Pips or Posts? What makes noobs spam?

Discuss aspects of the community itself and talk about the people and ideas that make this place work.

Which would be the bigger reason for spamming?

Noobs thinking a higher post count makes them more respected. (Or for self satisfaction)
Noobs thinking more pips on the old system makes them more respected. (Or for self satisfaction)
Noobs thinking a new custom title makes them more respected. (Or for self satisfaction)
Lack of etiquette
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Postby Superpok » 2009.02.12 (03:25)

i am definitely motivated by the fun titles, but i don't just spam, and can't force myself to post worthless stuff, i just post in a very broad range, post back often and...yeah
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Postby Lightning55 » 2009.02.22 (20:25)

It really depends. I used to think that a high number of posts means you would be respected. I realize it doesn't. That leads me to think that is the biggest driving force for spamming. I also realize I spam quite a bit on the Fun & Games on these forums. Although I spam a bit, those are FUN AND GAMES. I don't usually post outside of there unless I have something meaningful to say. Noobs don't realize where the quality posts are for and simply post "lol" or something of the sort on a topic far more important than a game. Because they are present in a more respected topic, they feel as if their word is read and they will increase their reputation.

Ultimately, it is the illusion of respect, reputation, and recognition that makes noobs spam.

Btw, I get really annoyed at misspellings and capitalization errors. Punctuation doesn't matter nearly as much, but it really pleases me if someone can edit their work for maybe a few seconds to show proper etiquette. If you don't know how to spell, then download a spellchecker.

Ironically, I just posted here to get my voice and opinion heard, outside of the poll =P
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Postby Tunco » 2009.03.01 (17:42)

Atilla wrote:I think newbies (as opposed to people who just don't care if they annoy others, or even enjoy it) spam because they post not because they have something to say, but because they want to be part of the group, and they don't have the maturity or the forum experience to understand how they should go about it.

For example, a lot of people spam because they don't understand the difference between quality and quantity, or the difference between making 5000 posts in a month, and making 5000 posts over three years. They see that the respected forum regulars have a lot of posts (because they've been active for a long time), and that posting a lot will therefore automatically make them a big manly man. In reality, of course, it makes them look like an annoying attention whore with a five-second attention span.

This brings us to the second point, which is that some people really do have a five-second attention span and a penchant for yelling "Look at me! Look at me!". This is particularly common among members who are young and immature. They often lack the patience to read the thread carefully, and even if they do they won't really get what people are talking about. This, of course, doesn't stop them posting. Hey, everyone else is saying stuff, I've gotta post something, or I'll feel ignored! Usually this results in posting the first thing that pops into their head, often without giving it any real thought or even bothering with basic grammar. People in this category often don't even understand what they're doing or why it's annoying. They're also frequently oblivious to subtlety, sarcasm, irony, and anything else which requires more than the most superficial understanding of what was said. In fact, the perfect example of this type of person is the guy who quotes something and posts "lol...?", because he has the vague sense that someone has made a joke, but no idea what it actually was.
Whoa.Slow down.I think you've said all the things can be said on this topic.[not actually.].But other than that,yes,people wants to be noticed,because they post a lot,that doesn't mean thatthey have respect,hey,if you talk a lot,probably %90 that you said to people will mean nothing,because you don't hink before talking,you just talk,but if you are a person that talks not a lot and say meaningful thing when you talk,that's when people will listen you.

It's like this probably,if you post lots of posts but kust post thing like "lol","OMG","???" or things like that you won't probably make a sense because a lot of people recognizes that it's a "lol" or "OMG" thing and because they know this they don't tell that.

The point is;you can'T get respect if you post a lot,but that's not for all people ,yes GTM posts more than anyone on this forum,but the man haves a point in each of post.That's OK,because you've got something really to tell you can tell that.People know this,but as other rules,they don't apply.And besides other peoples tells,yes there are peoples read FAQ.Like me.

Spamming leads to people getting bored,when people spam,they probably don't recognizes,but I do.Everybody do.Yes I spammed fun and games a while ago,but I'm gona chill down with the posts,because yes;I'm the part of the people that hates spammers,and I recognized I'm spamming too,which means I hate myself,so stopped it.I think ,this is self-potential.

Yes,people have a lot of thing to say,but if all the people on this world says what he/she wants to,that would be a chaos.Anyway,people have nothing to say but creating nonsense,making people bored,and wasting time,that's all about it.

That's all about it.


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Postby noops » 2009.03.03 (01:45)

Tunco123 wrote:
Atilla wrote:I think newbies (as opposed to people who just don't care if they annoy others, or even enjoy it) spam because they post not because they have something to say, but because they want to be part of the group, and they don't have the maturity or the forum experience to understand how they should go about it.

For example, a lot of people spam because they don't understand the difference between quality and quantity, or the difference between making 5000 posts in a month, and making 5000 posts over three years. They see that the respected forum regulars have a lot of posts (because they've been active for a long time), and that posting a lot will therefore automatically make them a big manly man. In reality, of course, it makes them look like an annoying attention whore with a five-second attention span.

This brings us to the second point, which is that some people really do have a five-second attention span and a penchant for yelling "Look at me! Look at me!". This is particularly common among members who are young and immature. They often lack the patience to read the thread carefully, and even if they do they won't really get what people are talking about. This, of course, doesn't stop them posting. Hey, everyone else is saying stuff, I've gotta post something, or I'll feel ignored! Usually this results in posting the first thing that pops into their head, often without giving it any real thought or even bothering with basic grammar. People in this category often don't even understand what they're doing or why it's annoying. They're also frequently oblivious to subtlety, sarcasm, irony, and anything else which requires more than the most superficial understanding of what was said. In fact, the perfect example of this type of person is the guy who quotes something and posts "lol...?", because he has the vague sense that someone has made a joke, but no idea what it actually was.
Whoa.Slow down.I think you've said all the things can be said on this topic.[not actually.].But other than that,yes,people wants to be noticed,because they post a lot,that doesn't mean thatthey have respect,hey,if you talk a lot,probably %90 that you said to people will mean nothing,because you don't hink before talking,you just talk,but if you are a person that talks not a lot and say meaningful thing when you talk,that's when people will listen you.

It's like this probably,if you post lots of posts but kust post thing like "lol","OMG","???" or things like that you won't probably make a sense because a lot of people recognizes that it's a "lol" or "OMG" thing and because they know this they don't tell that.

The point is;you can'T get respect if you post a lot,but that's not for all people ,yes GTM posts more than anyone on this forum,but the man haves a point in each of post.That's OK,because you've got something really to tell you can tell that.People know this,but as other rules,they don't apply.And besides other peoples tells,yes there are peoples read FAQ.Like me.

Spamming leads to people getting bored,when people spam,they probably don't recognizes,but I do.Everybody do.Yes I spammed fun and games a while ago,but I'm gona chill down with the posts,because yes;I'm the part of the people that hates spammers,and I recognized I'm spamming too,which means I hate myself,so stopped it.I think ,this is self-potential.

Yes,people have a lot of thing to say,but if all the people on this world says what he/she wants to,that would be a chaos.Anyway,people have nothing to say but creating nonsense,making people bored,and wasting time,that's all about it.

That's all about it.

...Serioiusly though, I agree with what everyone said. But I disagree as well. The thing is, we can't lump them all into one category. There's loads of different spammer "types", if you will. 8 year olds, people who don't get out much, idiots, they're all basically the same, yeah, but I agree with what someone said a while back. It's the actual quality of your posts. SOmetimes literal, sometimes not. Most of the times literal.
TribulatioN wrote:I'm agreeing with Atilla on this one, every thing I thought of somehow related back to feeling integrated into the community. They don't realise that posting meaningful posts would get them more respect than posting hundreds of meaningless comments. Some of our most respected have barely any posts, it's because of what's in their posts that really make the difference.
And if not, it's the thrive to pass you, GTM.

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Postby McP3000 v2.0 » 2013.01.10 (05:25)

SlappyMcGee wrote:The true sign of a spammer is their avatar. Did McP3000 ever have a good avatar? No. But this GTM kid, he's movin' on up.

Sorry to revive something old, but I just searched myself becacuse I was bored and wanted to check out NUMA/theforums.
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