123-0 speedrun

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Postby amomentlikethis » 2009.08.18 (03:31)

Both kryx and xaelar had 349 frames on this map, sharing 0th.
I looked at the scoreboard and saw 363 was the 19th score, and thought to myself 'well that'll be easy, I guess'.

First try... 348.
I changed nothing.

My first 0th in 3 years.

Meta_Ing then improved it to 346, and then changed the route to get 335 - I took it again with 334.

Both Meta and I think 324 is probably around maximum.
We're also thinking something like this may be possible:


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Postby darkshadow » 2009.08.18 (15:26)

Yeah I thought of that when I recently took a glance at the level but decided it probably wouldn't save time. Also, there's no real reason this couldn't have been in the post a run thread.

Edit: Amusing demo:
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Postby Tunco » 2009.08.18 (18:03)

Pretty good innovation you have here.

Maybe that route is possible, but I think it would be nearly impossible to get a perfect run and go through lunchpads-gauss and reach the door.

Just saying though.


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