I think that NUMA should have a two map

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Postby Tunco » 2009.06.23 (15:59)

Sondrigal wrote:How about this...
There would be a Hot Maps page and a New Maps page.
The New Maps page would act like the present Hot Maps page.
The Hot Maps page would be more name fitting, and only maps that have gotten a public rating get listed on it.
I think this is good because it is not limiting mappers, but it is separating the good maps from the bad.

I understand that there is a problem with good mappers that don't like their maps rated, but I just thought of this and wanted to put it out there. If you think it might be good help make my idea better, if not well... back to the drawing board.
Most of us are annoyed that when a map is submitted and falls down to the bottom of the page or the other page, eventhough it's a good map.

It might be a good idea though, must taken to another topic.


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Postby Nexx » 2009.06.23 (19:36)

Don't know if this has been pointed out yet, but lookie here.

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Postby Sondrigal » 2009.06.23 (22:29)

This is not a limit, and wouldn't change anything besides a place where higher quality maps could be found without terrible maps in between. If you put effort into making a good map, and it gets rated enough it will be moved to the Hot Maps page. There it will get more ratings and comments because it would not have been pushed off the front page. Some good maps go unrecognized, and this would not help or hurt that.

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Postby meadowlark » 2009.06.23 (23:09)

Sondrigal wrote:This is not a limit, and wouldn't change anything besides a place where higher quality maps could be found without terrible maps in between. If you put effort into making a good map, and it gets rated enough it will be moved to the Hot Maps page. There it will get more ratings and comments because it would not have been pushed off the front page. Some good maps go unrecognized, and this would not help or hurt that.
I think it's my understanding that you could achieve almost exactly what you're talking about by typing "rated" into the search box.

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Postby Sondrigal » 2009.06.24 (04:58)

Yes, but maps can be rated poorly. The new page would have only 3 and higher/ or 4 and higher ratings.(Don't know if a 3 rating is good enough) Also people would rather look at a page then have to be bothered by the search function. At least I know I don't use the search function much besides looking at my favorite author's maps.

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Postby origami_alligator » 2009.06.27 (04:56)

As far as I'm concerned, if this suggestion doesn't say "2 map limit per 12 hours" then I'm not for it, and even then I'm hesitant to support it.

You should read Yanni's link to my post and the posts thereafter. It's pretty detailed for a cap on map submissions and is something I think everyone could be happy with. Plus, there's extra bonus features as to other suggestions based off the post I made which have pros and cons attached to them. All sorts of these suggestions do.

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Postby Amadeus » 2009.08.29 (17:01)

Mappacks'd be the stuff, man.
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Postby Tunco » 2009.08.29 (17:29)

Amadeus wrote:Mappacks'd be the stuff, man.
Yeah. What's the point of this topic then? Someone should lock this, imo.


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