NUMA is down. We don't know how long it will be, if at all, until it returns. Radio silence from Arachnid has us hoping for the best while expecting the worst.
But what will this mean for the art of mapping? Does that mean that all the mappers should just pause their craft? To give up on their passions, their creative outlets, the fountain of ideas that is the canvas of NED, only begging to be painted upon?
Short answer: no. Long answer: fuck no.
This thread shall be our very own NUMA. Post your own maps, comment and/or rate the maps of other players, share demos... this is a thread for all of that, and much more!
I'll start with a map that I made during NUMA downtime. After that, comment/rate/post/demo away! NUMA may be dead, but its spirit shall live on in this thread, and I am confident that you all shall help me working towards this goal.
Map Name: Convoluted Congregation
Author: lifdoff
Tags: action, drones, gauss, lasers, long-ish, hard-ish
Description: Action map, with many different enemies and multiple routes. Playtested by macro.