Fire Danger is an irregularly-published webcomic written and illustrated by me. The original Fire Danger comics had a small number of panels, often only the one, and weren't very good. The new Fire Danger comics have far too many panels and tend to be pretty okay I guess amazing. If you don't think they are very good, you've obviously missed the ultra-clever obscure references around which much of the humour depends. It's okay, it's not your fault. Your parents didn't raise you right.
1. no stylus, no style
"The first issue is in MS Paint, so it may seem a parody--a fair assumption on your part--but it isn't really. I'm somewhere without a scanner at the moment so this is the best I can do."
2. text tool
After complaints about the style of the comic.
3. hat
RN: "This needs to be updated."
Me: "If you say so."
4. wwjd: cern
"It seems the update schedule is 'whenever RN tells me to do it'."
5. wwjd: not the news
"I didn't properly commit to this one—you might say I pulled out early. Jesus certainly wouldn't be pleased with that."
6. wwjd: bohemian
"It's impossible to tell what might have happened if he had been accepted, but things surely couldn't have turned out worse."
7. poorly drawn approximations
"As for the RN-mandated update, I haven't really got any good ideas. Still, the show must go on, and this opens the way for a better joke."
8. barbershop
"Here is the promised better joke."
9. lawn bowls
"I've just realised that Fire Danger has become an actual thing."
10. true story
"7's terrible comics inspired me to recount this true story."
11. another true story
"Another true story:"
12. fairy tale
"I realise my previous illustration may have been too cynical and ruined the magic of the staff decision-making process, so I have an alternative comic for those of you who prefer fairy tales. Fairy tales with rats."
13. floor-pissing
"Analogy by tetris."
14. snowclone
"Like it needed to be said."
15. résumé
"If you've been waiting for the latest installment, wait no more! It's ALL NEW FIRE DANGER! (In memoriam for no particular reason.)"
16. enlightenment
"Buddha is usually depicted sitting in the lotus position, but in this comic he's in a position I call 'highly uncomfortable'."
17. hobby
"Not quite parody, not quite theft: it's an homage."
18. bizarre love triangle
19. gravy train
"I feel so extraordinary!"
20. imperial
"One day."
21. chaos theory
"Oh No! More Fire Danger!"
22. chaos, again
"For your enjoyment!"
23. predictions: LHC
"Or, "you're on my hidden camera show called the Jesus Christ Experiment!""
24. predictions: eclipse
"It'll be the largest of the 21st century."
25. fired anger
"<maestro> On a scale of 1 to 10, how litigious does Dave seem?"
26. fired anger II
27. predictions: elsewhere...
"Your Gross National Happiness is no match for our Gross National Product, bitches."
28. cod wars
"Not to be confused with the Cold War."
29. merch
"Not to be outdone:"
30. McCAIN
"It wasn't not my idea and it wasn't made for Fire Danger, but fuck it, it's got a flame. Here's how it went down:"
31. I know
Audience participation!?
A tribute to Spamusement!
...And Quartered
"Continuity broken in response."
Crossing the line (served cold)
Mail merge
My holidays
Another holiday
Another holiday deux
Insomnicon '09 1
Insomnicon '09 2
Insomnicon '09 3
Guest comic for L.O.R.A.H.
Thirty minute comic 1
Thirty minute comic 2
Thirty minute comic 3
Thirty minute comic 4 a
Thirty minute comic 4 b
Thirty minute comic 5 (technically under ten minutes)
Thirty minute comic 6 a
Thirty minute comic 6 b
Thirty minute comic 6 c
Thirty minute comic 6 d
Thirty minute comic 7
Thirty minute comic 8 a
Thirty minute comic 8 b
Thirty minute comic 9
Thirty minute comic 10 a
Thirty minute comic 10 b
Captcha comic 1
Captcha comic 2
Captcha comic 3
Captcha comic 4
Captcha comic 5
Captcha comic 6
Captcha comic 7
Captcha comic 8
Captcha comic 9
Captcha comic 10
Captcha comic 11
Captcha comic 12
Captcha comic 13
Captcha comic 14
Le bonheur de l'homme
The scorpion