Vehemence 4 as THE23

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Postby zoasBE » 2013.03.11 (19:50)


lfaber challenged me, so, I have done another 100 new maps for Vehemence 4.
This time as my alter ego, THE23.
Please, enjoy!!!

Ok, lfaber challenged me, he told me that if I was able to do this again...
So, here's first day as THE23.
time taken.: 8 hours 30 minutes aprox. with several intervals.
technique used.: all the 25 maps in day 1 are remixes from original v1.4 metanet maps.
difficulty.: medium-hard.


This one took me a bit more due the difficulty, playtest and complexity of the maps, there are cool and hard minejumpers.
time taken.: about 12 hours, even sleeping in between.
technique used.: almost every map are remixes from mediate's V4 maps selected randomly, plus some that came out of nowhere.
difficulty.: mainly pretty hard, full of minejumpers and hard conceptual maps.


Didn't took so long as the previous since some of the maps are not that complex, but I was on other things those days..
time taken.: I guess about 10 hours, even passing days in between. :P
technique used.: this time I made something crazy, selecting randomly with NUMA hacking VODKALOVERS maps, having an overall impression of each map, and creating from each something completely new and different, bigger too, also, there are like 10 other maps that emerged from different ideas.
difficulty.: a medium level of difficulty, plus some easy ones, since they are smaller and simpler.


I have enjoyed a lot doing this particular day, and again, making the whole thing, that's a great mapping experience.
time taken.: for sure more than 14 hours, this it's plenty of complex maps.
technique used.: and this last time the technique used has been pretty simple, almost every map it's from some of Traveleravi's early ones, Remixes, Retiles, Reobjects, taking ideas and so on, and a pair of them elsewhere.
difficulty.: certainly is the most difficult day, hard maps.

100 Maps!
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Postby Leonidas » 2013.03.12 (01:26)

Here you go, I may be a little harsh but its because I expect a lot from great authors like you (and I always want to offer improvement). Know that I don't mean anything offensive, this is purely opinion, and probably better than anything I could've done.

00- Good way to start off. Easy for #1, and relaxing.
01- Another good, easy map. Fun to jump across, although could get tedious at times on the way back up.
02- Looks cool. I love maps that are centered near the top of the board. Tiles are cool but can get annoying on the edges.
03- Wow! I love those two drones that went in the windows. Very cool! Gameplay is nice, too.
04- I really like the progression of difficulty going on. These maps are slowly getting harder and better. However, this map seemed way too much like that level in the official game :/
05- Honestly, the lasers seemed too restricting. It was fun at first, but annoying when I'd fall straight down right into a laser.
06- The layout is very eccentric, but I like it. The launchpad is pretty cool, and actually that whole area.
07- This feels mainly like a minejumper. The gauss is pretty nicely placed, but the floorguarg is just meh...
08- Wait... this is based off of the metanet level, again. Is there supposed to be a theme of revised maps? That is cool, but some people might find it as plagiarism.
09- This is a good one, and the structure is very metanet-y. It was fun to try to get all the keys.
10- While this was probably inspired by jerry or l_d, it was a fun experience, although that laser got on my nerves.
11- Zack? like trance/1211? That's cool. I really liked the chamber-istic feel of this map.
12- Yup. definitely eto took some part in this. It was pretty hard, but I beat it without even realizing it. Also that gold was awesome!
13- Haha nice title. The different areas were interesting. Nothing much else.
14- I don't know how, but you make the gold in your maps SO tempting! That upper-left area was great.
15- The gold deposits are really fun to get to. This was fun and relaxing.
16- Once again, nice gold. This reminded me of a quarry. I liked it for the most part.
17- This has a great feel and look. On the other hand, the enemies weren't the best.
18- The drone conga-line was awesome, and the trapdoor mechanic thing was fun to attempt, and get back to the right side.
19- IMO, most of these rotating drones did barely anything. Not good.
20- Yet another metanet-y map. This one was very well executed, though. except the gauss didn't do much when I played :/
21- That gold was like WHOA! But the double-jumping on the bounceblock was fun.
22- Naaahhhh... not really art. In fact, most of your other maps were way more artistic than this, imo. Kind of boring here.
23- This was a simple, mechanical map. It took some time, but I got ahold of the rythm.
24- Same type of thing. Except this one got boring :|
25- I didn't really get the thrill of this one. I hope the maps aren't starting to slack off... :P
26- Now THIS is an adventure!!! I was thoroughly hooked. Great job!
27- meh... kind of a break from all the fun. It was sophisticated enough.
28- This was very parkour-y and awesome. Great style and rythm
29- Probably close to one of my favorites. I love one ways and glitches, and this was quick action. It just felt like it was missing something, though...
30- Classic up-and-down exploration. Good map. Nothing else.
31- Interesting impression. I thought it would be very fun, but it was kind of cramped. This has potential for a great level though. I love the trapdoor thing
32- I couldn't get far in this. Certain parts were annoying. This is probably a good map, but I wasn't good enough to make it that far.
33- The symmetrical layout is fascinating. That rocket is very pressuring, which can be both good and bad.
34- Well OK then.
35- Yes! Gold fuzz! Those rockets are tough, though.
36- This doesn't interest me because there is no gold. This is a decent challenge however.
37- Wow! Even though this was overkill, this was probably one of my favorite maps! Love it!
38- It looked good (except the first gold/mine) but played bland.
39- This was good, but not zoas-style enough.
40- Don't. Overload. Rockets. In. The. Beginning. Otherwise, this was a nice map overall.
41- Overall, this was enjoyable. A fine minimap.
42- Nothing much. Fun. Kind of Bland.
43- Wow this is cool! I find it impossible to agd though XD
44- After getting so used to your style, its hard to play a map with normally-placed gold. Rocket was nice and pressurizing.
45- Oh great, another traveleravi collab... wait. This is actually really fun! One-ways are cool. idea is nice. I was able to rig the floorguards, though, and smush them together.
46- Normally no-gold maps are stupid, but this was very entertaining. The drones were so fun to annoy.
47- Avoiding the rockets was hard, but otherwise this was a solid, great map.
48- Well now that we are on the amazing-tileset side of traveleravi, this was a cool minejumper-ish map.
49- Zoas-style at its best. Really cool one-way-hallway-structure!
50-74 I have already played.

That's it for now. Great pack so far, and I will most likely do the rest of the map comments.
:D I haven't proofread this.

From Streetsahead

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Postby zoasBE » 2013.03.12 (08:59)

Wow, thank you so much Leo!
Althought I disagree with you in some of your opinions, but you know, opinions are opinions.. ;)
I challenge you to beat all the maps in where you mean, boring, bland or meh.. Definitely here are some maps that are not so intense, it's true, you know, it's crazy to do 25 maps in a single day and that all of them are intense and amazing, can not all be masterpieces, and also I wanted some balance and not all of them were hard or impressive. Some retro-feeback to you here:

02- The key is that you didn't use the edges, you need to jump without hitting them.
05- That's just the joy of this map, you need to plan and hide in every fall on the E-tiles columns by sliding and wall-jumping until the lasers let you hit the lp again to reach the top one more time, also the key is trying to get the most amount of gold in every go, so you need less comings and goings to top. ;)
07- Aesthetically floorguard is its name. :P
10- Never inspired by Jerry and l_d it is not the only one who holds things in boxes of locked doors, that concept it's very old and used.
19- Did nothing? Wow, I definitely challenge you to get an AGD here and see if they do something or not.
22- See NUMA.. :P
25- Try it harder, and don't worry, they aren't starting to slack off... ;)
27- Wow man, in my case and IMHO this it's one of my favorites, I really like this stylish minejumper!!
36- Yes, definitely gold does not fit into this, just a quick and race'ish challenge.
40- I. Like. This. Kind. Of. Weird. And. OverloadedFunny. And. Challenge. Things. Thank you Leo :P ;)
43- wow one of my favorites, see it in NUMA coming, btw, AGD it's possible... XD
49- Thanks!!! :D

Oh almost forgot, indeed all 25 first maps are remixes of original Metanet, this is the essence, and you have not actually noticed a lot of them ;) Also, next 25 are from mediate's V4 maps remixes and so on. Anyway, this was written in the description.

Althought you have already played maps 50-74, It would be really impressive if you could write also your short but helpful description for every one, I'm pretty much interesed.

Again Leo, thank you very much!!! :D
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Postby Leonidas » 2013.03.12 (11:58)

Alright! doing the next set of one-sentences soon ;)

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Postby Leonidas » 2013.03.12 (21:33)

50- I liked the little bounce-block that you started off in! This was a little too hard for me as a first map, though.
51- Structure and layout was really cool. Except I couldn't beat this one :/
52- Haha, really nice tiles. Fun map.
53- That one-way structure is very interesting. Otherwise, a solid map.
54- Ok I didn't like that rocket in the beginning. Middle part was challenging. I liked the top part, as an extra challenge.
55- Good symmetry. I hate the bottom part with the mines.
56- I liked this one a lot. The beginning was very nice and pressurizing.
57- I liked that parkour move. The challenge was great!
58- Fun to figure out. That gold bean was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long.
59- I didn't like this one at all. I didn't get far, and it annoyed me (although the tiles were pretty cool)
60- Pretty cool. mines could be a bit annoying
61- Every time I play this I smile at its name "a drawing" because it seems so sloppy, but really it is very organized. It is WAY too hard for me, but still one of my favorites.
62- This is probably a stupid question, but who is pitchforx? :/ Cool tileset.
63- At first I was like "I don't get it." Then I tried it. Very funny, comic relief XD
64- I really like the slowly changing gold texture. Fun and relaxing.
66- Very awesome. For a 7x7 map (hmmm interesting...again) it was very adventurous.
67- Get this out of my face. Never again. I even tried it in fbf and it was basically impossible. Least favorite in the pack. Sorry if I am being harsh XD
68- The circle of rockets was actually pretty good-working, except for clumping. It was a nice challenge, and that drone was interesting.
69- Another favorite. While the gameplay wasn't that good, it was awesome aesthetically.
70- The second I saw the drones come out, I knew it was going to get annoying. Maybe it would be better with only 2 drones?
71- Loved the launchpad. Would have been awesome, but the combined force of the rockets ruined it for me.
72- Looks nice. Feels good. Seems metanet-y. Nice challenge
73- Probably my favorite in the whole pack. This was awesome. I was so hooked!
74- After the amazing last map, this kind of ruined it. The start was torturous.

OK I will try to do another set later. Keep up the good work! Great pack, once again.

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Postby Leonidas » 2013.03.13 (23:59)

next set coming soon... ;)

From Streetsahead

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Postby Leonidas » 2013.03.14 (00:28)

75- Too hard to start off the next set, but this was fun to explore around.
76- The gold is a fun challenge that's extra. Tiles are cool, but don't fit in the pack (they aren't zoas-y enough)
77- This, again, is fun to explore. Its like a dangerous mountain.
78- Didn't like this. Like a giant mine clump, really? :/
79- Yaay this is way better. A nice conceptual map
80- Nice small map, but that gold in the two tunnels is like impossible.
81- Slow moving and relaxing. Almost too relaxing. too relaxing = boring.
82- Wow this is actually really cool. It is like an advanced maze.
83- Once again, relaxing. This doesn't fit the pack though.
84- The map feels really super-ninja-y. I wish there was something besides E-tiles.
85- Nicely done concept here. Feels cool.
86- Epic tileset. Feels like its missing something though.
87- Fun and solid map. I like that gold square.
88- Liked the separate challenges. A little too easy. And what does this have to do with fibonacci?
89- Pretty fun. Nothing special. God layout.
90- haha nice jumper puzzle. Obviously, good tileset. I couldn't get the last part though.
91- Haha nice solid map. Feeling inspired much? :P
92- It was an OK layout but everything seemed to get in the way.
93- Wow, just as good as the first one.
94- This is getting boring. At first I thought this section was the best, but it is getting tiring.
95- Metanet-y. I like the different parts, separately.
96- Whoa whoa WHOA! This would be fun, but it is too hard for me...
97- Cool, Reminds me of one of my earlier puzzle/parkour maps.
98- Not as fun as first. Too open and just......
99- Last map wasn't memorable enough, but :D

OK so this last section was pretty disappointing. Remember that this is just my opinion, and I loved the pack. The last section, however, came across as boring, filler-ish, over-metanet-y, and not zoas-style enough.
My favorite maps were the concept ones, the super fun ones, and mostly the earlier-to-midsection ones.

Overall, this is what I give the pack:

Enjoyment: 8.5/10
Gameplay: 7.5/10
Aesthetics: 8/10
Style: 9/10

It was great, and thoroughly enjoyed. Remove the last maybe 15 maps, make an amazing last map, and you have a perfect pack.


From Streetsahead

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Postby zoasBE » 2013.03.14 (18:53)

Great, great, great Leo, thank you!!

It was really satisfying and interesting reading all your opinions, frankly, I liked it. And this time I'm a bit agree with you about the last day, they are also my less favorites in the pack, althought there are still some conceptual and cool ones, like 75, 82, 85, 86, 88, 89, the planetary ones and still I really like 98 unlike you. But hey! You're awesome, thanks.

An average score of 8.25 out of 10 is an impressive note for a pack of these characteristics, given how it was made and its essence, quick maps, quick first impressions and ideas. Wow, thanks. I hope you also like the future packs that I am preparing with more time, effort and dedication.

Also, I did something with love for you:

Obviously both runs were made in real time, enjoy watching, and thank you again!!! ;)
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Postby Leonidas » 2013.03.15 (12:16)

Very impressive! Yeah i would never be able to make runs like that... XD

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Postby zoasBE » 2013.03.16 (22:14)

123leonidas321 wrote:Very impressive! Yeah i would never be able to make runs like that... XD
They are not that hard, surely some day soon you improve your skills Leo! ;)
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Postby zoasBE » 2013.03.20 (20:01)

A dozen of pretty decent runs that I kept from the playtest here. XD
15 decent runs.
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Postby Traveleravi » 2013.03.22 (23:24)

The first day was really fun. Most of them were pretty easy and beatable by someone who sucks as much as me. A lot of them have a lot of routes and I spent a decent amount of time on them.

The second day I think was a lot more creative than the first day they were also a lot harder. While I could beat almost all of the maps from the first day the second day I could only beat a few. The ones I could not beat were still fun of course as I still enjoy getting hit by multiple rockets. :) (cough number 40 cough) Several of these were very small and simple and I enjoyed those immensely. (cough number 41 cough)

Here is my attempt at a speedrun of 45.

Code: Select all

48 is wonderful and will appear in Dragons.

The third day had a lot of things that I liked. I really like what you did to the 3x3s. With a lot of these maps you succeeded in integrating such a small map into a much bigger map. I really liked how many of these maps felt very constricted and puzzle-like but also had the freedom of a large adventure map. I think that at some point you should make a map that is a large map and includes 5 puzzle like 3x3s in it. That would be really awesome.

Your inclusion of some 7x7. I like the puzzle aspects. they remind me a lot of Vodka's maps but they are slightly larger and so there is a lot more that you can do. Were you influenced by Neves? :D

The fourth day was amazing! I like how much you focused on me :D Many of the things that you did to my maps were wondrous. Some of my really shitty maps were made way better by your genius. While a lot of these were really hard they were very fun to play.

All of these maps were amazing. I really enjoyed playing them and I am glad that you made them. Wonderful job! 5/5
Everything is connected.








"Fuck me
You shit out maps like nobody's business. Speedrun."

"Oh my fucking god
The Gold is just unbelievable."

"i also like it when people tell you not to do things like this. usually they have no good reason why and thats hilarious..."

"He [Traveleravi], like lfaber, helped start me off with making better maps. He constantly is helping me improve."


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Postby zoasBE » 2013.03.23 (13:14)

Wowow Traveleravi!!!
Your words are a lot to me! I really appreciated it, glad you liked it too. XD
Thank you!
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