I'm going to respond to this, because it was before you and atob started fighting and I don't think it was properly addressed.
Amadeus wrote:Is it of my understanding that you are completely denying that there are no social problems on Numa? Wouldn't that contradict your prior comment that Numa is having problems because it is getting larger? And if you read this thread, isn't everyone disagreeing with you? Both Avarin and Little Viking have cited problems, and Amlt's and Radium's respective threads also have host of complaints that (a) maps aren't getting attention/ratings and (b) maps are being spammed. Your statement that there are no social problems is verging on fallacy, if not the fact it were an opinion.
(a) This "social issue" is not what the staff is meant to deal with.
(b) This social issue is controlled and taken care of to the best ability of the current staff. If you see someone spamming, flag their map/comment and leave a comment detailing why you flagged it. It's simple as that.
Amadeus wrote:NUMA has technical flaws that will only be resolved once a person(s) of sufficient ability step forward and commit to the cause.
That is
exactly what I am trying to do on this thread? How many times must I reemphasize this? I am asking for people of sufficient ability to step forward and commit to the cause.
So far these are the things you've done that have made you an inefficient and uncoordinated leader of whatever you're trying to start:
1. Your original post claims that it is the staff that need to be updated. Later on you claim that it is the technical aspects and social aspects of NUMA that need to be dealt with,
after other people already pointed this out.
2. You have completely failed to recognize point 1.
3. You've spent far too much time bickering and clarifying your point of this thread to actually start any organization of people who would be willing to help. If you wanted to organize people to help NUMA, your original post wouldn't have made a bunch of outlandish claims that are almost entirely false about the website. Instead you would have presented yourself as only trying to help NUMA and only mentioning any social issues
Amadeus wrote:NUMA is expanding, and unfortunately this means the quality ratio will drop.
That sounds to me an awful lot like a social and mapping problem.
No. This is not a problem, it's what happens with popular communities. They grow. As a map archive being NUMA's primary function, people can post whatever they want as long as it fits the rules of NUMA (it is a privately run website, meaning it gets to pick and choose the kind of content that is allowed). Therefore NUMA having awful maps is not a social issue.
Unfortunately, people glorify the ratings system and use it as some sort of popularity tool. This want of people to look at and play your maps makes you think that quality and quantity of maps on NUMA is a social issue, when in reality it simply does not matter how much attention or ratings your map gets. You're posting to a map archive, not some Olympics of N.
Amadeus wrote:NUMA is run efficiently and smoothly by the staff. Whenever a problem arises (spammed maps, abusive members, etc..) it is reported either to a mod or myself and dealt with quickly.
That is completely subjective, and bias. However, I've already cited the good work of the staff, why you need to constantly emphasize so much, I don't know. Your defensive behaviour is leaning towards immature.
That is completely true. We have those people who flag comments and maps to thank, as well. If it weren't for the community itself a lot of things would probably go unnoticed by the staff until someone mentioned it to them through PM or IRC. NUMA runs incredibly well and I don't know why you're so quick to denounce atob's claims. You're not a moderator/admin, so how would you know? If you see something offensive, don't blame us for not getting to it, flag it for abuse!
And to top this whole thing off, I want to respond to this post, which you should recognize. I've decided to add emphasis to the places I think you need to look at and then refer to your more recent posts in this thread:
Amadeus wrote:My take however, is that Numa's problem isn't programming, it is that the management is outdated. They are uninvolved with the NUMA community and are for the most part detached with the site. Although programming is going to have a vital role in the new NUMA, I doubt it is the main concern at the time being.
My call is that NUMA is updated and managed by people who are involved and motivated to improve the NUMA community. Yes we'll need a programmer. But we'll need involved leaders and managers and admin, too.
blue_tetris was given his admin position for the many things he has done for NUMA, most specifically for helping with the redesign.
Sweep was given his admin position for the development of Bitesized NUMA.
maestro was given his admin position for... uhm... I'm not sure.
atob was given his admin position for the help that he could do running the site that Arachnid could not be bothered with. He also has a very good grasp of the community he is involved with.
origami_alligator was given his moderator position by Arachnid, for helping make decisions and discussing aspects of the redesign of NUMA.
wedgie123 was given his moderator position for the same reason as origami_alligator.
lord_day, Skyline and Clovic were recommended as moderators of the site and have thus far proven to be great choices.
All of the moderators save wedgie and Clovic still submit maps and browse NUMA like crazy. (That I know of, at least.)
Of all the admins, atob is the one I know of who was given a legitimate position to deal with the many things that Arachnid or maestro didn't want to be bothered with that were beyond coding. He still makes maps and visits NUMA often.
While it would be nice to have a coder on the staff, it takes time to do these things. Maybe the wait has been a lot longer than necessary, but once a coder is on the staff I'm sure we can expect to see updates made more frequently and as smoothly as possible.
So basically what I'm trying to say is that a lot of the admins were given their status as a thank you for something they did to better the website, not because they were expected to update and keep the site running in Arachnid's leave. The original moderators (wedgie123, origami_alligator, LittleViking, and Fingersonthefrets) were given their status for helping with the redesign. Then LV and FOTF were dropped for their inactivity and we brought on more active members of the community to help deal with day-to-day problems.
If none of that makes any sense to you, please just give this thread up and let it die.