Not the greatest picture, but, it's my senior picture.
Cracked.com wrote:All video-game characters are in fact made of cotton candy. This theory, and only this theory, can explain the cat-like hydrophobia shared universally by their kind. How else are we to believe that Frogger, a frog, is killed instantly on contact with water?
I think I mostly locked the other one because it was started poorly.KinGAleX wrote:Incredibly striking picture, Pops!
Also, this thread has been sanctioned by me, and Dave, so you can leave it alone, southpaw, or any other GMods.
I'd like to get a new photo up soon, so I'll try for you. It frustrates me that my photo at TheRealN is from mid 2005.
Dude, you totally have to get this speech down cold by Halloween :: http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=214Ravenclaw wrote:Recent pic of me (can't wait for Halloween).
It's amazing what a little bit of lens flare can do...Blackson wrote:And now?
O____okkstrong wrote:"kk's smhexy image"
Not the greatest!? Are you nuts, that's better than *any* picture I've ever taken, ever.Snuggletummy wrote:
Not the greatest picture, but, it's my senior picture.
vankusss wrote:What 'more time' means?
I'm going to buy some ham.
are you mad?!notsteve wrote:blackson looks like maestro
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