Since the last time on SoD, things were, well, rubbish really, many people didn't want to request and it kinda sucked here's the deal.
- Don't whine if you're sig hasn't been made, take it up with someone who you'd like to do it in a PM
- Don't post your request more than once unless it hasn't been seen to for a good while, generally more than 2 weeks
- I'd also recommend PMing the person you'd like to do it with a link to your request or a copy paste of the request so they know that you've requested something from them.
Dimensions: (Width in pixels x Height in pixels)
Colour Scheme: (Main colours)
Complexity: (How complex you want the signature, minimal or really in depth)
Matching Avatar: (Yes or No, be sure to specify avatar dimensions unless you want it 100x100)
::Concerning All Imagers::
This thread is designed for two purposes:
- To allow users to request signature images from the imaging portion of our community.
- To allow signature creators to practice and develop their skills with their respective image editing software.
Therefore if you make signature images, or want to try your hand at making signature images, by all means just complete a request. If the person whose request you completed does not like the sig you made for them then move on and try completing another request.
[/southpaw edit]
You can now request whatever type of image suits your needs in this thread, be it a signature, avatar, animated picture, logo etc. You'll find what you're looking for here.