...Donfuy wrote:In another topic, to be honest, Maudlin of the Well is quite good but I just don't hear them as much as I would listen to Sigur Rós or A Silver Mt. Zion.
Also, Japandroids.
>>:[ leftovers!!! ......if anything I like Amnesiac more. Dollars and cents, Pyramid song, Life in a glass house, and You and whose army are better than anything on kid A.SlappyMcGee wrote:I didn`t realize Pitchfork registered an account on our forums.-LordofPeanuts- wrote:No mention of Kid A or Amnesiac? tsk.. those are their best albums
But seriously... Kid A is amazing, Amnesiac is leftovers.
I agree with Slappy here.SlappyMcGee wrote:I didn`t realize Pitchfork registered an account on our forums.-LordofPeanuts- wrote:No mention of Kid A or Amnesiac? tsk.. those are their best albums
But seriously... Kid A is amazing, Amnesiac is leftovers.
I used to think ok computer was the best. Now I have pretty much all radiohead songs with a playcount of at least 200. The songs from kida and amnesiac are pretty musch the only songs I still listen to now. Those two albums don't sound that great at first but they have a longer lasting appeal. So I guess Ok Computer is better for casual listeners and Kid a and amnesiac are better for the obsessed fans.Flight wrote:I agree with Slappy here.SlappyMcGee wrote:I didn`t realize Pitchfork registered an account on our forums.-LordofPeanuts- wrote:No mention of Kid A or Amnesiac? tsk.. those are their best albums
But seriously... Kid A is amazing, Amnesiac is leftovers.
But OK Computer is much better than both of those albums.
maestro has over 8000 plays for Radiohead and, if I remember correctly, prefers OK Computer. So yeah, you ain't really got the chops to be running your mouth in the way you are.-LordofPeanuts- wrote:I used to think ok computer was the best. Now I have pretty much all radiohead songs with a playcount of at least 200. The songs from kida and amnesiac are pretty musch the only songs I still listen to now. Those two albums don't sound that great at first but they have a longer lasting appeal. So I guess Ok Computer is better for casual listeners and Kid a and amnesiac are better for the obsessed fans.
Hail to the theif could have been great but it has a few problems - the climax to sit down stand up is way too long. 12 "the raindrops" s would be plenty. Also Backdrifts and punchup at a wedding could have been taken out and used as b-sides. As it is, I think the album is a bit too long
Yes, but that's a total of all radiohead songs. I have 102 rh songs Edit: that I listened to 200 times. 102x200 >8000. bam! but anyways, I like okC too, its just nobody was talkin' about kida and amnesiac so I brought it uprennaT wrote:over 8000 plays for Radiohead and, if I remember correctly, prefers OK Computer. So yeah, you ain't really got the chops to be running your mouth in the way you are.
You listened to Stop Whispering 200 times?-LordofPeanuts- wrote:Yes, but that's a total of all radiohead songs. I have 102 rh songs. 102x200 >8000. bam! but anyways, I like okC too, its just nobody was talkin' about kida and amnesiac so I brought it uprennaT wrote:over 8000 plays for Radiohead and, if I remember correctly, prefers OK Computer. So yeah, you ain't really got the chops to be running your mouth in the way you are.
Regardless, I think the fact that, over almost 9000 listens, OK Computer and The Bends have come out on top disproves your theory that OK Computer is only for casual listeners. You stand largely alone with your Kid A and Amnesiac preference. You can Pitchfork should hang out, though. Maybe drink some coolers. Ride a Vespa. Live in your mom's house.-LordofPeanuts- wrote:Yes, but that's a total of all radiohead songs. I have 102 rh songs Edit: that I listened to 200 times. 102x200 >8000. bam! but anyways, I like okC too, its just nobody was talkin' about kida and amnesiac so I brought it uprennaT wrote:over 8000 plays for Radiohead and, if I remember correctly, prefers OK Computer. So yeah, you ain't really got the chops to be running your mouth in the way you are.
Yeah, I guess its not for casual listeners but I think it is more so than kid a and amnesiac. And as for what i said about hail to the theif, I find myself switching to something else before its done. I think Backdrifts and punchup are the weakest on the album so I wouldn't mind if they weren't on there, but that's just me :/ortsz wrote:Opinion is opinion, but it does seem strange to call OK Computer something for casual listeners. I would generally interprate 'something for casual listeners' as meaning 'singles + filler', which is so far from the truth it's ridiculous. Where's the filler? Where are the singles?*
-LordofPeanuts- wrote:Yeah, I guess its not for casual listeners but I think it is more so than kid a and amnesiac. And as for what i said about hail to the theif, I find myself switching to something else before its done. I think Backdrifts and punchup are the weakest on the album so I wouldn't mind if they weren't on there, but that's just me :/ortsz wrote:Opinion is opinion, but it does seem strange to call OK Computer something for casual listeners. I would generally interprate 'something for casual listeners' as meaning 'singles + filler', which is so far from the truth it's ridiculous. Where's the filler? Where are the singles?*
Anyways, moving on, In The Aeroplane Over The Sea is pretty cool. Anyone else like it?
Ghost is my favorite.SlappyMcGee wrote:Me, LittleViking001, and Skyling/e form the NMH fanclub. It's one of the best albums of all time. What I've really been digging lately is the way, imo, the album gets less melodic towards the end (from about Oh, Comely onwards) all while at the same time, getting more direct with his imagery.
Not really. Aeroplane is a thousand fold better.Flight wrote:Heh. My an old friend gave me On Avery Island by Neutral Milk Hotel, but I never listened to it. Guess I gotta give it a try, huh?
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