Different map submission problem

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Postby Criswell » 2009.06.27 (23:53)

I have a few maps that I am unable to submit to NUMA for some reason, the form seems to have trouble parsing the map data. When I get to the Confirm page, the thumbnail is missing. Clicking the missing image link shows me some broken code, including an error message like "error: Arguments expected 2, received 1" followed by the code.

I have tried submitting without the userdata, tags etc., as suggested in the other submission problems thread, although that seems to be a different issue. I have tried submitting only the tileset. I have tried submitting only the objects in an empty tileset. I have erased and re-placed all of the objects. Same result, no thumbnail. This is a map that plays fine from my user levels file, even demos.
I thought maybe it was a server problem, so I tried a simpler map. That one parsed fine, and the thumbnail was there.

Here's the troublemaker map:

I've got two other maps that have the same problem when submitting, but play fine from the game. Any help would be sincerely appreciated! I would be bummed if I couldn't share these.

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Postby kkstrong » 2009.06.28 (00:19)

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golfkid - "I beat kk on his map, and he got me within 6 seconds, then I did it again and he beat me in 12 seconds."

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Postby Criswell » 2009.06.28 (00:57)

Thanks for your reply, however this did not solve the problem for me, did it work for you?

This is what I get instead of a preview thumbnail:
Invalid level data: Incorrect parameter count for object with id '12': Expected 2, got 1.
...followed by a bunch of gib. Same error as before. Not sure what would happen if I just hit Confirm but I don't wanna ruin my rep uploading site-breaking stuff like a n00b. I have successfully uploaded other maps. There are no NaNs in the data either. *scratches head*

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Postby Criswell » 2009.06.28 (03:40)

It's weird. Is it possible that the string length is too long for the parser? When I edit the objects out of the file one at a time, I can get to a point where the file will submit. But there is no specific data that causes the error, I can replace any of the data and it will submit, as long as I take something else out.

I don't have massive clusters of crap in my map, and nowhere near as many objects as these maps I see that are like paintings with Gauss guns and mines. And again, the maps play fine in-game, not even laggy. What the heck? I don't see anyone else asking about this subject, but I have 3 maps that do this, and I have now fully dissected this one and can't find the problem.

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Postby Fraxtil » 2009.06.29 (04:10)

It seems like a problem on your side only. I got a preview thumbnail with no issues.

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Postby Criswell » 2009.06.29 (16:13)

Good to know, thanks.

e: Firefox ftw

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