Consider this a new comic! I'm going for a plot-based version of Trob, and without any particular update schedule this time around to avoid it becoming a chore. The only real story-link it has to the original is the whole "destruction of Trob characters" thing. We're following the story of Clambdal, the black ninja who survives the incident seen at the end of the last Trob. Hopefully the flash thingo above will sorta explain where things are at right now.
So here we go!

2: It's A Story Now, So He Can't Die... OR CAN HE
3: Must Love Doggy Style
4: "My Dad's Remains."
5: With Special Guest
6: What.
7: The Waiting Room
8: This Room Would Look Terrible In Real Life
9: Maybe I Should Just Rename The Comic "Awkward Silence, Inc."
11: Pretty Lonely In This Somewhat Large Building Actually, Now That I Bring It Up
12: Baldy.
13: Meet Jack
14: Next, On MetaTV
15: Is That A Launch Pad In Your Pocket Or... ?
16: He Keeps Circling The Hallways!
Special thanks to Condog, maestro, Lenny and Orange who helped come up with "Clambdal", which also looks suspiciously like "Cal".
the apogee holds a warning
to solve this next clue, you must remember
you require the use of a metanember