i went in with the false expectation that you were building on the your thematic elements to make fuller maps. but once i got past that i appreciated the difference despite the repeated concept. it barely seemed there, though. with sunshine science - god knows how it reminded anyone of sunshine science - each map is a complete thought, and they also mesh together. that's what was missing.

agd'd about the first 20, played a handful more.

you're welcome
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Postby Seneschal » 2011.07.28 (12:05)

Your format for feedback is very clean and elegant, so I hope you don’t mind if I steal it. Also I’m using Faved as an equivalent for userlevel’d as I don’t really use userlevels for storing favourites (although equally I can’t fave these maps as I would on NUMA, but that’s beside the point).

• 0-0 >> Nice, easy start to the pack in the best metanet style.
• 0-1 >> Already there’s a cave/sanctum type theme going on here, and I dig it. This is a great episodic map, and very fun to highscore.
• 0-2 >> Ditto everything I said about the last one. I like how smoothly you’ve integrated the different enemies while maintaining the theme.
• 0-3 >> Again, comments for the other maps in this episode could be transposed here. This one’s definitely easier than the last two in my book. If I did have any criticism at this point, I’d say that while the theming is consistent, it isn’t developing much in terms of tiles at this point. But I guess this is meant to be threaded throughout the whole pack, so maybe that will come later.
• 0-4 >> Ok so just as I say that you go and develop the tiles into a nice little double sanctum. This one’s probably my least favourite of the episode, though; it felt much less open, and I could find one route that really worked.
• 1-0 >> Ok, getting a little harder now, but not by too much, which is good.
• 1-1 >> Great name, and great map, too. Faved
• 1-2 >> Good. I like how the tilesets are gradually getting larger.
• 1-3 >> aaah did someone say MASSIVE DIFFICULTY CURVE? Well, it’s not that huge, but this one was noticeably harder than the last map, and probably my least favourite so far. That said, the jumping mechanics are pretty clever, and I probably would have liked it more if it was placed a little later.
• 1-4 >> This one seemed quite hard until I worked out that I could wall jump to the middle bounceblock. Good fun.
• 2-0 >> In terms of tiles, this feels almost like a regression. I enjoyed working out how to manipulate the thwumps, but the symmetrical gold at the bottom felt like an afterthought.
• 2-1 >> This is superb fun, although again, this almost feels like a step back in terms of the tile development. Faved
• 2-2 >> Nice thwump mechanics.
• 2-3 >> Ditto above, and the two sections fit together very well. Too much gold, though.
• 2-4 >> Hot rocket on rocket action!!! Gold placement was odd, but it grew on me.
• 3-0 >> I think you intended this one to be a bit of a breather, and as that it’s fine. I’m still waiting for these tilesets to grow, though.
• 3-1 >> This looks a lot harder than it is. Nice progression from 3-0.
• 3-2 >> Ah, this one harks back to the fine-tuned gauss/floorguard partnership of 0-0. And the increase in size was smoothly done.
• 3-3 >> Lovely map for Highscoring, great job! Faved
• 3-4 >> Aaah another very hard one to agd. I’ll have to watch your demo for this, I can’t work it out myself. *(watches demo)* Oh, ok. I tried that myself and it wasn’t nearly as hard as I thought it would be. Nice little puzzle.
• 4-0 >> Easy, but quite fun.
• 4-1 >> Getting a little hectic now, but not in a bad way.
• 4-2 >> On its own terms, this is a solid drone-dodging the map, although again I’d say that there’s too much gold here. In the context of the pack, though, the gameplay feels like it’s getting a little repetitive. I know that that’s somewhat unavoidable given your aims in making it, but I feel that a little more development would be nice.
• 4-3 >> This is a kickass rocket map. The asymmetry here is exactly the kind of distinguishing feature that I felt was lacking in the previous map. Faved.
• 4-4 >> Again, great map. At first I was like, this is a little easy for a -4 map, isn’t it? But then I realised that I didn’t have a clue how to get to the switch. Figuring that out was very satisfying indeed.
• 5-0 >> argh no not this kind of map! I don’t usually like maps like these, but this one wasn’t as hard as it looked, and I actually found it quite enjoyable.
• 5-1 >> Very metanettish. Fun.
• 5-2 >> Eh, found this one a bit bland. Very similar to 2-0.
• 5-3 >> Again, this is very similar to 0-2. It doesn’t distinguish itself enough, imo.
• 5-4 >> YES YES YES. This is EXACTLY the kind of thematic development that previous maps have been crying out for. It helps that it’s pretty much perfect in terms of execution. Faved
• 6-0 >> e? More like eh. Like 3-0, except I didn’t really want a breather after the last map, so it feels like a let-down.
• 6-1 >> Again, fun on its own terms, but very forgettable.
• 6-2 >> This is deceptively difficult! Took me ages to get an AGD. Very fun, in spite of that, though. Faved
• 6-3 >> Not bad, although I’m a sucker for maps like these.
• 6-4 >> Oh you bastard, is what I thought when I realised how you meant for the player to get up. Nicely expanded tileset, simplistic but effective.
• 7-0 >> This one felt like a much more annoying rehash of 4-4. The mines at the bottom are seriously aggravating, and the one time I did pull if off I crashed into one of the mines at the side.
• 7-1 >> Too many mines spoil the broth. That said, this was easier than it looked, if a little unremarkable.
• 7-2 >> argh I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you oh, I did it! This was actually pretty good, even if it did make me want to punch a kitten.
• 7-3 >> Easy but rather dull.
• 7-4 >> Thought I wouldn’t like this, but I managed to get and AGD pretty quickly. Decent map in the simple-challenge vein.
• 8-0 >> Nice thwump mechanics on show here. I was extremely surprised in one of my earlier attempts when I got a thwump corner jump, which I’m not sure I’ve ever done before. Unfortunately I leapt right into a thwump sandwich and died, but it was cool. Anyway, cool map.
• 8-1 >> You are a cruel, cruel man. This is just the right side of hectic to be thrilling and enjoyable. Faved
• 8-2 >> Clever. You’re good at making maps that initially look easy, but turn out to be annoyingly difficult.
• 8-3 >> That bounceblock jump is in serious danger of outstaying its welcome. Nevertheless, this isn’t bad.
• 8-4 >> Aaargh words cannot how frustrating this map is. I’ll settle for calling you a cock and move on. On a more serious note, this is nifty little map. Probably too much gold again, but otherwise solid.
• 9-0 >> Well blow me. I can’t for the life of me work this one out, but I assume it’s possible. I’ll have a look at your demo. *(watches demo)* Ok, well I’m still struggling with this. That’s a tough jump to nail, although I managed it once.
• 9-1 >> Another tough one, though pretty clever. Nice puzzle.
• 9-2 >> Well, we’ve been here before. I’ll assume that jumping in between the mines is not the proposed solution and will watch your demo. *(watches demo)* Ok, well this has the same solution as that other one I couldn’t do, and in retrospect it’s really not that hard. Still, a good puzzle.
• 9-3 >> I’m sensing perhaps a deliberate return to the enclosed tiles of episode 0? I think this one does a good job of standing on its own.
• 9-4 >> There is no way I’m doing this one. Absolutely no way. God knows I’ve tried, but even after watching your demo I’m still stuck. Ah well, it is 9-4, after all.

I think in terms of the aims you stated at the start, this is a very solid and accomplished map-pack, and it’s clear that you know what makes a good highscoring map. It’s hard to pick out favourite maps due to the necessary similarity of each map, but I’ve selected a few that particularly stood out. The quality is very high throughout, and even where I’ve said stuff like bland or repetitive, I’ve still managed to have fun on pretty much every single map I played. You might want to stray outside your comfort zone in future, though.

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