How are you doin', folks?
As usual, I had a crazy idea, and quickly got it going that very same night. There's just been some stuff going on lately we wanted to have a chat about, so I got a little podcast to happen.
Uh, here you go!
Also available on iTunes via this link.
Album Art - made by Southpaw.
Note from Lenny:
Hey everyone. This podcast was originally started by KinGAleX, because (as he said above) he felt like it and it was awesome. I then put it on iTunes and turned it into a "proper podcast" a few months later. Then Ska interviewed me, for the sake of continuing the podcast, and since then I'm apparently running it. The podcasts will probably be on a date and time that I've already specified, but you never know. So anyway, enjoy the podcasts, and ask questions or comment on the awesomeness if you want.
Podcast 1 (Click to Download)
- Featuring Alex Kucharski (KinGAleX), Tanner Rogalsky (Tanner), and Nick Rogers (Kashkin)
27:09 minutes
12.4 MB
64 kbps MP3
Podcast 2 (click to download)
Featuring: Ben (ska) and Lenny (Weisslenny)
Topics: Borealis leaving, AMLT's "rebirth", maps, and bringing back a vintage cartoon.
Time: 12:36
Size: 8.2 MB
Podcast 3 (click to download)
Featuring: Lenny, Kablizzy, Dave (blue_tetris), LittleKiving (LV), AF, Atilla, and Slappy McGee.
Topics: The Tetris Takeover, future forum changes, advice on how to be a moderator, Blizzy's "Maximum Pissage", and paying out kkstrong.
Time: 42.03
Podcast 4 (click to download)
Featuring: Lenny, Kablizzy, LittleKiving (LV), AF, Animator, Jig, and Orange.
Topics: The new forums, new moderators, general forum things, MetaGame, AskUs section. Also, Lenny Dave, several people make other amusing come-backs, and once again we successfully deviate off-topic.
Time: 51.08
Size: 23.5 MB
MiniCast 1 (click to download)
Featuring: Dave, Jig, Lenny, LittleViking, ska, and Snuggletummy.
Topics: Birthdays from this week and a bit earlier, the American Election, Rememberance Day, and Crazy Kenyan (also known as QWOP, a game found at We also answer AskUs questions from Quote and maestro.
Time: 22:24
Size: 10.3 MB
MiniCast 2 (click to download)
Featuring: Lenny, Orange, LittleViking, Dave (blue_tetris), UniverseZero, SlappyMcGee, AF.
Topics:In this second, more massive MiniCast, we talk about the upcoming rapidly upcoming Dronies, as well as birthdays and an AskUs question. We also spur off to talk about computer keyboards, and Ska's victory of "QWOP".
Time: 55:13
Size: 25.3 MB
Podcast 5 (click to download)
Featuring: Lenny (Weisslenny0), Dave (blue_tetris), Kablizzy (Blizz), LittleViking (LV), Tanner, KinGAlex (KA), Jig, SlappyMcGee, Eiturlyf, maestro, Yanni, lord_day, UniverseZero, Blackson, wedgie, Animator, GamingWolf, and Snugglytummy/Luminaflare (LF).
Topics: In this massive podcast, we talk about recent IRC/Vent records, the forums being down, the Dronies, the recent books/film Twilight, NUMA news, forum Birthdays, Eiturlyf's (sick and twisted) obsessions, cover some AskUs questions, and just are generally funny.
Time: 1:12:18
Size: 33.1 MB
Podcast 6 (click to download)
Featuring: (Read this out for comedic effect): Dave (in a cave), axxon (Anglo Saxon), (Action) Blackson, incluye (bluey), Jiggerjaw (is a whore), Lenny (...), Pikman (Slickman), Yahoozy (is boozy), ska (wears a bra), southpaw (chainsaw), Techno (Heckno), The Seer (Likes Beer), LV (Likes to Pee) and incluye's sister.
Topics: M+R award, QWOP, sex, Dronies Wrap-up, Obama's innaugaration, L4D, more sex, Borat's problems and much much more!
Time: 1:29:13
Size: 42 MB
Podcast 7 (click to download)
Featuring: UniverseZero (who also ran it) and LittleViking, but also involves Yahoozy and Jig and mentions SnuggleTummy.
Topics: Insomnicon, birthdays, and I really don't know where it went from here.
Time: 15:01
Size: 14 MB
Have Your Say (click to download)
Featuring: Lenny, Zander, Tsukasu (Suki), SlappyMcGee (Slappy), Maestro, UniverseZero, Eiturlyf, Turiski, Aperture (formerly Eternal_Boredom), Gloomp, Smartalco, and Donfuy.
Topics: They change, depending on who's talking.
Time: 9:40
Size: 9 MB
Podcast 8 (The New-Cast)
After a way-too-long wait, the Metanet Podcast is back and better than ever (gloomp pity-endorsed)!
Topics: What's been happening (both on the forums and in the wide, wide world), Staff changes, Avatar, Game Consoles, and just catching up in general!
Featuring: Lenny, Ortsz (Maestro), Spawn of Yanni, Axonn, Inspired, Life247, Donfuy, Scythe, Guiseppi, and Bio.
Time: 54:50
Size: ~25mb (500kb/min - pretty decent)
Christmas-Cast: Merry Christmas from Metanet Mods, plus Mare and Raigan!
The Moderators of the Metanet Forums, combined with the awesomeness of Mare and Raigan, wish you all a happy holiday!
Featuring: Mare and Raigan, Lenny, gloomp, Donfuy, Pheidippides, Snuggletummy, Tanner, southpaw, LF, LittleViking, Spawn of Yanni, and scythe33.
Time: 03:41
Size: 3.4mb
Merry Christmas from Mare and Raigan!
Metanet Podcast 10 - Halloween Special
The 10th Metanet Podcast is here, bitches! It's also the Halloween Special and features some original musical compositions and humourous banter. I think it's the probably the best one so far and it's also the longest!
Featuring: Bio, ChrisE, Orange, Quote and his mysterious girl (Isabelle AKA Candy), Remaniac, ska & snugs.
Time: 1 hour 38 mins
Size: 32mb
Metanet Podcast 11 - Act I
Act 1 is basically just part 1 of Torex, Candy and Ben with a cameo of Dave and some others. Musical act at the end is called "Shapes" by "Kritter and the Theives". Thanks to Universe Zero for the opening theme song. Recorded, Edited and Produced by ska.
Featuring: Torex, ska, Candy, Dave, UniverseZero... and some others.
Time: 35 mins
Size: 34mb
New Year (2011) Wishes from Mare and Raigan
People: Mare and Raigan
Time: 3 mins 30 secs
File size: ~3 mb
Metanet Podcast 11, Act II
The Metanet Podcast is back for Episode 11, Act 2, hosted by ska. It was recorded in December, 2010 and took 6 months to upload because /somebody/ has still got dial-up internet from 1997... Brought to you by
Size: ~100mb
Length: 1h, 45 mins
Have Your Say, end of 2011
This end-of-year's Have Your Say features contributions from Lenny, Mare and Raigan, Tanner, ska, UniverseZero, Remm, ortsz, halifax, post-something, otters, Donfuy, and bobeidganuesh. Thanks to all who contributed, I hope you enjoy the episode, and have a great holiday!
Size: ~18mb
Length: 13 mins
The Metanet Podcast, Episode 71
Featuring ska, AlliedEnvy, LittleViking, blue_tetris, xdude, KinGAleX, usaswim, Tsukatu, Keron Cyst, Orange, Kashkin, maestrosync, ermacrules, Arachnid and Tunco. Produced by ska. Funded by ska. Marketed by ska.
Size: 38.4MB
Length: 42:02
Download as .mp3
The Metanet Podcast, Episode 71: Extras
Bonus content! For the first time ever in the history of the Metanet Podcast, a bonus Extras episode is available for paying listeners.
Size: 435KB
Length: 0:28
Download as .mp3
Don't forget to send in AskUs questions, and enjoy!