Failed applicants of reviewer positions.

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Postby a happy song » 2009.05.20 (20:05)

Please be aware it wasn't a personal thing, and it had nothing to do with anything but the strength of writing you displayed.

I took all the reviews sent to me, and made them anonymous before sending them out to a judging panel consisting of three prominent community members: paws, l_d, and GTM. They read the reviews, with absolutely no knowledge of who was who, and told me plainly who they'd consider worthy of the position and who they wouldn't.

I actually agreed with almost every choice, and I spent very little of my own opinion in the final selection.

This was the fairest way I could think of.

I've also kept some quality applications in reserve in case GTM needs more reviewers for the queue, so this is by no means a finality.

So, there's no need for any of you to post crap like this on my NUMA profile:

anon wrote:Wow.

You give someone whos been at numa for 2 weeks and has 3/25 maps rated a reviewer position.. When i've been here nearly a year, with 2 featues, PLUS you also mentioned my reviews were amazing and you could slot me in sometime for a review

Fuck NUMA. I'm shocked. Goodbye

Take it on the chin, and try again next time we open applications. It's hardly the end of the world, and this kind of attitude isn't going to aid any future applications in the slightest.

None of us need this bullshit from you people, we're dedicating our free time to making this community better for us all. It's childish, and quite frankly, a little pathetic.
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Postby blackson » 2009.05.20 (20:40)

mane i thot i wud win ):

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Postby MattKestrel » 2009.05.20 (21:22)

This leads to an interesting tangent. Just from who's a reviewer and who isn't, which group of users would have the highest feature per map ratio?

I mean, there's tons of guys like Cerberus and atob (third person ftw) who have tons of features yet either haven't got the spot or don't want it. Whereas, reviewers like Turtles, Gloomp and Tinkers haven't gotten many if any. Would there be an easy way to find these stats out? Or is there no archive to research from?

Also, yeah, thanks for that position. It was fun.

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Postby Minion_of_Pi » 2009.05.20 (21:46)

It's completely idiotic that people are upset about this.
Come on people, how old are you?
I didn't even apply, but if I had I probably wouldn't have gotten the position, and I sure as heck wouldn't have gone around blaming people for it.
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Postby KinGAleX » 2009.05.20 (22:00)

Haha I opened this topic thinking you were being a hilarious jackass and posting the list of people who didn't get in, atob, but this is seriously more fucked up. It's even worse than the 'my map got sniped' debacle!

I've only made about forty maps on NUMA in my entire career, but I think I'm still considered one of the foremost reviewers, and I've probably played more maps than just about anyone. Being a good mapper hardly entails other people agreeing with your opinions on others' maps.

There are hardly any constants when it comes to this kind of thing. Sometimes you get a bit of luck and sometimes you don't.
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Postby Cheez » 2009.05.20 (22:08)

It's not about how many maps someone has.

It's about someone's ability to judge a great map the community would enjoy to play.

atob, you also might want to make it clear that you review maps that don't get much attention. There's no reason to feature an amazing map if it already got 60 replies and is rated a 4 from 45 votes. It is about putting the unknown in the spotlight. Maximo is going to explode if someone complains that a map isn't feature-worthy again.

Anyway, I might try the next time spots are open. I'll just find a good map that has potential.

On a side note, congrats on the Global Mod position!
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Postby otters~1 » 2009.05.20 (23:50)

KinGAleX wrote:Haha I opened this topic thinking you were being a hilarious jackass and posting the list of people who didn't get in...
Seconded. And I definitely agree that reviewing prowess has far more to do with playing maps than it does with mapping. (Or so I hope.)
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Postby mintnut » 2009.05.20 (23:55)

They only think they want to be a reviewer, 't is a poisoned chalice.

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Postby lord_day » 2009.05.21 (00:05)

MyCheezKilledYours wrote: It is about putting the unknown in the spotlight. Maximo is going to explode if someone complains that a map isn't feature-worthy again.
That isn't true. There is no clause that says reviewers have to feature unknown maps. I think a healthy mix is for the best.
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Postby Pikman » 2009.05.21 (00:19)

Will reviewer applications ever open again, or are they permanently closed?

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Postby sheganican » 2009.05.21 (00:23)

lord_day wrote:
MyCheezKilledYours wrote: It is about putting the unknown in the spotlight. Maximo is going to explode if someone complains that a map isn't feature-worthy again.
That isn't true. There is no clause that says reviewers have to feature unknown maps. I think a healthy mix is for the best.
i dont, but lets not get into that.

i considered auditioning, and even got as far as composing a review, but i decided against it because i figured i wouldnt make it anyway.

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Postby Atilla » 2009.05.21 (01:02)

People! Let me give you a word of advice for your future job-seeking:

If I offer a position, particularly one that requires a degree of responsibility and maturity, verbally abusing me because you missed the position will only confirm my belief that you were not the best candidate. In fact, it will probably convince me that you're an idiotic, egotistical bully who throws a hissy fit when he doesn't get the world on a silver platter. Suffice it to say that I will be unlikely to consider you for any other position which becomes available, and if anyone asks me about you I will cheerfully tell them you're a complete twat and should not be hired.
Pikman wrote:Will reviewer applications ever open again, or are they permanently closed?
I imagine that if reviewers leave, or NUMA grows to the point where more reviewers are needed, applications would be opened again.

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Postby T3chno » 2009.05.21 (04:39)

I'd like the identity of this anon.

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Postby Erik-Player » 2009.05.21 (04:47)

This guy that wanted his reviewer-ship provoked, and likes letting his mouth fly on it's own.

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Postby Alex777 » 2009.05.21 (05:09)

I tried, and didn't get it. Oh well always next time. I don't see how someone could be upset about this.

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Postby kkstrong » 2009.05.21 (18:37)

MyCheezKilledYours wrote:It's not about how many maps someone has.

It's about someone's ability to judge a great map the community would enjoy to play.
It's not only on that, it is also on how reliable the featurer is. I wouldn't want Espada777777 to be a reviewer, no matter how well he could write. He is just to unreliable. It is also about how much you can trust them, which only comes from age. Age should be at least some factor here.
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Postby Ampersand » 2009.05.21 (21:21)

Atilla wrote:People! Let me give you a word of advice for your future job-seeking:

If I offer a position, particularly one that requires a degree of responsibility and maturity, verbally abusing me because you missed the position will only confirm my belief that you were not the best candidate. In fact, it will probably convince me that you're an idiotic, egotistical bully who throws a hissy fit when he doesn't get the world on a silver platter. Suffice it to say that I will be unlikely to consider you for any other position which becomes available, and if anyone asks me about you I will cheerfully tell them you're a complete twat and should not be hired.
It's funny, because these people don't understand why we don't hire them in the first place. But we can sense this type of retard, and automatically reject them on that principle. Why are Atilla and Suki mods and not jimmy308? Duh.
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Postby Cheez » 2009.05.21 (22:16)

kkstrong wrote:
MyCheezKilledYours wrote:It's not about how many maps someone has.

It's about someone's ability to judge a great map the community would enjoy to play.
It's not only on that, it is also on how reliable the featurer is. I wouldn't want Espada777777 to be a reviewer, no matter how well he could write. He is just to unreliable. It is also about how much you can trust them, which only comes from age. Age should be at least some factor here.
So, because I happen to be 12 years old, my application for a reviewer position would be trashed?

I've know untrustworthy 16 year olds.
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Postby kkstrong » 2009.05.21 (22:33)

Age in the community. What kind of name they have made themselves. How much more the review will be respected because it was -them- who wrote it.
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golfkid - "I beat kk on his map, and he got me within 6 seconds, then I did it again and he beat me in 12 seconds."

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Postby Cheez » 2009.05.21 (22:53)

anon wrote:You give someone whos been at numa for 2 weeks and has 3/25 maps rated a reviewer position.. When i've been here nearly a year, with 2 featues, PLUS you also mentioned my reviews were amazing and you could slot me in sometime for a review
That brings this issue back to mind.

I see it as whether they know how to write a halfway-decent review for an excellent map, whether they can tell a good map from a crappy one, and whether the have the will and attitude to do it. If your going to be an ass about not getting the spot, you shouldn't have applied in the first place. There's no reason for you to apply if you think you are sure your going to make it, and that they have to put you in. If you don't want it to begin with, then there's no reason for you to even consider applying.

It's all about will and skill for me.
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Postby Arachnid » 2009.05.22 (09:53)

+1 for using a blinded test to determine who got the positions. I wish I'd thought of that with my initial set of reviews/reviewers.
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Postby Pikman » 2009.05.22 (10:45)

Arachnid wrote:+1 for using a blinded test to determine who got the positions. I wish I'd thought of that with my initial set of reviews/reviewers.
Haha, no wonder most of us fell through.

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Postby Tunco » 2009.05.22 (12:29)

I call somebody an asshole and dumbass-of-all-time, just because they got upset with this. And I mean it.


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Postby a happy song » 2009.05.22 (13:38)

Arachnid wrote:+1 for using a blinded test to determine who got the positions. I wish I'd thought of that with my initial set of reviews/reviewers.
Thanks. It worked very well, and most of the reviewers I would have chosen made it through. The quality of the judging panel helped.

Also, I won't be handing out the name of anon, but I do hope they read this and realise what an arse they're being.
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Postby Neil_Bryan » 2009.05.26 (03:37)


Did I fail the reviewer position?
Did you receive my letter?

I'm just wondering
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