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Postby Seneschal » 2011.07.24 (16:12)

Out-takes from an upcoming map-pack (coming soon!), which will be a column in length.

The quality in here is extremely variable, hence why they're out-takes, but (hopefully) you might find a few diamonds in the rough.

Anyway, real pack should be coming soon. If anyone does want to help playtest, just drop me a message here or on irc.

EDIT: Some notes on the maps:

-Arabic was based on some actual arabic script I saw, but I have no idea what it says.
-Bafflement Settlement is a sequel (in spirit) to that Adster map that was featured, the Disorientation Station (hence the name of mine)
-Function Creep has a concept somewhat stolen from Nexx, so thanks to him for that.
-Snakecharmer 2: Cobrastyle was probably the earliest map I consciously made for the pack (there are others which date from over a year ago which weren't originally made for the pack
-So I Heard You Liked Mediaeval Times?! was named after a spam topic. Yeah, go figure.
-The Hairdresser Who Saw Through Me would make a great song title. At least, I think so.
-Tokyo was based on Rocket_Thumped's map 'only by seppuku can I retain my virtue'. The writing in gold says (I think) 'Seven Samurai'. I copied it from a movie poster :x
-Tracking Shot was playtested by Romaniac, who liked it, although I think I executed the concept pretty poorly. So, uh, thanks to him I guess!
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Last edited by Seneschal on 2011.07.25 (09:07), edited 1 time in total.

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Postby otters~1 » 2011.07.24 (19:07)

I would love to playtest.
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Postby Sunset » 2011.07.24 (19:18)

10/10, a fan, and awaiting more. This is amazing. The concepts, while some are generic as fuck, are amazingly done and so well-put, that I think my lowest score for any of these maps would still be an 8/10. I WANT MORE GODDAMMIT

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Postby Chrdrenkmann » 2011.07.25 (15:32)

This is fantastic. Can't wait to play the map pack.
And I will play all your NUMA maps.
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Postby Radium » 2011.07.26 (06:32)

i've missed your maps! can't wait!

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Postby aids » 2011.07.26 (15:10)

Can you pastebin it? I can't download it. :(


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Postby Seneschal » 2011.07.26 (17:04)

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Postby otters~1 » 2011.07.27 (00:18)

By the way, these weren't at all what I was expecting them to be.
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Postby aids » 2011.07.27 (17:37)

For a bunch of outtakes these are awesome.
  • Almost There >> I bypassed the launchpads. It felt easier.
  • Amplify >> Boring, repetitive.
  • Arabic >> Whoo, nice laser placement. The drones were stupid though.
  • Battlement Settlement >> Lame map.
  • Cablecar >> Kind of a weird map. Very filler-ish.
  • Chainstore >> I loved this one. It deserves to be in the pack. Userlevel'd.
  • Climax >> Needs more swears. Awful map though.
  • Dagon >> A perfectly good highscoring map.
  • Development Hell >> The mines were the only bad part about this map. Oh, and the locked door.
  • Drum Machine >> Oh, you cruel bastard.
  • Eric's Trip >> Dude, c'mon. Not one of these maps.
  • Function Creep >> Hot damn. What a sweet puzzle. If you added extra gold I'd totally feature this. Userlevel'd.
  • Garage Loop >> Not really that good.
  • Heißt >> Getting back to the exit was the only good part. The lasers were too boring.
  • Irrigation >> I'll be looking for this one when the new version of N is released. Userlevel'd.
  • Kunsthaus >> The layout for this one was bad, and the enemies were overwhelming
  • Lazy Beam >> This map was on NUMA. The top two gold are not worth getting.
  • Luft >> Ugly and not worth playing.
  • On the Pier >> The layout was too much like the other laser map.
  • Pillowbolt >> This one would be fun to highscore if the gold were laid out differently.
  • Pulse >> Wow, you got a little ChrisE going on in this one. I like the oneways, but the gold was iffy.
  • Renaissance Room >> Too much going on.
  • Snakecharmer >> While the top was fine, the bottom was very... there. Add some stuff to it.
  • Snakecharmer 2: Cobrastyle! >> Damn son. Ease up on the thwumps next time.
  • So I Heard You Like Mediaeval Times?! >> I've never been a fan of chaingun maps like this.
  • Sondern Castle >> The thwump mechanics were alright, but I couldn't enjoy it.
  • Terpsichord/The Halls of Death >> Much too much going on. Maybe one or two chasers and some surface-followers on the floating pillars.
  • The Hairdresser Who Saw Through Me >> Amazing launchpads. I would like some zap drones though. Userlevel'd.
  • The Hotbox >> Fun to highscore, but not really a good map.
  • The Risk >> Hmmm, not that... unique. Very generic.
  • Tokyo >> The rocket area was magnificent, but the floorguards kinda messed with the fun.
  • Tracking Shot >> I don't think AGD is possible. And I don't like maps like this.
  • Visigothic >> Convoluted and boring.
  • When Elder Gods Attack! (Version 1) >> Oh my bejezzus. Fan-bloody-tastic minejumper. Needed more gold though. Userlevel'd.
And some mildly decent demos:
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