Which button do you use to jump?

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What button do you use to jump?

Up arrow
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Postby golf » 2009.02.13 (19:42)

You should be able to disable sticky keys once you hit shift like, 5 times or so. At least, there was a dialog window that came up on my computer when I did that, and I eventually checked the "turn off" box because I got too annoyed with it.
[16:24] <@golfkid> I'm pretty sure I will literally scream if I die on the last column of 78-4 at this point
[16:25] <trance> Oh, yeah. That level.
[16:29] <@golfkid> lol
[16:30] <@golfkid> It looks so simple
[16:30] <@golfkid> But it says "NO! I will rape your sanity!"

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[quote="ska on my 129-1 innovation"]I thought about that but couldn't chimeny fast enough when trying. Congrats[/quote]

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Postby minimap4646 » 2009.02.14 (01:42)

☆┌─┐ ┌┐☆
 │▒│ /▒/
 │▒ /▒/─┬─┐
┌┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ ●● Peace Out ●●

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Postby Raif » 2009.02.14 (08:06)


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Postby Kablamo » 2009.02.20 (08:59)

One Handed Shift

Hi Everybody!

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Postby Ncouraging » 2009.02.21 (17:03)

Up feels comfortable and allows for fast chimneying.[/quote]

yea i go much quicker with up, btw my n game is kinda messed up, so whenever i x out the n game screen, and then i go back to it, all my data is lost, so it shows that i NEVER played any levels, but i actually beat like 2 columns, and it doesnt save the setting i made.

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Postby aids » 2009.02.21 (17:37)

Definitely a spacebar junkie. it just feels natural.


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Postby Exüberance » 2009.02.21 (20:00)

On my old laptop where the SHIFT key was touching the left and up arrows, SHIFT.
This is laptop, where the SHIFT key is above the up arrrow, UP.

The arrow keys are smaller than the other keys, so sometimes I turn numLock off and use

but I usually end up messing up and go back to the arrow keys
ExüberNewsFeed: Exuberance is mostly <AFF> (Away From Forums) for a while, though I may still participate in epic contests/threads. When I return, I shall bring several comic updates (enough to finish season 1) and hopefully 1 or 2 games- at least one of which is N-related
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- Zombie (Dead/Comatose): The comic is probably done regular updates forever, but I'll probably still add something once in a blue moon. It's still POSSIBLE, that I'll raise the status up, but not very likely. Maybe I'll have a comicplosion for like a week, then go back to being dead
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- Über-Epic (Power-leveling/COMICPLOSION!!): In some cases, this may actually be mean updates more frequently than COMICPLOSION!!, but I'm defining this level as a non-organized comic rush, kind of like a few days after my comic started
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Postby UnknownKirbyMan » 2009.02.22 (16:49)


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Postby Tunco » 2009.02.23 (18:35)

A friend at school is using up arrow,that I realized that it's better to use up arrow..I think..Maybe..


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Postby Shadowfury » 2009.03.20 (01:54)

I use Shift for when I'm on my own computer and spacebar on other computers. I did fix the sticky keys issue by changing some of the options.

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Postby OutrightOJ » 2009.04.09 (17:49)

Same as Riobe. The place I found N was defaultly set to 'Z', so i've always used that as my jump key.

Thanks to furry for this awesome sig. He likes birds, he does.


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Postby TheRealOne » 2009.04.09 (18:59)

Single Shifter 4 lyfe!
<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.

<@Kool> bro no joke, I saw the sexiest swedish chick giving herself anal on one of those pop-up alarm-clocks at my uncle's house

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Postby bobaganuesh_2 » 2009.04.10 (00:27)

shift. I use my left ring finger for jumping, and put the thumb on spacebar. Ring finger is the most messed up finger of all.

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Postby 999_Springs » 2009.04.10 (15:22)

Left shift, although I have recently started to use right shift a bit for extremely fast chimneying. I used spacebar until the middle of 2007.

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Postby Minion_of_Pi » 2009.04.10 (16:01)

Up arrow.


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Postby Neil_Bryan » 2009.04.20 (06:46)

I use the Up arrow. Actually I want to use Shift but when I press too much the StickyKeys appear and I can't be able to press Shift more than once. It's hard.

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Postby dj_chillycheeze » 2009.04.29 (14:11)

space bar for jump. up arrow for kill. down arrow for pause.

I like the space bar for jump because it feels like you can alter the power of your jump by hitting the space bar in the middle vs the side.

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Postby Exüberance » 2009.04.30 (04:59)

I got tired of using my laptops arrow keys which are thinner than every other key, so I switched to IJKL (well, not K since Down doesn't do anything) then moved kill from K to W.
ExüberNewsFeed: Exuberance is mostly <AFF> (Away From Forums) for a while, though I may still participate in epic contests/threads. When I return, I shall bring several comic updates (enough to finish season 1) and hopefully 1 or 2 games- at least one of which is N-related
Comic Activity-O-Meter: (how often I'm updating my comic)
(Click here to see what each level and half-level means in terms of updates per time period)

NOTE: If I just add a bunch of comics in one day, but plan on going back to normal after that, I probably won't update the status.
+ Dead: Canceled. Done. Maybe you'll get a random comic like once a year, but it's pretty much done.
- Zombie (Dead/Comatose): The comic is probably done regular updates forever, but I'll probably still add something once in a blue moon. It's still POSSIBLE, that I'll raise the status up, but not very likely. Maybe I'll have a comicplosion for like a week, then go back to being dead
+ Comatose: Complete stand-by. No (or very few) updates for some amount of time, but the comic's far from being over
- <AFK> (Comatose/Loitering): Stand-by, but you might possibly count on a few updates once and a while. Again, this is temporary
+ Loitering: Like comatose, but for short amount of times.
- Turtling (Loitering/Semi-Active): Really slooooww updates
+ Semi-Active: One every 2 weeks...ish?
- Quasi-Active (Semi-Active/Active): Averaging about 2 comics every 3 weeks
+ Active: Loosely defined status, but about a weekly update
- Over-Active (Active/Power-leveling): About 2 comics a week
+ Power-leveling: About 3 comics a week. Possible a schedule, possibly not
- Über-Epic (Power-leveling/COMICPLOSION!!): In some cases, this may actually be mean updates more frequently than COMICPLOSION!!, but I'm defining this level as a non-organized comic rush, kind of like a few days after my comic started
+ COMICPLOSION!!: Daily updates for a minimum of 5 days (since the daily updates started. It remains at this status until the 5, 7, whatever days are done)

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." ~Albert Einstein
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Postby Universezero » 2009.05.03 (06:52)

I usually use S to jump and J&L to move. This means that in class it looks like I'm typing ^_^ Also, X to kill and F12 for boss mode. X because it's right under my index finger, and F12 because I don't want to accidentally press TAB+Q whilst mapping.

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Postby Tunco » 2009.05.03 (10:04)

I wonder what key xaelar uses....


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Postby xaelar » 2009.05.03 (20:09)

Thx to usaswim for this awesome signature!

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Postby Cheez » 2009.05.03 (20:13)

Space or Shift for me.
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<Torex> Is there any possible way for me to get mod-ship in the community?
<Izzy> You can be an FF6 Miniboss!

<@Izzy> van prefers it long.

<kuri> is your brother a guy cheez

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Postby natrues peril » 2009.05.29 (14:42)

up. all the pro's use it, izzy, tfk, lat
by nicnac

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Postby unoriginal name » 2009.05.29 (15:32)

natures_peril wrote:up. all the pro's use it, izzy, tfk, lat
You mean xaelar isn't a pro?!

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Postby Tunco » 2009.05.29 (16:49)

gloomp wrote:
natures_peril wrote:up. all the pro's use it, izzy, tfk, lat
You mean xaelar isn't a pro?!
You know that's so stupid, sush.


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