Can't join online games with user maps- Xbox 360 Version
- The Loneliest Number
- Posts: 1
- Joined: 2012.02.26 (13:59)
Hey guys. I have owned N+ on xbox 360 since November of last year. A friend of mine bought it as well so we could play each others maps. He could join my custom maps fine, but whenever i attempted to join his game i received an error message saying something along the lines of "You do not have the privalages to play this map." I later found out that on my settings, "allow user maps" was set to "no". When i went to change it,, the cursor would'nt let me select it, it just skipped over it. So how can i change the setting to "yes" to allow me to join my friends custom maps?
- Radio Douchebag
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Silverbirch, the company hosting the N+ community servers, went out of a business a few years ago.

- Subterranean Engineer
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I'm pretty sure Silverbirch was the developer of the DS/PSP versions, not the Xbox version.Rhekatou wrote:Silverbirch, the company hosting the N+ community servers, went out of a business a few years ago.
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