Discuss N mapping theory, N maps, and other aspects of map-making.

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Postby George » 2009.01.05 (00:37)

Where are you trying to post your demo data? If it's NUMA, all you have to do is copy the data from the lower text box in NED to the Demo text box in NUMA (below the comment box).

The Loneliest Number
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Postby Mekimu » 2009.01.05 (02:02)

If you're trying to get it from the userlevels part of the game, it's the data between the last two #'s [should contain lots of Numbers|Numbers|numbers]

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Postby Rikaninja » 2009.01.06 (04:26)

And if it's from Neditor.
Press `
Then copy game data into the top box
press L
everytime you want to play press P keeping CAPS LOCK ON IMPORTANT
after you die or win press ` again
Now the bottom text box has your demo data.
If you want to start again and play again press R then 1 to reset the map and the demos data
Then you can play again and again. :) Hopefully this helps.

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