The Map-Rating Group (Discontinued)

Discuss N mapping theory, N maps, and other aspects of map-making.

Moderators: PALEMOON,  yahoozy

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Beyond a Perfect Math Score
Posts: 834
Joined: 2008.09.30 (06:37)
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Location: California, USA

Postby Nexx » 2008.10.16 (04:50)

Welcome to the Map-Rating Group. (aka MRG)

Anyone may participate in this group at anytime.

Group administrator: Avarin (aka Nexx)
Inspired by: squibbles

Basic overview of this group:
Every Monday, all participating members are split into groups of 5. Within each group of 5, everyone plays and rates (at least) 1 map by every other author in the group. Then each person posts the URLs of the maps they rated in this thread. In this way, each person in each group gives 4 rates and receives 4 rates each week (ideally).
Note: Commenting is optional but encouraged.
Note: You can be in two groups at a time, if you like. See "Double rating" below.

To join:
If it's your first time joining, just post in this thread saying you'd like to join. Easy as pie! Don't forget to give your NUMA username (if it's not obvious). It's also best to include some map suggestions in your post. (See "Map suggestions" below.)
Note: Once you've posted, nothing will happen until the following Monday, when you'll receive a PM from me (Avarin) giving you info about the new week.

Additional details and rules:
(click the titles to show/hide)
The first post

In this first post, I keep track of all group divisions for all weeks as well as everyone's participation within those groups for every week. If you ever lose my PMs or you want to see a previous week's info, just check further down in this post.

Announcements and reminders

Each week, I:
- Make a new post on Monday showing the new group divisions for that week.
- Send out announcement PMs on Monday to all participating members.
- Send out reminder PMs on Friday to all participating members who have not posted their rates yet.

Map suggestions

Participants can suggest maps of their own for others to play. The other participants are not required to rate these suggested maps, though they generally give them a look. All recent map suggestions are kept in the second post in this thread.

Any participant can update their map suggestions at any time by PMing Avarin with the necessary information. Map suggestions can be either specific maps (4 max) or a sublisting of the author's maps (i.e. all of his/her unrated maps, all of his/her race maps, etc.).

Double rating

Frequent members can opt to participate in 2 groups per week (though not on their very first week). This means the member is placed in two different groups and has to give out 8 rates total (per week), but will receive 8 rates in return (per week). Any participant may update this preference at any time by PMing Avarin with the necessary information.
Note: Due to group size constraints, typically some participants opting for 2 groups will only be placed in 1 group (called "forced singles"). In those situations, I determine which members get shortchanged in a random but fair manner: everyone opting for double rates will get it once before anyone gets it twice.

Not turning in your rates

It happens, unintentionally or otherwise. It's to be expected. But here's the catch: if you plan on participating again at a later date, save that last reminder PM I sent you, because you will have to complete and post those rates in order to rejoin. And if you deleted all the relevant PMs, the information can still be found in this first post.

Be respectful
This group is based on goodwill and respect. Please observe this tenet.

All weeks:
Week 1 - June 20

Weekly Picks:
gloomp // Pikman // behappyy

Member list:
1. Avarin *
2. gloomp *
3. mam *
4. Turtle *
5. Pikman *
6. Daikenkai *
7. eternal_moonlight
8. behappyy *
9. Bunniesandsheep *

Week 2 - June 27

Weekly Picks:
mam // Turtle // Daikenkai // BlckNWhteNnja

Member list:
1. Avarin *
2. gloomp *
3. mam *
4. Turtle
5. Pikman * (Week 9)
6. Daikenkai *
7. eternal_moonlight
8. behappyy *
9. Bunniesandsheep * (Week 3)
10. sTalkR *
11. Eiturlyf *
12. StoneySmile *
13. SkyRay *
14. Losttortuga *
15. TribulatioN *
16. BlckNWhteNnja *
17. Riobe *

Week 3 - July 4

Weekly Picks:
Avarin // Bunniesandsheep // SkyRay // Losttortuga

Member list:
1. Avarin *
2. gloomp *
3. mam *
4. Turtle
5. Daikenkai *
6. eternal_moonlight
7. behappyy *
8. Bunniesandsheep *
9. sTalkR *
10. Eiturlyf *
11. StoneySmile *
12. SkyRay *
13. Losttortuga *
14. TribulatioN *
15. BlckNWhteNnja *
16. Riobe *

Week 4 - July 11

Weekly Picks:
Turtle // eternal_moonlight // StoneySmile // TribulatioN

Member list:
1. Avarin *
2. gloomp *
3. mam *
4. Turtle
5. Daikenkai *
6. eternal_moonlight
7. behappyy *
8. Bunniesandsheep * (Week 5)
9. Eiturlyf *
10. StoneySmile *
11. SkyRay *
12. Losttortuga *
13. TribulatioN *
14. BlckNWhteNnja *
15. Riobe *
16. yungerkid *

Week 5 - July 18

Weekly Picks:
mam // Bunniesandsheep // Eiturlyf // SkyRay

Member list:
1. Avarin *
2. gloomp
3. mam *
4. Turtle
5. Daikenkai *
6. behappyy *
7. Bunniesandsheep *
8. Eiturlyf *
9. StoneySmile * (Week 6)
10. SkyRay * (Week 6)
11. Losttortuga
12. TribulatioN *
13. BlckNWhteNnja
14. Riobe *
15. yungerkid *

Week 6 - August 1

(Week of July 25 was skipped)
Weekly Picks:
Avarin // Losttortuga // TribulatioN // Riobe

Member list:
1. Avarin
2. mam *
3. Daikenkai *
4. behappyy *
5. Bunniesandsheep *
6. Eiturlyf *
7. StoneySmile *
8. SkyRay *
9. Losttortuga
10. TribulatioN *
11. BlckNWhteNnja
12. Riobe *
13. yungerkid *

Week 7 - September 5

(Weeks of August 8, 15, 22, and 29 were skipped)
Weekly Picks:
Riobe // yungerkid // Conen

Member list: (Member list started again from scratch)
1. Riobe *
2. Dead_N *
3. behappyy * (Week 8)
4. mam *
5. Conen * (Week 8)
6. yungerkid *
7. Eiturlyf *
8. GTM *
9. Daikenkai *
10. fishbone *

Week 8 - September 12

Weekly Picks:
sTalkR // Dead_N // fishbone // RandomDigits

Member list:
1. Riobe *
2. Dead_N *
3. behappyy
4. mam *
5. Conen *
6. yungerkid *
7. Eiturlyf *
8. GTM *
9. Daikenkai
10. fishbone *
11. sTalkR *
12. RandomDigits *
13. toasters *
Erik-Player *
jackass *

Week 9 - September 19 - System change

Weekly Picks:
mam // Daikenkai // behappyy // ChaoStar // runningninja

Participating members:
1. Riobe *
2. Dead_N *
3. behappyy * (Week 10)
4. mam *
5. Conen *
6. yungerkid * (Week 10)
7. Eiturlyf *
8. GTM *
9. Daikenkai * (Week 10)
10. fishbone *
11. sTalkR *
12. RandomDigits *
13. toasters *
14. Erik-Player *
15. ChaoStar
16. UnknownKirbyMan *
17. runningninja *
18. jackass *
19. isaacx *

Week 10 - September 26

Weekly Picks:
Eiturlyf // GTM // toasters // jackass

Participating members:
1. Riobe *
2. Dead_N
3. mam * (Week 11)
4. Conen
5. Eiturlyf *
6. GTM *
7. fishbone
8. sTalkR
9. RandomDigits * (Week 11)
10. toasters *
11. Erik-Player *
12. UnknownKirbyMan
13. runningninja *
14. jackass *
15. isaacx *
Daikenkai *
yungerkid *
ChaoStar *
nic freed *

Week 11 - October 3

Weekly Picks:
Riobe // yungerkid // isaacx

Participating members:
1. Riobe *
2. Eiturlyf *
3. GTM *
4. toasters *
5. Erik-Player *
6. runningninja *
7. jackass *
8. isaacx *
9. Daikenkai * (Week 23)
10. yungerkid *
11. ChaoStar *
12. nic freed *
mam *
RandomDigits *

Week 12 - October 10

Weekly Picks:
Eiturlyf // toasters // Erik-Player // nic freed

Participating members:
1. Riobe *
2. Eiturlyf *
3. GTM *
4. toasters *
5. Erik-Player *
6. runningninja
7. jackass *
8. isaacx *
9. yungerkid *
10. ChaoStar *
11. nic freed
12. mam
13. RandomDigits * (Week 13)
twentythree *
Avarin * (Week 13)

Week 13 - October 17

Weekly Picks:
GTM // Erik-Player // twentythree

Participating members:
1. Riobe *
2. Eiturlyf
3. GTM *
4. toasters *
5. Erik-Player *
6. jackass *
7. isaacx *
8. yungerkid
9. ChaoStar
10. twentythree *
Avarin *
RandomDigits *

Week 14 - October 24

Weekly Picks:
Riobe // RandomDigits // jackass

Participating members:
1. Riobe *
2. GTM *
3. toasters *
4. Erik-Player *
5. jackass *
6. isaacx *
7. twentythree *
8. Avarin * (Week 15)
9. RandomDigits *
yungerkid *
Eiturlyf *
mam *

Week 15 - October 31

Weekly Picks:
yungerkid // isaacx // twentythree

Participating members:
1. Riobe *
2. GTM *
3. toasters * (Week 16)
4. Erik-Player *
5. jackass * (Week 16)
6. isaacx *
7. twentythree *
8. RandomDigits * (Week 17)
9. yungerkid *
10. Eiturlyf
11. mam *
bufar *
Radium *
SkyRay *
Avarin *

Week 16 - November 7

Weekly Picks:
Avarin // Erik-Player // Radium

Participating members:
1. Riobe *
2. GTM *
3. Erik-Player
4. isaacx *
5. twentythree *
6. yungerkid *
7. mam *
8. bufar *
9. Radium *
10. SkyRay *
11. Avarin *
toasters *
jackass * (Week 17)
RandomDigits * (Week 17)

Week 17 - November 14

Weekly Picks:
mam // GTM // bufar

Participating members:
1. Riobe*
2. GTM *
3. isaacx *
4. twentythree *
5. yungerkid
6. mam *
7. bufar *
8. Radium *
9. SkyRay (2/3)
10. Avarin *
11. toasters *
jackass *
RandomDigits *

Week 18 - November 21

Weekly Picks:
RandomDigits // toasters // jackass // isaacx

Participating members:
1. Riobe *
2. GTM *
3. isaacx *
4. twentythree *
5. mam *
6. bufar *
7. Radium *
8. Avarin *
9. toasters *
10. jackass *
11. RandomDigits *
ChaoStar *
yungerkid *

Week 19 - November 28

Weekly Picks:
yungerkid // ChaoStar // bufar // Radium

Participating members:
1. Riobe *
2. GTM *
3. isaacx *
4. twentythree *
5. mam *
6. bufar *
7. Radium *
8. Avarin *
9. toasters *
10. jackass
11. RandomDigits *
12. ChaoStar
13. yungerkid *

Week 20 - December 5 - System change

Group 1 Participants:
1. Radium *
2. RandomDigits *
3. Riobe *
4. twentythree *
5. yungerkid *
Erik-Player *
jackass *

Group 2 Participants:
1. Avarin *
2. bufar *
3. isaacx *
4. GTM *
5. mam *
6. toasters *

Week 21 - December 12

Group 1 Participants:
1. isaacx *
2. mam *
3. Radium * (Week 26)
4. twentythree
5. yungerkid *

Group 2 Participants:
1. bufar *
2. isaacx * (2nd)
3. jackass *
4. RandomDigits *
5. toasters *
squibbles *

Group 3 Participants:
1. Avarin *
2. bufar * (2nd)
3. Erik-Player * (Week 28)
4. jackass * (2nd)
5. Radium * (2nd) (Week 26)

Group 4 Participants:
1. Avarin * (2nd)
2. GTM *
3. mam * (2nd)
4. Riobe *
5. toasters * (2nd)

Week 22 - December 22

Group 1 Participants:
1. Avarin *
2. bufar *
3. jackass *
4. mam *
5. toasters * (Week 23)

Group 2 Participants:
1. GTM *
2. isaacx *
3. jackass * (2nd)
4. RandomDigits *
5. Riobe *

Group 3 Participants:
1. bufar * (2nd)
2. isaacx * (2nd)
3. squibbles *
4. toasters * (2nd) (Week 23)
5. yungerkid *

Week 23 - December 29

Group 1 Participants:
1. Avarin * (Week 24)
2. jackass
3. isaacx *
4. mam *
5. RandomDigits *

Group 2 Participants:
1. Avarin * (Week 24) (2nd)
2. bufar *
3. GTM *
4. Riobe *
5. yungerkid* (Week 25)

Group 3 Participants:
1. bufar * (2nd)
2. GTM * (2nd)
3. jackass (2nd)
4. mam * (2nd)
5. squibbles *

Week 24 - January 6

Group 1 Participants:
1. bufar *
2. isaacx *
3. toasters *
4. mam *
5. squibbles *

Group 2 Participants:
1. Avarin *
2. isaacx * (2nd)
3. GTM *
4. RandomDigits *
5. Riobe *

Group 3 Participants:
1. bufar * (2nd)
2. Daikenkai *
3. GTM * (2nd)
4. mam * (2nd)
5. Rdy-kun *

Week 25 - January 12

Group 1 Participants:
1. Avarin * (Week 26)
2. bufar *
3. GTM
4. eganic *
5. toasters *

Group 2 Participants:
1. Daikenkai *
2. isaacx *
3. Riobe *
4. squibbles
5. toasters * (2nd)

Group 3 Participants:
1. bufar * (2nd)
2. isaacx * (2nd)
3. mam *
4. NicNac14 *
5. Rdy-kun *

Group 4 Participants:
1. Avarin * (2nd)
2. Daikenkai * (2nd)
3. GTM * (2nd) (Week 26)
4. mam * (2nd)
5. RandomDigits *

Week 26 - January 19

Group 1 Participants:
1. Daikenkai *
2. eganic *
3. isaacx *
4. toasters *
5. yungerkid

Group 2 Participants:
1. isaacx * (2)
2. mam *
3. NicNac14 *
4. Rdy-kun * (Week 29)
5. Riobe *

Group 3 Participants:
1. 29403 * (Week 28)
2. bufar *
3. Daikenkai * (2)
4. NicNac14 * (2)
5. RandomDigits *

Group 4 Participants:
1. bufar * (2)
2. Lightning55 *
3. mam * (2)
4. T-Dawgg *
5. toasters * (2)

Week 27 - January 26

Group 1 Participants:
1. Daikenkai *
2. isaacx *
3. Radium *
4. RandomDigits *
5. toasters *

Group 2 Participants:
1. Avarin * (Week 28)
2. bufar *
3. GTM *
4. Radium * (2)
5. T-Dawgg * (Week 28)

Group 3 Participants:
1. deathabat7x
2. eganic
3. Lightning55 *
4. NicNac14 *
5. toasters * (2)

Group 4 Participants:
1. Avarin * (2) (Week 28)
2. Daikenkai * (2)
3. mam *
4. NicNac14 * (2)
5. Riobe *

Week 28 - February 2

Group 1 Participants:
1. bufar *
2. Daikenkai *
3. GTM *
4. mam *
5. Radium * (Week 42)

Group 2 Participants:
1. isaacx *
2. Lightning55 *
3. mam * (2)
4. oakstream *
5. toasters *

Group 3 Participants:
1. bufar * (2)
2. GTM * (2)
3. isaacx * (2)
4. RandomDigits *
5. Riobe *

Group 4 Participants:
1. Daikenkai * (2)
2. NicNac14 *
3. Radium * (2) (Week 42)
4. RandomDigits * (2)
5. toasters * (2)

Week 29 - February 9

Group 1:
1. GTM *
2. Lightning55 *
3. NicNac14 *
4. T-Dawgg *
5. toasters

Group 2:
1. bufar *
2. mam *
3. oakstream *
4. RandomDigits *
5. toasters (2)

Group 3:
1. Avarin *
2. bufar * (2)
3. Daikenkai *
4. isaacx *
5. NicNac14 * (2)

Group 4:
1. GTM * (2)
2. Erik-Player *
3. isaacx * (2)
4. mam * (2)
5. Riobe *

Week 30 - February 16

Group 1:
1. Daikenkai
2. isaacx *
3. Lightning55 (Week 46)
4. mam *
5. NicNac14 *

Group 2:
1. 29403 *
2. mam * (2)
3. RandomDigits *
4. Riobe *
5. T-Dawgg (Week 41)

Group 3:
1. Avarin * (Week 37)
2. Daikenkai (2)
3. Erik-Player *
4. RandomDigits * (2)
5. Rdy-kun

Week 31 - March 2

(Week of February 23 was skipped.)
Group 1 Participants:
1. isaacx *
2. oakstream *
3. RandomDigits *
4. Riobe *
5. squibbles *

Group 2 Participants:
1. bufar *
2. Erik-Player *
3. NicNac14 *
4. RandomDigits * (2) (Week 32)
5. StoneySmile *

Group 3 Participants:
1. 29403
2. bufar * (2)
3. isaacx * (2)
4. mam *
5. NicNac14 * (2)

Week 32 - March 9

Group 1 Participants:
1. Avarin *
2. bufar *
3. isaacx *
4. RandomDigits *
5. Riobe *

Group 2 Participants:
1. bufar * (2)
2. mam *
3. NicNac14 *
4. oakstream *
5. squibbles *

Group 3 Participants:
1. Erik-Player
2. isaacx * (2)
3. mam * (2)
4. NicNac14 * (2)
5. StoneySmile *

Week 33 - March 16

Group 1 Participants:
2. isaacx *
3. mam
4. oakstream *
5. RandomDigits

Group 2 Participants:
1. mam (2)
2. NicNac14 *
3. RandomDigits (2)
4. Riobe *
5. StoneySmile

Group 3 Participants:
1. Avarin * (Week 37)
2. bufar *
3. isaacx * (2)
4. NicNac14 (2)
5. squibbles *

Week 34 - March 23

Group 1 Participants:
1. oakstream *
2. bufar *
3. Riobe *
5. isaacx *

Group 2 Participants:
1. oakstream * (2)
2. bufar * (2)
3. NicNac14 *
4. squibbles *
5. TribulatioN *

Week 35 - March 30

Group 1 Participants:
1. bufar *
2. isaacx *
3. NicNac14 *
4. oakstream *
5. squibbles (Week 46)

Group 2 Participants:
2. isaacx * (2)
3. NicNac14 * (2)
4. Riobe *
5. TribulatioN *

Week 36 - April 6

Group 1 Participants:
1. deltainferno
3. NicNac14 *
4. Riobe *
5. TribulatioN *

Group 2 Participants:
1. bufar *
2. fishsicles *
3. isaacx *
4. oakstream *
5. TribulatioN * (2)

Week 37 - April 13

Group 1 Participants:
1. bufar *
3. isaacx *
4. Riobe *
5. TribulatioN

Group 2 Participants:
1. chocollama *
2. isaacx * (2)
3. NicNac14
4. oakstream *
5. TribulatioN (2)

Group 3 Participants:
2. bufar * (2)
3. fishsicles *
4. NicNac14 (2)
5. oakstream * (2)

Week 38 - April 20

Group 1 Participants:
1. bufar *
2. chocollama *
4. isaacx *
5. oakstream *

Group 2 Participants:
1. Avarin *
2. bufar * (2)
3. fishsicles *
4. isaacx * (2)
5. Riobe *

Group 3 Participants:
1. Avarin * (2)
2. fishsicles * (2)
4. oakstream * (2)
5. Xev

Week 39 - April 27

Group 1 Participants:
1. bufar *
2. chocollama (Week 46)
4. isaacx *
5. oakstream *

Group 2 Participants:
1. Avarin
2. bufar * (2)
3. fishsicles *
4. isaacx * (2)
5. Riobe *

Group 3 Participants:
1. Avarin (2)
2. fishsicles * (2)
4. Kablamo_Boom *
5. oakstream * (2)

Week 40 - May 4

Group 1 Participants:
1. bufar *
2. fishsicles *
3. isaacx *
4. Kablamo_Boom *
5. NicNac14 *

Group 2 Participants:
1. fishsicles * (2)
2. Mae *
3. NicNac14 * (2)
4. oakstream *
5. Riobe

Week 41 - May 18

Group 1 Participants:
1. bufar *
2. Kablamo_Boom *
3. Mae *
4. NicNac14
5. oakstream *

Group 2 Participants:
1. bufar *(2)
2. EdoI *
3. fishsicles * (Week 42)
4. isaacx *
5. NicNac14 (2)

Group 3 Participants:
1. fishsicles *-ish (2) (Week 42)
2. goatman *
3. isaacx * (2)
4. Kablamo_Boom * (2)
5. oakstream * (2)

Week 42 - May 25

Group 1 Participants:
1. EdoI *
2. isaacx *
3. Mae *
4. oakstream *
5. T-Dawgg *

Group 2 Participants:
1. bufar *
2. goatman
3. isaacx * (2)
4. Kablamo_Boom *
5. oakstream * (2)

Week 43 - June 1

Group 1 Participants:
1. bufar *
2. EdoI *
3. isaacx *
4. Kablamo_Boom *
5. Radium *

Group 2 Participants:
1. bufar * (2)
2. fishsicles (Week 45)
3. oakstream *
4. Radium * (2)
5. T-Dawgg *

Group 3 Participants:
1. fishsicles (2) (Week 45)
2. isaacx * (2)
3. Kablamo_Boom * (2)
4. Mae *
5. oakstream * (2)

Week 44 - June 8

Group 1 Participants:
1. bufar
2. Inspired
3. isaacx
4. oakstream
5. T-Dawgg

Group 2 Participants:
1. bufar (2)
2. isaacx (2)
3. Kablamo_Boom
4. Mae
5. Radium

Week 45 - June 15

Group 1 Participants:
1. bufar
2. Inspired
3. Kablamo_Boom
4. Mae
5. Radium

Group 2 Participants:
1. EdoI
2. isaacx
3. Kablamo_Boom (2)
4. oakstream
5. Radium (2)

Week 46 - June 22 - 1 year anniversary!

Group 1 Participants:
1. bufar *
2. Inspired *
3. isaacx *
4. Kablamo_Boom *
5. nicoguerreronico *

Group 2 Participants:
1. EdoI
2. fishsicles
3. isaacx (2)
4. Mae
5. Radium

Group 3 Participants:
1. bufar * (2)
2. fishsicles * (2)
3. Kablamo_Boom * (2)
4. Radium (2)
5. Tunco123 *

Week 47 - June 29

Group 1 Participants:
1. bufar
2. chocollama
3. isaacx
4. Kablamo
5. ToxicBlaze

Group 2 Participants:
1. EdoI
2. fishsicles
3. nicoguerreronico
4. ToxicBlaze (2)
5. Tunco123

Group 3 Participants:
1. bufar (2)
2. fishsicles (2)
3. Inspired
4. powerhouse
5. squibbles

Week 48 - July 6

Group 1 Participants:
1. chocollama
2. fishsicles
3. nicoguerreronico (Week 49)
4. squibbles
5. ToxicBlaze

Group 2 Participants:
1. BionicCryonic
2. isaacx
3. Kablamo
4. nicoguerreronico (2) (Week 49)
5. Tunco123

Group 3 Participants:
1. fishsicles (2)
2. Inspired
3. isaacx (2)
4. Kablamo (2)
5. ToxicBlaze (2)

Week 49 - July 20

(Week of February 23 was skipped.)
Group 1 Participants:
1. Avarin
2. BionicCryonic
3. Inspired
4. Kablamo
5. squibbles

Group 2 Participants:
1. BionicCryonic (2)
2. bufar
3. isaacx
4. squibbles (2)
5. Tunco123 (Week 50)

Group 3 Participants:
1. Avarin (2)
2. bufar (2)
3. chocollama
4. isaacx (2)
5. Kablamo (2)

Week 50 - July 31

Group 1 Participants:
1. bufar
2. Inspired
3. isaacx
4. jackass (Week 51)
5. squibbles

Group 2 Participants:
1. BionicCryonic
2. eternal_moonlight
3. isaacx (2)
4. nicoguerreronico
5. squibbles (2)

Group 3 Participants:
1. BionicCryonic (2)
2. bufar (2)
3. chocollama
4. Kablamo
5. nicoguerreronico (2)

Week 51 - August 10

Group 1 Participants:
1. bufar
2. eternal_moonlight
3. nicoguerreronico
4. NicNac14
5. squibbles

Group 2 Participants:
1. Avarin
2. BionicCryonic
3. bufar (2)
4. isaacx
5. Tunco123

Week 52 - August 17

Group 1 Participants:
1. Avarin
2. BionicCryonic
3. bufar
4. isaacx
5. jackass
6. Tunco123

Week 53 - August 24

Group 1 Participants:
1. BionicCryonic
2. isaacx
3. jackass
4. RandomDigits
5. Tunco123

Week 54 - August 31

Group 1 Participants:
1. fishsicles
2. isaacx
3. nicoguerreronico
4. RandomDigits
5. Tunco123

Week 55 - September 14

(Week of September 7th was skipped)
Group 1 Participants:
1. 29403
2. EdoI
3. nicoguerreronico
4. RandomDigits
5. Tunco123

Group 2 Participants:
1. fishsicles
2. isaacx
3. jackass
4. nicoguerreronico (2)
5. RandomDigits (2)

(Click to show/hide)

The various indicators I use in this post:
#. - All usernames will have a number in front of them except for some seen in the older system (before Week 20).
* - That user posted rates for that week.
(Week #) - That user posted rates for that week during a later week.
green username - That user did not post rates for that week.
(2nd) - That user is a double rater for that week and that is the second group that user appears in.

Group Stats
Total rates generated by this group: 2690
List of members who have participated in this group

1. Avarin (Nexx)
2. gloomp
3. mam (mammaletto)
4. Turtle
5. Pikman (kisler)
6. Daikenkai (DDRave)
7. eternal_moonlight
8. behappyy (Be_Happy_:))
9. Bunniesandsheep
10. sTalkR
11. Eiturlyf
12. StoneySmile
13. SkyRay
14. Losttortuga
15. TribulatioN
16. BlckNWhteNnja
17. Riobe
18. yungerkid
19. Dead_N
20. Conen (Conen__TG_)
21. GTM (Guitar_Hero_Matt)
22. fishbone
23. RandomDigits
24. toasters
25. Erik-Player
26. ChaoStar
27. UnknownKirbyMan
28. runningninja (RN)
29. jackass (jackass77)
30. isaacx
31. nic freed
32. twentythree
33. bufar
34. ToxicBlaze (RadiumFalcon)
35. squibbles
36. Rdy-kun
37. NicNac14 (Naczz)
38. eganic
39. T-Dawgg
40. 29403
41. Lightning55
42. deathabat7x
43. oakstream (Frekish)
45. fishsicles
46. deltainferno
47. chocollama (al__cair__raheakallan)
48. Xev (Zacko)
49. Kablamo (kablamo_boom)
50. Mae
51. goatman (sneekfeet)
52. EdoI
53. Inspired (nDEAVOUR)
54. Tunco123
55. nicoguerreronico
56. powerhouse
57. BionicCryonic

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Postby Nexx » 2008.10.16 (04:55)

This post includes the map suggestions of all currently active members.

Map Suggestions: (Alphabetical by username)
BionicCryonic: "Pretty much anything"
chocollama: chocollama's objects-only maps
EdoI: EdoI's unrated maps
Kablamo: Kablamo's unrated mappack maps
NicNac14: NicNac14's most recent map
nicoguerreronico: nicoguerreronico's unrated maps
Tunco123: Tunco123's unrated maps
Last edited by Nexx on 2009.08.18 (01:54), edited 88 times in total.

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Postby mam » 2008.10.16 (09:27)

I quit. There's no incentive to stay here for my maps' sake 'cos you're probably all bored of going to my maps and seeing that there's no new ones. And I can find enough good maps to play without the help of this thread usually anyway...
Cheers and thanks....

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Postby squibbles » 2008.10.17 (01:46)

If it's still going...i might re-join in late november when I'm free...but at the moment, I'm just dropping in to say thanks for keeping this alive...

It's good to see it still going. :D

Tsukatu wrote:I don't know what it is, squibbles, but my brain keeps inserting "black" into random parts of your posts these days.
I totally just read that as, "I'd hate to be the only black guy stuck using v1.4."

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Postby twentythree » 2008.10.17 (03:27)

Can I join?
Rated this one
Last edited by twentythree on 2008.10.17 (13:27), edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Riobe » 2008.10.17 (08:30)

Ok, twentythree, read up on the thread for more details on to how this group works. You'll be in next weeks picks, which happen to be picked tomorrow(or today) I believe.

I always leave this to the last minute, being the procrastinator I am.


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Postby twentythree » 2008.10.17 (13:25)

Ok thanks
also rated
got all of them :)
And how do you choose which ones to link to?
Is it a program you wrote or do you just pick whoever you want to?
Last edited by twentythree on 2008.10.17 (19:28), edited 3 times in total.
90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed.
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Postby yungerkid » 2008.10.17 (17:01)

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Postby Nexx » 2008.10.17 (18:17)

twentythree wrote:Ok thanks
also rated
You're getting there, but you still need to rate a map by Erik-Player and a map by Eiturlyf. Please try to get those rates in sometime in the next few hours.
twentythree wrote:And how do you choose which ones to link to?
Is it a program you wrote or do you just pick whoever you want to?
Neither, but the first is closer. I use an Excel file to keep track of all the stats, and I use a handicapped randomized system to make the picks (the random numbers come from This information will be in the first post once spoilers work.

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Postby Nexx » 2008.10.18 (01:47)

Week 13 is here. There were only 10 participants last week, so that means 3 picks. Enjoy.


Btw, congratulations on your luck, Erik-Player, since you were just chosen two weeks in a row. You're the 2nd person to have such luck. Riobe was the first, back in Weeks 6 and 7.
mam wrote:I quit. There's no incentive to stay here for my maps' sake 'cos you're probably all bored of going to my maps and seeing that there's no new ones. And I can find enough good maps to play without the help of this thread usually anyway...
Cheers and thanks....
:( :( :(

That makes me want to share some information about record-holders: As of last week, mam (and potentially Daikenkai aka DDRave, depending on whether he posts) was/were the only remaining member(s) that had submitted rates for every week since this group's inception. However, since both mam and Daikenkai have, at some point, skipped a week and submitted rates later, the record for longest consecutive weeks of participation is currently a tie between Riobe and Eiturlyf, who have participated every week since Week 2.

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Postby Riobe » 2008.10.18 (02:51)

Haha, interesting. Want to add that to the main post? =P

Umm...Avarin, I can't send normal PM's ATM. My PM box is messed up. When I attempt to send something that isn't a reply, it says "No recipient defined". I'll look around for more details on this, but incase I don't find it, any solutions?

EDIT: Clumsy mistake. Fixed now. =)
Last edited by Riobe on 2008.10.18 (19:42), edited 1 time in total.

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Postby toasters » 2008.10.18 (14:22)

/////////////////////// solar beats ///////////////////////

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Postby isaacx » 2008.10.18 (15:51)

My week 13 Rates


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Postby MattKestrel » 2008.10.18 (19:06)

Heres my rates...

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Postby mam » 2008.10.20 (17:56)

Avarin, you PM'ed me to say you'd be changing it up a bit so that the author's who were picked could recommend maps for the raters to rate. I said I'd give it a shot. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see any changes so far, so I'm not in on this. Please consider me out until these changes have been made. That goes for you too Riobe :D

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Postby Erik-Player » 2008.10.21 (00:05)



are any of my friends still here

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Postby jackass » 2008.10.21 (05:26) - GTM - Erik-Player - twentythree
Mine :: Techno :: Incluye :: GTM ::Skyline :: Riobe :: GTM 2[/align]

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Postby Nexx » 2008.10.21 (20:50)

I'm back in for this round. We'll see if I stay longer.




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Postby twentythree » 2008.10.22 (21:10)
90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed.
If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this into your signature

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Postby RandomDigits » 2008.10.23 (16:28)

Here are my rates for week 12:

Eiturlyf -
toasters -
Eric-Player -
nic-freed -

And week 13:

Erik-Player -
23 -
Image by ChrisE.
Rest of sig by RandomDigits.

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Postby Nexx » 2008.10.23 (21:20)

RandomDigits posted Week 12 rates this week, so I figured I would too. :P




nic freed:

Also, I think it's high time I made an announcement. From now on, everyone participating in this group will be able to give map suggestions for maps to rate. This way lottery winners can redirect participants to specific maps of theirs if they want, and raters can use that information or just rate whatever they feel like. Here's how it works: All interested parties need to drop me a PM with the suggestions. I am capping the suggestions at 3 per person. If you send more, I will ignore everything beyond the third. Also, anyone can update their suggestions at any time (also through a PM), but please be respectful of my inbox and keep in mind that depending on what's happened the past few weeks, you may not be picked until 3 or 4 weeks down the line, so please try to give suggestions that will be applicable later as well as sooner.

That said, since the next lottery is happening tomorrow, I will PM members who have a good likelihood of being picked so that they may make use of this new feature ASAP. Also, I will put this in the first post eventually, but not until spoilers come back. I've PMed LV about that (again), so hopefully the first post will look nicer soon.
Last edited by Nexx on 2008.10.25 (00:47), edited 1 time in total.

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Postby toasters » 2008.10.23 (21:59)

I would think that participating members should play a map that is unrated and RCE that one. That's what I usually try to do when I do my rates.
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Postby Nexx » 2008.10.24 (00:28)

toasters wrote:I would think that participating members should play a map that is unrated and RCE that one. That's what I usually try to do when I do my rates.
That's a good idea, but certainly rating rated maps is not a bad idea. And if you were trying to make a point in relation to the new feature, I should point out that people can still rate whatever maps they want (and the primary link will be still send you to the author's general listing).

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Postby Riobe » 2008.10.24 (11:35)

Yes, I got my rates in on time.

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Postby Nexx » 2008.10.25 (00:41)

Week 14 is here, and sadly it comes with the lowest # of participants since Week 1! :( :(

Participants: 9
Picks: 3 (33%)

The picks:
- Riobe
- RandomDigits
- jackass77

Map Suggestions

(Riobe and jackass77 have not given suggestions)

Btw, only two people have sent me suggestions...

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