bufar wrote:It wouldn't suck for the Judges if it was done correctly. Monday through Wednesday we submit maps. Thursday the maps are randomly assigned and judging begins. Scores are reported to Pheidippides on Saturday. He updates the spreadsheet and PMs us by Sunday. Repeat.
I did think that was how it was planned. Judging doesn't start at all until the submission window for that week is closed, and then it can be randomly assigned. That throws a few kinks in the current free-for-all mechanism though, so here's my suggestion:
Monday - Wednesday: New challenges can be submitted. Nothing happens in the Gym thread but submissions. During this time, judges PM Pheid with availability for the week, a maximum number of maps they feel they can judge that week, etc.
Thursday: Pheid responds to the judges with PMs telling them which map or maps they are judging after submissions are closed.
Thursday - Saturday/Sunday: Judges do their job, and PM Pheid with the results, which include some feedback about the map, why they decided it was better/not better than the Gym map, by what margin it won/lost, and how much any demos helped, if any were part of the submission.
Sunday: Pheid sends out the results to members. Who judged who's map remains totally anonymous, the Gym topic becomes like ten times cleaner, and challengers get a good idea of their score without being able to complain about judge procedures.
This solves a large number of problems all at once. However, for the kind of optimum judging that blackson has in mind, and quite frankly I agree a better system is needed, each map would have to have three judges assigned to it (still random, of course). They wouldn't know who else was assigned the map, but it'll all be random by Pheid's hand anyway. Keep in mind that numerical values don't really matter in this contest- the judge decides if it's better or worse than the gym map. I don't know what system you're using now, what with initial judging of the Gym maps and then checking to see if the score is higher, but in the end it is really just a yes or no decision on the judge's part. Numbers shouldn't ever even need to enter into it for scoring. The judges do their business, drop a PM to Pheid, and then Pheid has three pass/fail results for a single map. So the result system would be that at least two out of the three judges give a Pass and the map clears the gym. Then the challenger can get an even better idea of their score and how much to improve, when they are told 0/3, or 1/3, or even 3/3 what a badass. It would be harder to point fingers at members who got lucky or have any legitimate complaints for that matter when such a system is used.
Ignoring the extra judge idea, this is not a huge change and it wouldn't hurt to try it out for a week. All it really is is keeping to the schedule a little more strictly in order to achieve random judge distribution. Hell, if by Thursday there aren't too many challenges and the judges PM you with enough availability you could even try out the two out of three system.