Fields With No Grass (First Ever Conen Mappack)

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Postby Conen » 2011.08.05 (18:25)


Hi guys, Just a small little pack that I hope you will enjoy. Im putting out another small pack of collaborations soon so get excited for that as well. I hope you all actually play this and leave feedback. Please.

Seriously though please play, not to beg but I'm generally a not very popular author already and frankly im not going to be around much longer so, play what you can now :)

Read the intro in the txt file for more notes about the pack as well as special thanks.

Fields wITh nO Grass.txt
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Well, everybody seems to be doin' it, so here are some maps of mine that are worth seeing ^

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Postby Conen » 2011.08.05 (18:36)


I uploaded the wrong file, bear with me! I have to find the one with all the maps.

Last edited by Conen on 2011.08.05 (18:42), edited 1 time in total.

Well, everybody seems to be doin' it, so here are some maps of mine that are worth seeing ^

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Postby aids » 2011.08.05 (18:40)

Here's a tip: don't force yourself to make maps or a mappack. The end result is not going to be good.
  • Battlements >> The layout is good, but the object placement is not. Get rid of a rocket, add a drone.
  • Buskerdroid >> Enemies-under-objects is one of my biggest pet peeves. You also have too many enemies.
  • Char/Charbroil/Grilling/Barbacue/Alabama >> Played this on NUMA. Wasn't a fan of the design.
  • CONEN = YES >> Really unimaginative. Not very fun either.
  • Crushbeast >> Once again, objects above enemies. The layout was nice, but the drones were pointless.
  • Fields with no grass 1 >> The gorgeous tiles just scream 'put some drones up in this bitch,' but did you listen? No.
  • Fields with no grass 2 >> You motherfucker. You're lucky I made it through the chaingun fire.
  • Fields with no grass 3 >> Very, very strange object placement. Pretty difficult though.
  • Fields with no grass 4 >> The gold amounts were disproportionate to the difficulty. I only speedran it.
  • Nudadik Alcove >> There's a big penis in this map. The gameplay's pretty nice though. I like the difficulty curve.
  • Photodragon on a counter-weight system >> Also from NUMA. Fun to play. Very fun.
  • Pikachu >> It's much like an uNconditioNal map. A bit sparse, but the normal doors scare the hell outta me.
  • Radum's Daycare (feat. RadiumFalcon) >> I didn't like it at all.
  • Sinkers And Floaters >> Really nice jumps. I didn't like the two middle gold.
  • Village >> Absolutely. Amazing. Userlevel'd.
  • Warzone Hazefield >> Really sloppy level. There are those normal doors again.
  • Watchguard Defence >> Misspelled 'defense.' The mines under the bounceblocks are stupid.
And some demos:
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Postby Conen » 2011.08.05 (21:01)


Well, everybody seems to be doin' it, so here are some maps of mine that are worth seeing ^

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Postby Seneschal » 2011.08.07 (17:35)

  • Battlements - This map looks like it might be enjoyable with one, or more likely two fewer rockets. As it is it's borderline unplayable. 1.5/5
  • Buskerdroid - There are a lot of enemies here, too, but this one's much easier than the last because you've spaced them out well. Overall, pretty fun, and I liked the structure. 4/5
  • Char/Charbroil/Grilling/Barbacue/Alabama - I wanted to love this: the tiles are great, and the route you've devised is really cool. But the mine placement is consistently frustrating, the middle section is too precarious and the rockets are seriously overpowered. Doing the beginning section over and over due to repeated deaths got very irritating very quickly. 2/5
  • CONEN = YES - Bland. Felt unfinished, as if you'd stopped halfway through. 2/5
  • Crushbeast - This is pretty cool. My favourite bit was the end, where you had to dodge the gauss while the drones passed: a very neat concept implemented very well to provide just the right amount of tension. Good job. 4/5
  • Fields with no grass 1 - Awesome tileset! Gameplay can't quite match it, but it's pretty good nonetheless. That gold behind the exit is the only caveat, seriously why did you do that why. 4/5
  • Fields with no grass 2 - Another great tileset; the gameplay's pretty standard, but it's well done. No clue how to get to the exit switch, though. 3.5/5
  • Fields with no grass 3 - Couldn't muster up much enthusiasm for this one. It's competently made, but the first rocket does nothing and grabbing the bottom gold is annoying and feels tacked on. The top section isn't bad, though. 3/5
  • Fields with no grass 4 - This looks very cool, and hey, it plays pretty well, too. I know it's meant to be artistic, but the right cavern really bugs me; two gold pieces is not enough of an incentive. Personally I'd put the exit switch there and keep the trapdoor in the top right. Still, this is a pretty neat map. 4/5
  • Nudadik Alcove - I don't know why, but the chainguns here seem to miss a lot more than usual, which is fortunate because there's very little cover from them. I...don't really know what to make of this. I quite enjoyed it, and it's well made, but it's pretty unremarkable. 3.5/5
  • Photodragon on a counter-weight system - Great name, great tiles, great map. Very, very fun indeed. 4.5/5
  • Pikachu - This is cool. I made a map like in my last pack, but this is much better imo. The exit switch chamber is particularly good. 4/5
  • Radum's Daycare (feat. RadiumFalcon) - No. Too big. The floorguard section is cool on its own, but I have absolutely no desire to play the rest of the map afterwards, even if I did manage to get past it more than 1/10 tries. There's a level in the 80s column of the in-game levels (by Loudog, I think) which nailed the floorguard dodging idea, partly because it didn't try and build a level beyond that. This is just too unwieldy take seriously. -/5 (No rating)
  • Sinkers And Floaters - Pretty good. Agd seemed terribly ambitious to manage, but I assume it's possible. 3.5/5
  • Village - This is cool. Nice and simplistic, and I can even forgive having to scale the walls. A nice counterpoint to the earlier maps where you crowded too many enemies into smaller spaces than this. 4/5
  • Warzone Hazefield - I dig this, in a big way. I was worried you'd reverted to enemy spam, but the balance is just right. Mine placement at the bottom could be a little cleaner, but otherwise I can't fault this much. 4.5/5
  • Watchguard Defence - AARGH NO AARGH DOUBLE ENEMIES WHAT WERE YOU THINKING AARGH FUCK. Seriously, there is no need for the doubled enemies. Also, the mines in the bounceblocks need to go, stat. This looks like it would be rather good otherwise, and I like the tiles. 3/5
Overall you get an average of 3.4375 (excluding the unrated radium collab). Above average, certainly, but dragged down by some pretty poor maps. As general criticism, I'd say focus on including fewer enemies and try and utilise some different kinds more often (didn't see many drones in the pack, for instance).

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Postby otters~1 » 2011.08.07 (18:52)

conen. fuck. this is some incredibly etc etc shit. every single one of these is awesome and different and off the yowzah

granted i only played each one as long as it took me to die whcih meant that i played the radium one for less than a second but i did knock down some completions and even an agd

man this is nuts

i loved it
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Postby Conen » 2011.08.07 (19:21)

Thank you for plays. Loving this harsh criticism, its needed. Nice demo's Aid.

Anyway, my comment in response to the feedback so far is, the pack is called FIELDS WITH NO GRASS because it's like a nuclear test site, a field where testing has been done and therefore there is no life anymore. Basically its saying that all the maps within this pack are EXPERIMENTAL maps with quirky or odd mechanics and tilesets. Personally I enjoy all the maps in the pack, and Im actually chuckling that Battlements so far has gotten very harsh ratings because i fuckin' loooove that map lol. It's very fun and intense impo.

ANyway, so, thats the deal. Experimental pack or Experimental maps.

Thanks for feedback guys!
keep em comin' :)

Well, everybody seems to be doin' it, so here are some maps of mine that are worth seeing ^

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Postby Radium » 2011.08.15 (21:15)

I had a .txt with feedback for EVERY SINGLE MAP.. but i accidentally deleted it.


maybe sometime soon i will redo it. anyway, the pack gets a 3/5 from me. a lot potential, but i felt you really didn't polish the maps enough. i was frustrated by more maps than not. D: sorry

but hey, next time playtest 'em more, and you can polish them into amazing maps. conceptually, you're doing great. work on the execution, though.

btw, i know this is cruel, but i'm disgusted by the map with my name on it. it is a disgrace. SO MANY OBJECTS, WTF!

anyway, there are a couple gems in here. congratz, i am a huge fan of your work, you inspire me


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Postby Conen » 2011.08.16 (22:23)

I looooove the map with the (Feat. Radium) lololol... APparently I'm the only one. ANyway, let it be known, Radium is only mentioned because they are mostly his tiles.

Thanks for the play.

Well, everybody seems to be doin' it, so here are some maps of mine that are worth seeing ^

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