The Highscore Rankings

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Moderators: EddyMataGallos, TheRealOne

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Postby TheRealOne » 2012.04.05 (00:28)

I have been sworn to secrecy on his or her identity.

But awesome stats Ska. Quite interesting how the game stays like that since the beginning. It just goes to show how good new comers quickly adopt the higher and higher levels of play. Today corner jumps are just a necessary part of a highscorer's tool belt, in the past they were guaranteed 0ths, and before they they were unheard of.
<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.

<@Kool> bro no joke, I saw the sexiest swedish chick giving herself anal on one of those pop-up alarm-clocks at my uncle's house

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Postby ska » 2012.04.05 (09:13)

TheRealOne wrote:I have been sworn to secrecy on his or her identity.
I knew it was Sendy all along!

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Postby TheRealOne » 2012.04.09 (03:17)

The Highscore Rankings
- As of 04/08/12
- Includes Tied 0ths
New 0th Report

03-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 206.650] New: [EddyMataGallos, 206.675]
05-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 127.025] New: [EddyMataGallos, 127.275]
08-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 173.925] New: [EddyMataGallos, 174.050]
11-1 - Old: [ vankusss, 127.675] New: [EddyMataGallos, 127.950]
19-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 148.050] New: [EddyMataGallos, 148.125]
23-1 - Old: [ xaelar, 126.200] New: [EddyMataGallos, 126.375]
25-0 - Old: [ xaelar, 117.925] New: [EddyMataGallos, 118.275]
26-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 212.575] New: [EddyMataGallos, 212.675]
26 - Old: [ xaelar, 281.800] New: [EddyMataGallos, 282.275]
30-1 - Old: [ xaelar, 116.050] New: [EddyMataGallos, 116.250]
30-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 204.175] New: [EddyMataGallos, 204.400]
36-0 - Old: [ vankusss, 120.575] New: [EddyMataGallos, 121.000]
47-0 - Old: [ vankusss, 151.075] New: [EddyMataGallos, 151.350]
51-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 102.250] New: [EddyMataGallos, 102.375]
55-2 - Old: [ vankusss, 154.650] New: [EddyMataGallos, 154.975]
56-3 - Old: [Darkshadow1416, 138.000] New: [ glib_jase, 138.375]
58-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 57.575] New: [EddyMataGallos, 57.675]
61-2 - Old: [ vankusss, 180.175] New: [EddyMataGallos, 180.550]
64-2 - Old: [ vankusss, 91.800] New: [EddyMataGallos, 91.900]
66-2 - Old: [ xaelar, 166.850] New: [EddyMataGallos, 167.000]
68-1 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 161.100] New: [ golfkid, 161.200] -> [ golfkid, 161.400] -> [ golfkid, 161.550]
69-0 - Old: [ Mr_Lim, 207.950] New: [EddyMataGallos, 208.300]
72-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 109.050] New: [ vankusss, 110.625]
75-1 - Old: [ xaelar, 144.150] New: [EddyMataGallos, 144.225]
75-4 - Old: [ Mr_Lim, 107.350] New: [ swipenet, 107.375]
97-0 - Old: [Last_FairyTail, 100.775] New: [EddyMataGallos, 100.975]

Total 0th Rankings

0 vankusss - 135
- xaelar - 135
2 EddyMataGallos - 132
3 eru_bahagon - 39
4 Kool-aid - 29
- Ben_Schultz_11 - 29
6 Mr_Lim - 21
7 swipenet - 16
8 golfkid - 15
9 Raif - 12
10 Seifer - 9
11 macrohenry - 8
12 Izzy - 7
13 lookatthis - 5
- glib_jase - 5
15 clux - 4
- ToeFaceKiller - 4
- Meta_Ing - 4
- Analu - 4
19 trib4lmaniac - 3

Level 0th Rankings

0 xaelar - 126
1 vankusss - 119
2 EddyMataGallos - 107
3 Kool-aid - 29
4 Ben_Schultz_11 - 24
5 swipenet - 16
- Mr_Lim - 16
7 Raif - 12
8 golfkid - 9
- Seifer - 9
10 macrohenry - 8
11 eru_bahagon - 7
- Izzy - 7
13 glib_jase - 5
14 lookatthis - 4
- clux - 4
- ToeFaceKiller - 4
- Meta_Ing - 4
18 trib4lmaniac - 3
- johnny_faneca - 3

Episode 0th Rankings

0 eru_bahagon - 32
1 EddyMataGallos - 25
2 vankusss - 16
3 xaelar - 7
4 golfkid - 6
5 Mr_Lim - 5
- Ben_Schultz_11 - 5
7 Analu - 2
8 lookatthis - 1
- esp - 1

Top-20 Rankings

0 EddyMataGallos - 599
1 eru_bahagon - 586
2 lookatthis - 574
3 Mr_Lim - 559
4 xaelar - 558
5 golfkid - 501
6 Hendor - 454
7 glib_jase - 444
8 Ben_Schultz_11 - 440
9 ToeFaceKiller - 421
10 vankusss - 409
11 Analu - 385
12 johnny_faneca - 318
13 Darkshadow1416 - 238
14 trib4lmaniac - 190
15 Chouse - 185
16 macrohenry - 168
17 Izzy - 164
18 zapkt - 160
19 swipenet - 139

Total Point Rankings

0th = 20 pts, 1st = 19 pts, ..., 19th = 1 pt

0 xaelar - 9565
1 EddyMataGallos - 9298
2 eru_bahagon - 8984
3 lookatthis - 8314
4 Mr_Lim - 7663
5 vankusss - 7094
6 golfkid - 5939
7 Ben_Schultz_11 - 5597
8 Hendor - 4911
9 glib_jase - 3963
10 ToeFaceKiller - 3927
11 Analu - 3643
12 johnny_faneca - 3245
13 Darkshadow1416 - 2204
14 Izzy - 2085
15 macrohenry - 1750
16 swipenet - 1711
17 Chouse - 1696
18 trib4lmaniac - 1609
19 zapkt - 1242

Total Level Score Rankings

0 xaelar : 71537.000
1 EddyMataGallos : 71365.350
2 eru_bahagon : 71289.675
3 lookatthis : 71275.225
4 Mr_Lim : 71268.475
5 analu : 70631.975
6 Hendor : 70627.500
7 golfkid : 70389.400
8 glib_jase : 70218.525
9 Ben_Schultz_11 : 70217.725
10 ToeFaceKiller : 70008.150
11 johnny_faneca : 70007.175
12 Darkshadow1416 : 69772.775
13 zapkt : 69602.800
14 jg9000 : 68776.675
15 trib4lmaniac : 68322.025
16 blobglob : 67763.800
17 macrohenry : 67291.000
18 vankusss : 66812.250
19 999_Springs : 66767.175

Total Episode Score Rankings

0 eru_bahagon : 35040.650
1 lookatthis : 34368.600
2 EddyMataGallos : 34363.525
3 Mr_Lim : 34106.500
4 Ben_Schultz_11 : 33534.350
5 Hendor : 33325.675
6 golfkid : 33051.525
7 jg9000 : 32462.500
8 analu : 32127.975
9 zapkt : 32070.025
10 ToeFaceKiller : 32068.000
11 xaelar : 30792.200
12 OnurO : 30756.475
13 loudog004 : 30487.250
14 animal_rights : 30117.050
15 ari22hoops : 29149.275
16 j0803 : 27536.275
17 poppinfresh : 27289.875
18 sayko : 27129.500
19 999_Springs : 26778.500

Community Total Scores

Community Total Level Score: 71902.950 (19:58:22.950)
Community Total Episode Score: 35382.650 (9:49:42.650)

Difference between both : 520.300 (0:08:40.300)

So let me start off by saying that I kind of let the beans spill and the mystery is over. LFT is xaelar. xaelar asked me not to reveal his identity, but since everybody seemed to already know and he hasn't been around in a while I am just going to come out and confirm it. I am sorry xaelar, but maybe you should get your ass back here. That said I have added LFT's 0ths to xaelar's count.

Onward to what happened this week. So we had four players each take one 0th each. There were some route changes and innovations, but relatively a calm week. Eddy happened to take 22 0ths somewhere in there, but really pretty much a boring week...

Ok, but seriously Eddy had the most ridiculous week I have seen since van was climbing to pass Lim. With all of his 0ths and the few by other players the community improved its total level score by 6.725 seconds and that pushed us over 71.9k seconds. There are now less than 100 seconds to the sacred 72k. The total episode score was also improved by 0.475 seconds.

So lets get in to the individual accomplishments. All of the names are spoilers to their personal 0th changes and descriptions follow.
vankusss (-12)

Lost 13 scores:
03-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 206.650] New: [EddyMataGallos, 206.675]
05-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 127.025] New: [EddyMataGallos, 127.275]
08-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 173.925] New: [EddyMataGallos, 174.050]
11-1 - Old: [ vankusss, 127.675] New: [EddyMataGallos, 127.950]
19-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 148.050] New: [EddyMataGallos, 148.125]
30-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 204.175] New: [EddyMataGallos, 204.400]
36-0 - Old: [ vankusss, 120.575] New: [EddyMataGallos, 121.000]
47-0 - Old: [ vankusss, 151.075] New: [EddyMataGallos, 151.350]
51-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 102.250] New: [EddyMataGallos, 102.375]
55-2 - Old: [ vankusss, 154.650] New: [EddyMataGallos, 154.975]
58-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 57.575] New: [EddyMataGallos, 57.675]
61-2 - Old: [ vankusss, 180.175] New: [EddyMataGallos, 180.550]
64-2 - Old: [ vankusss, 91.800] New: [EddyMataGallos, 91.900]
Gained 1 score:
72-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 109.050] New: [ vankusss, 110.625]

Before: 144 0th, 407 scores. After: 132 0th, 409 scores

van had a rough week thanks to Eddy. The current 0th player lost 13 0ths to the 2nd ranked player, but he was crafty enough to come up with a great route change for 72-4 and take the 0th by over a second and a half. Can van hang on to 0th overall with Eddy churning out 0ths like this? We certainly know he has innovations up his sleeve and the talent to execute them so next week should be exciting.
xaelar (-6)

Lost 6 scores:
23-1 - Old: [ xaelar, 126.200] New: [EddyMataGallos, 126.375]
25-0 - Old: [ xaelar, 117.925] New: [EddyMataGallos, 118.275]
26 - Old: [ xaelar, 281.800] New: [EddyMataGallos, 282.275]
30-1 - Old: [ xaelar, 116.050] New: [EddyMataGallos, 116.250]
66-2 - Old: [ xaelar, 166.850] New: [EddyMataGallos, 167.000]
75-1 - Old: [ xaelar, 144.150] New: [EddyMataGallos, 144.225]

Before: 134 0th, 558 scores. After: 128 0th, 558 scores

xaelar lost six 0ths to Eddy this week feeling only half the wrath that van had to suffer this week. He is now tied with van for 0th overall, but now has a good lead in level 0ths. Hopefully he makes a come soon to defend his position to sky rocketing Eddy. His alterego also lost a 0th to Eddy so he is technically -7.
Eru (-2)

Lost 2 scores:
56-3 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 138.000] New: [ glib_jase, 138.375]
68-1 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 161.100] New: [ golfkid, 161.550]

Before: 41 0th, 586 scores. After: 39 0th, 586 scores

Eru lost two 0ths this week, but ironically neither were to Eddy. He lost his 56-3 to glib's tie breaker and 68-1 to golfkid's route change.
Mr_Lim (-2)

Lost 2 scores:
69-0 - Old: [ Mr_Lim, 207.950] New: [EddyMataGallos, 208.300]
75-4 - Old: [ Mr_Lim, 107.350] New: [ swipenet, 107.375]

Before: 23 0th, 561 scores. After: 21 0th, 559 scores

Lim lost two 0ths this week, one to Eddy and one to swipenet. Occupy Lim!
Darkshadow (-1)

Lost 1 score:
56-3 - Old: [Darkshadow1416, 138.000] New: [ glib_jase, 138.375]

Before: 3 0th, 239 scores. After: 2 0th, 238 scores

Dark lost a 0th to glib and is now down to only 2 0ths. Hopefully he pokes his head back around just to say hey before he is gone from the boards forever.
swipenet (+1)

Gained 1 score:
75-4 - Old: [ Mr_Lim, 107.350] New: [ swipenet, 107.375]

Before: 15 0th, 136 scores. After: 16 0th, 139 scores

Swipe came in the waning moments of the week to take 75-4 from Lim by a single frame. Swipe seems to have an affinity for Lim 0ths and I love it. Keep up the good work man and why don't you get you ass on these forums and compete with us?
golfkid (+1)

Gained 1 score:
68-1 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 161.100] New: [ golfkid, 161.550]

Before: 14 0th, 498 scores. After: 15 0th, 501 scores

Golfkid innovated the route on 68-1 a long time ago, but it wasn't until now when he attacked. With his innovation he was able to improve by 4 frames, then 8 more, and finally ending up two frames shy of a half second over Eru's original 0th. Quite the clean run he laid down and it won't be easy to take. He also got his 500th top20 this week so big congratulations to him!
glib (+1)

Gained 1 score:
56-3 - Old: [Darkshadow1416, 138.000] New: [ glib_jase, 138.375]

Before: 4 0th, 444 scores. After: 5 0th, 444 scores

Glib came up with a brilliant innovation for 56-3, but in his pursuit of the 0th he decided against the innovation and took the 0th by brute force. He was able to clean a hugely impressive 15 frames out of Dark's 0th and break the two way tie for 0th and claim it for himself.
Eddy (+20)

Lost 1 score:
72-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 109.050] New: [ vankusss, 110.625]
Gained 21 scores:
03-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 206.650] New: [EddyMataGallos, 206.675]
05-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 127.025] New: [EddyMataGallos, 127.275]
08-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 173.925] New: [EddyMataGallos, 174.050]
11-1 - Old: [ vankusss, 127.675] New: [EddyMataGallos, 127.950]
19-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 148.050] New: [EddyMataGallos, 148.125]
23-1 - Old: [ xaelar, 126.200] New: [EddyMataGallos, 126.375]
25-0 - Old: [ xaelar, 117.925] New: [EddyMataGallos, 118.275]
26 - Old: [ xaelar, 281.800] New: [EddyMataGallos, 282.275]
30-1 - Old: [ xaelar, 116.050] New: [EddyMataGallos, 116.250]
30-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 204.175] New: [EddyMataGallos, 204.400]
36-0 - Old: [ vankusss, 120.575] New: [EddyMataGallos, 121.000]
47-0 - Old: [ vankusss, 151.075] New: [EddyMataGallos, 151.350]
51-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 102.250] New: [EddyMataGallos, 102.375]
55-2 - Old: [ vankusss, 154.650] New: [EddyMataGallos, 154.975]
58-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 57.575] New: [EddyMataGallos, 57.675]
61-2 - Old: [ vankusss, 180.175] New: [EddyMataGallos, 180.550]
64-2 - Old: [ vankusss, 91.800] New: [EddyMataGallos, 91.900]
66-2 - Old: [ xaelar, 166.850] New: [EddyMataGallos, 167.000]
69-0 - Old: [ Mr_Lim, 207.950] New: [EddyMataGallos, 208.300]
75-1 - Old: [ xaelar, 144.150] New: [EddyMataGallos, 144.225]
97-0 - Old: [Last_FairyTail, 100.775] New: [EddyMataGallos, 100.975]
Improved 1 score:
26-4 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 212.575] New: [EddyMataGallos, 212.675]

Before: 112 0th, 574 scores. After: 132 0th, 599 scores

Yeah you read that right. Eddy went plus 20 0ths this week. He took 21 0ths of his competitors, improved one of his own and only lost one to a vankusss innovation. I think this is the most 0ths I have ever seen in a one week period by a single player. I am truly impressed by Eddy show this week. With so many 0ths Eddy now sits just 3 away from the tie between van and xaelar for 0th. Eddy's awesome week didn't stop with just 0ths he also finished his top20ing of the episodes and gained 100/100 episode top20s. In combination with him achieving 499/500 level top20s a few weeks ago he now has done something that hasn't been done in at least half a decade if not longer. Eddy now has a top20 on 599/600 top20s; one for every possible board. So a big congratulations to him. He is also chasing xaelar in total level score for 0th; a position that xaelar has really never had competition for.
<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.

<@Kool> bro no joke, I saw the sexiest swedish chick giving herself anal on one of those pop-up alarm-clocks at my uncle's house

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Postby Unreality » 2012.04.09 (05:56)

Awesome report. I like the first paragraph.

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Postby ska » 2012.04.09 (06:33)

me from Sept 19th, 2011 wrote:Lft was xela, right? Eh..
I think it was the minute similarities in playing style that clued me in... when you've played this game as long as I have, you tend to notice little things...

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Postby golf » 2012.04.09 (20:56)

Thanks for mentioning my 500 top20s TRO, I'm really almost more proud of that than my 0th from this week.
[16:24] <@golfkid> I'm pretty sure I will literally scream if I die on the last column of 78-4 at this point
[16:25] <trance> Oh, yeah. That level.
[16:29] <@golfkid> lol
[16:30] <@golfkid> It looks so simple
[16:30] <@golfkid> But it says "NO! I will rape your sanity!"

My Accomplishments:
Completed N; Completed Nreality on 4/11/08
598 top 20 scores in N 1.4 as of 6/28/14 (498 level scores, 100 episode scores, 2nd position in top 20 rankings); reached 100 on 12/14/2008; 300 (half of all possible :D) on 11/9/2009; 400 on 12/2/2011; max of 598 on 2/3/2013; tied for 0th in top 20 rankings on 2/26-27/13

4 current v1.4 0ths (9th position in 0th rankings); First v1.4 0th: 63-3 at 1:20 pm, 3/24/2008

current level score: 71079.200 (6th position all time); 60k seconds on v1.4 6/17/08; 12th to 70k at 11:30pm EST, 12/24/2011; 6th to 71k at 5:50 pm EST, 9/29/2012

current episode score: 34276.650 (4th position all time); 100k seconds total level score (Metanet and NReality) on 2/4/08

participation and contest winner images


[quote="ska on my 129-1 innovation"]I thought about that but couldn't chimeny fast enough when trying. Congrats[/quote]

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Postby EddyMataGallos » 2012.04.10 (00:17)

Thanks a lot for the rankings, nice reading as usual, its great to keep track of the activity.
Props on that 500 top20 scores golf, thats a great achievement, and yopr 0th is quite precise and fast. Nice 0ths the rest of people too, glib's run is way too clean, so is swipenet run. I left a message on his last submitted map to NUMA telling him a lot of info about the forums specially, as well as irc. I guess he hasnt read it yet since I have seen no response. As I already said that van's route change is so great, specially because its shows his capacity and imagination.
Btw passed lat in total episode score so im now 1st on both ;)
I see eru passed lat in total level score, nice :D
Impressive flag by ska -|- N2High - My software for N2.0 -|- Awesome sig by Hendor
About me & Stats (Spoiler)

Hi, im Eddy, a Spanish highscorer and current Grandmaster of N. I've been playing N since 2006, I beat it on the 8th September 2008, and NReality later too. Started intermittently highscoring Metanet in 2010, although serious highscoring started in late 2011.

Current Stats
• Completed N on 8th Sept. 2008
• Completed NReality on 24th Dec. 2010
0th Place on Metanet 0th Rankings with 443 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Top20 Rankings with 599 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Top10 Rankings with 599 Scores.
1st Place on Metanet Top5 Rankings with 595 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Level 0th Rankings with 361 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Episode 0th Rankings with 82 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Total Level Score: 72142.900 (20:02:22.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Episode Score: 35669.900 (09:54:29.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Point Rankings with 11669 Points.
0th Place in NReality 0th Rankings with 235 0ths.
0th Place for a grand total of 676 Total 0ths.
• Winner of some contests (BUST, 100, 9000, Bounty Hunters, SOAST) and of some rounds of some contests (ROPP, NErratic, Red Ball, NReality Team Arena)

{Info as of 01/Feb/2015} The info may be outdated.

• 6th highscorer to reach 100 Metanet 0ths
• 4th highscorer to reach 200 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 300 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 400 Metanet 0ths
• 8th ever Grandmaster
• 2nd* highscorer to reach 599 top-20 Scores
• 1st highscorer to reach 599 top-10 Scores
• 10th highscorer to reach 70k Level Score
• 5th highscorer to reach 71k Level Score
• 2nd highscorer to reach 71.5k Level Score
• 1st highscorer to reach 72k Level Score

Relevant Dates
• First 0th: 31-3 on 04/Oct/10
• Reached 100 Metanet 0ths on 25/Feb/12
• Reached 200 Metanet 0ths on 30/Sep/12
• Reached 300 Metanet 0ths on 16/Mar/13
• Reached 400 Metanet 0ths on 04/Sept/14
• Reached highest amount of 0ths on Jan/2013
• Became the Grandmaster on 12/Apr/2012
• Reached 70k Level Score on 25/Dec/11
• Reached 71k Level Score on 13/Jan/11
• Reached 71.5k Level Score on 01/Aug/12
• Reached 72k Level Score on 04/Jul/14
• Completed N 1.4 on 08/Sept/08
• Completed NReality on 24/Dec/10
• Reached 100 NReality 0ths on Oct/2011
• Reached 200 NReality 0ths on Nov/2011
• Reached 100 Top-20 Scores on Aug/10
• Reached 200 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 300 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 400 Top-20 Scores on Dec/11
• Reached 500 Top-20 Scores on Jan/12
• Reached 599 Top-20 Scores on 04/Apr/12
• Reached 599 Top-10 Scores on 18/Nov/12

Deds & Images (Spoiler)

Thanks to ska for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to BluePretzel for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to da_guru for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this full episode to me!: 00-0 00-100-2 00-3 00-4
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this mappack to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to runningninja for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to trance for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to llabesab for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Traveleravi for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to 123leonidas321 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Ors_II for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Sunset for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Leonhard for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Daggafork for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to RandomDigits/SpartaX18 for dedicating this map to me
Sorry if Im missing any ded.

ImageThanks to leo.

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Postby eru_bahagon » 2012.04.10 (08:55)

Thanks for the rankings.

Congrats to Eddy. Well, nothing amazing there, just a 1st on ep84. Seriously, that 599 top 20 is great!
Congrats to ska for his innovations on 72-4, 68-1 and 56-3. GREAT :D
Congrats to golf for that 500 achievement. You now need to work on TLS and join the 71' gang. I won't congratulate you for 68-1, since I now have one 0th less.

I see eru passed lat in total level score, nice :D
Thanks, even if it was last week, back when I was dreaming that maybe, I can fill that 40 sec gap between us. I think I'll just aim at 71300.

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Postby ska » 2012.04.10 (11:38)

eru_bahagon wrote: Congrats to ska for his innovations on 72-4, 68-1 and 56-3. GREAT :D
Cheers, mate.

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Postby golf » 2012.04.10 (14:38)

eru_bahagon wrote: Congrats to ska for his innovations on 72-4, 68-1 and 56-3. GREAT :D
eru, although ska does deserve much credit for his innovs, unfortunately for you 68-1 is not one of them. I think you just got overzealous as you were listing innov'd levels from this week :)
eru_bahagon wrote:You now need to work on TLS and join the 71' gang.
That is my goal, and I know I'll get a good ways towards it as I finish my run for 100 ep top20s. My problem is finding the time to do a full episode run. That 68-1 0th I got as the start of an ep run, but it took me too long doing so and I had to shut down the computer after getting the first 0th run, so hopefully I'll be able to finish that ep sometime soon.
[16:24] <@golfkid> I'm pretty sure I will literally scream if I die on the last column of 78-4 at this point
[16:25] <trance> Oh, yeah. That level.
[16:29] <@golfkid> lol
[16:30] <@golfkid> It looks so simple
[16:30] <@golfkid> But it says "NO! I will rape your sanity!"

My Accomplishments:
Completed N; Completed Nreality on 4/11/08
598 top 20 scores in N 1.4 as of 6/28/14 (498 level scores, 100 episode scores, 2nd position in top 20 rankings); reached 100 on 12/14/2008; 300 (half of all possible :D) on 11/9/2009; 400 on 12/2/2011; max of 598 on 2/3/2013; tied for 0th in top 20 rankings on 2/26-27/13

4 current v1.4 0ths (9th position in 0th rankings); First v1.4 0th: 63-3 at 1:20 pm, 3/24/2008

current level score: 71079.200 (6th position all time); 60k seconds on v1.4 6/17/08; 12th to 70k at 11:30pm EST, 12/24/2011; 6th to 71k at 5:50 pm EST, 9/29/2012

current episode score: 34276.650 (4th position all time); 100k seconds total level score (Metanet and NReality) on 2/4/08

participation and contest winner images


[quote="ska on my 129-1 innovation"]I thought about that but couldn't chimeny fast enough when trying. Congrats[/quote]

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Postby Raif » 2012.04.10 (14:58)

golf wrote:
eru_bahagon wrote: Congrats to ska for his innovations on 72-4, 68-1 and 56-3. GREAT :D
eru, although ska does deserve much credit for his innovs, unfortunately for you 68-1 is not one of them.
I don't think 72-4 and 56-3 weren't by ska either? TRO's writeup says they were by van and glib respectively.
Can't figure out whether eru is joking or not.

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Postby vankusss » 2012.04.10 (15:01)

Good job ska! You saved like 2 seconds this week with your innovations, nice!

raif potato
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Postby eru_bahagon » 2012.04.10 (15:24)

RO's writeup says they were by van and glib respectively
"van and glib", that is the point :)
It's just to compensata all these false attributions.

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Postby EddyMataGallos » 2012.04.10 (15:25)

Raif wrote:
golf wrote:
eru_bahagon wrote: Congrats to ska for his innovations on 72-4, 68-1 and 56-3. GREAT :D
eru, although ska does deserve much credit for his innovs, unfortunately for you 68-1 is not one of them.
I don't think 72-4 and 56-3 weren't by ska either? TRO's writeup says they were by van and glib respectively.
Can't figure out whether eru is joking or not.
eru was following the long-running joke about ska and the innovs ;)
Thanks eru, just improved my last +10 difference, first player without any of those now :D
Impressive flag by ska -|- N2High - My software for N2.0 -|- Awesome sig by Hendor
About me & Stats (Spoiler)

Hi, im Eddy, a Spanish highscorer and current Grandmaster of N. I've been playing N since 2006, I beat it on the 8th September 2008, and NReality later too. Started intermittently highscoring Metanet in 2010, although serious highscoring started in late 2011.

Current Stats
• Completed N on 8th Sept. 2008
• Completed NReality on 24th Dec. 2010
0th Place on Metanet 0th Rankings with 443 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Top20 Rankings with 599 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Top10 Rankings with 599 Scores.
1st Place on Metanet Top5 Rankings with 595 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Level 0th Rankings with 361 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Episode 0th Rankings with 82 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Total Level Score: 72142.900 (20:02:22.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Episode Score: 35669.900 (09:54:29.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Point Rankings with 11669 Points.
0th Place in NReality 0th Rankings with 235 0ths.
0th Place for a grand total of 676 Total 0ths.
• Winner of some contests (BUST, 100, 9000, Bounty Hunters, SOAST) and of some rounds of some contests (ROPP, NErratic, Red Ball, NReality Team Arena)

{Info as of 01/Feb/2015} The info may be outdated.

• 6th highscorer to reach 100 Metanet 0ths
• 4th highscorer to reach 200 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 300 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 400 Metanet 0ths
• 8th ever Grandmaster
• 2nd* highscorer to reach 599 top-20 Scores
• 1st highscorer to reach 599 top-10 Scores
• 10th highscorer to reach 70k Level Score
• 5th highscorer to reach 71k Level Score
• 2nd highscorer to reach 71.5k Level Score
• 1st highscorer to reach 72k Level Score

Relevant Dates
• First 0th: 31-3 on 04/Oct/10
• Reached 100 Metanet 0ths on 25/Feb/12
• Reached 200 Metanet 0ths on 30/Sep/12
• Reached 300 Metanet 0ths on 16/Mar/13
• Reached 400 Metanet 0ths on 04/Sept/14
• Reached highest amount of 0ths on Jan/2013
• Became the Grandmaster on 12/Apr/2012
• Reached 70k Level Score on 25/Dec/11
• Reached 71k Level Score on 13/Jan/11
• Reached 71.5k Level Score on 01/Aug/12
• Reached 72k Level Score on 04/Jul/14
• Completed N 1.4 on 08/Sept/08
• Completed NReality on 24/Dec/10
• Reached 100 NReality 0ths on Oct/2011
• Reached 200 NReality 0ths on Nov/2011
• Reached 100 Top-20 Scores on Aug/10
• Reached 200 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 300 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 400 Top-20 Scores on Dec/11
• Reached 500 Top-20 Scores on Jan/12
• Reached 599 Top-20 Scores on 04/Apr/12
• Reached 599 Top-10 Scores on 18/Nov/12

Deds & Images (Spoiler)

Thanks to ska for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to BluePretzel for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to da_guru for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this full episode to me!: 00-0 00-100-2 00-3 00-4
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this mappack to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to runningninja for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to trance for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to llabesab for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Traveleravi for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to 123leonidas321 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Ors_II for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Sunset for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Leonhard for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Daggafork for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to RandomDigits/SpartaX18 for dedicating this map to me
Sorry if Im missing any ded.

ImageThanks to leo.

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Postby ska » 2012.04.10 (17:18)

lol... man, you guys are gullible ;)

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Postby ska » 2012.04.22 (22:50)

So, I took back a top-20 on ep 69 a few days ago (a 2nd actually) to put be back at 100/100 episode top 20s. Of course, now Eddy has 100/100 too.
I also earned some highscore in that episode as well as some miscellaneous highscores during my personal improvement of episode 51 which means I am now tied with Glib_Jase in equal 7th position with 444 top-20s and am just 7 scores shy of Hendor.

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Postby TheRealOne » 2012.05.05 (20:49)

The Highscore Rankings
- As of 05/05/12
- Includes Tied 0ths
New 0th Report

10-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 118.125] New: [ Gutland, 118.150]
14-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 111.750] New: [EddyMataGallos, 111.925]
34-1 - Old: [Last_FairyTail, 141.575] New: [Ben_Schultz_11, 141.600]
36-3 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 61.975] New: [EddyMataGallos, 62.050]
60-1 - Old: [ vankusss, 125.325] New: [ Kool-aid, 125.425]
66 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 451.325] New: [ golfkid, 451.350]
90-0 - Old: [van_come_to_irc, 122.175] New: [ Kool-aid, 122.225]
94-0 - Old: [ golfkid, 80.725] New: [ Kool-aid, 80.800]
96-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 133.975] New: [EddyMataGallos, 134.150]
98-1 - Old: [ xaelar, 126.875] New: [EddyMataGallos, 127.100]
98-2 - Old: [ vankusss, 146.475] New: [EddyMataGallos, 146.625]
98-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 156.500] New: [ swipenet, 156.700]
99-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 153.900] New: [TWA_MATO_Titan, 153.975]

Total 0th Rankings

0 EddyMataGallos - 135
1 xaelar - 131
2 vankusss - 128
3 eru_bahagon - 38
4 Kool-aid - 33
5 Ben_Schultz_11 - 30
6 Mr_Lim - 21
7 swipenet - 17
8 golfkid - 16
9 Raif - 13
10 Seifer - 9
11 macrohenry - 8
12 Izzy - 7
13 lookatthis - 5
- glib_jase - 5
15 clux - 4
- ToeFaceKiller - 4
- Meta_Ing - 4
- Analu - 4
19 Gutland - 3

Level 0th Rankings

0 xaelar - 124
1 vankusss - 112
2 EddyMataGallos - 110
3 Kool-aid - 33
4 Ben_Schultz_11 - 25
5 swipenet - 17
6 Mr_Lim - 16
7 Raif - 13
8 Seifer - 9
9 macrohenry - 8
- golfkid - 8
11 eru_bahagon - 7
- Izzy - 7
13 glib_jase - 5
14 lookatthis - 4
- clux - 4
- ToeFaceKiller - 4
- Meta_Ing - 4
18 Gutland - 3
19 trib4lmaniac - 2

Episode 0th Rankings

0 eru_bahagon - 31
1 EddyMataGallos - 25
2 vankusss - 16
3 golfkid - 8
4 xaelar - 7
5 Mr_Lim - 5
- Ben_Schultz_11 - 5
7 Analu - 2
8 lookatthis - 1
- esp - 1

Top-20 Rankings

0 EddyMataGallos - 599
1 eru_bahagon - 586
2 lookatthis - 574
3 xaelar - 556
- Mr_Lim - 556
5 golfkid - 530
6 Hendor - 449
7 glib_jase - 444
- Ben_Schultz_11 - 444
9 ToeFaceKiller - 414
10 vankusss - 409
11 Analu - 380
12 johnny_faneca - 316
13 Darkshadow1416 - 230
14 trib4lmaniac - 185
15 Chouse - 181
16 macrohenry - 165
17 Izzy - 161
18 zapkt - 154
19 swipenet - 145

Total Point Rankings

0 xaelar - 9537
1 EddyMataGallos - 9337
2 eru_bahagon - 8946
3 lookatthis - 8269
4 Mr_Lim - 7617
5 vankusss - 7064
6 golfkid - 6358
7 Ben_Schultz_11 - 5653
8 Hendor - 4844
9 glib_jase - 3939
10 ToeFaceKiller - 3854
11 Analu - 3580
12 johnny_faneca - 3206
13 Darkshadow1416 - 2152
14 Izzy - 2056
15 swipenet - 1808
16 macrohenry - 1723
17 Chouse - 1672
18 trib4lmaniac - 1571
19 jg9000 - 1211

Total Level Score Rankings

0 xaelar : 71537.000
1 EddyMataGallos : 71401.150
2 eru_bahagon : 71289.675
3 lookatthis : 71275.225
4 Mr_Lim : 71268.475
5 analu : 70631.975
6 Hendor : 70627.500
7 golfkid : 70585.150
8 Ben_Schultz_11 : 70268.375
9 glib_jase : 70224.125
10 ToeFaceKiller : 70008.150
11 johnny_faneca : 70007.175
12 Darkshadow1416 : 69772.775
13 zapkt : 69602.800
14 jg9000 : 68776.675
15 trib4lmaniac : 68322.025
16 blobglob : 67763.800
17 macrohenry : 67291.000
18 999_Springs : 66943.850
19 vankusss : 66812.250

Total Episode Score Rankings

0 eru_bahagon : 35040.650
1 EddyMataGallos : 34381.525
2 lookatthis : 34368.600
3 Mr_Lim : 34106.500
4 Ben_Schultz_11 : 33628.500
5 golfkid : 33451.725
6 Hendor : 33325.675
7 jg9000 : 32462.500
8 analu : 32127.975
9 zapkt : 32070.025
10 ToeFaceKiller : 32068.000
11 xaelar : 30792.200
12 OnurO : 30756.475
13 loudog004 : 30543.825
14 animal_rights : 30117.050
15 ari22hoops : 29410.975
16 j0803 : 27536.275
17 poppinfresh : 27289.875
18 sayko : 27129.500
19 999_Springs : 26838.750

Community Total Scores

Community Total Level Score: 71904.300 (19:58:24.300)
Community Total Episode Score: 35382.675 (9:49:42.675)

Difference between both : 521.625 (0:08:41.625)

Sorry for no rundown this time guys and the lack of rankings for the past month. I am absurdly busy with the last few weeks of college leading up to graduation.

But what I can say is that Eddy is now 0th overall. We all already know this, but a huge congratulations to him.
<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.

<@Kool> bro no joke, I saw the sexiest swedish chick giving herself anal on one of those pop-up alarm-clocks at my uncle's house

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Postby EddyMataGallos » 2012.05.05 (20:52)

Thanks a lot for the rankings TRO :D
Dont worry, as golf said graduating comes first.
Impressive flag by ska -|- N2High - My software for N2.0 -|- Awesome sig by Hendor
About me & Stats (Spoiler)

Hi, im Eddy, a Spanish highscorer and current Grandmaster of N. I've been playing N since 2006, I beat it on the 8th September 2008, and NReality later too. Started intermittently highscoring Metanet in 2010, although serious highscoring started in late 2011.

Current Stats
• Completed N on 8th Sept. 2008
• Completed NReality on 24th Dec. 2010
0th Place on Metanet 0th Rankings with 443 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Top20 Rankings with 599 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Top10 Rankings with 599 Scores.
1st Place on Metanet Top5 Rankings with 595 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Level 0th Rankings with 361 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Episode 0th Rankings with 82 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Total Level Score: 72142.900 (20:02:22.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Episode Score: 35669.900 (09:54:29.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Point Rankings with 11669 Points.
0th Place in NReality 0th Rankings with 235 0ths.
0th Place for a grand total of 676 Total 0ths.
• Winner of some contests (BUST, 100, 9000, Bounty Hunters, SOAST) and of some rounds of some contests (ROPP, NErratic, Red Ball, NReality Team Arena)

{Info as of 01/Feb/2015} The info may be outdated.

• 6th highscorer to reach 100 Metanet 0ths
• 4th highscorer to reach 200 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 300 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 400 Metanet 0ths
• 8th ever Grandmaster
• 2nd* highscorer to reach 599 top-20 Scores
• 1st highscorer to reach 599 top-10 Scores
• 10th highscorer to reach 70k Level Score
• 5th highscorer to reach 71k Level Score
• 2nd highscorer to reach 71.5k Level Score
• 1st highscorer to reach 72k Level Score

Relevant Dates
• First 0th: 31-3 on 04/Oct/10
• Reached 100 Metanet 0ths on 25/Feb/12
• Reached 200 Metanet 0ths on 30/Sep/12
• Reached 300 Metanet 0ths on 16/Mar/13
• Reached 400 Metanet 0ths on 04/Sept/14
• Reached highest amount of 0ths on Jan/2013
• Became the Grandmaster on 12/Apr/2012
• Reached 70k Level Score on 25/Dec/11
• Reached 71k Level Score on 13/Jan/11
• Reached 71.5k Level Score on 01/Aug/12
• Reached 72k Level Score on 04/Jul/14
• Completed N 1.4 on 08/Sept/08
• Completed NReality on 24/Dec/10
• Reached 100 NReality 0ths on Oct/2011
• Reached 200 NReality 0ths on Nov/2011
• Reached 100 Top-20 Scores on Aug/10
• Reached 200 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 300 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 400 Top-20 Scores on Dec/11
• Reached 500 Top-20 Scores on Jan/12
• Reached 599 Top-20 Scores on 04/Apr/12
• Reached 599 Top-10 Scores on 18/Nov/12

Deds & Images (Spoiler)

Thanks to ska for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to BluePretzel for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to da_guru for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this full episode to me!: 00-0 00-100-2 00-3 00-4
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this mappack to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to runningninja for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to trance for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to llabesab for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Traveleravi for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to 123leonidas321 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Ors_II for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Sunset for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Leonhard for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Daggafork for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to RandomDigits/SpartaX18 for dedicating this map to me
Sorry if Im missing any ded.

ImageThanks to leo.

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Smoothest Taint in the West
Posts: 3241
Joined: 2008.09.29 (14:22)
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Location: Australia

Postby ska » 2012.05.05 (21:39)

TheRealOne wrote:The Highscore Rankings
- As of 05/05/12
- Includes Tied 0ths
New 0th Report

10-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 118.125] New: [ Gutland, 118.150]
14-0 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 111.750] New: [EddyMataGallos, 111.925]
34-1 - Old: [Last_FairyTail, 141.575] New: [Ben_Schultz_11, 141.600]
36-3 - Old: [EddyMataGallos, 61.975] New: [EddyMataGallos, 62.050]
60-1 - Old: [ vankusss, 125.325] New: [ Kool-aid, 125.425]
66 - Old: [ eru_bahagon, 451.325] New: [ golfkid, 451.350]
90-0 - Old: [van_come_to_irc, 122.175] New: [ Kool-aid, 122.225]
94-0 - Old: [ golfkid, 80.725] New: [ Kool-aid, 80.800]
96-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 133.975] New: [EddyMataGallos, 134.150]
98-1 - Old: [ xaelar, 126.875] New: [EddyMataGallos, 127.100]
98-2 - Old: [ vankusss, 146.475] New: [EddyMataGallos, 146.625]
98-3 - Old: [ vankusss, 156.500] New: [ swipenet, 156.700]
99-4 - Old: [ vankusss, 153.900] New: [TWA_MATO_Titan, 153.975]

Total 0th Rankings

0 EddyMataGallos - 135
1 xaelar - 131
2 vankusss - 128
3 eru_bahagon - 38
4 Kool-aid - 32
5 Ben_Schultz_11 - 30
6 Mr_Lim - 21
7 swipenet - 17
8 golfkid - 16
9 Raif - 13
10 Seifer - 9
11 macrohenry - 8
12 Izzy - 7
13 lookatthis - 5
- glib_jase - 5
15 clux - 4
- ToeFaceKiller - 4
- Meta_Ing - 4
- Analu - 4
19 Gutland - 3

Level 0th Rankings

0 xaelar - 124
1 vankusss - 112
2 EddyMataGallos - 110
3 Kool-aid - 32
4 Ben_Schultz_11 - 25
5 swipenet - 17
6 Mr_Lim - 16
7 Raif - 13
8 Seifer - 9
9 macrohenry - 8
- golfkid - 8
11 eru_bahagon - 7
- Izzy - 7
13 glib_jase - 5
14 lookatthis - 4
- clux - 4
- ToeFaceKiller - 4
- Meta_Ing - 4
18 Gutland - 3
19 trib4lmaniac - 2

Episode 0th Rankings

0 eru_bahagon - 31
1 EddyMataGallos - 25
2 vankusss - 16
3 golfkid - 8
4 xaelar - 7
5 Mr_Lim - 5
- Ben_Schultz_11 - 5
7 Analu - 2
8 lookatthis - 1
- esp - 1

Top-20 Rankings

0 EddyMataGallos - 599
1 eru_bahagon - 586
2 lookatthis - 574
3 xaelar - 556
- Mr_Lim - 556
5 golfkid - 530
6 Hendor - 449
7 glib_jase - 444
- Ben_Schultz_11 - 444
9 ToeFaceKiller - 414
10 vankusss - 409
11 Analu - 380
12 johnny_faneca - 316
13 Darkshadow1416 - 230
14 trib4lmaniac - 185
15 Chouse - 181
16 macrohenry - 165
17 Izzy - 161
18 zapkt - 154
19 swipenet - 145

Total Point Rankings

0 xaelar - 9537
1 EddyMataGallos - 9337
2 eru_bahagon - 8946
3 lookatthis - 8269
4 Mr_Lim - 7617
5 vankusss - 7064
6 golfkid - 6358
7 Ben_Schultz_11 - 5653
8 Hendor - 4844
9 glib_jase - 3939
10 ToeFaceKiller - 3854
11 Analu - 3580
12 johnny_faneca - 3206
13 Darkshadow1416 - 2152
14 Izzy - 2056
15 swipenet - 1808
16 macrohenry - 1723
17 Chouse - 1672
18 trib4lmaniac - 1571
19 jg9000 - 1211

Total Level Score Rankings

0 xaelar : 71537.000
1 EddyMataGallos : 71401.150
2 eru_bahagon : 71289.675
3 lookatthis : 71275.225
4 Mr_Lim : 71268.475
5 analu : 70631.975
6 Hendor : 70627.500
7 golfkid : 70585.150
8 Ben_Schultz_11 : 70268.375
9 glib_jase : 70224.125
10 ToeFaceKiller : 70008.150
11 johnny_faneca : 70007.175
12 Darkshadow1416 : 69772.775
13 zapkt : 69602.800
14 jg9000 : 68776.675
15 trib4lmaniac : 68322.025
16 blobglob : 67763.800
17 macrohenry : 67291.000
18 999_Springs : 66943.850
19 vankusss : 66812.250

Total Episode Score Rankings

0 eru_bahagon : 35040.650
1 EddyMataGallos : 34381.525
2 lookatthis : 34368.600
3 Mr_Lim : 34106.500
4 Ben_Schultz_11 : 33628.500
5 golfkid : 33451.725
6 Hendor : 33325.675
7 jg9000 : 32462.500
8 analu : 32127.975
9 zapkt : 32070.025
10 ToeFaceKiller : 32068.000
11 xaelar : 30792.200
12 OnurO : 30756.475
13 loudog004 : 30543.825
14 animal_rights : 30117.050
15 ari22hoops : 29410.975
16 j0803 : 27536.275
17 poppinfresh : 27289.875
18 sayko : 27129.500
19 999_Springs : 26838.750

Community Total Scores

Community Total Level Score: 71904.300 (19:58:24.300)
Community Total Episode Score: 35382.675 (9:49:42.675)

Difference between both : 521.625 (0:08:41.625)

Sorry for no rundown this time guys and the lack of rankings for the past month. I am absurdly busy with the last few weeks of college leading up to graduation.

But what I can say is that Eddy is now 0th overall. We all already know this, but a huge congratulations to him.
I'll do a quick run down. see you soon..

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Postby Kool » 2012.05.05 (22:36)

33* 0ths bro :P

TargetAcquired: speedomination
AcquiredTarget: highscoreobliteration

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Postby ska » 2012.05.05 (23:37)

In a newly formed tradition that TRO instigated, I’ll continue to do a progress report in ascending level order.

It’s been a fairly slow month of 0th scoring, with 13 new 0ths secured over a 4 week cycle.

Nevertheless, I still find it astonishing that levels are still being improved as they are - after all, Nv1.4 is only 10 days away from approaching its 7th birthday.

There are seven different players taking and securing 0ths this past month, with raif very close to joining the party, but he was mercilessly edged out by EddyMataGallos twice before the month was up…

Raif decided to take a stab at 14-0, a level which cleanliness is only really important in the 2nd half of the map. Raif put his solid triple jumping skills to use to take out Eddy by a frame, but his victory was short-lived as Eddy came over the top with a scintillating run; utilising the tiles for added momentum and take a commanding lead on what was a few weeks ago at least – a bitter frame-war. Eddy managed to defend his 0th by 0.150 from raif, and carved 0.175 off his own original 0th.

Next up is 34-1 which I took from xaelar AKA LastFairyTail by a magical frame. Since I’ve already said basically all I wanted to already about this level, I’ll just paste what I wrote in the Metanet 0ths thread:
ska wrote:A lot of history here with this level. Finally, after playing slavishly for a few hours, I managed to take back this level by a solitary, satisfying frame after making the route innovation in the first place - who knows when!? (early 2011 at a guess - How long has LFT been used, xaelar?)... Anyway, I knew there was at least a frame left after getting a .600 agd-1 run. This really is a hellishly difficult level to 0th as there are 3 major obstacles in increasing difficulty one must overcome to get a good score, with the 3rd obstacle, (the drone dodge) being the clincher, since everything prior is really just a warm-up and this obstacle serves to be a bottleneck using the current route. I'd love to see this one MBD'd, looking at you raif (as kryx's ANGERFIST run uses a faster start - although doesn't really serve much purpose in the current route, might be able to be used in a MBD run to beat the drones.)
Phew. That's enough N for a while!
Raif – discontent with losing 14-0 took aim at 36-3. A soulless and unforgiving level with not a piece of gold in sight – ideal for someone who will often labour for dozens of hours, deconstructing levels to their atomic state, before blitzing them with an insane manually built demo. A similar level in terms of have a couple of drone bottlenecks compared with his previous 0th attempt, he managed to break the 60 barrier by a frame, trailing confessed cheater, Sp33dy by five frames, until Eddy decided to pick up a saltshaker and sadistically grind the salt right into his open wound (metaphorically of course… I think...) by taking the 0th by un marco (one frame).

60-1 – van’s first loss of the month to none other than kool.
Kool, like usual, made an extremely difficult run look like a total cinch. Anybody who has tried highscoring this level will realise just how maddening a clean run with only 3 leaps at the gold is, but still, kool does so with enough grace to steal the level by 0.1 seconds from vankusss.

The first and only episode 0th taken this month was by golfkid and guess how much it was by? If you guessed a frame, then pat yourself on the back. What is it with one frame beats this week? There are still more to come and I’m only half-way through!
Another eru episode 0th has been dethroned at the hands of golfkid, and eru has now slipped to 38 0ths, teetering a mere five 0ths from his nearest rival, kool, who sits precariously in 4th place. Looking at the level scores for 66 though, and you have to wonder if it’s only a matter of time/effort until xaelar clamps down and seizes this episode 0th. Meanwhile, congratulations to golfkid, taking nothing away from his well-paced, and well-earned 0th. It's also important to note that in an even rarer event, golfkid actually tied episode 67 with LAT this month, which should help sustain his growing cache of 0ths and puts him in outright 3rd for episode 0ths with 8 - one spot above xaelar.

Bizarrely, over half (7 out of 13) of the 0ths this week were in the 90s column. Vankusss lost his second of six 0ths this month, this time under his joking moniker “van_come_to_irc” on column-starter, 90-0 to kool-aid by a couple of frames.

Now kool as we all know by now is a straight up freak; his deft touch and uncanny precision gave him big kudos in the small, but committed speedrunning scene. But, ever determined to make a splash on the highscoring scene, kool rapidly ascended the 0th charts, even surpassing myself, who somehow managed to squirrel away 30 0ths over six and half years. The run itself is insanely precise as we have come to expect from kool; swaying from side to side against the airborne bounceblocks, he also managed to eclipse two notorious cheaters in naem and kryx.

Kool delivered again on 94-0 with some astounding drone close-calls, followed by an utterly ridiculous thwump corner jump (Seriously, if you haven’t seen this one – you’re really missing out on some quality, ice cool, vintage kool-aid)

EddyMataGallos struck again on the infamous 96-4, using practically the same route as vankusss with a more refined, and cleaner ending. Honestly, I felt a little sorry for van losing his 0th here, as this level takes more patience than a scholar being forced to listen to a drunk ramble repeatedly at a bar for 5 straight hours.

The next 0th on the agenda was this month’s biggest improvement: 98-1 with a total difference of 0.225 which just goes to show how difficult it is to take commanding leads these days…
Eddy took the honours here by using subtle corner-shoves to edge his way ahead, and maintained his lead for the rest of the level and extended his new lead as N grandmaster by two 0ths with this run.

Eddy’s fifth 0th of the week came courtesy of the next level in the episode: 98-2, where he simply outran van to claim the 0th by 0.150.
Another solid month by Eddy, I tip my hat yet again, Sir.

The next level in this hotly contested episode was also under siege this month – this time, swipenet decided to show up and pull off a very impressive run on 98-3, putting more hurt on van’s 0th tally. (Neither van or xaelar took any 0ths last month.)

Finally, the last level of the game (99-4) got some repeat business with what is undoubtedly the most mysterious player around today - TWA_MATO_Titan. The 91-4 0th holder has held 99-4 a few times but keeps getting leap-frogged despite several improvements.
He has played 2nd fiddle to vankusss, Hendor and lookatthis to name a few over the years, and his dedication to 99-4 as well as 91-4 is disconcerting to say the least - not to mention his fairly recent and unexpected 0th on 59-4 which has since been taken back by an undeterred vankusss.

I wonder what this month has in store? Will vankusss strike back on 99-4 and others? Will Eddy remain grandmaster? Will someone come up with a crazy innovation? Can kool continue his rampage and overtake eru? I can’t wait to find out - stay tuned!

Hopefully there aren’t too many errors, it’s 9:30am and I haven’t slept yet!

Thanks for reading,
- ska
Last edited by ska on 2012.05.06 (04:31), edited 3 times in total.

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Postby EddyMataGallos » 2012.05.06 (00:22)

WOW that was awesome ska, great and very detailed reading, really enjoyed going through it :D
Only mistake I found:
ska wrote:This 0th (98-1) was this month’s biggest improvement, with a total difference of 0.225 which just goes to show how difficult it is to take commanding leads these days…
Eddy took the honours here by using subtle corner-shoves to edge his way ahead, and maintained his lead for the rest of the level and extended his new lead as N grandmaster by two 0ths with this run.
Impressive flag by ska -|- N2High - My software for N2.0 -|- Awesome sig by Hendor
About me & Stats (Spoiler)

Hi, im Eddy, a Spanish highscorer and current Grandmaster of N. I've been playing N since 2006, I beat it on the 8th September 2008, and NReality later too. Started intermittently highscoring Metanet in 2010, although serious highscoring started in late 2011.

Current Stats
• Completed N on 8th Sept. 2008
• Completed NReality on 24th Dec. 2010
0th Place on Metanet 0th Rankings with 443 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Top20 Rankings with 599 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Top10 Rankings with 599 Scores.
1st Place on Metanet Top5 Rankings with 595 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Level 0th Rankings with 361 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Episode 0th Rankings with 82 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Total Level Score: 72142.900 (20:02:22.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Episode Score: 35669.900 (09:54:29.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Point Rankings with 11669 Points.
0th Place in NReality 0th Rankings with 235 0ths.
0th Place for a grand total of 676 Total 0ths.
• Winner of some contests (BUST, 100, 9000, Bounty Hunters, SOAST) and of some rounds of some contests (ROPP, NErratic, Red Ball, NReality Team Arena)

{Info as of 01/Feb/2015} The info may be outdated.

• 6th highscorer to reach 100 Metanet 0ths
• 4th highscorer to reach 200 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 300 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 400 Metanet 0ths
• 8th ever Grandmaster
• 2nd* highscorer to reach 599 top-20 Scores
• 1st highscorer to reach 599 top-10 Scores
• 10th highscorer to reach 70k Level Score
• 5th highscorer to reach 71k Level Score
• 2nd highscorer to reach 71.5k Level Score
• 1st highscorer to reach 72k Level Score

Relevant Dates
• First 0th: 31-3 on 04/Oct/10
• Reached 100 Metanet 0ths on 25/Feb/12
• Reached 200 Metanet 0ths on 30/Sep/12
• Reached 300 Metanet 0ths on 16/Mar/13
• Reached 400 Metanet 0ths on 04/Sept/14
• Reached highest amount of 0ths on Jan/2013
• Became the Grandmaster on 12/Apr/2012
• Reached 70k Level Score on 25/Dec/11
• Reached 71k Level Score on 13/Jan/11
• Reached 71.5k Level Score on 01/Aug/12
• Reached 72k Level Score on 04/Jul/14
• Completed N 1.4 on 08/Sept/08
• Completed NReality on 24/Dec/10
• Reached 100 NReality 0ths on Oct/2011
• Reached 200 NReality 0ths on Nov/2011
• Reached 100 Top-20 Scores on Aug/10
• Reached 200 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 300 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 400 Top-20 Scores on Dec/11
• Reached 500 Top-20 Scores on Jan/12
• Reached 599 Top-20 Scores on 04/Apr/12
• Reached 599 Top-10 Scores on 18/Nov/12

Deds & Images (Spoiler)

Thanks to ska for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to BluePretzel for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to da_guru for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this full episode to me!: 00-0 00-100-2 00-3 00-4
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this mappack to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to runningninja for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to trance for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to llabesab for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Traveleravi for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to 123leonidas321 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Ors_II for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Sunset for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Leonhard for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Daggafork for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to RandomDigits/SpartaX18 for dedicating this map to me
Sorry if Im missing any ded.

ImageThanks to leo.

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Postby ska » 2012.05.06 (02:37)

Thanks - gladly fixed by clarifying unmarked levels. =)

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Postby Kool » 2012.05.06 (03:10)

I really enjoyed this ska,I would love to see you continue this. Sunday N (HighscoreStyle)

dope my good sir.

Edit: Colder than ice... burrrrr lol

TargetAcquired: speedomination
AcquiredTarget: highscoreobliteration

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Postby TheRealOne » 2012.05.06 (04:09)

Kool wrote:33* 0ths bro :P
You are right. Sorry about that. I was correcting for your double 0th on 03-2, but I forgot Eru's newest nHigh corrects for double scores.

@ska, That was an amazing read. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the whole thing. Your writing ability far exceeds mine. Unsurprisingly that is probably why you are kicking my ass in Scramble... I hope you will continue this and I will try and get more frequent updates out, but I can't promise anything.
<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.

<@Kool> bro no joke, I saw the sexiest swedish chick giving herself anal on one of those pop-up alarm-clocks at my uncle's house

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