I think that this would be a really fun thing to do. I've made this thread to see if anyone else does.IRC wrote:[12:12] <gloomp> So, hey, I had an idea for something we could do some time.
[12:13] <Nicnac14> what?
[12:14] <gloomp> Y'know how they have community listens in #music? Well, what if we had a community watch? Like, watch a film together.
[12:14] <Laurie|NES> #films
[12:14] <Nicnac14> #movies hehe
[12:14] <gloomp> Find one legally available on the Internet, and bam!
[12:15] <gloomp> Not now, though, I'll need to get off in a half hour or so.
[12:15] <gloomp> Oh, and I like the idea of a movies channel.
[12:17] <gloomp> So, if we do it, care to hear what I suggest?
[12:17] <Nicnac14> yes..
[12:17] <Laurie|NES> Sure.
[12:17] <gloomp> http://www.ubu.com/film/snow_wavelength.html
[12:18] <gloomp> "With his film Wavelength, Michael Snow revolutionized the international Avant-garde film scene like no other production."
[12:19] <gloomp> It's on the list of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die.
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I do Sigs... Want one? I made this one..
- Bayking
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Great! This is starting to come together!Animator wrote:I could bring back #Cinema for this occasion if you want to, Gloomp.
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gloomp> ARE WE READY?
<sidke> Is this a 'popcorn' movie or not :P
<victim> No.
<sidke> WE READY>
<victim> Read.
<GTM> Yes I am!
<victim> Ready*
<GTM> Yes I am!
<GTM> Yes I am!
<GTM> Yes I ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
<gloomp> OKAY AT THE PAGE?
* GTM imitates Elton John badly
<victim> LETS DO THIS!!!
<gloomp> ALRIGHT IN
<gloomp> 5
<sidke> This thing won't go fullscreen, will it?
<gloomp> No.
<victim> No.
<gloomp> 4
<gloomp> 3
<sidke> Damn.
<GTM> ...
<sidke> K.
<GTM> 3
<gloomp> 2
<GTM> 4
<gloomp> 1
<GTM> 5
<sidke> ...
<gloomp> NOW
<sidke> PRESSED!
<sidke> 12:34.
<gloomp> It's going.
<gloomp> :D
<GTM> What? Wheres the link?
<sidke> I see... a bookcase.
<victim> http://www.ubu.com/film/snow_wavelength.html
<victim> Scary.
<GTM> kk
<gloomp> It's a fairly old film.
<sidke> Hahaha.
<sidke> 'Virus database has been updated'
<victim> ?
<sidke> Avast decided to update while I'm watching this.
<gloomp> It does start to track in on something eventually.
<sidke> I trust you, gloomp.
<victim> Just watch.
-->| Brttrx ([email protected]) has joined #Cinema
<gloomp> !Movie
<Animator> The current movie that is being watched is Wavelength, by Micheal Snow. Link: http://www.ubu.com/film/snow_wavelength.html
<gloomp> PEOPLE!
<Brttrx> Hah, this is rad
<sidke> You could put 'viewing in session' in the topic
<sidke> Music!
<gloomp> Oh, yeah.
<GTM> ...
<sidke> How you faring, ghm?
=-= gloomp has changed the topic to “For all your movie needs! | Type !Movie for the current movie that's going to be watched/being watched. | http://forum.therealn.com/viewtopic.php ... 715#p19715 | VIEWING IN SESSION”
<sidke> :DD
<gloomp> Whoa, colorful.
<GTM> So far so abstract
<sidke> Person #2 has left.
<gloomp> I see movement!
<sidke> I like the song.
<gloomp> I think it's the Beatles.
<sidke> Ah, that's why I ike it.
<sidke> Like.
<GTM> lol
<gloomp> Beatles are great.
<sidke> Uhoh... Person #3 has left.
<sidke> Er.. 1
<Brttrx> God damn slow computer, dont think I can join yall =(
<gloomp> Aww.
<victim> :(
<gloomp> COLOR CHANGE!
<Brttrx> Sorry guys =(
<--| Brttrx has left #Cinema (Bye)
<sidke> Is it the computer or your network, brttrx?
<sidke> Dang dang...
<sidke> I missed.
<sidke> Wait...
<sidke> Did we just zoom in
<sidke> ?
<gloomp> It's moving in.
<gloomp> Ha, beat me.
<sidke> This is fun, this collaborative film viewing.
<--| GTM has left #Cinema
<sidke> ... bye ghm.
<gloomp> :(
<sidke> Maybe for the next time we'll have to find something to keep their attention for longer than a few minutes...
<gloomp> Heh.
<sidke> I'm liking this, though.
<gloomp> WHOA
<sidke> Trippy.
<sidke> Washed color.
<gloomp> Invertotron!
<sidke> It's... A bee!!
<gloomp> It's sooo white.
<sidke> zzzzzzzzzzzz SPLAT!
<victim> Yeah
<gloomp> It's getting louder.
<sidke> And higher.
<sidke> If we find fullscreen films, we might have to move #cinema to vent :)
<gloomp> Ooh, yeah.
<gloomp> I'd have to get my mic working.
<gloomp> A SHADOW
<gloomp> DID ANY YOU SEE IT?
<sidke> Yep, it's not just my imagination; the tone's getting higher.
<victim> Missed it. :/
<sidke> I saw /something/ at the bottom of the window.
<victim> It is.
<gloomp> Whiteout.
<sidke> Weeer back.
<gloomp> And back.
<gloomp> And greeeeeeeeen.
<sidke> Ah! A subtle zoom.
-->| NicNac ([email protected]) has joined #Cinema
<gloomp> Oh! I missed it@
<gloomp> !*
<NicNac> hahaha....
<sidke> I think our director enjoys playing with his aperture.
<NicNac> that was one weird movie
<gloomp> Something waving at the windiw.
<gloomp> Or was.
<sidke> Another zoom.
<gloomp> Ooh, yeah.
<sidke> Man, I'm at the edge of my seat ^^
<victim> ha h ah
<gloomp> Boy, this would be simpler on Vent; I have to look at the keyboard when I type, meaning I miss the zooms.
<sidke> Heheh
<sidke> I've got muffins.
<gloomp> A pulsing light at the window?
<sidke> Or mr. d playing with our aperture
<gloomp> Mr. D?
<sidke> director man
<sidke> i cant shift because my other hands got a muffin
<gloomp> He's Mr. S.
<sidke> oh! there's his name
<victim> Cap lock.
<sidke> and... breaking stuff
<gloomp> SIRENS
<victim> What the...
<gloomp> Whoa.
<sidke> Pulsing blue
<sidke> Wicked.
<gloomp> The widows look windswept.
<NicNac> its so random... how ever did you find this movie gloomp?
<sidke> Oooh!
<sidke> Lol.
<gloomp> 1001 M- WAIT WHAT THE?
<sidke> Lol did he just... lie down there?
<sidke> Is he dead?
<victim> The room looks different.
<sidke> I can shit squat because of the pinkage.
<sidke> seE***
<gloomp> Yeah.
<sidke> see*
<gloomp> Anyway, to answer your question, NicNac, it's in 1001 Movie you Must See Before you Die..
<sidke> Eum...
<gloomp> Oh! I know why it looks different!
<sidke> I'm thinking the colors are purely a problem with the tape
<gloomp> Much zoomage.
<gloomp> Actually, I think they're suppose to be like that.
<NicNac> wow..
<sidke> ...
<sidke> The wave is nagging :)
<gloomp> It looks like it's dark out.
<gloomp> Strange.
<sidke> Yeah.
<gloomp> ZOOM
<gloomp> ZOOM
<sidke> zoom zoom zoom.
<NicNac> zoom zoom.
<NicNac> zoom
<sidke> Moooo's?
<sidke> Ow.
<gloomp> Wobble.
<sidke> That's the tape
<sidke> no doubt about it.
<victim> What the fuck!
<gloomp> Zeeem.
<sidke> Hahaha.
<gloomp> Orange.
<sidke> My cat's like 'wtf' at my headphones.
* gloomp turns down volume
<gloomp> My headphones are broken. :(
<gloomp> WHITOUT!
<gloomp> WHITEOUT*
<sidke> I can't do speakers...
<sidke> My room isn't my room yet.
<sidke> Well, it won't be...
<sidke> Anywho.
<sidke> WHITE~!!
<gloomp> Lots of white.
<sidke> Heh.Yep, my cat's going curious-mode on me.
<gloomp> Haha.
<gloomp> If my cats were around . . .
<gloomp> Yeeeeshrill!
<sidke> Yeshril?
<sidke> ll*
<gloomp> Shrill.
<sidke> See? Tape wobblage.
<gloomp> Yeeah.
<sidke> Aha!
<sidke> We're back.
<sidke> And it's light outside.
<gloomp> Woooooo.
<victim> This is trippin balls.
<sidke> There are your shadows, gloomp.
<gloomp> Cars.
<sidke> Areg... I didn't mean to beep you.
<gloomp> It's alright.
<sidke> I'll be saying glmox from now on during movie mode.
<gloomp> Alright.
<gloomp> Man, this is getting really high.
<sidke> It'll only get higher ^^
<gloomp> Hey, I see words outside.
<sidke> Woah
<sidke> You're right.
<sidke> US H, I see.
<gloomp> US
<sidke> And DWA
<gloomp> TKA, maybe?
<--| NicNac has left #Cinema (Leaving)
<gloomp> UL
<sidke> Bye nicnac...
<sidke> ULC?
<sidke> ULO
<gloomp> Yeah, think so.
<gloomp> OL at the top.
sidke> Is vicma still with us?
<sidke> and it's dark out again.
<sidke> Person!
<sidke> Phoning.
<gloomp> Perhaps about the dead man?
<sidke> man lying on the floor
<sidke> and I think he's dead
<gloomp> "A BODY"
<sidke> what should I do?
<sidke> I couldn't really hear her.
<gloomp> Hagup.
<gloomp> Hang up*
<sidke> Reflectionism.
<sidke> The hag hung up.
<gloomp> Haha.
<gloomp> Flashing o_O
<sidke> The hag was flashing?
<sidke> O___o?
<gloomp> Hey! It's dark out!
<sidke> Again.
<sidke> How does he control time so?
<sidke> This Michael Snow.
<gloomp> Wonder what those pictures at the top are?
<victim> What's with the noise?
<sidke> They're like.... people.
<gloomp> It's sine wave.
<sidke> vicma's with us, cool.
<gloomp> The middle looks like a . . . landscape.
<sidke> We're at the whim of Mr. S., and he has decided to put us through a gradually shortening sine wave.
<sidke> Crap.
<sidke> We zoomed out.
<sidke> ...
<gloomp> D:
<sidke> Right when I was starting to get the picture.
<gloomp> It looks like the sea.
<gloomp> From here.
<gloomp> IN AGAIN
<sidke> Oh.
<sidke> It says it right there:
<sidke> "to a photograph of waves"
<gloomp> I thought so.
<victim> We should have watched the "WVLNT" version.
<gloomp> The what?
<sidke> I've got a 1920x1200 screen... The film covers about 10% of my screen...
<victim> Wavelength For Those Who Don't Have the Time
<gloomp> Haha.
<sidke> Hahah.
<victim> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wavelength ... ;#Versions
<sidke> We've time.
<sidke> We're almost done, too.
<gloomp> I hope.
<sidke> we've*
<victim> Yeah.
<victim> My brain is going to explode.
<sidke> Strobe effects
<gloomp> My mother ordered pizza, I'm hoping it'll get here after this.
<sidke> Warning: Those prone to epileptic episodes, please don't view this film. Ever.
<sidke> It's not easy being green.
<victim> Why is the camera zooming?
<sidke> B&W
<sidke> Wait.
<sidke> There we have it
<sidke> There aren't supposed to be colors!
<sidke> It's the tape's fault!
<sidke> Wavelength
<sidke> By Michael Snow, 1967
<sidke> 45 min., b&w, 16mm
<gloomp> o____O
<sidke> Yet, te reflection in the window is purple...
<sidke> the*
<sidke> And wait...
<sidke> Pizza?!?!?
<sidke> Lucky.
<gloomp> Well, the bad tape enhanced the experience, I think.
<gloomp> I know.
<sidke> I'll give you two muffins for one slice of pizza.
<gloomp> Sorry, saving my appetite.
<sidke> Bah.
<sidke> I'll get my pwn pizza.
<sidke> Lol... own*
<gloomp> Hahaha.
<sidke> And /keep/ my muffins.
<gloomp> Oooh, picture becoming clear now!
<sidke> It looks like clouds.
<sidke> And a landscape with a mountain.
<gloomp> And mountain tops.
<sidke> Yeah.
<gloomp> WHOA
<gloomp> JUMP
sidke> Whitage
<sidke> I'm going lose my hearing soon.
<sidke> Sirens!!
<sidke> Oh wait, that's the wave.
<sidke> WAVES
<victim> Woah... the photo disappeaered.
<gloomp> :DDDD
<sidke> No the photo is there.
<sidke> That /is/ the photo
<gloomp> Yuup.
<victim> Huh... that zoom was quick.
<sidke> Looks like clourds
<sidke> clouds.
<gloomp> It'll soon be over. ;_;
<sidke> Or some metallic surface.
<victim> Just to let everyone know, next week, we're watching Teeth.
<sidke> Burlap, at x100 zoom.
<sidke> Heheh.
<gloomp> Heh. It might be before next week, and it might not be Teeth.
<victim> :(
<gloomp> Just sayin'.
<victim> Teeth is good.
<sidke> That'd be cool though. A film every couple of days.
<sidke> Or weekends.. Or whatnot.
<gloomp> I want to keep thing legal.
<sidke> And the short films are cool to choose from.
<sidke> Yep, I lost hearing of the wave.
<victim> Me too.
<gloomp> Yeah - HEY HEAR WAVES
<gloomp> ?
<sidke> Ah, so it's not just me.
<gloomp> Blur!
<gloomp> White!
<sidke> Hey, glmox, we could also choose commercials to watch.
<gloomp> Almost over!
<gloomp> Haha, that'd be cool.
<sidke> Like extended commercials.
<sidke> Aaand Done!
<victim> Not yet.
<gloomp> WELLLLLL.
* sidke applauses.
<victim> What is that at the end?
<gloomp> IT'S OVER ;_;
<victim> Huh...
<sidke> Yay!
<sidke> Yay!
<sidke> Fun movie, gloomp!
<victim> That was... interesting.
<gloomp> Thanks.
<gloomp> So, what would be good for next time?
<sidke> hmm...
<sidke> I was hoping I could find some stuff from a film festival.
<gloomp> I'mma look around UBU. They have some good stuff. But I like your idea to, sidke.
<sidke> About commercials?
<gloomp> And film festival.
<sidke> Ah.
<sidke> Yeah, I attended one in Gent,
<sidke> and they were pretty short
<sidke> but good.
<sidke> And they were everything... Animation, abstract, live action, drama.
<gloomp> Huh.
<sidke> It'd be cool to find one online or such.
<sidke> That's like < 10 minutes.
<gloomp> Hmm.
|<-- victim has left irc.waypasteleven.net (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Now with extra fish!)
<sidke> There was one continuous shot one that was about illegal immigrants.
<sidke> Bye victim.
<sidke> It was like 10 minutes.
<sidke> Gah.
<sidke> I can't look at the films shown in 2006...
<gloomp> Aww.
<sidke> Glmox, http://www.filmfights.com/index.php?pageid=7922
<sidke> Wait..
<sidke> Not really what I was looking for.
<gloomp> You can start call me gloomp now, if you want.
<sidke> Oh, right.
<sidke> Heh. :P
<gloomp> :P
<sidke> Here: http://www.studentfilms.com/
<sidke> Fudge...
<sidke> It requires quicktime
<sidke> Well, if one doesn't mind quicktime they could play it.
<sidke> Hmm.
<sidke> If registration is free: http://www.haydenfilms.com/
<gloomp> http://www.stumbleupon.com/tag/indie-film/ could be useful.
<sidke> Some parts of Haydenfilms.com are available only to registered members. Registration if free, takes only a few seconds, and allows instant access to the member areas of haydenfilms.com.
<sidke> Cool beans
<sidke> Hey gloomp, if you want I can be charged with the duty of updating the topic.
<gloomp> Oh, heh I'll do it.
=-= gloomp has changed the topic to “For all your movie needs! | Type !Movie for the current movie that's going to be watched/being watched. | http://forum.therealn.com/viewtopic.php ... 715#p19715”
<sidke> :)
<gloomp> There.
<sidke> ... registration is proving difficult.
<sidke> Okily dokily. Yours truly has just registered.
<sidke> I can't really find anything.
<sidke> Like, no films.
<gloomp> So much for that then.
<Animator> Back.
- King Sanchez De La Cruz Magnifico IV: Return of Lenny Laser-Tits
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1: People would often have to stop watching.
2: People would have to devote a solid 2 hours or so to each movie.
And I don't see many movies being legally available, but I'm sure many people would have DVDs and stuff.
Still, if you're planning these, please post a notification here because I'd like to join in, if I can.
Now playing: Soundtrack - Sick
via FoxyTunes
<&Yanni> I've had an ambient song like this playing for a couple hours,
<&Yanni> Oh no wait that is MY AIR CONDITIONER
<@Animator> :::: Techno was killed by a better music genre.
<SouthyMcGee> Music is auditory art. What art is a different argument.
<&sforzando> Alright, no 247MHz for you.
Previous Custom Member Titles: Cross-Country Sticker King 2k10, Doing Out the Girls, Outdoing the Girls, Lenny Laser-Tits, King Sanchez De La Cruz Magnifico IV: Return of Lenny Laser-Tits (current).
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The last Metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace...
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That would be great, but it often doesn't load anything more than 40 minutes for me. Still, I'll look into it.LittleViking wrote:If you get a group of Americans, you can use hulu.com. They have a couple hundred movies up ranging from blockbuster to indie.
1: Yes, that can be a problem. It's one that can't be helped, though.Weisslenny0 wrote:1: People would often have to stop watching.
2: People would have to devote a solid 2 hours or so to each movie.
And I don't see many movies being legally available, but I'm sure many people would have DVDs and stuff.
Still, if you're planning these, please post a notification here because I'd like to join in, if I can.
2: Well, Wavelength was only 45 minutes, so it really depends. Chances are we're going to watch a whole bunch on 1 minute films next. I'm not sure how well it'll work, but we're going to try.
Yes, that's a major problem. One I'd love to do is Un Chien Andalou, but that seems to have disappeared from the Internet.
I'll try to post if it looks like it's about to start, but yesterday's really happened suddenly.
- Odd
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I think only Americans can watch Hulu. But good idea, gloomp.LittleViking wrote:If you get a group of Americans, you can use hulu.com. They have a couple hundred movies up ranging from blockbuster to indie.
Signatures supplied by the following: NicNac14, Tsukatu, aphex_n, Nphasis, pinkymyno1, UniverseZero, gloomp, sidke, 29403, AMomentLikeThis, Chase, Red Reamer, Izzy, MyCheezKilledYours, Techno, Donfuy juice, southpaw, IAMAMAZING, SkyRay, Skyline, Why_Me, jackass, Leaff, esay, Daikenkai, Kablamo_Boom, wumbla, Izzy, toasters, Octopod Squad, behappyy, notsteve, Shadowraith, GTM, Animator, kkstrong, TearsOfTheSaints, Spawn of Yanni, nnn, Furry Ant, ampburner, fawk. Thanks.
I have 72 signatures.
- Damn You're Fine
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Good observation. That is probably why I said you could use hulu only if you had a group of Americans.PNI wrote:I think only Americans can watch Hulu. But good idea, gloomp.LittleViking wrote:If you get a group of Americans, you can use hulu.com. They have a couple hundred movies up ranging from blockbuster to indie.
Anyway, here is Un Chien: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 1122767572
The last Metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace...
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OH GOD THANK YOU <3LittleViking wrote:Anyway, here is Un Chien: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 1122767572
I'm gonna try to make that the next MetaMovie.
- The Konami Number
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Cracked.com wrote:All video-game characters are in fact made of cotton candy. This theory, and only this theory, can explain the cat-like hydrophobia shared universally by their kind. How else are we to believe that Frogger, a frog, is killed instantly on contact with water?
- Can't Touch This
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- Location: Come to think of it....I have no idea.
I think the kinks can be worked out.
Izzy's Personal Forum Dronies winner of "Least Colorful Person"
==---Maestro's---== | Incluye's! | Izzy's! | Be_Happy_:)'s | notkitt's!!
T3chno's! | TMM's! | GTM's! | Sniperwhere's | NicNac14's!! | ---------------Pawz!
toasters | RedSham's! | Jackass's | Why Me's | Gloomp's!
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[14:27] <gloomp> OKAY THEN SHALL WE START?
[14:27] <TFK> I can't believe she dies at the end
[14:27] <gloomp> !movie
[14:27] <sidke> YESSSSSS
[14:27] <movie-bot> Next scheduled movie: Un Chien Andalou, by Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí. Link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 1122767572
[14:27] <gloomp> OKAY CLICK IN
[14:27] <gloomp> 5
[14:27] <gloomp> 4
[14:27] <gloomp> 3
[14:27] <gloomp> 2
[14:27] <gloomp> 1
[14:27] <gloomp> NOW
[14:28] <sidke> !setwatching Session in progress: Un Chien Andalou
[14:28] <movie-bot> Watching set!
[14:28] <movie-bot> Movie being watched currently: Session in progress: Un Chien Andalou
[14:28] <gloomp> Annnd started!
[14:28] <O|PSO> damn it....
[14:28] <O|PSO> gtg
[14:28] <--| O|PSO has left #Cinema
[14:28] <gloomp> Okay.
[14:28] <sidke> Figures.
[14:28] <TFK> uhh
[14:28] <TFK> ew
[14:28] <gloomp> A cow eye.
[14:28] <sidke> Ugh... I'm eating.
[14:29] <smort> yum
[14:29] <sidke> ^^
[14:29] <TFK> i wish i was ;_;
[14:29] <gloomp> ;_;
[14:29] <sidke> Hold tight, TFK! It's only 15 minutes!
[14:29] <smort> I don't need to understand french for this, do I?
[14:29] <sidke> Nope.
[14:29] <gloomp> No.
[14:29] <TFK> blacknwhite is so last year
[14:30] * gloomp gasp
[14:30] <gloomp> He fell!
[14:30] <smort> I was watching Bo' Selecta! before this. Just finished an episode
[14:30] <smort> He looks retarded.
[14:30] <sidke> Agreed.
[14:30] <smort> He should wear a helmet.
[14:30] <gloomp> Haha.
[14:30] <sidke> Pfft. Helmets for bikes and Europe don't agree.
[14:31] <gloomp> What could be in that box?
[14:31] <sidke> O_o
[14:31] <gloomp> oo__O
[14:31] <smort> lol
[14:31] <gloomp> A common affliction.
[14:31] <sidke> That's Dali for you.
[14:31] <smort> omnomnom
[14:32] <gloomp> A . . . hand?
[14:32] <TFK> uh oh a hand
[14:32] <sidke> Handy.
[14:32] <smort> This is the best comedy I've ever seen
[14:32] <gloomp> Back away back away!
[14:32] <gloomp> The box!
[14:33] <sidke> It looked like there were more people
[14:33] <gloomp> Yeah.
[14:33] <gloomp> I like the music.
[14:33] <sidke> Here ya go kid! Have the hand we found on the street!
[14:33] <gloomp> Er.
[14:33] <TFK> aww
[14:33] <sidke> Paahahaa..
[14:33] <gloomp> Ohhh!
[14:33] <sidke> Then get /out/ of the street
[14:33] <sidke> O___o
[14:33] <TFK> rape scene
[14:34] <smort> So.... is it just me or did that car crash get you horny?
[14:34] <CF> RAAAPE
[14:34] <gloomp> Back away back away!
[14:34] <sidke> Yes. Car crashed turn me on.
[14:34] <sidke> crashes*
[14:34] <sidke> Blooood.
[14:34] <smort> I wish I had that super power
[14:34] <CF> rub rub rub rub.
[14:34] <sidke> Lol.
[14:34] <gloomp> Haha.
[14:34] <sidke> Out the window!
[14:35] <gloomp> Vampire!
[14:35] <sidke> Lol.
[14:35] <gloomp> WAIT WHAT WHY?
[14:35] <TFK> Cow?
[14:35] <sidke> O______o
[14:35] <sidke> Moooo.
[14:35] <gloomp> Ewwwww.
[14:35] <sidke> Priests!
[14:35] <sidke> Mooo.
[14:35] <sidke> Amen.
[14:35] <CF> o_o
[14:36] <gloomp> Religion is like a rotting cow!
[14:36] <TFK> ants
[14:36] <gloomp> Ow.
[14:36] <TFK> hes made of ants
[14:36] <sidke> O___o
[14:36] <gloomp> Your FACE is made of ants!
[14:36] <sidke> 3 in the morning...
[14:36] <sidke> I dunno the 'vers'.
[14:37] <gloomp> This doesn't look good.
[14:37] <sidke> Early version of cat ears.
[14:37] <sidke> They didn't quite get the cute part down.
[14:37] <TFK> sound?
[14:37] <smort> Same.
[14:37] <sidke> Did audio just cut off?
[14:37] <TFK> k
[14:37] <sidke> Well crap.
[14:37] <sidke> Well... It's b&w.
[14:37] <gloomp> Ergh.
[14:38] <smort> ANOTHER rape seen?
[14:38] <sidke> But that sucks.
[14:38] <TFK> now we can't hear what they're saying )=
[14:38] <sidke> PAAHAHAHAHAAAA.
[14:38] <gloomp> Dammit. It stopped for a minute for me.
[14:38] <gloomp> FIRE FIRE
[14:39] <sidke> You're all ahead of me :P
[14:39] <TFK> rape
[14:39] <sidke> I swear, this is like... Surreal^3
[14:39] <gloomp> Strange that all these people should just be walking in a forest.
[14:40] <Eiturlyf> Damned thing froze.
[14:40] <sidke> Forest walking = win.
[14:40] <TFK> why wouldn't they be walking in the forest gloomp?
[14:40] <sidke> I beat Pawz last night because of forest walking.
[14:40] <smort> My english teacher leaves class to go walk in the forest and comes back smelling all funny.
[14:40] <smort> He doesn't wear shoes and sits on desks.
[14:40] <--| Eiturlyf has left #Cinema
[14:40] <sidke> Sounds fun.
[14:40] <gloomp> A moth.
[14:40] <sidke> Bye Eit.
[14:40] <gloomp> With a skull!
[14:41] <sidke> Wicked.
[14:41] <gloomp> The horrror!
[14:41] <TFK> He didn't!
[14:41] <TFK> scratch
[14:41] <smort> lolwut?
[14:41] <sidke> L'horreur
[14:41] <gloomp> Down by the seashore.
[14:41] <smort> How to beat a vampire- >:P
[14:41] <sidke> From her room...
[14:41] <sidke> His room.
[14:41] <sidke> The room.
[14:42] <gloomp> Its room.
[14:42] <smort> Their room.
[14:42] <gloomp> All the room.
[14:42] <gloomp> Are those the biker mans clothes perhaps?
[14:43] <smort> Now they're just chilling
[14:43] <gloomp> man's*
[14:43] <TFK> sidke?
[14:43] <CF> Teh end!
[14:43] <sidke> TFK?
[14:43] <TFK> SIDKE?
[14:43] <gloomp> OH GOD WHATR THE HELLL
[14:43] <sidke> tfk?
[14:43] <TFK> french boy
[14:43] <sidke> THE END!
[14:43] <smort> smort
[14:43] <gloomp> And it's over.
[14:43] <sidke> Oh...
[14:43] <sidke> What'd it say?
[14:43] <sidke> I forgot ^^
[14:43] <TFK> ..
[14:43] <gloomp> Spring, I think?
[14:43] <TFK> The SPring
[14:44] <sidke> Yeah.
[14:44] <sidke> In Spring
[14:44] <sidke> .
[14:44] <gloomp> Wellllllllll.
[14:44] <gloomp> Huh.
[14:44] <sidke> WOOOOOOO
[14:44] * sidke clap clap clap.
[14:44] <TFK> encore encore!
[14:44] <TFK> wait no
[14:44] <TFK> i have to go bye
[14:44] <sidke> More of an audience this time!
[14:44] <gloomp> Shall I post this up on the forums?
[14:44] <sidke> Bye TFK
[14:44] <sidke> Eat well!
[14:44] <gloomp> Bye.
[14:44] <TFK> bye
[14:44] <TFK> thanks :D
[14:44] <--| TFK has left #Cinema
[14:44] <sidke> Sure
[14:44] <sidke> !setwatching None
[14:44] <gloomp> Okay.
- Demon Fisherman
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The Real N Sex on the Xerox Space Pimp Online Super Fluffy Pack 1! Super Fluffy Pack 2! Super Crunchy Pack! Mother Thumping Impossible: 2005 MotY! Time is on My Side: 2006 PMotY! Survival map king! Best humor award! Best satire award! Best voice award! Inadvertently intimidating! Assholier than thou! Gdubs is totally back! WIS 14! Cyberzone creator! Clique creator! Most lines on IRC! Ventrilo moderator and regular! Certified Dungeon Master! Most modest person ever! ENTP! Incorrigible alcoholic! CHA 19! AMERICAN! Least pretentious! Elitist extraordinaire! Liberal libertarian! Incapable of experiencing love! Check Safe! Commodore of the Eldritch Seas! Archmagus of the Eleventh Hall! Sheriff of the Uncharted West! Godfather of the IRC Mafia! Pun enthusiast! Quadster! Challenging Dunbar's number! Wikipedian!Approves of 4th Edition! 1,000 Blank White Cards! radio_free_tetris! Migratory! INT 18! Doesn't know when he's being genuine, therefore cannot form lasting relationships with people! Really into black chicks! Even more into Indian chicks and Blasians! Hates moderators! Loves the C word! Tronster! Thinks we should play more Worms! Always wins iSketch! Owns a Wii! Plays as Pikachu in Smash Bros! Wrote literotica! Wrote anime fanfic! Sorta into Asians! Lived and loved the 80's and 90's! Chattiest sig! Cyberzone ][ creator! Operand of the Greater Space Pimp Continuum! Helped lead the forum move!Wizard Date! Participated in the blue_tetris takeover! Pithiest one-liners! Walkin' on, walkin' on broken glass! Seems to have an invisible touch! Economist! Mario hackster! Owner of the most complex D&D campaign setting! Micromanagerial! FREEDOM is all-American! Slowly distancing! Supports the Democrats! Supports the old GOP! CATO Institute fanboy! Penn and Teller fan! Large, in charge, and on a barge! Heralded by community as genius hero! Proud yet humble recipient of the Mare & Raigan Award for 2008! CON 9! Dave of Nazareth! Communist is annoyed with me! Not half bad at images! F.Y.I. I am a medic! It's a spook house, lame ball. Too bad! Space Pimp II: Rags 2 Bitches! F.Y.I. I am a spy! Entire team is babbies! STR 10! Sorta appreciating scythe and atob again, for new reasons! Played CS:S briefly! Welcome to Nebraska! Do you think you can Live! Heist! Portrayer of the mighty 88 Shells! Joyous proprietor of the future estate of Kablizzy and blue_tetris! It's Batmen all the way up! They brought crystals to a sceince fight; that's a good way to lose your cat! Even SlappyMcGee! I'm about to run out of either primates or sexually transmitted diseases! One-upper! Toaster oven clairvoyant Mythomaniac! That's the Magic of Macy's! Half of Half! Spend all my time making love, all my love making time!
- Queen of All Spiders
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Not to mention I'm Canadian, so, if I understand LV correctly, I'd have to be a group of Americans just to participate.
- Global Mod
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Heh. I really am sorry everyone. It wasn't my idea, but still.SlappyMcGee wrote:I've never expressed an interest in this project, but I just got a PM from Laurie advocating it, saying they hoped that I'd be there. I'd rather not receive advertising in my inbox, so remove me from your list, or whatever it is you telemarketers do.
Not to mention I'm Canadian, so, if I understand LV correctly, I'd have to be a group of Americans just to participate.
Let it be also known that we have not done a Hulu movie yet, and that the next one will not be.
- La historia me absolverá
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- Walking on Broken Glass
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Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumbered here
While these visions did appear.
William Shakespeare
- Jedi Pimp
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I second that. ;_;beethoveN wrote:how do you get to irc?
are any of my friends still here
- Raigan and the Horse-Woman
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I want to apologize to anyone who found the mass PM'ing a nuisance. There is no 'list' we use, PNI simply chose from the user list of the forum. It won't happen again and any further notifications about MetaMovie's events will most likely be in this topic.
辻菜摘が好きじゃー ヽ(´ー`)ノ sig by peking duck
- Jedi Pimp
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are any of my friends still here
- Global Mod
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- Joined: 2008.09.26 (13:10)
- NUMA Profile: http://nmaps.net/user/gloomp
- Location: Troy, New York
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[2008-11-29 14:18:26]<PNI> Ready y'all?
[2008-11-29 14:18:29] <sidke> Sure thing.
[2008-11-29 14:18:32] <sidke> Gloomp?
[2008-11-29 14:18:39] <sidke> Start the countdown gloomp!
[2008-11-29 14:18:43] <gloomp> OKAY
[2008-11-29 14:18:45] <gloomp> 5
[2008-11-29 14:18:46] <gloomp> 4
[2008-11-29 14:18:47] <PNI> Gloomp, start the countdown!
[2008-11-29 14:18:48] <gloomp> 3
[2008-11-29 14:18:50] <gloomp> 2
[2008-11-29 14:18:53] <gloomp> 111111
[2008-11-29 14:18:56] <gloomp> NOOOOOW
[2008-11-29 14:18:58] <sidke> !setwatching Movie in progress!
[2008-11-29 14:18:59] <movie-bot> Watching set!
[2008-11-29 14:18:59] <movie-bot> Movie being watched currently: Movie in progress!
[2008-11-29 14:19:17] <PNI> woooooooooooooooo!!!!!
[2008-11-29 14:19:23] <gloomp> WARNER BROTHERS!
[2008-11-29 14:19:29] <sidke> !setwatching The Shining, !movie for details.
[2008-11-29 14:19:30] <movie-bot> Watching set!
[2008-11-29 14:19:30] <movie-bot> Movie being watched currently: The Shining, !movie for details.
[2008-11-29 14:19:32] <sidke> there we are :D
[2008-11-29 14:19:53] <PNI> Gloomp, can we watch Jackass n ext?
[2008-11-29 14:20:01] <gloomp> Wait. Pause for a sec.
[2008-11-29 14:20:07] <sidke> Pausing!
[2008-11-29 14:20:10] <PNI> Paused.
[2008-11-29 14:20:15] <gloomp> I need to let it load.
[2008-11-29 14:20:19] <sidke> Ah.
[2008-11-29 14:20:20] <Brttrx> OMG OMG OMG OMG
[2008-11-29 14:20:23] <sidke> BRT
[2008-11-29 14:20:24] <Brttrx> METAMOVA?!
[2008-11-29 14:20:29] <sidke> BRTTRX JOINJOINJOIN
[2008-11-29 14:20:30] <gloomp> YEAAH
[2008-11-29 14:20:33] <PNI> BRTTRX IS HERE!!!!!1
[2008-11-29 14:20:38] <Brttrx> LEMME GET ON THE OTHER COMPY!
[2008-11-29 14:20:41] <sidke> YESSIR
[2008-11-29 14:20:43] <gloomp> WE ARE AT 37 SECONDS
[2008-11-29 14:20:46] <sidke> SHALL WE RESTART THE TIMER~?~
[2008-11-29 14:20:47] <--| Brttrx has left #Cinema (Bye)
[2008-11-29 14:20:49] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 14:20:50] <sidke> BYE
[2008-11-29 14:20:55] <PNI> I'm at 54.
[2008-11-29 14:20:56] <gloomp> Oh, yeah.
[2008-11-29 14:20:59] <sidke> !movie
[2008-11-29 14:21:00] <movie-bot> Next scheduled movie: The Shining, by Stanley Kubrick. Link: http://www.watch-movies.net/movies/the_shining/
[2008-11-29 14:21:06] <gloomp> Reset.
[2008-11-29 14:21:11] <sidke> !resettimer
[2008-11-29 14:21:14] <PNI> Reset?
[2008-11-29 14:21:17] <PNI> :(
[2008-11-29 14:21:19] <sidke> Didn't work :P
[2008-11-29 14:21:21] <sidke> WTF
[2008-11-29 14:21:24] -->| Brttrx ([email protected]) has joined #Cinema
[2008-11-29 14:21:25] <sidke> It's not loading now!!!
[2008-11-29 14:21:27] <Brttrx> !movie
[2008-11-29 14:21:28] <movie-bot> Next scheduled movie: The Shining, by Stanley Kubrick. Link: http://www.watch-movies.net/movies/the_shining/
[2008-11-29 14:21:29] <PNI> EVERYONE!!!
[2008-11-29 14:21:43] <gloomp> WHAT?
[2008-11-29 14:21:51] <sidke> !!
[2008-11-29 14:21:56] <sidke> I'm reloading the page, just in case.
[2008-11-29 14:21:57] <PNI> LET US WATCH!
[2008-11-29 14:22:15] <Brttrx> WHEN TO START?!
[2008-11-29 14:22:17] <gloomp> EVERYONE SET?
[2008-11-29 14:22:21] <PNI> Alright, ever yone ready?
[2008-11-29 14:22:21] <sidke> YES
[2008-11-29 14:22:22] <sidke> READY
[2008-11-29 14:22:24] <Brttrx> READY
[2008-11-29 14:22:26] <gloomp> READY
[2008-11-29 14:22:26] <PNI> 3
[2008-11-29 14:22:28] <PNI> 2
[2008-11-29 14:22:30] <gloomp> 1
[2008-11-29 14:22:32] <PNI> 1
[2008-11-29 14:22:37] <PNI> GO!
[2008-11-29 14:22:39] <Brttrx> WARNER BROS!
[2008-11-29 14:22:40] <sidke> PNI, let gloomp count.
[2008-11-29 14:22:47] <gloomp> S'alright.
[2008-11-29 14:22:49] <PNI> :(
[2008-11-29 14:22:55] <PNI> Shush!
[2008-11-29 14:22:56] <sidke> I'm at 10 seconds :/
[2008-11-29 14:23:00] <gloomp> 20
[2008-11-29 14:23:03] <Brttrx> 30
[2008-11-29 14:23:05] <PNI> 25.
[2008-11-29 14:23:13] <PNI> Close enough.
[2008-11-29 14:23:18] <gloomp> Mm-hm.
[2008-11-29 14:23:28] <sidke> Mines chopping :D:
[2008-11-29 14:23:32] <PNI> Lets watch the movie, k?
[2008-11-29 14:23:37] <sidke> We are watching PNI.
[2008-11-29 14:23:41] * Brttrx makes popcorn
[2008-11-29 14:24:02] * PNI gets ice cream.
[2008-11-29 14:24:27] <sidke> DANNY LLOYD
[2008-11-29 14:24:32] <Brttrx> PHILIP STONE
[2008-11-29 14:24:35] <gloomp> BARRY NELSON
[2008-11-29 14:24:37] <sidke> 'SCATMAN
[2008-11-29 14:24:37] <Brttrx> JOE TURKEL
[2008-11-29 14:24:43] <Brttrx> ANNE JACKSON
[2008-11-29 14:24:46] <PNI> I'M THE SCAATMAN!!!
[2008-11-29 14:24:47] <Brttrx> TONY BURTON
[2008-11-29 14:24:48] <sidke> You guys are ahead ;__;
[2008-11-29 14:24:54] <Brttrx> JAN HARLAN
[2008-11-29 14:24:58] <PNI> JAN HARLAN!
[2008-11-29 14:24:59] <Brttrx> STEPHEN KING
[2008-11-29 14:24:59] <sidke> Just now seeing TONY BURTON
[2008-11-29 14:25:07] <PNI> STEPHEN KINGGGGGGGGGG!!!
[2008-11-29 14:25:08] <gloomp> STEPHEN KING WOOOOO
[2008-11-29 14:25:08] <Brttrx> SCREENPLAY
[2008-11-29 14:25:11] <sidke> BASED UPONN THE NOVEL BY
[2008-11-29 14:25:15] <Brttrx> STAN KRB
[2008-11-29 14:25:18] <gloomp> PRODUCER CIRCLE
[2008-11-29 14:25:18] <sidke> THE PRODUCER CIRCLE COMPANY
[2008-11-29 14:25:26] <sidke> STANLEY KUBRICK
[2008-11-29 14:25:28] <Brttrx> MOUNTAIN!
[2008-11-29 14:25:28] <gloomp> KUBRICK
[2008-11-29 14:25:32] <sidke> Snow!
[2008-11-29 14:25:35] <gloomp> MANSION
[2008-11-29 14:25:37] <Brttrx> THE INTERVIEW
[2008-11-29 14:25:47] <PNI> SHUT UP Y'ALLL!!!
[2008-11-29 14:25:49] <sidke> Subtitles!
[2008-11-29 14:25:52] <sidke> PNI, this is what we do!
[2008-11-29 14:25:55] -->| CF ([email protected]) has joined #Cinema
[2008-11-29 14:26:00] <CF> !movie
[2008-11-29 14:26:01] <movie-bot> Next scheduled movie: The Shining, by Stanley Kubrick. Link: http://www.watch-movies.net/movies/the_shining/
[2008-11-29 14:26:04] <Brttrx> Yeah, thats the point pni
[2008-11-29 14:26:09] <sidke> We're not far in, CF.
[2008-11-29 14:26:10] <PNI> CF!!!
[2008-11-29 14:26:10] <gloomp> It's already stated.
[2008-11-29 14:26:19] <CF> Hey hey.
[2008-11-29 14:26:23] <gloomp> About 3 half minutes.
[2008-11-29 14:26:24] <sidke> Welcome welcome, CF!
[2008-11-29 14:26:25] <Brttrx> ill line you up with us, CF
[2008-11-29 14:27:11] <Brttrx> tell me when ur set up
[2008-11-29 14:27:21] <PNI> The little kid looks like gloomp.
[2008-11-29 14:27:25] <sidke> XD
[2008-11-29 14:27:26] <gloomp> Yum.
[2008-11-29 14:27:31] <gloomp> Sandwitch.
[2008-11-29 14:27:31] <sidke> Sammich!
[2008-11-29 14:27:35] <gloomp> TONY
[2008-11-29 14:27:39] <gloomp> !!!!!!!
[2008-11-29 14:27:47] <Brttrx> Lets wait and see
[2008-11-29 14:27:47] <sidke> How could I forget Tony?!!
[2008-11-29 14:27:54] <gloomp> I do an amazing Tony impression.
[2008-11-29 14:27:54] <Brttrx> Jack
[2008-11-29 14:28:05] <gloomp> OVERLOOK
[2008-11-29 14:28:14] <CF> I actually have stuff to do
[2008-11-29 14:28:20] <sidke> :/
[2008-11-29 14:28:20] <CF> sorry guys ;(
[2008-11-29 14:28:22] <gloomp> :(
[2008-11-29 14:28:27] <PNI> :(
[2008-11-29 14:28:29] <sidke> Mmkay. Thanks for making it, though :)
[2008-11-29 14:28:35] <PNI> :)
[2008-11-29 14:28:36] <gloomp> Heh. Denver.
[2008-11-29 14:28:36] <sidke> For a few minutes :D
[2008-11-29 14:28:40] <gloomp> Blizzland.
[2008-11-29 14:28:50] * PNI hands CF the "PNI thanks you for coming" award.
[2008-11-29 14:28:51] <CF> Hey, at least I saw the Warner Bros logo!
[2008-11-29 14:28:53] <Brttrx> This is a cool idea whoever came up with it
[2008-11-29 14:29:00] <CF> ^_^
[2008-11-29 14:29:03] <sidke> :D
[2008-11-29 14:29:05] <gloomp> ME
[2008-11-29 14:29:05] =-= CF is now known as CF|away
[2008-11-29 14:29:12] <gloomp> 1907
[2008-11-29 14:29:13] <CF|away> later
[2008-11-29 14:29:17] <gloomp> Bye.
[2008-11-29 14:29:28] <sidke> SECLUSION... AND SCENIC BEAUTY
[2008-11-29 14:29:38] <gloomp> CRUEL
[2008-11-29 14:29:40] <gloomp> YOU BET
[2008-11-29 14:29:42] <sidke> DAMAGE
[2008-11-29 14:30:04] <sidke> Scary face.
[2008-11-29 14:30:11] <gloomp> IS THE GHOSTS?
[2008-11-29 14:30:27] <gloomp> THAT'S WHAT'S TRYING?
[2008-11-29 14:30:37] <gloomp> "Prblem"
[2008-11-29 14:30:41] <sidke> Heheheh.
[2008-11-29 14:30:44] <gloomp> Problem*
[2008-11-29 14:30:50] <Brttrx> "They'll love it"
[2008-11-29 14:30:50] <sidke> They'll LOVE IT
[2008-11-29 14:30:53] <Brttrx> haha
[2008-11-29 14:30:59] <gloomp> LOOOOVE IT
[2008-11-29 14:31:06] <PNI> I'm Intrigued
[2008-11-29 14:31:12] <sidke> 1970!
[2008-11-29 14:31:15] <sidke> TRAGEDY!
[2008-11-29 14:31:16] <gloomp> "Tragedy"
[2008-11-29 14:31:24] <sidke> Charles GRADY
[2008-11-29 14:31:25] <Brttrx> I never seen this movie
[2008-11-29 14:31:25] <gloomp> YOU MEAN AXE MURDER?!?!!?!?
[2008-11-29 14:31:30] <sidke> You have not, BRTTRX!
[2008-11-29 14:31:30] <Brttrx> so no one give away anything
[2008-11-29 14:31:33] <sidke> I hope you enjoy it~!
[2008-11-29 14:31:35] <gloomp> Okay.
[2008-11-29 14:31:46] <gloomp> Horror part.
[2008-11-29 14:32:03] <gloomp> Happy guy.
[2008-11-29 14:32:04] <PNI> WOOOOOOO!!!!
[2008-11-29 14:32:13] <gloomp> That Grady.
[2008-11-29 14:32:28] <sidke> quite a story.
[2008-11-29 14:32:37] <sidke> Well.. Not /there/ but...
[2008-11-29 14:32:58] <gloomp> SUUUURE
[2008-11-29 14:33:02] <sidke> :D
[2008-11-29 14:33:05] <sidke> SHH
[2008-11-29 14:33:09] <sidke> BRTTRX hasn't seen it.
[2008-11-29 14:33:24] <gloomp> TONY
[2008-11-29 14:33:29] * CF|away is back just to inform that some guy just appeared at the door to sell us some darn good vacuum cleaner that costs 3600 dollars
[2008-11-29 14:33:37] <sidke> O___o
[2008-11-29 14:33:37] <gloomp> Wahahaha.
[2008-11-29 14:33:43] <PNI> O_O
[2008-11-29 14:33:44] <gloomp> Hahaha.
[2008-11-29 14:33:47] <sidke> Only 36 hundred? omgwtfdeal!
[2008-11-29 14:33:52] <CF|away> Back to being away. ->
[2008-11-29 14:33:58] <sidke> Yep. Later!
[2008-11-29 14:34:03] <PNI> Bye CF.
[2008-11-29 14:34:05] <PNI> :(
[2008-11-29 14:34:13] <Brttrx> That god damn finger is soooo whiney
[2008-11-29 14:34:18] <gloomp> Heh.
[2008-11-29 14:34:25] <Brttrx> Oh whoa
[2008-11-29 14:34:27] <gloomp> AAAAAAGH
[2008-11-29 14:34:30] <Brttrx> blood everywhere
[2008-11-29 14:34:34] <sidke> Bloodage!
[2008-11-29 14:34:41] <gloomp> LITTLE GIRLS
[2008-11-29 14:34:42] <PNI> Where are you guys?
[2008-11-29 14:34:44] <sidke> Gah!
[2008-11-29 14:34:47] <sidke> It got stuck!
[2008-11-29 14:34:48] <Brttrx> this movie aleady rocks
[2008-11-29 14:34:53] <sidke> What time are you at?
[2008-11-29 14:34:58] <gloomp> 12 20
[2008-11-29 14:35:00] <Brttrx> i'll line you back up
[2008-11-29 14:35:04] <PNI> 11:00
[2008-11-29 14:35:05] <Brttrx> start at 12:45
[2008-11-29 14:35:09] <Brttrx> in
[2008-11-29 14:35:11] <Brttrx> 3
[2008-11-29 14:35:12] <Brttrx> 2
[2008-11-29 14:35:13] <Brttrx> 1
[2008-11-29 14:35:22] <sidke> And 14 now!
[2008-11-29 14:35:25] <sidke> Mmkay.
[2008-11-29 14:35:46] <sidke> Er...
[2008-11-29 14:35:47] <gloomp> Wake up!
[2008-11-29 14:35:49] <sidke> I'm really ahead now.
[2008-11-29 14:36:03] <Brttrx> 13:33
[2008-11-29 14:36:09] <sidke> Tell me when one reaches 14
[2008-11-29 14:36:14] <Brttrx> ok
[2008-11-29 14:36:18] <Brttrx> 10
[2008-11-29 14:36:18] <gloomp> 'Kay.
[2008-11-29 14:36:20] <Brttrx> 9
[2008-11-29 14:36:22] <Brttrx> 8
[2008-11-29 14:36:23] <Brttrx> 7
[2008-11-29 14:36:24] <Brttrx> 6
[2008-11-29 14:36:25] <Brttrx> 5
[2008-11-29 14:36:26] <Brttrx> 4
[2008-11-29 14:36:27] <Brttrx> 3
[2008-11-29 14:36:29] <Brttrx> 2
[2008-11-29 14:36:31] <Brttrx> 1
[2008-11-29 14:36:33] <Brttrx> 0
[2008-11-29 14:36:41] <gloomp> Oh don't you?
[2008-11-29 14:36:42] <sidke> Thanks
[2008-11-29 14:36:43] <sidke> :D
[2008-11-29 14:36:48] <gloomp> At 14.
[2008-11-29 14:37:09] <PNI> Gah!
[2008-11-29 14:37:12] <gloomp> That doctor isn't creeepy.
[2008-11-29 14:37:13] <PNI> Stuck!
[2008-11-29 14:37:23] <sidke> I'm at 15 minutes in 10 seconds.
[2008-11-29 14:37:29] <PNI> Okay, I'm at 18:00
[2008-11-29 14:37:31] <Brttrx> 15
[2008-11-29 14:37:42] <gloomp> I swear, Duvall's face is so freaky.
[2008-11-29 14:37:43] <Brttrx> WE'RE SPREADING OUT TOO FAR
[2008-11-29 14:37:52] <sidke> Yes. PNI 15.30 in 10.
[2008-11-29 14:38:02] <sidke> and 15.30, now!
[2008-11-29 14:38:13] <gloomp> We're within a minute of each other.
[2008-11-29 14:38:28] <gloomp> Heh. Boulder.
[2008-11-29 14:38:30] <Brttrx> I dont want anyone ahead of me, might ruin some shit
[2008-11-29 14:38:41] <gloomp> I have uncles there.
[2008-11-29 14:38:42] <sidke> I'll pause a second.
[2008-11-29 14:38:52] <Brttrx> Mmmmm, a smooth relaxing ciggarette
[2008-11-29 14:38:52] <PNI> Hm?
[2008-11-29 14:39:02] <gloomp> When you're at 16 10, tell me.
[2008-11-29 14:39:14] <Brttrx> Look how fast the ash burns, you can tell they had to do re-takes
[2008-11-29 14:39:21] <sidke> Yep.
[2008-11-29 14:39:42] <gloomp> At 16 10?
[2008-11-29 14:39:50] <PNI> I'm at 20:40
[2008-11-29 14:39:51] <sidke> Oh.
[2008-11-29 14:39:54] <gloomp> O_O
[2008-11-29 14:39:55] <sidke> No, I'm at 17:20.;
[2008-11-29 14:39:59] <Brttrx> 17:30
[2008-11-29 14:40:03] <sidke> We /are/ spread out.
[2008-11-29 14:40:12] <Brttrx> Everyone line up with sidke
[2008-11-29 14:40:14] <gloomp> 17 41
[2008-11-29 14:40:18] <sidke> Yep.
[2008-11-29 14:40:20] <sidke> 1745.
[2008-11-29 14:40:25] <Brttrx> PNI's the far one
[2008-11-29 14:40:32] <sidke> PNI hurry back :D
[2008-11-29 14:40:37] <sidke> *yawn
[2008-11-29 14:40:38] <PNI> I'm know at 17:45
[2008-11-29 14:40:47] <Brttrx> Sweet
[2008-11-29 14:41:01] <gloomp> Driving.
[2008-11-29 14:41:04] <gloomp> In hunger.
[2008-11-29 14:41:08] <PNI> Driving.
[2008-11-29 14:41:12] <sidke> Mum's. That's why they're awesome.
[2008-11-29 14:41:12] <PNI> Talking.
[2008-11-29 14:41:15] <PNI> Cannibalism.
[2008-11-29 14:41:21] <gloomp> Yup.
[2008-11-29 14:41:25] <PNI> Donner Party.
[2008-11-29 14:41:33] <sidke> Omnomnom.
[2008-11-29 14:41:35] <gloomp> Hehehe.
[2008-11-29 14:41:42] <Brttrx> I saw it on TV
[2008-11-29 14:41:42] <gloomp> Covered wagon times.
[2008-11-29 14:41:48] <Brttrx> See?
[2008-11-29 14:41:50] <Brttrx> Its ok
[2008-11-29 14:41:53] <sidke> Scary face.
[2008-11-29 14:41:53] <gloomp> That's a funny phrase.
[2008-11-29 14:41:55] <PNI> Cannibl\ilsm
[2008-11-29 14:41:56] <Brttrx> He saw it on the television
[2008-11-29 14:42:02] <PNI> Wahahahaha
[2008-11-29 14:42:08] <gloomp> Ahahaha.
[2008-11-29 14:42:13] <gloomp> CLIFF
[2008-11-29 14:42:17] <gloomp> MANSION
[2008-11-29 14:42:20] <Brttrx> Now /thats/ good parenting
[2008-11-29 14:42:23] <sidke> We need more people in these sessions. Isn't this awesome?
[2008-11-29 14:42:29] <gloomp> Mm-hm.
[2008-11-29 14:42:32] <Brttrx> It is pretty rad
[2008-11-29 14:42:52] <PNI> Yeah, sidke.
[2008-11-29 14:42:53] <gloomp> Uh-oh.
[2008-11-29 14:43:00] <gloomp> "Games room"
[2008-11-29 14:43:06] <PNI> "Games room"
[2008-11-29 14:43:10] <sidke> "Games room"
[2008-11-29 14:43:18] <gloomp> Heh. Elevator.
[2008-11-29 14:43:20] <Brttrx> >=( GIVE AWAY NOTHING
[2008-11-29 14:43:25] <sidke> Nothing!
[2008-11-29 14:43:29] <gloomp> NOTHING!!
[2008-11-29 14:43:30] <Brttrx> THANKS!
[2008-11-29 14:43:31] <sidke> I just jumped on the bandwagon.
[2008-11-29 14:43:42] <PNI> HEARD BANDWAGON
[2008-11-29 14:43:44] <gloomp> Piano.
[2008-11-29 14:43:45] <PNI> WH ERE BANDWAGON
[2008-11-29 14:43:49] <Brttrx> Lots of staras
[2008-11-29 14:43:50] <sidke> Those windows look like they could break and be used to slice someone open!
[2008-11-29 14:43:54] <Brttrx> all trhe best
[2008-11-29 14:44:06] <sidke> XD I'm joking Brt.
[2008-11-29 14:44:07] <gloomp> Darts!
[2008-11-29 14:44:19] <Brttrx> Oh wowie
[2008-11-29 14:44:19] <gloomp> Good shot.
[2008-11-29 14:44:20] <sidke> ZOOM
[2008-11-29 14:44:23] <Brttrx> twins <3
[2008-11-29 14:44:24] <sidke> GIRLSES
[2008-11-29 14:44:34] <gloomp> WOO
[2008-11-29 14:44:34] <Brttrx> This is slowly turning into a porno
[2008-11-29 14:44:38] <gloomp> Haha.
[2008-11-29 14:44:39] <sidke> PEDO
[2008-11-29 14:44:51] <gloomp> WALK AWAWY
[2008-11-29 14:44:56] <Brttrx> BYE GIRLS
[2008-11-29 14:45:00] <PNI> TWINS!!!!
[2008-11-29 14:45:02] <sidke> Heheheh...
[2008-11-29 14:45:12] <gloomp> Heh. Girls.
[2008-11-29 14:45:17] <sidke> I like that shot.
[2008-11-29 14:45:25] <gloomp> Me too.
[2008-11-29 14:45:31] <Brttrx> It likes you too.
[2008-11-29 14:45:32] <sidke> I take note of that each time I see it. The bend to the 'small room'.
[2008-11-29 14:45:34] <gloomp> I was too scared to watch it first time.
[2008-11-29 14:45:40] <PNI> Perfect for a child.
[2008-11-29 14:45:44] <sidke> homey!
[2008-11-29 14:45:48] <Brttrx> HOMIESSS
[2008-11-29 14:45:49] <sidke> S'homey, homie!
[2008-11-29 14:45:51] <gloomp> HOMEY
[2008-11-29 14:46:03] <gloomp> Ahahhaha. Hedge maze.
[2008-11-29 14:46:10] <PNI> HOMEY
[2008-11-29 14:46:15] <gloomp> 1907
[2008-11-29 14:46:17] <gloomp> 1909
[2008-11-29 14:46:25] <sidke> Teh SNOWCAT
[2008-11-29 14:46:30] <gloomp> Indian burial ground!
[2008-11-29 14:46:31] <Brttrx> CHIGAGO
[2008-11-29 14:46:37] <sidke> Decorator!
[2008-11-29 14:46:41] <sidke> REFURBISHING!
[2008-11-29 14:46:41] <Brttrx> PINK AND GOLD
[2008-11-29 14:46:49] <gloomp> THE GOLD ROOM
[2008-11-29 14:46:55] <Brttrx> Haha nice little jig
[2008-11-29 14:46:57] <sidke> I like that room.
[2008-11-29 14:47:07] <Brttrx> DICK!
[2008-11-29 14:47:11] <PNI> PINK GOLD BALL ROOM!
[2008-11-29 14:47:17] <sidke> Pwahaha... Dick.
[2008-11-29 14:47:36] <PNI> DICK@!
[2008-11-29 14:47:38] <gloomp> Bald 'n' black.
[2008-11-29 14:47:47] <sidke> Lol.
[2008-11-29 14:47:49] <sidke> Do it.
[2008-11-29 14:47:52] <gloomp> Bombing the universe?
[2008-11-29 14:47:57] <gloomp> What?
[2008-11-29 14:47:59] <sidke> Brt, what's your time?
[2008-11-29 14:48:09] <gloomp> FIRE EXIT
[2008-11-29 14:48:15] <Brttrx> 25:45
[2008-11-29 14:48:23] <PNI> 25:22
[2008-11-29 14:48:23] =-= CF|away is now known as CF
[2008-11-29 14:48:25] <sidke> Cool beans, I'm behind you still.
[2008-11-29 14:48:28] <gloomp> I'm juuust behind.
[2008-11-29 14:48:30] <PNI> CF!!!!!
[2008-11-29 14:48:42] <PNI> STUCK!!!
[2008-11-29 14:48:42] <CF> PEE EN AYE!
[2008-11-29 14:48:44] <PNI> NOOOO!
[2008-11-29 14:48:45] <gloomp> Nothin' burt a kitchen.
[2008-11-29 14:48:45] <Brttrx> walk in freezer = bad news
[2008-11-29 14:48:47] <gloomp> but*
[2008-11-29 14:48:56] <gloomp> MEAT
[2008-11-29 14:48:58] <sidke> Mmmm....
[2008-11-29 14:49:03] <sidke> Omnivore's dream.
[2008-11-29 14:49:05] <CF> Food now.
[2008-11-29 14:49:11] <gloomp> 40 CHICKENS? O_o
[2008-11-29 14:49:18] <sidke> I like his 'Doc'.
[2008-11-29 14:49:21] <Brttrx> THATS CARNIVORE
[2008-11-29 14:49:22] <gloomp> Doc.
[2008-11-29 14:49:36] <sidke> CARNIVORE TOO
[2008-11-29 14:49:44] <gloomp> Bugs Bunny.
[2008-11-29 14:49:51] <Brttrx> =(
[2008-11-29 14:49:55] <Brttrx> movies lagging
[2008-11-29 14:49:57] <sidke> NO smoking!
[2008-11-29 14:50:02] <gloomp> WHATSUPDOC?
[2008-11-29 14:50:02] <sidke> Pickles!
[2008-11-29 14:50:11] <gloomp> SHRILL
[2008-11-29 14:50:14] <Brttrx> tell me at 28
[2008-11-29 14:50:15] <gloomp> MUSIC
[2008-11-29 14:50:16] <sidke> Wheatena.
[2008-11-29 14:50:22] <CF> The vacuum guy is still here! T_T
[2008-11-29 14:50:25] <Brttrx> TELL ME
[2008-11-29 14:50:32] <sidke> Ice cream!
[2008-11-29 14:50:36] <Brttrx> TELL ME AT 28
[2008-11-29 14:50:42] <gloomp> WHAT?
[2008-11-29 14:50:43] <sidke> Oh.
[2008-11-29 14:50:48] <sidke> 28.15, now.
[2008-11-29 14:50:58] <Brttrx> 28 30 THEN
[2008-11-29 14:51:00] <gloomp> 28 20
[2008-11-29 14:51:04] <PNI> 26:13
[2008-11-29 14:51:06] <PNI> ?
[2008-11-29 14:51:11] <gloomp> 28 30
[2008-11-29 14:51:17] <sidke> PNI, how do you keep falling behind so?
[2008-11-29 14:51:31] <PNI> It keeps getting stuck.
[2008-11-29 14:51:32] <gloomp> Come on, son.
[2008-11-29 14:51:35] <sidke> Ah.
[2008-11-29 14:51:53] <sidke> How about we do a pause at around 45 to let the loading catch up and get drinkage, foodage, etc.
[2008-11-29 14:51:53] <gloomp> GHOST SHIP
[2008-11-29 14:51:56] <PNI> SUGAR PUFFS@!!!
[2008-11-29 14:52:30] <gloomp> 45
[2008-11-29 14:52:39] <sidke> 45.00, I meant.
[2008-11-29 14:52:43] <gloomp> Oh.
[2008-11-29 14:52:47] <PNI> !!!
[2008-11-29 14:52:50] <gloomp> SHINING
[2008-11-29 14:52:59] <gloomp> THE SHINE
[2008-11-29 14:53:07] <sidke> 'aspose'.
[2008-11-29 14:53:28] <sidke> Then why the finger?
[2008-11-29 14:53:30] <PNI> I really have to go right now.
[2008-11-29 14:53:33] <gloomp> SAY SOMETH- That's better.
[2008-11-29 14:53:33] <sidke> O____O
[2008-11-29 14:53:40] <PNI> I'm sorry.
[2008-11-29 14:53:41] <Brttrx> im at 31
[2008-11-29 14:53:41] <gloomp> TONY
[2008-11-29 14:53:42] <PNI> :(
[2008-11-29 14:53:46] |<-- PNI has left irc.waypasteleven.net (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[2008-11-29 14:53:47] <gloomp> :((((
[2008-11-29 14:53:49] <sidke> ... Bye PNI :/
[2008-11-29 14:53:55] <gloomp> Yes.
[2008-11-29 14:53:56] <Brttrx> :((((((((
[2008-11-29 14:54:06] <Brttrx> AT LEAST BRETTS STILL HERE, WHOOO
[2008-11-29 14:54:10] <gloomp> SHOWS ME THINGS
[2008-11-29 14:54:14] <gloomp> WOOOO
[2008-11-29 14:54:16] <Brttrx> I dont know
[2008-11-29 14:54:24] <sidke> BRETTRICKS IS HERE <3
[2008-11-29 14:54:37] <gloomp> BULDGING EYES
[2008-11-29 14:54:50] <gloomp> BULGING*
[2008-11-29 14:54:56] <Brttrx> Some shine, some dont
[2008-11-29 14:55:02] <Brttrx> =)
[2008-11-29 14:55:11] <sidke> Shiney head.
[2008-11-29 14:55:13] <gloomp> Nooo it's just that . . .
[2008-11-29 14:55:16] <Brttrx> Hahaha
[2008-11-29 14:55:24] <gloomp> KNIVES
[2008-11-29 14:55:27] <sidke> Taost
[2008-11-29 14:55:33] <gloomp> SEE THE KNIVES JUST THEN?
[2008-11-29 14:55:34] <Brttrx> Traces
[2008-11-29 14:55:38] <sidke> knives
[2008-11-29 14:55:54] <gloomp> Haha.
[2008-11-29 14:55:58] <gloomp> Toast.
[2008-11-29 14:56:12] <gloomp> Shine can see.
[2008-11-29 14:56:19] <Brttrx> 237
[2008-11-29 14:56:21] <sidke> o___O <- his face.
[2008-11-29 14:56:32] <gloomp> Yeeeeaaah.
[2008-11-29 14:56:34] <sidke> o___O < Room 237?
[2008-11-29 14:56:40] <gloomp> ROOM 237
[2008-11-29 14:56:46] <gloomp> 237
[2008-11-29 14:56:50] <Brttrx> A MONTH LATER
[2008-11-29 14:56:52] <gloomp> HOLY SHIT 237
[2008-11-29 14:56:55] <Brttrx> CAW CAWWWW
[2008-11-29 14:57:15] <Brttrx> Brb, tea's boilin
[2008-11-29 14:57:15] <gloomp> You're ahead of me.
[2008-11-29 14:57:19] <sidke> Yep.
[2008-11-29 14:57:24] <gloomp> TEA
[2008-11-29 14:57:28] <Brttrx> Holy shit, this is a classic scene isnt it
[2008-11-29 14:57:29] <sidke> You pausing Brttrx?
[2008-11-29 14:57:34] <Brttrx> nope
[2008-11-29 14:57:34] <gloomp> No.
[2008-11-29 14:57:37] <sidke> K.
[2008-11-29 14:57:42] <Brttrx> Im watching this first
[2008-11-29 14:57:43] <gloomp> TRIK
[2008-11-29 14:57:45] <gloomp> TRYK
[2008-11-29 14:57:46] <Brttrx> it looks epic
[2008-11-29 14:57:55] <sidke> It's awesome.
[2008-11-29 14:57:59] <gloomp> AH GOD TRYK
[2008-11-29 14:58:09] <gloomp> Tracking.
[2008-11-29 14:58:10] <Brttrx> BRTTRYX
[2008-11-29 14:58:24] <sidke> おはよう~!
[2008-11-29 14:58:34] <gloomp> Zoom out.
[2008-11-29 14:58:50] <Brttrx> sunny side up
[2008-11-29 14:59:05] <gloomp> Huh. There's a heartbeat-like thumping outside.
[2008-11-29 14:59:25] <gloomp> No idea what it is.
[2008-11-29 14:59:33] <sidke> Heh.
[2008-11-29 14:59:41] <sidke> His expression is like one of my friends "That's all it is!"
[2008-11-29 14:59:42] <gloomp> It's stopped.
[2008-11-29 14:59:53] <gloomp> It's restarted.
[2008-11-29 15:00:01] <sidke> O___O
[2008-11-29 15:00:02] <Brttrx> Like ive been here before
[2008-11-29 15:00:02] <gloomp> AH GOD DUVALL CLOSEUP
[2008-11-29 15:00:20] <sidke> Typewriter!
[2008-11-29 15:00:21] <gloomp> ID' BEWEN HERE BEFORE
[2008-11-29 15:00:24] <Brttrx> THUMP
[2008-11-29 15:00:27] <Brttrx> THUMP
[2008-11-29 15:00:29] <Brttrx> THUMP
[2008-11-29 15:00:31] <Brttrx> THUMP
[2008-11-29 15:00:32] <sidke> THWUMP!
[2008-11-29 15:00:37] <gloomp> THWUMP
[2008-11-29 15:00:39] <gloomp> !
[2008-11-29 15:00:53] <gloomp> Haha. Not music.
[2008-11-29 15:01:10] <Brttrx> This scene doesnt seem like it'll be pleasnt
[2008-11-29 15:01:11] <sidke> I want to go to one of those.
[2008-11-29 15:01:12] <gloomp> "Keep America clean"?
[2008-11-29 15:01:23] <gloomp> MAZE
[2008-11-29 15:01:25] <gloomp> HEDGE
[2008-11-29 15:01:28] <gloomp> MUSIC
[2008-11-29 15:01:30] <sidke> They use such difficult words in the subtitles...
[2008-11-29 15:01:35] <gloomp> TRACKING
[2008-11-29 15:01:57] <sidke> *eerie music*
[2008-11-29 15:02:11] <gloomp> Great shot soon.
[2008-11-29 15:02:19] <gloomp> Or not.
[2008-11-29 15:02:24] <gloomp> I dunno.
[2008-11-29 15:02:30] <gloomp> Yeah, there is.
[2008-11-29 15:02:53] <sidke> Behold the 'awe'.
[2008-11-29 15:02:55] <gloomp> This.
[2008-11-29 15:03:08] <gloomp> Isn't this so copol.
[2008-11-29 15:03:11] <sidke> Haha.
[2008-11-29 15:03:12] <gloomp> cool?*
[2008-11-29 15:03:12] <Brttrx> WHOA TUESDAY JESUS CHRIST
[2008-11-29 15:03:18] <sidke> RUBY TUESDAY
[2008-11-29 15:03:26] <sidke> 's.
[2008-11-29 15:03:29] <Brttrx> Cool can opener
[2008-11-29 15:03:31] <gloomp> Oh, yeah, we really laughed at that.
[2008-11-29 15:03:37] <gloomp> My friends and I.
[2008-11-29 15:03:41] <sidke> Missing Aspen Woman.
[2008-11-29 15:03:43] <gloomp> 1968
[2008-11-29 15:03:47] <sidke> *slosh*
[2008-11-29 15:03:54] <gloomp> HUNTING TRIP
[2008-11-29 15:03:58] <Brttrx> BRTTRXY
[2008-11-29 15:04:06] <gloomp> SNOWSTORM
[2008-11-29 15:04:17] <gloomp> TRYK
[2008-11-29 15:04:22] <sidke> Dun dun dun dun dun
[2008-11-29 15:04:28] <Brttrx> he pedals like a mad man
[2008-11-29 15:04:30] <Brttrx> 237
[2008-11-29 15:04:32] <gloomp> TENSION TRYK
[2008-11-29 15:04:33] <Brttrx> dun dun udnu ndunudnudn
[2008-11-29 15:04:34] <sidke> O____O
[2008-11-29 15:04:36] <sidke> TENSHUN
[2008-11-29 15:04:52] <gloomp> 237
[2008-11-29 15:04:54] <gloomp> AH GOD
[2008-11-29 15:04:57] <sidke> Pause in 3 minutes!
[2008-11-29 15:05:03] <gloomp> Oh, yeah.
[2008-11-29 15:05:15] * sidke needs more drinkage.
[2008-11-29 15:05:18] <Brttrx> Intermission?
[2008-11-29 15:05:22] <sidke> Yes, of sorts.
[2008-11-29 15:05:33] <gloomp> I'm not allowed to drink in front of the computer. D:<
[2008-11-29 15:05:34] <sidke> O_O
[2008-11-29 15:05:40] <sidke> >:[
[2008-11-29 15:05:41] <gloomp> DON'T GO IN
[2008-11-29 15:05:48] <gloomp> AH GILS
[2008-11-29 15:05:51] <Brttrx> My dad made an acception because Im watching the shining
[2008-11-29 15:05:51] <gloomp> GIRLS*
[2008-11-29 15:05:55] <sidke> Madman! Pedal!
[2008-11-29 15:06:03] <sidke> :D
[2008-11-29 15:06:21] <gloomp> TYPE TYPE TYPE
[2008-11-29 15:06:29] * sidke has cans and cans of Dr. P, Coke Zero, and Pepsi One on his desk.
[2008-11-29 15:06:33] <Brttrx> WHOA EPIC PAPER PULL
[2008-11-29 15:06:39] <sidke> !!!
[2008-11-29 15:06:45] <sidke> Scary Paper pull.
[2008-11-29 15:06:46] <Brttrx> Shes hott
[2008-11-29 15:06:47] <gloomp> He, hon!
[2008-11-29 15:06:50] <Brttrx> Id do her
[2008-11-29 15:06:53] <gloomp> Hi*
[2008-11-29 15:06:55] <gloomp> Haha.
[2008-11-29 15:07:00] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 15:07:04] <gloomp> I think she's creepy.
[2008-11-29 15:07:04] <sidke> He's really scary.
[2008-11-29 15:07:11] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 15:07:13] <Brttrx> She's just mellow
[2008-11-29 15:07:14] <sidke> Scary.
[2008-11-29 15:07:24] <gloomp> Look at thosae teeth.
[2008-11-29 15:07:24] <sidke> O_O
[2008-11-29 15:07:27] <gloomp> those*
[2008-11-29 15:07:39] <Brttrx> He went crazy =D
[2008-11-29 15:07:39] <sidke> DISTRACTING ME
[2008-11-29 15:07:42] <Brttrx> Good ol' Jack
[2008-11-29 15:07:46] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 15:07:48] <Brttrx> Hahaha
[2008-11-29 15:07:48] <sidke> Scary...
[2008-11-29 15:07:55] <gloomp> Hhahaha.
[2008-11-29 15:08:04] <gloomp> PAUSE
[2008-11-29 15:08:06] <sidke> ... He's really good.
[2008-11-29 15:08:08] <gloomp> 45
[2008-11-29 15:08:09] <sidke> Woah yeah.
[2008-11-29 15:08:10] <gloomp> 45
[2008-11-29 15:08:11] <sidke> Pause.
[2008-11-29 15:08:12] <gloomp> 45
[2008-11-29 15:08:16] <sidke> Totally forgot, he's really good.
[2008-11-29 15:08:18] <sidke> BRT
[2008-11-29 15:08:19] <gloomp> Okay.
[2008-11-29 15:08:20] <sidke> BRTTRX
[2008-11-29 15:08:22] * gloomp away
[2008-11-29 15:08:31] <Brttrx> 45:45?
[2008-11-29 15:08:36] <sidke> Ah. S'fine.
[2008-11-29 15:08:42] <sidke> Pause for like, 5 minutes.
[2008-11-29 15:08:51] <Brttrx> Alright I'll brb
[2008-11-29 15:08:53] <Brttrx> also
[2008-11-29 15:08:54] * sidke announces intermission!
[2008-11-29 15:08:57] * sidke away for 5.
[2008-11-29 15:11:56] * gloomp back
[2008-11-29 15:12:20] * sidke back in 4.
[2008-11-29 15:12:30] <sidke> Woo.
[2008-11-29 15:12:32] <sidke> This is fun.
[2008-11-29 15:12:56] <gloomp> I might not be allowed food or drink, but I am allowed candy! :D
[2008-11-29 15:13:14] <sidke> :D
[2008-11-29 15:14:08] * gloomp has four Jolly Ranchers', 3 grape, 1 apple, a Jujyfruits box, and 1 box of Smarties
[2008-11-29 15:14:33] * gloomp pops a grape
[2008-11-29 15:14:50] <Brttrx> Tea and buttered thingies
[2008-11-29 15:14:53] <Brttrx> Im ready to watch
[2008-11-29 15:14:57] <gloomp> Mmmmm.
[2008-11-29 15:15:04] <sidke> Me too.
[2008-11-29 15:15:08] <gloomp> Been so freaking long since I had these.
[2008-11-29 15:15:11] <gloomp> I'm ready.
[2008-11-29 15:15:19] <Brttrx> count us down
[2008-11-29 15:15:24] <gloomp> 5
[2008-11-29 15:15:26] <gloomp> 4
[2008-11-29 15:15:27] <gloomp> 3
[2008-11-29 15:15:29] <gloomp> 2
[2008-11-29 15:15:31] <gloomp> 1
[2008-11-29 15:15:33] * sidke announces intermission's end!
- Global Mod
- Posts: 1596
- Joined: 2008.09.26 (13:10)
- NUMA Profile: http://nmaps.net/user/gloomp
- Location: Troy, New York
- Contact:
2008-11-29 15:15:33] <gloomp> NOOOW
[2008-11-29 15:15:45] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 15:15:47] <sidke> Scary.
[2008-11-29 15:15:53] <sidke> "Get the fuck out of here"
[2008-11-29 15:16:00] <gloomp> WHAT THE FUCK YOU HEAR MTE DOING
[2008-11-29 15:16:05] <gloomp> ME*
[2008-11-29 15:16:09] <gloomp> OK.
[2008-11-29 15:16:32] <Brttrx> where are you guys, im at 46:45
[2008-11-29 15:16:38] <sidke> 46:35
[2008-11-29 15:16:40] <gloomp> 45 10
[2008-11-29 15:16:41] <sidke> 25*
[2008-11-29 15:16:47] <Brttrx> ok good
[2008-11-29 15:16:57] <Brttrx> this is cool =D
[2008-11-29 15:16:59] <gloomp> 46*
[2008-11-29 15:17:01] <sidke> :D
[2008-11-29 15:17:08] <gloomp> Staring.
[2008-11-29 15:17:28] <Brttrx> Now I can yell "DONT GO IN THAT DOOR!" without disturbing the theatre
[2008-11-29 15:17:30] <gloomp> SATURDAY
[2008-11-29 15:17:34] <gloomp> SNOWWWWW
[2008-11-29 15:17:38] <gloomp> TYPE
[2008-11-29 15:17:44] <sidke> Lol, brt.
[2008-11-29 15:17:58] <gloomp> Haha, I did stuff like that watching Halloween.
[2008-11-29 15:18:05] <sidke> "What the hell are you doing?! Don't press that button!!"
[2008-11-29 15:18:16] <gloomp> It was 4 AM and I woke up my friend's parentsw.
[2008-11-29 15:18:17] <sidke> Stuff like that.
[2008-11-29 15:18:24] <sidke> XD
[2008-11-29 15:18:37] <gloomp> Radio.
[2008-11-29 15:18:44] <gloomp> KDK 12 KDK1
[2008-11-29 15:18:50] <gloomp> OVER
[2008-11-29 15:19:02] <sidke> "idn't it"
[2008-11-29 15:19:28] <Brttrx> Uh oh, epic scene
[2008-11-29 15:19:37] <gloomp> What radio?
[2008-11-29 15:19:38] <sidke> dun dun dun dun dun
[2008-11-29 15:19:44] <Brttrx> All work and no play makes danny a dull boy
[2008-11-29 15:19:54] <sidke> !!!!
[2008-11-29 15:19:55] <gloomp> TRYK
[2008-11-29 15:19:55] <Brttrx> Oh wow
[2008-11-29 15:19:56] <sidke> TWINSES
[2008-11-29 15:19:57] <gloomp> TRYK
[2008-11-29 15:20:03] <gloomp> Oh, this one.
[2008-11-29 15:20:06] <sidke> They SPEAK
[2008-11-29 15:20:09] <Brttrx> Whoa
[2008-11-29 15:20:12] <sidke> Heheh...
[2008-11-29 15:20:15] * gloomp closes eyes
[2008-11-29 15:20:17] <sidke> They want him to 'play' with them.
[2008-11-29 15:20:23] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 15:20:24] <Brttrx> Bow chika wow wow
[2008-11-29 15:20:27] <sidke> Bloody.
[2008-11-29 15:20:36] <gloomp> Or not.
[2008-11-29 15:20:41] <sidke> Danny closes eyes, too, gloomp.
[2008-11-29 15:20:42] <Brttrx> TONY AINT GONNA HELP YOU, MOTHAFUCKA
[2008-11-29 15:20:58] <sidke> Poor kid.
[2008-11-29 15:21:01] <gloomp> RUN AWAWYYYYY
[2008-11-29 15:21:07] <Brttrx> Poor fucker.
[2008-11-29 15:21:08] <gloomp> Empty.
[2008-11-29 15:21:39] <sidke> If Tony is in his mouth... What's with the finger?
[2008-11-29 15:21:46] <Brttrx> Wow, are the only people in the whole damn hotel?
[2008-11-29 15:21:47] <gloomp> It isn't real.
[2008-11-29 15:21:52] <gloomp> Yup.
[2008-11-29 15:21:56] <sidke> Yes, they are the only people in the Hotel.
[2008-11-29 15:21:58] <Brttrx> Creepy
[2008-11-29 15:22:01] <sidke> Vary.
[2008-11-29 15:22:15] <gloomp> TV watching.
[2008-11-29 15:22:24] <gloomp> Even there.
[2008-11-29 15:22:33] <Brttrx> That doot
[2008-11-29 15:22:35] <Brttrx> door
[2008-11-29 15:22:40] <Brttrx> hmmm
[2008-11-29 15:22:48] <Brttrx> Too many locks on that door
[2008-11-29 15:22:51] <Brttrx> DUM DUM DUM
[2008-11-29 15:22:59] <sidke> Two locks.
[2008-11-29 15:23:06] <Brttrx> ONES ENOUGH
[2008-11-29 15:23:14] <gloomp> Where are you guys at?
[2008-11-29 15:23:22] <sidke> He doesn't /need/ to close the door on the way in.
[2008-11-29 15:23:28] <sidke> 53:15, now!
[2008-11-29 15:23:38] <sidke> O__O
[2008-11-29 15:23:41] <Brttrx> can we pause for a second?
[2008-11-29 15:23:46] <sidke> Paused.
[2008-11-29 15:23:48] <gloomp> PAUSED
[2008-11-29 15:23:55] <sidke> 53:31.
[2008-11-29 15:24:02] <Brttrx> my compy needs to load more of the video
[2008-11-29 15:24:06] <sidke> Ah, k.
[2008-11-29 15:24:09] <sidke> Tell us when.
[2008-11-29 15:24:11] <gloomp> Let me get the same as you, sidke. Where are you at?
[2008-11-29 15:24:24] <sidke> ^--- 53:31
[2008-11-29 15:24:45] <gloomp> 'Kay.
[2008-11-29 15:24:50] <gloomp> Same'd.
[2008-11-29 15:24:58] <Brttrx> Give it a few minutes =(
[2008-11-29 15:25:10] <gloomp> I could use some load time too.
[2008-11-29 15:25:12] <sidke> Yep.
[2008-11-29 15:25:15] <gloomp> So no worries.
[2008-11-29 15:25:57] <gloomp> So, you liking this movie Brttrx?
[2008-11-29 15:26:05] <Brttrx> So far so good
[2008-11-29 15:26:14] <sidke> Wicked, glad you're liking it.
[2008-11-29 15:26:19] <gloomp> It gets super scary.
[2008-11-29 15:26:27] <sidke> Pfft...
[2008-11-29 15:26:37] <gloomp> WELL I THINK IT DOES
[2008-11-29 15:26:38] <Brttrx> Its slowly dragging towards the climax as a nice rate
[2008-11-29 15:26:43] <Brttrx> keeping me interested
[2008-11-29 15:27:04] <gloomp> Yeah. It's a horror for people with patience!
[2008-11-29 15:27:09] <sidke> 'slowly dragging' and 'nice rate'... Interesting combination :D
[2008-11-29 15:27:39] <Brttrx> Each scene is very slow paced, but its climaxing quite nicley
[2008-11-29 15:27:57] <Brttrx> LIKE MY GF
[2008-11-29 15:27:59] <Brttrx> OOOOOOO SHIT
[2008-11-29 15:28:07] <sidke> Yes, yes.
[2008-11-29 15:28:11] <sidke> I knew something along those lines was coming.
[2008-11-29 15:28:14] <sidke> OHHHHHH!!!!
[2008-11-29 15:28:19] <gloomp> I was totally thinking about making that joke.
[2008-11-29 15:28:20] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 15:28:25] <Brttrx> Haha
[2008-11-29 15:28:47] <Brttrx> Ok, its barley loading anymore, lets just continue and see what happens
[2008-11-29 15:28:52] <sidke> 'kay.
[2008-11-29 15:28:58] <gloomp> Kay.
[2008-11-29 15:28:59] <sidke> Tell us when you press play.
[2008-11-29 15:29:00] <gloomp> 5
[2008-11-29 15:29:01] <gloomp> 4
[2008-11-29 15:29:02] <gloomp> 3
[2008-11-29 15:29:03] <gloomp> 2
[2008-11-29 15:29:07] <sidke> Or counting works :D
[2008-11-29 15:29:09] <gloomp> 1
[2008-11-29 15:29:15] <gloomp> GO
[2008-11-29 15:29:50] <gloomp> Sit upon my knee.
[2008-11-29 15:30:01] <sidke> Poor guy.
[2008-11-29 15:30:51] <gloomp> I can't.
[2008-11-29 15:31:06] <sidke> "I can't" is like... 9 complex characters in Japanese XD
[2008-11-29 15:31:23] <Brttrx> ever and ever and ever
[2008-11-29 15:31:37] <sidke> Freaky smile.
[2008-11-29 15:31:40] <sidke> and ever...
[2008-11-29 15:31:42] <sidke> ... and ever.
[2008-11-29 15:31:44] <gloomp> EVER AND EVER AND EVER
[2008-11-29 15:31:46] <sidke> Dad?
[2008-11-29 15:31:49] <sidke> What?!
[2008-11-29 15:31:55] <sidke> :D
[2008-11-29 15:31:58] <sidke> Would you?!
[2008-11-29 15:31:59] <gloomp> Silence.
[2008-11-29 15:32:08] <gloomp> Anger.
[2008-11-29 15:32:19] <gloomp> You sure?
[2008-11-29 15:32:20] <Brttrx> SO creepy
[2008-11-29 15:32:28] <gloomp> I love you, Danny.
[2008-11-29 15:32:29] <Brttrx> OMG WEDNESDAY OMG
[2008-11-29 15:32:35] <sidke> SHUSH
[2008-11-29 15:32:37] <gloomp> HURT YOU NEVER
[2008-11-29 15:32:40] <sidke> YOU'RE REALLY FAR AHEAD BRT
[2008-11-29 15:32:47] <sidke> WEDNESDAY!
[2008-11-29 15:32:51] <gloomp> SNOW
[2008-11-29 15:32:59] <gloomp> CARS AND TRUCKS AND MUSIC
[2008-11-29 15:33:03] * sidke used to do that.
[2008-11-29 15:33:09] <Brttrx> Me too
[2008-11-29 15:33:11] <sidke> Woah.
[2008-11-29 15:33:15] <sidke> Nice aim down the middle.
[2008-11-29 15:33:16] <Brttrx> 2nd grade
[2008-11-29 15:33:19] <gloomp> Ha, I used to line all mine up in rows.
[2008-11-29 15:33:22] <Brttrx> I said that too haha
[2008-11-29 15:33:31] <sidke> I used the make my cars fight my transformers.
[2008-11-29 15:33:37] <gloomp> I liked to imagine the floor was a parking lot.
[2008-11-29 15:33:44] <Brttrx> BUT TRANSFORMERS WERE CARS TOO
[2008-11-29 15:33:46] <sidke> !!!
[2008-11-29 15:33:48] <sidke> IT FROZE
[2008-11-29 15:33:54] <gloomp> Not for me.
[2008-11-29 15:33:57] <Brttrx> PAUSED
[2008-11-29 15:34:01] <sidke> Wtf?!
[2008-11-29 15:34:02] <gloomp> PAUSE
[2008-11-29 15:34:04] <sidke> Weeeeird.
[2008-11-29 15:34:08] <gloomp> 58 14
[2008-11-29 15:34:08] <Brttrx> paused at 58:27
[2008-11-29 15:34:11] <sidke> It's really, not moving.
[2008-11-29 15:34:16] <gloomp> ;_;
[2008-11-29 15:34:18] <sidke> Paused at 79.59
[2008-11-29 15:34:19] <Brttrx> Lets just wait then
[2008-11-29 15:34:20] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 15:34:20] <sidke> 59
[2008-11-29 15:34:24] <sidke> 5957*
[2008-11-29 15:34:25] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 15:34:29] <sidke> 57.59* jeez.
[2008-11-29 15:34:41] <gloomp> Hm.
[2008-11-29 15:34:42] <sidke> Loading is reealy slow.
[2008-11-29 15:34:45] <sidke> really*.
[2008-11-29 15:34:47] <Brttrx> I'll play N to pass time
[2008-11-29 15:34:50] <sidke> :D
[2008-11-29 15:34:51] <gloomp> Some people had truble with this.
[2008-11-29 15:35:06] -->| PNI ([email protected]) has joined #Cinema
[2008-11-29 15:35:12] <sidke> Welcome back PNI.
[2008-11-29 15:35:17] <Brttrx> Take as much time as you need, Im playin my level pack in the meantime
[2008-11-29 15:35:17] <PNI> Hey.
[2008-11-29 15:35:21] <gloomp> AND DANNY IS TOTALLY ABOUT GO IN ROOM 237 AH GOD
[2008-11-29 15:35:22] * sidke mumbles something that sounds like 'traitor'.
[2008-11-29 15:35:26] <PNI> !watching
[2008-11-29 15:35:27] <movie-bot> Movie being watched currently: The Shining, !movie for details.
[2008-11-29 15:35:35] <PNI> !movie
[2008-11-29 15:35:36] <movie-bot> Next scheduled movie: The Shining, by Stanley Kubrick. Link: http://www.watch-movies.net/movies/the_shining/
[2008-11-29 15:35:45] * sidke <3 movie-bot.
[2008-11-29 15:35:53] <PNI> Where you guys at?
[2008-11-29 15:35:57] <gloomp> We're at around 58 10.
[2008-11-29 15:36:03] <sidke> 58 minutes, yeah.
[2008-11-29 15:36:08] <PNI> Okay.
[2008-11-29 15:36:14] <sidke> Jebus.
[2008-11-29 15:36:21] <sidke> It's not loaded much since we stopped!
[2008-11-29 15:36:22] <PNI> My friends grandmother had a stroke, so I had to leave.
[2008-11-29 15:36:31] <sidke> O__O
[2008-11-29 15:36:33] <gloomp> That's terrible.
[2008-11-29 15:36:34] <sidke> Is she okay?
[2008-11-29 15:36:37] <sidke> Like..
[2008-11-29 15:36:40] <sidke> Obviously not
[2008-11-29 15:36:41] <PNI> Hope so.
[2008-11-29 15:36:46] <sidke> But is she at least stable now?
[2008-11-29 15:36:53] <sidke> Ah. You dunno.
[2008-11-29 15:36:55] <PNI> I don't know.
[2008-11-29 15:37:00] <PNI> She's in hospital
[2008-11-29 15:37:09] <PNI> So where at now?
[2008-11-29 15:37:13] <sidke> Still 58
[2008-11-29 15:37:21] <sidke> We've paused because my player's being a douche.
[2008-11-29 15:37:22] <gloomp> My grandmother's going in for surgery on the 1st.
[2008-11-29 15:37:24] <PNI> 58:40
[2008-11-29 15:37:31] <gloomp> Too far.
[2008-11-29 15:37:34] <sidke> It's loaded maybe 10 pixels after the current position.
[2008-11-29 15:37:50] <gloomp> I'm at 58 14
[2008-11-29 15:37:54] <PNI> 59 minutes.
[2008-11-29 15:38:07] <gloomp> PNI TOO FAR
[2008-11-29 15:38:10] <PNI> So can anyone tell me what has happened?
[2008-11-29 15:38:15] <sidke> Eum.
[2008-11-29 15:38:20] <gloomp> Uhh.
[2008-11-29 15:38:30] <sidke> Dad's a bit grouchy. Danny's seeing stuff. and mum's taking it all.
[2008-11-29 15:38:35] <sidke> O__o
[2008-11-29 15:38:36] <PNI> Rewound it to 58:20
[2008-11-29 15:38:43] * PNI <3 sidke
[2008-11-29 15:38:56] <gloomp> Hey, I'll dig out the log! You can read it!
[2008-11-29 15:39:05] <sidke> It's loaded 2 pixels since I said 'It's loaded maybe 10...'
[2008-11-29 15:39:07] <PNI> Sweet.
[2008-11-29 15:39:25] <PNI> 58:46
[2008-11-29 15:39:35] <sidke> Pni, just go to 58
[2008-11-29 15:39:41] <sidke> and pause.
[2008-11-29 15:39:47] <PNI> I die!
[2008-11-29 15:39:49] <PNI> *did
[2008-11-29 15:39:54] <sidke> I should be good to go in a few.
[2008-11-29 15:40:14] <PNI> Okay.
[2008-11-29 15:40:17] <PNI> 58.
[2008-11-29 15:40:26] <sidke> Okay. Brttrx, you ready?
[2008-11-29 15:40:35] <sidke> gloomp, PNI ?
[2008-11-29 15:40:47] <PNI> One sec.
[2008-11-29 15:40:54] <PNI> Cat on lap, and biting me.
[2008-11-29 15:41:01] <sidke> Gloomp'll count down.
[2008-11-29 15:41:03] <PNI> Ready.
[2008-11-29 15:41:07] <sidke> Once he gets back.
[2008-11-29 15:41:26] <gloomp> Oh, sorry I was getting the log stuff.
[2008-11-29 15:41:35] <PNI> Okay, I just got a PM from Mustardude.
[2008-11-29 15:41:41] <sidke> More hate mail?
[2008-11-29 15:41:46] <Brttrx> Im ready, call my name when we can start
[2008-11-29 15:41:46] <PNI> "The webpage cannot be found."
[2008-11-29 15:41:55] <gloomp> Haha.
[2008-11-29 15:41:59] <gloomp> Hahajaha.
[2008-11-29 15:42:07] <sidke> Gloooomp. You may commence the count down!
[2008-11-29 15:42:10] <gloomp> Okay, we ready to do this?
[2008-11-29 15:42:13] <gloomp> GOOD
[2008-11-29 15:42:15] <gloomp> 5
[2008-11-29 15:42:17] <gloomp> 4
[2008-11-29 15:42:18] <gloomp> 3
[2008-11-29 15:42:19] <PNI> WOO!
[2008-11-29 15:42:21] <gloomp> 3
[2008-11-29 15:42:22] <gloomp> 2
[2008-11-29 15:42:23] <gloomp> 1
[2008-11-29 15:42:26] <gloomp> NOOOOOOW
[2008-11-29 15:42:35] <gloomp> PLAYIN'
[2008-11-29 15:42:36] <Brttrx> Bye N
[2008-11-29 15:42:41] <PNI> WTF?
[2008-11-29 15:42:44] <gloomp> 237
[2008-11-29 15:42:50] <sidke> Right, I should have said brttrx XD
[2008-11-29 15:43:03] <Brttrx> Im at 59:00
[2008-11-29 15:43:06] <gloomp> DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE
[2008-11-29 15:43:12] <PNI> 58:11
[2008-11-29 15:43:15] <sidke> 58:45
[2008-11-29 15:43:29] <gloomp> RUNNIN'
[2008-11-29 15:43:31] <sidke> I don't remember this scene.
[2008-11-29 15:43:39] <gloomp> I covered my eyes.
[2008-11-29 15:43:50] <gloomp> Haha.
[2008-11-29 15:43:53] <sidke> And I can tell this'll stop again.
[2008-11-29 15:43:54] <PNI> Haha
[2008-11-29 15:43:56] <sidke> :/
[2008-11-29 15:44:01] <gloomp> The subtitles have no !.
[2008-11-29 15:44:12] <gloomp> :\
[2008-11-29 15:44:14] <Brttrx> Just keep the window w/ the play in front so it loads faster
[2008-11-29 15:44:28] <sidke> It's playing at x1 and loading at x.5
[2008-11-29 15:44:38] <gloomp> Dang.
[2008-11-29 15:44:47] <sidke> Well shucks!
[2008-11-29 15:44:49] <gloomp> I CUT YOU UP IN LITTLE PIECES
[2008-11-29 15:45:00] <sidke> I CUT YOU UP INTO LITTLE PIECES!
[2008-11-29 15:45:11] <Brttrx> This movie is fucked up
[2008-11-29 15:45:11] <PNI> Where are you?
[2008-11-29 15:45:13] <Brttrx> I love it
[2008-11-29 15:45:17] <gloomp> DaANNY
[2008-11-29 15:45:26] <gloomp> EVERYTHING'S OKAY
[2008-11-29 15:45:31] <gloomp> HEADACHE
[2008-11-29 15:45:34] <Brttrx> MIND ME
[2008-11-29 15:45:50] <sidke> FRAKFRAKFRAK
[2008-11-29 15:45:53] <sidke> paused.
[2008-11-29 15:45:53] <sidke> :/
[2008-11-29 15:45:55] <gloomp> THUMBSUCKER
[2008-11-29 15:45:56] <Brttrx> FAP FAP FAP FAP
[2008-11-29 15:46:01] <Brttrx> PAUSED
[2008-11-29 15:46:02] <sidke> Well, stopping.
[2008-11-29 15:46:03] <Brttrx> PAUSED
[2008-11-29 15:46:04] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 15:46:04] <gloomp> PAUSED
[2008-11-29 15:46:05] <Brttrx> PAUSED
[2008-11-29 15:46:06] <sidke> Bah.
[2008-11-29 15:46:11] <sidke> This isn't fair to you guys :/
[2008-11-29 15:46:15] <gloomp> 61 45
[2008-11-29 15:46:19] <gloomp> It's okay.
[2008-11-29 15:46:26] <sidke> wtf why is it taking so long?! GRAWR~!
[2008-11-29 15:46:32] <Brttrx> Keep the window w/ the player in front
[2008-11-29 15:46:37] <gloomp> This way I'm sure that the loading will stay in front.
[2008-11-29 15:46:51] <Brttrx> thats how it loads faster
[2008-11-29 15:47:04] <PNI> YOU SON OF A BITCH!
[2008-11-29 15:47:11] <PNI> HOW COULD YOU?
[2008-11-29 15:47:15] <sidke> Could we?
[2008-11-29 15:47:30] <gloomp> Yo, PNI, want the logs?
[2008-11-29 15:47:31] <sidke> I think I jump started it.
[2008-11-29 15:47:32] <sidke> I hope.
[2008-11-29 15:47:39] <sidke> It's loading a bit quicker now.
[2008-11-29 15:47:42] <PNI> Later, gloomp, please.
[2008-11-29 15:47:42] <sidke> Mmmkay.
[2008-11-29 15:47:48] <gloomp> 'Kay.
[2008-11-29 15:47:51] <sidke> Sorry for the pause, fellas.
[2008-11-29 15:47:57] <gloomp> Start?
[2008-11-29 15:48:00] <sidke> Yep.
[2008-11-29 15:48:02] <Brttrx> START
[2008-11-29 15:48:08] <gloomp> STARTED
[2008-11-29 15:48:09] <PNI> Gloomp, this isn't THAT scary.
[2008-11-29 15:48:22] <gloomp> YES IT IS FOR CHRISSAKE
[2008-11-29 15:48:30] <PNI> NO IT AIN'T
[2008-11-29 15:48:32] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 15:48:37] <Brttrx> ARENT WE COUNTING DOWN?
[2008-11-29 15:48:44] <Brttrx> THIS PLACE HAS BAD COMMUNICATION
[2008-11-29 15:48:47] <gloomp> Oh god, here's where her face starts going weird.
[2008-11-29 15:48:49] <Brttrx> >=(
[2008-11-29 15:48:57] <gloomp> Sorry.
[2008-11-29 15:48:58] <sidke> START BRTTRX!
[2008-11-29 15:48:59] <sidke> :D
[2008-11-29 15:49:10] * gloomp starts Brttrx
[2008-11-29 15:49:18] <Brttrx> >=S
[2008-11-29 15:49:25] <Brttrx> >=|
[2008-11-29 15:49:27] <sidke> Tell me when you gus get to 62:50. It just jumped there for me.
[2008-11-29 15:49:27] <Brttrx> =D
[2008-11-29 15:49:35] <Brttrx> GO
[2008-11-29 15:49:38] <gloomp> FAMOUS SCENE COMING
[2008-11-29 15:49:38] <Brttrx> im at 63
[2008-11-29 15:49:43] <gloomp> 63 19
[2008-11-29 15:49:56] <Brttrx> gloomp pause for 5 secs
[2008-11-29 15:50:08] <PNI> Why?
[2008-11-29 15:50:13] <gloomp> Tell me when.
[2008-11-29 15:50:19] <Brttrx> 5 seconds
[2008-11-29 15:50:23] <Brttrx> just estimate
[2008-11-29 15:50:31] <PNI> Now?
[2008-11-29 15:50:33] <gloomp> Started.
[2008-11-29 15:50:43] <Brttrx> I wanna be the furthest ahead because I havent seen this before
[2008-11-29 15:50:46] <gloomp> GOLD ROOM WOO
[2008-11-29 15:50:53] <gloomp> MIRRORS
[2008-11-29 15:50:57] <PNI> BAR!
[2008-11-29 15:50:59] <PNI> BEER!
[2008-11-29 15:51:03] <PNI> WHISKEY!
[2008-11-29 15:51:05] <gloomp> NO BEER
[2008-11-29 15:51:05] <PNI> VODKA!
[2008-11-29 15:51:05] <sidke> Let Brttrx get ahead.
[2008-11-29 15:51:08] <PNI> WOO!
[2008-11-29 15:51:34] <Brttrx> Next april
[2008-11-29 15:51:43] <gloomp> God, scary laugh.
[2008-11-29 15:52:01] <PNI> Muahahahaha
[2008-11-29 15:52:04] <sidke> Heheheh.
[2008-11-29 15:52:25] <sidke> Right here in my WALLET
[2008-11-29 15:52:36] <gloomp> White man's burdon.
[2008-11-29 15:52:50] <sidke> "one buh one"
[2008-11-29 15:53:00] <gloomp> Burden*
[2008-11-29 15:53:04] <Brttrx> Wow that was like 3 shots
[2008-11-29 15:53:09] <Brttrx> at once
[2008-11-29 15:53:15] <PNI> I like you Lloyd!
[2008-11-29 15:53:23] <sidke> "I like you Lloyd!" :D
[2008-11-29 15:53:34] <gloomp> Rollin' eyes.
[2008-11-29 15:53:42] <Brttrx> So, he's created an imaginary bartender friend?
[2008-11-29 15:53:45] <sidke> Yes.
[2008-11-29 15:53:52] <Brttrx> and drinks imaginary drinks
[2008-11-29 15:53:54] <PNI> Yes.
[2008-11-29 15:53:55] <sidke> Yes.
[2008-11-29 15:53:56] <Brttrx> wow
[2008-11-29 15:54:02] <PNI> Weird.
[2008-11-29 15:54:11] <gloomp> Women.
[2008-11-29 15:54:12] <Brttrx> "Cabin fever"
[2008-11-29 15:54:27] <sidke> O___o
[2008-11-29 15:54:42] <sidke> Heheh.
[2008-11-29 15:54:45] <sidke> His eyebrows.
[2008-11-29 15:54:56] <PNI> Words of wisdom
[2008-11-29 15:54:57] <Brttrx> unintentional
[2008-11-29 15:55:15] <sidke> Shouldn't it be "goddamned head"?
[2008-11-29 15:55:37] <gloomp> "Accident"
[2008-11-29 15:55:39] <PNI> Where are you guys?
[2008-11-29 15:55:49] <gloomp> 68 50
[2008-11-29 15:55:50] <sidke> Completely unintentional~!
[2008-11-29 15:55:52] <Brttrx> PAUSE
[2008-11-29 15:55:53] <Brttrx> PASUE
[2008-11-29 15:55:54] <Brttrx> OPSUYAS
[2008-11-29 15:55:55] <Brttrx> PASUE
[2008-11-29 15:56:07] <PNI> Pausing!
[2008-11-29 15:56:10] <sidke> Lol.
[2008-11-29 15:56:16] <gloomp> Paused
[2008-11-29 15:56:20] <sidke> A momentary loss of muscular coordination!
[2008-11-29 15:56:30] <PNI> Is CF still here?
[2008-11-29 15:56:36] <CF> Mhm?
[2008-11-29 15:56:37] <sidke> Not that I am aware of.
[2008-11-29 15:56:43] <PNI> CF!
[2008-11-29 15:56:58] <PNI> Can we play now?
[2008-11-29 15:57:07] <gloomp> Can we?
[2008-11-29 15:57:16] <PNI> Pweez?
[2008-11-29 15:57:26] <gloomp> C'mon.
[2008-11-29 15:57:33] <PNI> BRTTRX!
[2008-11-29 15:57:36] <Brttrx> OK PLAY
[2008-11-29 15:57:42] <Brttrx> COUNT DOWN GLOOMP
[2008-11-29 15:57:44] <gloomp> PLAYED
[2008-11-29 15:57:47] <gloomp> OOOPS
[2008-11-29 15:57:49] <Brttrx> =S
[2008-11-29 15:57:49] <sidke> What's your time Brttrx?
[2008-11-29 15:58:02] <gloomp> I'm at 69 23
[2008-11-29 15:58:03] <Brttrx> 69:28
[2008-11-29 15:58:07] <sidke> K.
[2008-11-29 15:58:12] <gloomp> Sooooo.
[2008-11-29 15:58:13] <gloomp> 5
[2008-11-29 15:58:15] <gloomp> 4
[2008-11-29 15:58:18] <gloomp> 3
[2008-11-29 15:58:20] <gloomp> 2
[2008-11-29 15:58:22] <gloomp> 1
[2008-11-29 15:58:24] <gloomp> NOOOW
[2008-11-29 15:58:34] * CF presses play
[2008-11-29 15:58:39] <gloomp> It's the truth!
[2008-11-29 15:58:42] <sidke> Pahahaaa. Cf :P
[2008-11-29 15:58:47] <gloomp> Hahahhah
[2008-11-29 15:58:48] <gloomp> .
[2008-11-29 15:58:55] * CF porn starts playing in WMP
[2008-11-29 15:58:58] <CF> OSHI- *close*
[2008-11-29 15:59:05] <gloomp> NEWSWATCH
[2008-11-29 15:59:12] <sidke> "From Channel 10 in Miami!"
[2008-11-29 15:59:15] <gloomp> GLENN RINKER
[2008-11-29 15:59:26] <gloomp> 10 inches n hours
[2008-11-29 15:59:29] <gloomp> in*
[2008-11-29 15:59:52] <gloomp> Afro.
[2008-11-29 15:59:59] <gloomp> Afros*
[2008-11-29 16:00:09] <sidke> News up on top.
[2008-11-29 16:00:16] <gloomp> Haha.
[2008-11-29 16:00:27] <sidke> He looks to be dying.
[2008-11-29 16:00:32] <gloomp> Oooh, he's not so happy no more.
[2008-11-29 16:00:42] <PNI> SHAKING!
[2008-11-29 16:00:44] <gloomp> 237
[2008-11-29 16:00:45] <sidke> Ehh... Whats' up Doc?
[2008-11-29 16:00:45] <gloomp> 237
[2008-11-29 16:00:46] <PNI> DANNY SHAKING!!!
[2008-11-29 16:00:46] <gloomp> 237
[2008-11-29 16:00:50] <sidke> DEATH
[2008-11-29 16:00:54] <sidke> SUMMON THE BLOOD
[2008-11-29 16:00:56] <gloomp> AH GOD
[2008-11-29 16:01:16] <sidke> THISISTHESCARYSCENE
[2008-11-29 16:01:20] <gloomp> By the way, this is more explained in the book.
[2008-11-29 16:01:27] <gloomp> NO IT'S NOT
[2008-11-29 16:01:29] <PNI> Pfft. No.
[2008-11-29 16:01:32] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 16:01:33] <sidke> Fine.
[2008-11-29 16:01:35] <gloomp> THIS IS THE HOT SCENE
[2008-11-29 16:01:42] <sidke> Mr. I'mscaredofthetwins.
[2008-11-29 16:01:43] <gloomp> THEN SCARY
[2008-11-29 16:01:43] <PNI> NAKED LADY IN BATHTUB!!!
[2008-11-29 16:02:00] <PNI> BOOOOOOOOBS!!!!
[2008-11-29 16:02:23] <PNI> VAGINAAAAAAA!!!!
[2008-11-29 16:02:24] <gloomp> Smile while you can.
[2008-11-29 16:02:26] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 16:02:35] <CF> WHERE
[2008-11-29 16:02:38] <Brttrx> UH OH TITS
[2008-11-29 16:02:42] <Brttrx> IM SCURRED
[2008-11-29 16:02:48] <sidke> STEP
[2008-11-29 16:02:52] <gloomp> WOO FULL FRONTAL NUDITY
[2008-11-29 16:02:52] <sidke> STEP
[2008-11-29 16:02:57] * CF does NOT have boobs on highlight
[2008-11-29 16:03:02] <sidke> XD
[2008-11-29 16:03:03] <gloomp> Hhahah.
[2008-11-29 16:03:05] <PNI> BOOOBS!!!
[2008-11-29 16:03:13] <sidke> You have "tits" on highlight, CF :D
[2008-11-29 16:03:31] <CF> Naw! o.o
[2008-11-29 16:03:40] <CF> I'm going to have, though!
[2008-11-29 16:03:43] <CF> *click*
[2008-11-29 16:03:48] <Brttrx> I might have to leave soon
[2008-11-29 16:03:51] <gloomp> ;_;
[2008-11-29 16:03:51] <sidke> No!
[2008-11-29 16:03:52] <PNI> :O
[2008-11-29 16:03:54] <sidke> Not Brttrx !
[2008-11-29 16:03:56] <PNI> :O:O:O:O
[2008-11-29 16:03:57] <Brttrx> sorry but my gf comes first
[2008-11-29 16:04:00] <sidke> :O
[2008-11-29 16:04:06] <sidke> Yes... Yes......
[2008-11-29 16:04:12] <sidke> Faine...
[2008-11-29 16:04:23] <gloomp> Here it comes.
[2008-11-29 16:04:30] <gloomp> AH GOD
[2008-11-29 16:04:36] <PNI> So not scary, gloomp.
[2008-11-29 16:04:55] <Brttrx> Ewwww
[2008-11-29 16:04:57] <Brttrx> whoaaa
[2008-11-29 16:04:59] <PNI> So not scary.
[2008-11-29 16:05:00] <sidke> :3
[2008-11-29 16:05:14] <Brttrx> what the fuuuck
[2008-11-29 16:05:14] <PNI> Gloomp, that was not scary.
[2008-11-29 16:05:21] <Brttrx> not scary
[2008-11-29 16:05:23] <gloomp> No, not really.
[2008-11-29 16:05:25] <Brttrx> just odd
[2008-11-29 16:05:33] <Brttrx> shit bros
[2008-11-29 16:05:38] <Brttrx> I gots to bounce
[2008-11-29 16:05:40] <sidke> :/
[2008-11-29 16:05:45] <Brttrx> =(
[2008-11-29 16:05:46] <sidke> Watch the rest some time, then.
[2008-11-29 16:05:52] <gloomp> ;_;
[2008-11-29 16:05:55] <gloomp> Bye.
[2008-11-29 16:05:59] <gloomp> ;______;
[2008-11-29 16:06:01] <sidke> Later.
[2008-11-29 16:06:05] <PNI> GLOOMP DOn"T GO!!!
[2008-11-29 16:06:12] <gloomp> Not me, silly.
[2008-11-29 16:06:14] <Brttrx> fuck, my girls got bad timing
[2008-11-29 16:06:28] <gloomp> 237
[2008-11-29 16:06:29] <Brttrx> alright, cya next movie
[2008-11-29 16:06:30] <gloomp> 237
[2008-11-29 16:06:32] <PNI> ?
[2008-11-29 16:06:32] <gloomp> 237
[2008-11-29 16:06:36] <sidke> Lataz, Brttrx
[2008-11-29 16:06:41] <gloomp> Byes.
[2008-11-29 16:06:50] <PNI> Bye :_:
[2008-11-29 16:07:09] |<-- Brttrx has left irc.waypasteleven.net (Quit: Bye bye)
[2008-11-29 16:07:12] <gloomp> ;___________________________;
[2008-11-29 16:07:19] <sidke> :/
[2008-11-29 16:07:20] <PNI> ;______________________________;
[2008-11-29 16:07:21] <sidke> Well.
[2008-11-29 16:07:24] <sidke> It /is/ a long movie.
[2008-11-29 16:07:28] <gloomp> True.
[2008-11-29 16:07:33] <PNI> DANNY'S EMO!!!
[2008-11-29 16:07:37] <gloomp> Haha.
[2008-11-29 16:07:40] <PNI> HE'S HURTING HIMSELF!!!!
[2008-11-29 16:07:41] <sidke> Maybe we should split longer movies into parts?
[2008-11-29 16:07:43] <gloomp> No.
[2008-11-29 16:07:49] <gloomp> That's not possible.
[2008-11-29 16:07:53] <sidke> Lol.
[2008-11-29 16:08:02] <gloomp> Oh, heh.
[2008-11-29 16:08:11] <sidke> Once you rule our his version of what happened... There /is/ no other explanation!
[2008-11-29 16:08:14] <gloomp> But I wouldn't want to do that.
[2008-11-29 16:08:23] <gloomp> REDRUM
[2008-11-29 16:08:29] <gloomp> WE'RE ENDGAMING
[2008-11-29 16:08:33] <PNI> You know what you guys?
[2008-11-29 16:08:33] <sidke> REDRUM
[2008-11-29 16:08:38] <sidke> FRAKFRAKFRAK
[2008-11-29 16:08:40] <gloomp> SORT OF
[2008-11-29 16:08:41] <sidke> PAUSD
[2008-11-29 16:08:46] <sidke> What's up PNI?
[2008-11-29 16:08:48] <gloomp> PAUSE
[2008-11-29 16:08:51] <gloomp> ED
[2008-11-29 16:08:59] <PNI> I have to go.
[2008-11-29 16:09:01] <sidke> PNI, what's on your mind
[2008-11-29 16:09:02] <CF> PAUSE.
[2008-11-29 16:09:02] <gloomp> ;_;
[2008-11-29 16:09:02] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 16:09:03] <CF> ISH
[2008-11-29 16:09:04] <sidke> Hah.
[2008-11-29 16:09:08] <sidke> Figures :D
[2008-11-29 16:09:09] <PNI> KIDDING!!!
[2008-11-29 16:09:13] <gloomp> :D
[2008-11-29 16:09:15] <PNI> :D
[2008-11-29 16:09:23] <PNI> Unpause!
[2008-11-29 16:09:27] <sidke> CF, are you watching?
[2008-11-29 16:09:34] * gloomp eats another Jolly Rancher
[2008-11-29 16:09:35] <CF> Urm.
[2008-11-29 16:09:38] <CF> Nope.
[2008-11-29 16:09:40] <sidke> Ah.
[2008-11-29 16:09:45] <sidke> K, just checking :)
[2008-11-29 16:09:51] <gloomp> So, unpuase?
[2008-11-29 16:09:54] * PNI gets Poptart.
[2008-11-29 16:09:59] <sidke> Count down, gloom!
[2008-11-29 16:10:01] <sidke> p*
[2008-11-29 16:10:08] <gloomp> Okay.
[2008-11-29 16:10:11] <gloomp> 0
[2008-11-29 16:10:11] <gloomp> 9
[2008-11-29 16:10:12] <CF> I came back at around 20:00 and just couldn't be assed to catch up
[2008-11-29 16:10:13] <gloomp> 8
[2008-11-29 16:10:15] <gloomp> 7
[2008-11-29 16:10:16] <gloomp> 6
[2008-11-29 16:10:18] <gloomp> 5
[2008-11-29 16:10:19] <gloomp> 4
[2008-11-29 16:10:20] <gloomp> 3
[2008-11-29 16:10:22] <gloomp> 2
[2008-11-29 16:10:23] <gloomp> 1
[2008-11-29 16:10:24] <gloomp> 0
[2008-11-29 16:10:26] <gloomp> NOOOOW
[2008-11-29 16:10:36] <gloomp> BLOOOOD
[2008-11-29 16:10:43] <CF> You know what'd be funny?
[2008-11-29 16:10:52] <CF> An excess flood quit by gloomp.
[2008-11-29 16:10:59] <gloomp> Heh.
[2008-11-29 16:11:04] <PNI> Wait. Pause.
[2008-11-29 16:11:16] <gloomp> OH GREAT
[2008-11-29 16:11:17] <PNI> PAUSE!
[2008-11-29 16:11:24] <PNI> Someone at door.
[2008-11-29 16:11:28] <gloomp> I misclicked and put it back at the beggining.
[2008-11-29 16:11:39] <gloomp> Where you at, sidke?
[2008-11-29 16:11:45] <sidke> Mine's stuck.
[2008-11-29 16:11:54] <sidke> I was at at the 'redrum' part.
[2008-11-29 16:11:55] <gloomp> Wher?
[2008-11-29 16:11:58] <gloomp> Oh.
[2008-11-29 16:12:02] <sidke> Now it says it hasn't loaded past 77.23.
[2008-11-29 16:12:03] <gloomp> D:
[2008-11-29 16:12:19] <gloomp> PNI, where you?
[2008-11-29 16:12:28] <PNI> uh
[2008-11-29 16:12:34] <PNI> 81:40
[2008-11-29 16:12:57] <PNI> K.
[2008-11-29 16:13:01] <PNI> Depause.
[2008-11-29 16:13:06] <gloomp> D:<
[2008-11-29 16:13:12] <PNI> What?
[2008-11-29 16:13:15] <gloomp> MINE HASN'T LOADED THAT FAR
[2008-11-29 16:13:15] <sidke> D:< is right... Mine's stuck.
[2008-11-29 16:13:23] <CF> D:
[2008-11-29 16:13:39] <sidke> Seems we're having a major case of scattered placement.
[2008-11-29 16:13:51] <PNI> Seems like it.
[2008-11-29 16:13:53] <gloomp> Okay, let us wait until sidke and I get toPNI.
[2008-11-29 16:13:59] <gloomp> PNI, keep puased.
[2008-11-29 16:14:18] <sidke> It's loading at a microscopic amount again.
[2008-11-29 16:14:37] <gloomp> >:D
[2008-11-29 16:14:48] <PNI> Right.
[2008-11-29 16:14:54] * PNI eats Poptarts.
[2008-11-29 16:14:55] <sidke> Well frak.
[2008-11-29 16:15:09] <sidke> You two go on ahead, I'll set it for 90 and when you get there, tell me.
[2008-11-29 16:15:16] <sidke> That way I'll have some loaded.
[2008-11-29 16:15:18] <PNI> Right on.
[2008-11-29 16:15:26] <PNI> Can we go, gloomp?
[2008-11-29 16:15:34] <gloomp> Mm-hm.
[2008-11-29 16:15:39] <sidke> K.
[2008-11-29 16:15:42] <sidke> Cya in ~10 minutes :D
[2008-11-29 16:16:11] * sidke has set to 90:01. Away!
[2008-11-29 16:16:50] <gloomp> Actually, PNI, care to wait for me? I'm at 78 20 right now.
[2008-11-29 16:17:03] <PNI> Sure thong.
[2008-11-29 16:17:08] <PNI> *thing.
[2008-11-29 16:17:15] <gloomp> Hah.
[2008-11-29 16:17:28] <gloomp> So, you're at . . . ?
[2008-11-29 16:17:45] <PNI> 82:56
[2008-11-29 16:17:56] <gloomp> I see.
[2008-11-29 16:18:08] <CF> I image-google sure thong.
[2008-11-29 16:18:17] <CF> Guess what I got?
[2008-11-29 16:18:21] <CF> MAN THONG.
[2008-11-29 16:18:24] <PNI> ?
[2008-11-29 16:18:28] <CF> WITH COW PATTERN.
[2008-11-29 16:18:30] <PNI> O_O_O_O
[2008-11-29 16:18:43] <gloomp> GOD COME ON DON'T DO THIS TO ME
[2008-11-29 16:19:11] <gloomp> YOU WERE LOADING FINE A SECOND AGO
[2008-11-29 16:19:26] <PNI> Ready gloomp?
[2008-11-29 16:19:30] <gloomp> NOOO
[2008-11-29 16:19:36] <PNI> okay
[2008-11-29 16:19:41] <gloomp> I'll say when.
[2008-11-29 16:19:47] <PNI> k
[2008-11-29 16:20:03] <gloomp> The thing's loading real slow, might be a bit.
[2008-11-29 16:20:08] <PNI> :(
[2008-11-29 16:20:21] * PNI watches Jackass 2
[2008-11-29 16:20:29] <sidke> Holy christ.
[2008-11-29 16:20:34] <sidke> It's loaded only 10 pixels.
[2008-11-29 16:20:53] <PNI> !
[2008-11-29 16:20:59] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 16:21:00] <gloomp> KNOCKING AND KICKING
[2008-11-29 16:21:16] <sidke> We might need to find a viable alternative to Youku.
[2008-11-29 16:21:34] <gloomp> Ya think?
[2008-11-29 16:21:42] <sidke> Naahhhh....
[2008-11-29 16:21:43] <PNI> Seriously?
[2008-11-29 16:22:23] <sidke> 87:39 lol.
[2008-11-29 16:22:32] <PNI> WOO JACKASS!!!
[2008-11-29 16:22:38] <sidke> Gloomp how's your loading?
[2008-11-29 16:22:51] <gloomp> *sigh* Moving. . . .
[2008-11-29 16:23:02] <gloomp> Sorta.
[2008-11-29 16:23:09] <gloomp> BALLOOOONS.
[2008-11-29 16:24:53] <PNI> Ready?
[2008-11-29 16:25:05] <gloomp> I SAID I"D SAY
[2008-11-29 16:25:23] <PNI> okay okay.
[2008-11-29 16:25:39] <gloomp> I'm at 82 03
[2008-11-29 16:26:02] <gloomp> When I get close, I'm gonna pause.
[2008-11-29 16:26:04] <PNI> 82:56 for me.
[2008-11-29 16:26:34] <gloomp> I remember, but thanks.
[2008-11-29 16:27:21] <PNI> Ready?
[2008-11-29 16:27:23] =-= sidke is now known as sidke|eats
[2008-11-29 16:27:28] * sidke|eats is eating dinner.
[2008-11-29 16:27:30] <gloomp> I SAID I'D SAY
[2008-11-29 16:27:31] * sidke|eats is still present.
[2008-11-29 16:27:38] <gloomp> ;_;
[2008-11-29 16:27:43] <sidke|eats> I'm HERE
[2008-11-29 16:27:50] <sidke|eats> I'm eating at my desk.
[2008-11-29 16:27:53] <gloomp> It's at the slow lading.
[2008-11-29 16:27:57] <gloomp> loading*
[2008-11-29 16:28:15] <gloomp> Okay, I've now paused.
[2008-11-29 16:30:14] |<-- PNI has left irc.waypasteleven.net (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[2008-11-29 16:30:23] <sidke|eats> Pni left.
[2008-11-29 16:30:26] <gloomp> 9_9
[2008-11-29 16:30:29] <sidke|eats> Again, figures.
[2008-11-29 16:30:33] <gloomp> He'll be back.
[2008-11-29 16:30:51] <gloomp> If he had to go, he'd say.
[2008-11-29 16:33:18] * gloomp starts
[2008-11-29 16:33:42] <sidke|eats> "A nigger."
[2008-11-29 16:33:47] <sidke|eats> "A nigger?"
[2008-11-29 16:33:52] <sidke|eats> "A nigger... cook."
[2008-11-29 16:33:54] <gloomp> I'M NOT UP TO THAT
[2008-11-29 16:34:05] <gloomp> I'LL TELL YOU
[2008-11-29 16:34:07] <sidke|eats> Mine stops loading.
[2008-11-29 16:34:37] <gloomp> Orders from the house.
[2008-11-29 16:34:51] <gloomp> My friends and I made much of that.
[2008-11-29 16:35:04] <sidke|eats> "talking-to"
[2008-11-29 16:35:12] <sidke|eats> "If you don't mind my saying so."
[2008-11-29 16:35:18] -->| PNI ([email protected]) has joined #Cinema
[2008-11-29 16:35:19] <sidke|eats> It stopped loading there.
[2008-11-29 16:35:30] <gloomp> STARTED PNI
[2008-11-29 16:35:40] <gloomp> 85 10
[2008-11-29 16:35:41] <PNI> Goddamn computer crashed.
[2008-11-29 16:35:43] <sidke|eats> "corrected her."
[2008-11-29 16:35:51] <PNI> !movie
[2008-11-29 16:35:52] <movie-bot> Next scheduled movie: The Shining, by Stanley Kubrick. Link: http://www.watch-movies.net/movies/the_shining/
[2008-11-29 16:35:54] <gloomp> WAIT FOR ME SIDKE
[2008-11-29 16:35:59] * sidke|eats <3 movie-bot.
[2008-11-29 16:36:02] <gloomp> PAUSE
[2008-11-29 16:36:05] =-= sidke|eats is now known as sidke
[2008-11-29 16:36:09] <gloomp> RED BATHROOM
[2008-11-29 16:36:14] <sidke> I'm at `91.52.
[2008-11-29 16:36:17] <sidke> I should be fine, now.
[2008-11-29 16:36:34] <PNI> 85:47.
[2008-11-29 16:36:46] <gloomp> 86 10
[2008-11-29 16:37:17] <gloomp> Mr. Grady.
[2008-11-29 16:37:24] <CF> NaN:NaN
[2008-11-29 16:38:01] <gloomp> You were the caretaker here.
[2008-11-29 16:38:12] <gloomp> UP INTO LITTLE BITS
[2008-11-29 16:38:16] <PNI> OMG
[2008-11-29 16:38:17] <gloomp> BLEW BRAINS OUT
[2008-11-29 16:38:26] <PNI> oh noz
[2008-11-29 16:38:31] <gloomp> Haha.
[2008-11-29 16:39:05] <gloomp> You've always been the caretaker.
[2008-11-29 16:39:14] <gloomp> I've always been here.
[2008-11-29 16:39:33] <gloomp> Large forehead.
[2008-11-29 16:39:46] <gloomp> Near 90.
[2008-11-29 16:39:57] <PNI> A NIGGER
[2008-11-29 16:39:57] <sidke> Tell me when Wendy's on screen.
[2008-11-29 16:39:59] <gloomp> A nigger.
[2008-11-29 16:40:02] <PNI> HE SAID A NAUGHTY WORD!
[2008-11-29 16:40:07] <sidke> They both say it.
[2008-11-29 16:40:13] <gloomp> A nigger . . . cook.
[2008-11-29 16:40:14] <sidke> Grady says it twice.
[2008-11-29 16:40:53] <PNI> He is a very willful boy
[2008-11-29 16:40:57] <gloomp> Look at that face.
[2008-11-29 16:41:31] <gloomp> "Talking-to"
[2008-11-29 16:41:43] <gloomp> "Perhaps . . . a bit more."
[2008-11-29 16:41:54] <PNI> But I
[2008-11-29 16:41:58] <PNI> corrected them, sir
[2008-11-29 16:42:00] <gloomp> CORRECTED THEM
[2008-11-29 16:42:07] <gloomp> CORRECTED HER
[2008-11-29 16:42:15] <PNI> I SEE WENDY!!!
[2008-11-29 16:42:20] <PNI> I SEE WENDY!!!
[2008-11-29 16:42:22] <gloomp> WENCDY
[2008-11-29 16:42:44] <gloomp> Her face is starting to get creepy.
[2008-11-29 16:42:46] <PNI> sidke sidke sidke sidke sidke
[2008-11-29 16:42:53] <sidke> Yesyesyes
[2008-11-29 16:42:57] <sidke> 9200 for me, now.
[2008-11-29 16:43:06] <PNI> 92:06
[2008-11-29 16:43:07] <gloomp> 92 30
[2008-11-29 16:43:19] <sidke> REDRUM
[2008-11-29 16:43:21] <gloomp> REDRUM REDRUM REDRUM
[2008-11-29 16:43:28] <sidke> Mmm. Red Rum.
[2008-11-29 16:43:31] <gloomp> Hon?
[2008-11-29 16:43:44] <CF> Re-drum
[2008-11-29 16:43:48] <gloomp> Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrence.
[2008-11-29 16:43:54] <CF> buh duhn csh.
[2008-11-29 16:43:54] <gloomp> Oh fuck.
[2008-11-29 16:44:02] <gloomp> It's getting dark out.
[2008-11-29 16:44:14] <gloomp> Danny can't wake up.
[2008-11-29 16:44:31] <gloomp> Danny's gone away.
[2008-11-29 16:44:53] <sidke> :D
[2008-11-29 16:44:57] <PNI> Her face is like a skull.
[2008-11-29 16:45:17] <sidke> AAaaaaaandddd.....
[2008-11-29 16:45:30] <gloomp> BREAKING RADIO
[2008-11-29 16:45:32] <PNI> KDK1 calling KDK12
[2008-11-29 16:45:44] <gloomp> Like HAL.
[2008-11-29 16:45:51] <sidke> Except...
[2008-11-29 16:45:57] <sidke> No "I'm scared"
[2008-11-29 16:46:02] <gloomp> No "Daisy"
[2008-11-29 16:46:27] <gloomp> 8 AM
[2008-11-29 16:46:30] <gloomp> PLANE
[2008-11-29 16:46:37] <gloomp> CONTINENTAL
[2008-11-29 16:46:39] <sidke> 8am
[2008-11-29 16:46:42] <sidke> PLANE
[2008-11-29 16:46:45] <sidke> CONTINENTAL
[2008-11-29 16:46:56] <sidke> Shiny head
[2008-11-29 16:46:57] <PNI> Where are you, gloomp?
[2008-11-29 16:47:04] <gloomp> 96 30
[2008-11-29 16:47:10] <PNI> coo`
[2008-11-29 16:47:18] <gloomp> TYPE TYPE TYPE
[2008-11-29 16:47:21] <sidke> 8.20!
[2008-11-29 16:47:27] <sidke> TYPITY
[2008-11-29 16:47:39] <gloomp> LANDIN' PLANE
[2008-11-29 16:47:48] <gloomp> SNOWY
[2008-11-29 16:47:48] <sidke> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES JACK A DULL BOY
[2008-11-29 16:47:56] <gloomp> DURKIN'S
[2008-11-29 16:48:09] <sidke> CAT!
[2008-11-29 16:48:14] <gloomp> AMOCO
[2008-11-29 16:48:20] <gloomp> OIL
[2008-11-29 16:48:23] <sidke> Some dude checking out the calendar.
[2008-11-29 16:48:55] <sidke> Snowycat.
[2008-11-29 16:48:58] <gloomp> We got a very serious problem.
[2008-11-29 16:49:02] <gloomp> Haha.
[2008-11-29 16:49:09] <PNI> HAL AND CHARLIE!
[2008-11-29 16:49:11] <sidke> Lol.
[2008-11-29 16:49:29] <gloomp> Wahahaha.
[2008-11-29 16:49:46] <gloomp> Chain law.
[2008-11-29 16:49:48] <sidke> You guys are ahead ;__;
[2008-11-29 16:49:53] <PNI> GET THE COWS IN THE BARMN!
[2008-11-29 16:50:04] <PNI> There's the Roadrunner theme song!
[2008-11-29 16:50:07] <gloomp> COW BARN
[2008-11-29 16:50:15] <gloomp> MEEP MEEP
[2008-11-29 16:50:22] <gloomp> MEEP MEEP
[2008-11-29 16:50:25] <gloomp> MEEP MEEP
[2008-11-29 16:50:33] <PNI> MEEP MEEP
[2008-11-29 16:50:35] <sidke> Meep.
[2008-11-29 16:50:42] <gloomp> Chcolate milk.
[2008-11-29 16:50:52] <PNI> Meep Meep!
[2008-11-29 16:51:00] <gloomp> MEEP MEEP SCREECH
[2008-11-29 16:51:01] <sidke> ミープ
[2008-11-29 16:51:49] <PNI> Have you guys gotten to the HEEERE'S JOHNNY part yet?
[2008-11-29 16:51:51] <sidke> Choco melk!
[2008-11-29 16:51:55] <sidke> No, we haven't.
[2008-11-29 16:51:56] <gloomp> Nooooooo.
[2008-11-29 16:52:01] <PNI> Good.
[2008-11-29 16:52:02] <gloomp> BASEBALL BAT
[2008-11-29 16:52:16] <PNI> Jack?
[2008-11-29 16:52:53] <gloomp> Here it comes.
[2008-11-29 16:53:01] <sidke> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES JACK A DULL BOY
[2008-11-29 16:53:02] <sidke> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES JACK A DULL BOY
[2008-11-29 16:53:02] <sidke> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES JACK A DULL BOY
[2008-11-29 16:53:08] <gloomp> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKE JACK A DULL BOY
[2008-11-29 16:53:09] <gloomp> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKE JACK A DULL BOY
[2008-11-29 16:53:10] <gloomp> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKE JACK A DULL BOY
[2008-11-29 16:53:11] <gloomp> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKE JACK A DULL BOY
[2008-11-29 16:53:12] <gloomp> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKE JACK A DULL BOY
[2008-11-29 16:53:14] <gloomp> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKE JACK A DULL BOY
[2008-11-29 16:53:14] <sidke> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES JACK A DULLBOY
[2008-11-29 16:53:19] <sidke> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES JAKK A DULL BOY
[2008-11-29 16:53:24] <PNI> PENIS!
[2008-11-29 16:53:26] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 16:53:29] <sidke> PNIS
[2008-11-29 16:53:29] <gloomp> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKE JACK A DULL BOY
[2008-11-29 16:53:30] <PNI> err
[2008-11-29 16:53:36] <sidke> PNI!
[2008-11-29 16:53:49] <sidke> O______O
[2008-11-29 16:53:59] <gloomp> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKE JACK A DULL BOY
[2008-11-29 16:54:03] <gloomp> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKE JACK A DULL BOY
[2008-11-29 16:54:14] <gloomp> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKE JACK A DULL BOY
[2008-11-29 16:54:20] <sidke> Haha.
[2008-11-29 16:54:20] <gloomp> ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKE JACK A DULL BOY
[2008-11-29 16:54:23] <sidke> The triangles.
[2008-11-29 16:54:45] <sidke> Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun
[2008-11-29 16:54:47] <gloomp> Isn't the music just AWESOME?
[2008-11-29 16:54:53] <sidke> tip toe tip toe tip toe
[2008-11-29 16:55:04] <sidke> Haha.
[2008-11-29 16:55:08] <sidke> How she's holding the bat.
[2008-11-29 16:55:22] <sidke> SMILE! YOU'RE ON CANDID CAMERA!
[2008-11-29 16:55:31] <gloomp> Her skin looks streached really tight.
[2008-11-29 16:55:49] <sidke> :D
[2008-11-29 16:55:57] <sidke> Whaddya wanna talk about?
[2008-11-29 16:56:03] <sidke> You can't remember?
[2008-11-29 16:56:04] <PNI> REDRUM!!!
[2008-11-29 16:56:07] <gloomp> WIDE DANNY EYES
[2008-11-29 16:56:15] <gloomp> BLOOODY
[2008-11-29 16:56:19] <sidke> MAYBE IT WAS ABOUT DANNY
[2008-11-29 16:56:20] <gloomp> REDRUM
[2008-11-29 16:56:22] <sidke> MAYBE IT WAS ABOUT HIM
[2008-11-29 16:56:24] <sidke> BLOOD
[2008-11-29 16:56:38] <gloomp> WHAT SHOULD BE DONE WITH HIM?
[2008-11-29 16:56:51] <gloomp> I love his acting here.
[2008-11-29 16:57:03] <sidke> He's really really good.
[2008-11-29 16:57:09] <gloomp> Look at his face contortion.
[2008-11-29 16:57:21] <gloomp> And his voice.
[2008-11-29 16:57:21] <sidke> So... Scary.
[2008-11-29 16:57:30] <gloomp> I don't think so.
[2008-11-29 16:57:33] <sidke> I like his smile.
[2008-11-29 16:57:36] <sidke> Well...
[2008-11-29 16:57:37] <sidke> sorta.
[2008-11-29 16:57:38] <gloomp> I do.
[2008-11-29 16:57:40] <sidke> It's scary.
[2008-11-29 16:57:50] <gloomp> Well, yeah.
[2008-11-29 16:57:58] <gloomp> MAY THE FIRST
[2008-11-29 16:58:08] <sidke> THEY FORGOT "SOLITARY"
[2008-11-29 16:58:39] <gloomp> This is when you realize what a masterpiece you're watching.
[2008-11-29 16:58:44] <sidke> Well crap!
[2008-11-29 16:58:48] <sidke> IT STOPPED!
[2008-11-29 16:58:59] <gloomp> D'oh!
[2008-11-29 16:59:00] <sidke> Go on, go on.
[2008-11-29 16:59:03] <sidke> Don't stop for me!
[2008-11-29 16:59:06] <PNI> Should we stop?
[2008-11-29 16:59:06] <sidke> Enjoy this part :D
[2008-11-29 16:59:09] <sidke> NONONO GOGOGO
[2008-11-29 16:59:10] <PNI> NM.
[2008-11-29 16:59:22] <gloomp> JUST GONNA VBASH YOUR BRAINS IN
[2008-11-29 16:59:31] <gloomp> BASH THEM RIGHT THE FUCK IN
[2008-11-29 16:59:41] <gloomp> BASH*
[2008-11-29 16:59:44] <gloomp> STAY AWAY
[2008-11-29 16:59:59] <gloomp> Give me the bat.
[2008-11-29 17:00:00] <PNI> OOWWWWWWNNNEEEDDDDDD!!!
[2008-11-29 17:00:03] <gloomp> Ohhhhh.
[2008-11-29 17:00:07] <gloomp> Ouch.
[2008-11-29 17:00:15] <gloomp> PAUSE NOW.
[2008-11-29 17:00:26] <PNI> Why?
[2008-11-29 17:00:32] <gloomp> For sidke.
[2008-11-29 17:00:42] <sidke> I'm stuck at 108.15
[2008-11-29 17:00:51] <gloomp> 109 39
[2008-11-29 17:00:56] <PNI> 109:47
[2008-11-29 17:01:03] <sidke> You guys go ahead, really.
[2008-11-29 17:01:12] <gloomp> But it's not as fun!
[2008-11-29 17:01:13] <sidke> This is only the.. 6th or 7th time seeing this :D
[2008-11-29 17:01:13] <PNI> Realy?
[2008-11-29 17:01:18] <PNI> *Really
[2008-11-29 17:01:23] <PNI> Oh.
[2008-11-29 17:01:24] <PNI> Okay.
[2008-11-29 17:01:33] <gloomp> Alright.
[2008-11-29 17:01:37] <gloomp> Start in
[2008-11-29 17:01:39] <PNI> Can we, your gloompness?
[2008-11-29 17:01:42] <gloomp> 3
[2008-11-29 17:01:43] <gloomp> 2
[2008-11-29 17:01:49] <gloomp> 1
[2008-11-29 17:01:51] <gloomp> now\
[2008-11-29 17:02:13] <gloomp> Drag him good!
[2008-11-29 17:02:26] <PNI> Walk in Freezer!
[2008-11-29 17:02:56] <gloomp> If you get it working, sidke, tell us. We'll pause and you can skip to where we are.
[2008-11-29 17:03:06] <sidke> Imma skip ahead a bit.
[2008-11-29 17:03:08] <gloomp> Haha!
[2008-11-29 17:03:09] <PNI> Grab that knife, bitch!
[2008-11-29 17:03:15] <gloomp> Slapstick!
[2008-11-29 17:03:23] <gloomp> The boes fell on him!
[2008-11-29 17:03:24] <sidke> 115.00 is my current position.
[2008-11-29 17:03:31] <gloomp> boxes*
[2008-11-29 17:03:32] <sidke> 112
[2008-11-29 17:03:32] <sidke> *
[2008-11-29 17:03:40] <gloomp> 'Kay.
[2008-11-29 17:03:52] * sidke hates this slow loading thing.
[2008-11-29 17:04:01] <PNI> Me as well.
[2008-11-29 17:04:08] <gloomp> 112 reached.
[2008-11-29 17:04:24] <gloomp> Here's where her face goes real wacko.
[2008-11-29 17:04:33] <gloomp> AND IT'S STOPPED FOR ME
[2008-11-29 17:04:38] <gloomp> PAUSE
[2008-11-29 17:04:50] <gloomp> D:<
[2008-11-29 17:04:58] <PNI> It hasn't stopped for me. Strange.
[2008-11-29 17:04:58] <CF> Fast internetz yay!
[2008-11-29 17:05:05] <gloomp> 112 15
[2008-11-29 17:05:54] <gloomp> You've paused, correct, PNI?
[2008-11-29 17:06:06] <PNI> Umm...
[2008-11-29 17:06:15] <PNI> No.
[2008-11-29 17:06:19] <gloomp> RAGH
[2008-11-29 17:06:21] <PNI> Its paused now.
[2008-11-29 17:06:25] <gloomp> Where?
[2008-11-29 17:06:31] <PNI> 113:26
[2008-11-29 17:06:49] <gloomp> `Kay. I'll tell you when I get there.
[2008-11-29 17:07:01] <PNI> Okie dokie.
[2008-11-29 17:07:06] <PNI> #N
[2008-11-29 17:07:35] <gloomp> You're not going anywhere.
[2008-11-29 17:07:45] <PNI> Where you at?
[2008-11-29 17:07:50] <gloomp> 113 15
[2008-11-29 17:07:57] <PNI> Okay.
[2008-11-29 17:08:02] <gloomp> 113 25
[2008-11-29 17:08:09] <gloomp> :D
[2008-11-29 17:08:11] <PNI> Okay.
[2008-11-29 17:08:14] <gloomp> Cold.
[2008-11-29 17:08:14] <PNI> Unpaused.
[2008-11-29 17:08:20] <gloomp> Brrrrrrrr.
[2008-11-29 17:08:36] <PNI> JIBBERS!!!
[2008-11-29 17:09:00] <gloomp> Awww nuts. Back to the drawing board, Wendy.
[2008-11-29 17:09:03] <gloomp> $ pm
[2008-11-29 17:09:04] <PNI> 4PM!
[2008-11-29 17:09:07] <gloomp> Heh.
[2008-11-29 17:09:10] <gloomp> 4*
[2008-11-29 17:09:12] <sidke> $PM!
[2008-11-29 17:09:17] <sidke> SPAM!
[2008-11-29 17:09:26] <gloomp> Haha.
[2008-11-29 17:09:29] <PNI> $P@M!!
[2008-11-29 17:09:32] <gloomp> Knock knock.
[2008-11-29 17:09:44] <sidke> AAaaaaaanddddd.... HALTED!
[2008-11-29 17:09:45] <PNI> iTS gRADY!
[2008-11-29 17:09:49] <sidke> -____-
[2008-11-29 17:09:56] * sidke hates this more and more.
[2008-11-29 17:09:57] <PNI> Whoa, it just stopped foir me.
[2008-11-29 17:09:57] <gloomp> $P@/\/\
[2008-11-29 17:10:05] <gloomp> Me too.
[2008-11-29 17:10:12] <gloomp> 115 23
[2008-11-29 17:10:18] <sidke> 114:57
[2008-11-29 17:10:39] <sidke> "virus database has been updated"
[2008-11-29 17:11:08] <gloomp> Haha. Second time that's happened.
[2008-11-29 17:11:49] <sidke> Mine's ago again.
[2008-11-29 17:12:06] <gloomp> Okay, I'll start if PNI's good.
[2008-11-29 17:12:09] <PNI> SCREW YOUKU
[2008-11-29 17:12:18] <gloomp> That's a no?
[2008-11-29 17:12:32] <sidke> O__o
[2008-11-29 17:12:41] * sidke itches his +b button...
[2008-11-29 17:12:49] * sidke scrathes it, rather.
[2008-11-29 17:12:54] <gloomp> Haha.
[2008-11-29 17:12:59] * sidke even scratches* it.
[2008-11-29 17:13:03] * PNI scratches his you-know-where
[2008-11-29 17:13:22] <PNI> I'm good.
[2008-11-29 17:13:29] <gloomp> ALRIGHT 5432
[2008-11-29 17:13:31] <gloomp> 1
[2008-11-29 17:13:37] <gloomp> GOOOOOOOOOOO
[2008-11-29 17:13:45] <PNI> WOOOOOOO!!
[2008-11-29 17:13:54] <gloomp> Hello, Grady.
[2008-11-29 17:14:09] <PNI> Where are you, gloomp and sidke?
[2008-11-29 17:14:15] <gloomp> "Business"
[2008-11-29 17:14:19] <gloomp> 166 5
[2008-11-29 17:14:28] <gloomp> I wonder.
[2008-11-29 17:14:29] <sidke> I'm ahead to try to load, 119.00
[2008-11-29 17:14:30] <PNI> ...
[2008-11-29 17:14:37] <gloomp> I shall listen close now.
[2008-11-29 17:14:40] <PNI> 118.11
[2008-11-29 17:14:52] <gloomp> D:<
[2008-11-29 17:15:01] <gloomp> Damn.
[2008-11-29 17:15:24] <gloomp> YEEEEAAAAH
[2008-11-29 17:15:25] <PNI> oh dear.
[2008-11-29 17:15:30] <sidke> I think ST's idea of ustream is a good idea.
[2008-11-29 17:15:35] <PNI> REDRUM REDRUM
[2008-11-29 17:15:38] <gloomp> Yes.
[2008-11-29 17:15:51] <gloomp> I can't be bothered to set it up though.
[2008-11-29 17:15:58] <sidke> I shall try to.
[2008-11-29 17:16:00] <gloomp> PAUSE PNUI
[2008-11-29 17:16:07] <PNI> k.
[2008-11-29 17:16:22] <sidke> Kids, don't run with knives' sharp sides facing you.
[2008-11-29 17:16:26] <gloomp> You're at?
[2008-11-29 17:16:42] <sidke> 120
[2008-11-29 17:16:51] <sidke> Paused, though.
[2008-11-29 17:16:52] <PNI> 118:54
[2008-11-29 17:16:53] <gloomp> 3 minutes ahead.
[2008-11-29 17:17:19] <gloomp> YES! LOADING! :D
[2008-11-29 17:17:28] <sidke> :D
[2008-11-29 17:17:29] <PNI> #asdf
[2008-11-29 17:17:34] <gloomp> Oh, I hear it!
[2008-11-29 17:17:48] <gloomp> Holy crap Grady unlocks the door.
[2008-11-29 17:17:49] <PNI> Play?
[2008-11-29 17:17:49] <PNI> :D
[2008-11-29 17:17:59] <gloomp> 118 10
[2008-11-29 17:18:25] <gloomp> He looks animatronic.
[2008-11-29 17:18:32] <gloomp> Or however it's spelled.
[2008-11-29 17:18:38] <gloomp> REDRUM REDRUM
[2008-11-29 17:18:48] <gloomp> REDRUM REDRUM REDRUM REDRUM REDRUM REDRUM
[2008-11-29 17:19:02] <gloomp> KNIFE
[2008-11-29 17:20:18] <gloomp> IT'S BEING DRAWN
[2008-11-29 17:20:20] <PNI> WHOA SHIT
[2008-11-29 17:20:24] <gloomp> REDRUM
[2008-11-29 17:20:25] <PNI> Jack with an axe!
[2008-11-29 17:20:34] <sidke> He sounds like ET.
[2008-11-29 17:20:42] <sidke> MURDER
[2008-11-29 17:20:48] <sidke> HEEEEEEERE'S JOHNNY!!!
[2008-11-29 17:21:07] <gloomp> Chopping at the front door!
[2008-11-29 17:21:09] <PNI> Not yet, foo'
[2008-11-29 17:21:16] <sidke> Shush, Kebab.
[2008-11-29 17:21:19] <gloomp> It's coming!
[2008-11-29 17:21:21] <PNI> Wendy, I'm home!
[2008-11-29 17:21:31] <gloomp> Stow the knife in the sink!
[2008-11-29 17:21:33] <sidke> ^^
[2008-11-29 17:21:37] <sidke> I like his tone:
[2008-11-29 17:21:43] <sidke> Wendy? I'm home.
[2008-11-29 17:21:51] <gloomp> Haha.
[2008-11-29 17:22:23] <gloomp> She should've eaten better.
[2008-11-29 17:22:34] |<-- CF has left irc.waypasteleven.net (Quit: )
[2008-11-29 17:22:39] <gloomp> Then she'd be avoiding ax murder.
[2008-11-29 17:22:44] <sidke> Paahaaa.
[2008-11-29 17:22:45] <PNI> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
[2008-11-29 17:22:52] <sidke> Let me come in!
[2008-11-29 17:22:59] <gloomp> Run!
[2008-11-29 17:23:20] <gloomp> LITTLE PIGS LITTLE PIGS
[2008-11-29 17:23:31] <gloomp> I'LL BLOW YOUR HOUSE IN
[2008-11-29 17:23:32] <PNI> Heeeeere's Johnny!
[2008-11-29 17:23:46] <gloomp> PLEASE AAGAHANOOA
[2008-11-29 17:23:52] <gloomp> AAHAAHHAGHAGAHGAHGAHGAHAGHA
[2008-11-29 17:23:55] <sidke> HEEEEEEERE'S JOHNNY!!!
[2008-11-29 17:23:55] <gloomp> AANAAOOAIOONAAHAGHAGHA
[2008-11-29 17:24:07] <sidke> Ow.
[2008-11-29 17:24:19] <gloomp> HERE'S JHONNNNNHNYY!!!!!!
[2008-11-29 17:24:36] <gloomp> SNOWCAT
[2008-11-29 17:24:38] <PNI> Too late, gloomp.
[2008-11-29 17:24:38] <PNI> :D
[2008-11-29 17:24:39] <sidke> EH?
[2008-11-29 17:24:44] <sidke> The door has two holes now.
[2008-11-29 17:24:55] <gloomp> It always did.
[2008-11-29 17:24:59] <sidke> O__O
[2008-11-29 17:25:06] <gloomp> You always saw two holes.
[2008-11-29 17:25:08] <PNI> How th fuck did Danny get inside?
[2008-11-29 17:25:11] <sidke> Iiiiiiiiiiiit's DIIIIICKK!!!!!
[2008-11-29 17:25:15] <gloomp> You've always been here.
[2008-11-29 17:25:23] <gloomp> I've always been here.
[2008-11-29 17:25:32] <gloomp> Ruuuunnn iiiiinnnn.
[2008-11-29 17:25:34] <gloomp> !!!
[2008-11-29 17:25:50] <gloomp> And hide! Yeah! That's sure to work!
[2008-11-29 17:26:07] <gloomp> Look at that face.
[2008-11-29 17:26:12] <gloomp> God.
[2008-11-29 17:26:33] <gloomp> Better watch out, Dick!
[2008-11-29 17:26:52] <sidke> Or you'll get CUT
[2008-11-29 17:26:54] <PNI> Gloomp, you're gonna post the log, right?
[2008-11-29 17:26:58] <gloomp> Yup.
[2008-11-29 17:27:06] <sidke> Nothing's worse than a cut... then I won't say it.
[2008-11-29 17:27:07] <gloomp> Anybody here?
[2008-11-29 17:27:08] <PNI> Good.
[2008-11-29 17:27:27] <gloomp> Anybody here?
[2008-11-29 17:27:34] <gloomp> AND HERE IT COMES
[2008-11-29 17:27:44] <gloomp> WAAAIIIT FOR IT
[2008-11-29 17:27:45] <sidke> SHAZAM!
[2008-11-29 17:27:45] <PNI> Hello?
[2008-11-29 17:28:27] <gloomp> BOOM POW KAZAM DEAD
[2008-11-29 17:28:30] <PNI> OH SHIIIITTTTTT
[2008-11-29 17:28:39] <gloomp> Wooooooooooooooo
[2008-11-29 17:28:44] <sidke> RAWR!
[2008-11-29 17:28:47] <gloomp> Oh, look at that.
[2008-11-29 17:28:50] <gloomp> That face.
[2008-11-29 17:28:56] <gloomp> Awesome.
[2008-11-29 17:28:57] <PNI> Danny-noy!
[2008-11-29 17:29:01] <sidke> BOY
[2008-11-29 17:29:05] <gloomp> RUUUUNNNN
[2008-11-29 17:29:20] <gloomp> His limp is just like mine.
[2008-11-29 17:29:27] <sidke> O___O YOU LIMP?
[2008-11-29 17:29:32] <gloomp> I do.
[2008-11-29 17:29:39] <sidke> What ails you?
[2008-11-29 17:29:42] <sidke> OHOOOHOHOH
[2008-11-29 17:29:43] <sidke> WICKED
[2008-11-29 17:29:44] <gloomp> It might be a sprained foot.
[2008-11-29 17:29:45] <sidke> FREAKY SCENE
[2008-11-29 17:29:50] <sidke> FREAKY FREAKY SCENE
[2008-11-29 17:29:51] <sidke> S
[2008-11-29 17:29:54] <sidke> BARE!
[2008-11-29 17:30:00] <gloomp> It might not.
[2008-11-29 17:30:02] <sidke> A BAREBUT BEAR
[2008-11-29 17:30:10] <sidke> BUTT
[2008-11-29 17:30:10] <gloomp> Haha.
[2008-11-29 17:30:11] <PNI> Mommy is telling me to get my @$$ off the D@/\/\N computer, so I hafta go.
[2008-11-29 17:30:16] <sidke> ...
[2008-11-29 17:30:17] <sidke> Awww.
[2008-11-29 17:30:17] <gloomp> ;_;
[2008-11-29 17:30:18] <PNI> :(
[2008-11-29 17:30:23] <sidke> Later PNI
[2008-11-29 17:30:32] <PNI> ;_;
[2008-11-29 17:30:32] <PNI> Been fun, you guys.
[2008-11-29 17:30:37] <PNI> Buy.
[2008-11-29 17:30:40] <gloomp> Bye. :(
[2008-11-29 17:30:41] <sidke> Yep, hopefully see you next time!
[2008-11-29 17:30:41] <PNI> *Bye.
[2008-11-29 17:30:49] <PNI> Mmmhmm
[2008-11-29 17:31:14] <gloomp> His limp is so like mine, it's freaky.
[2008-11-29 17:31:42] <gloomp> Or at least since before last night.
[2008-11-29 17:32:18] <gloomp> ELEVATOR
[2008-11-29 17:32:20] <gloomp> S
[2008-11-29 17:32:31] <sidke> BLUD!
[2008-11-29 17:32:36] <gloomp> Heh.
[2008-11-29 17:32:40] <sidke> DEADMAN
[2008-11-29 17:32:42] <gloomp> GRADY
[2008-11-29 17:32:47] <sidke> DICK
[2008-11-29 17:32:59] <sidke> O____O
[2008-11-29 17:33:21] |<-- PNI has left irc.waypasteleven.net (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[2008-11-29 17:33:24] <sidke> Great party, isn't it?
[2008-11-29 17:33:28] <gloomp> SKELETONS
[2008-11-29 17:33:44] <sidke> Skellies!
[2008-11-29 17:33:47] <gloomp> Well, guess it's just you and me now.
[2008-11-29 17:33:55] <sidke> Fufufu...
[2008-11-29 17:33:59] <sidke> Aaaand...
[2008-11-29 17:34:02] <movie-bot> ME!
[2008-11-29 17:34:09] <sidke> Ahem.
[2008-11-29 17:34:13] <sidke> Shush you bot, you.
[2008-11-29 17:34:16] <gloomp> What Danny's doing is an Indian trick.
[2008-11-29 17:34:32] <gloomp> Which is interesting.
[2008-11-29 17:34:37] <sidke> Yep.
[2008-11-29 17:34:44] <gloomp> BLOOOOOOOODD
[2008-11-29 17:34:48] <sidke> NOW
[2008-11-29 17:34:49] <gloomp> ELEVATORRRRRRRRRS
[2008-11-29 17:34:50] <sidke> BLOOD
[2008-11-29 17:35:07] <gloomp> Indian burial ground and all.
[2008-11-29 17:35:11] <sidke> Yep.
[2008-11-29 17:35:29] <gloomp> Looks cold.
[2008-11-29 17:35:39] <sidke> Brrr.
[2008-11-29 17:36:23] <sidke> How about One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, next.
[2008-11-29 17:36:29] <gloomp> Maybe.
[2008-11-29 17:36:33] <sidke> Can never have enough Nicholson.
[2008-11-29 17:36:37] <gloomp> True.
[2008-11-29 17:36:46] <sidke> But we'd need a better method of viewing.
[2008-11-29 17:36:52] <sidke> And ustream sounds like a grand idea.
[2008-11-29 17:36:55] <gloomp> But perhaps a Nicholson I haven't seen.
[2008-11-29 17:37:01] <gloomp> Yeah.
[2008-11-29 17:37:06] <gloomp> SNOWCAT
[2008-11-29 17:37:10] <gloomp> RUN DANHNY
[2008-11-29 17:37:12] <sidke> Eum...
[2008-11-29 17:37:14] <sidke> Lol.
[2008-11-29 17:37:18] <gloomp> NOW DON'T TRIP
[2008-11-29 17:37:19] <sidke> Run!
[2008-11-29 17:37:24] <sidke> *trip*
[2008-11-29 17:37:28] <sidke> KNIFETHROUGHHEAD
[2008-11-29 17:37:36] <gloomp> Haha.
[2008-11-29 17:37:46] <gloomp> DRIVE AWAY NOW
[2008-11-29 17:37:51] <gloomp> DRIVE AWAY
[2008-11-29 17:38:18] <gloomp> Not feeling so hot now, eh, Jack?
[2008-11-29 17:38:24] <sidke> SNOW and DEATH
[2008-11-29 17:39:26] <gloomp> JUMP CUT
[2008-11-29 17:39:35] <sidke> Lol.
[2008-11-29 17:39:38] <sidke> Yes.
[2008-11-29 17:39:49] -->| Cerberus ([email protected]) has joined #Cinema
[2008-11-29 17:39:50] <gloomp> The Gold Room.
[2008-11-29 17:40:09] <Cerberus> Did I miss anything?
[2008-11-29 17:40:16] <gloomp> . . .
[2008-11-29 17:40:22] <gloomp> 1921
[2008-11-29 17:40:23] <sidke> Only an hour and thirty minutes :D
[2008-11-29 17:40:48] <gloomp> Creeeeepy.
[2008-11-29 17:40:58] <gloomp> OVERLOOK HOTEL
[2008-11-29 17:41:04] <gloomp> JULY 4TH BALL
[2008-11-29 17:41:07] <gloomp> 1921
[2008-11-29 17:41:20] <gloomp> WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVER
[2008-11-29 17:41:34] <sidke> WOOOOOO
[2008-11-29 17:41:36] <sidke> OVER!!!
[2008-11-29 17:41:38] * gloomp clap clap clap clap clap clap
[2008-11-29 17:41:42] <sidke> CLAP CLAP CLAP
[2008-11-29 17:41:43] * gloomp clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
[2008-11-29 17:41:57] <sidke> Well it was fun.
[2008-11-29 17:42:06] <gloomp> This was the best yet.
[2008-11-29 17:42:27] <sidke> Naturally
[2008-11-29 17:42:31] <sidke> It's with Nicholson
[2008-11-29 17:42:33] <gloomp> Of couse.
[2008-11-29 17:42:38] <gloomp> course*
[2008-11-29 17:42:56] <gloomp> CLAP CLAP CLAP
[2008-11-29 17:43:10] <sidke> I wish more people would attend
[2008-11-29 17:43:14] <gloomp> THE MOVIE SAID WHAT YOU SAID SIDKE O___O
[2008-11-29 17:43:21] <gloomp> Me too.
[2008-11-29 17:43:27] <gloomp> WARNER BROTHERS
[2008-11-29 17:43:55] * gloomp closes tab
[2008-11-29 17:44:05] <sidke> Me too.
[2008-11-29 17:44:27] <gloomp> Okay, I'mma post the log.
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