1: The object of this competition is not to get the highest score, but to match a given time as closely as possible. For example, if I give a time of 205.000 for map 1, a finishing time of 204.500 is just as good as a time of 205.500, and way way better than the current 0th of 234.575.
2: Due to the nature of this contest, all runs will be submitted with a map tag in this thread. For those that aren't aware, whenever you complete a level in userlevels, including in Nreality's NUMA map mode, the complete demo data (with both map and demo data included) is in the demo box on the left side of your screen. Beware, however, that this will be erased forever if you watch any other replay, or complete the level again before copying that data. Therefore, be very careful to save the demos from any runs that you think will be competitive.
3: There will be a maximum of two submissions per contestant per round. I am doing this to allow those who get an early run in to improve based on later entries, but so that its not so many that the thread gets really cluttered and I can't keep track of it all. I would like to request that you include a message on any second submission stating either that it is your second submission, or that it is an improvement over the first submission.
4: Each round will be one week. I will specify which map will be competed on at the beginning of the week, and the round will end one week from the posting of the round, at a specified time. I will try to update the thread with new maps every week at the beginning of the week, but no guarantees, seeing as life tends to get in the way of such things.
5: I will disqualify any runs that end with the ninja standing next to the exit for extended periods of time due to having collected too much gold to match the target time.
Scoring will be cumulative throughout the entire contest. The person with the closest time (not counting resubs) to the target will recieve 5 points, 2nd closest will get 4 points, 3rd will get 3, 2nd 4, and 5th 1. Anybody else will get no points. In case of a tie, everybody will get exactly the same amount of points. (This is changed at the end of Week 2, and applies retroactively to all previous weeks.) If you happen to get the time exactly, you will recieve 2 bonus points.
I am looking for an imagemaker (or two, or more) to make sigbars for contestants, weekly winners, and overall winner.
Let the scoring begin!
0: Etz: 40 pts
1: Avarin: 26 pts
2: vankusss: 10 pts
3: Hendor: 7 pts
4: ToeFaceKiller: 7 pts
5: EdoI: 7 pts
6: Life247: 3 pts
7: bufar: 3 pts
8: Daikenkai: 2 pts
9: blackbelmoral: 1 pt
Past Weeks
Week 1: Adventure for One by lord_day (map ID 148105)
0: vankusss: 85.000 = 7 pts
1: Etz: 85.000 = 7 pts
2: Hendor: 85.000 = 7 pts
3: ToeFaceKiller: 85.000 = 7 pts
4: EdoI: 85.000 = 7 pts
Week 2: Back to Basics by Mapfactory (map ID 161384)
0: Etz: 145.000 = 7 pts
1: Avarin: 145.000 = 7 pts
2: vankusss: 145.025 - 0.025 second difference = 3 pts
3: Daikenkai: 145.100 - 0.100 second difference = 2 pts
4: blackbelmoral: 86.325 - 58.675 second difference = 1 pts
Week 3: Smoker's Lungs by Ganteka (map ID 150943)
0: Etz: 93.500 = 7 pts
1: Avarin: 93.500 = 7 pts
2: Life247: 95.500 - 2.000 second difference = 3 pts]/b]
Week 4: Temple of the VoidStar by ChaoStar (map ID 162980)
0: Etz: 104.050 - 0.050 second difference = 5 pts
1: Avarin: 104.175 - 0.175 second difference = 4 pts
Week 5: Map Swap #2 by Cucumber_boy/kkstrong (map ID 75120)
0: Etz: 106.000 = 7 pts
1: Avarin: 105.900 - 0.100 second difference = 4 pts
2: bufar: 105.575 - 0.425 second difference = 3 pts
Week 6: Spinal Trap by amconline(map ID 83172)
0: Etz: 108.250 = 7 pts
1: Avarin: 108.275 - 0.025 second difference = 4 pts
This contest is now over, there simply hasn't been enough interest in it to justify my time to keep it running. Sorry to Etz and Avarin, who have been my most ardent supporters, and the only contestants a full third of the time. The big winner it Etz, who had the top spot every week, and only missed the target time once. Behind him is Avarin, followed by vankusss. My thanks to all of you who participated.