CoD: Black Ops
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Looks like it might be set in the Nam this time, hope it's better than MW2.
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Also we have a gaming forum.
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- Slice of Wisdom
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ive lost all faith with IW. they can ALL (and when i say all, i mean the development team as a FUCKING WHOLE) go to hell.
you hear me IW? you go to HELL! you go to hell and you DIE!!!
.... but thats just me still pissed at the piece of crap pc version of modern warfare 2.
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Hah, it's funny, because Black Ops isn't made at all by Infinity Ward. It's made by Treyarch, the same company that made World at War. Basically, if you liked WaW, you'll like this. Because it isn't IW, I'm not too keen... I'm not going to jump on it like I did on MW2. Maybe I'll rent it first, or get the demo before I go out and spend my money (of which there is very little... I need a job).kai wrote:let me save you the time and 60 bucks.... ITS GOING TO SUCK ASS. LOTS AND LOTS OF ASS. MATCHMAKING VIA PC.
ive lost all faith with IW. they can ALL (and when i say all, i mean the development team as a FUCKING WHOLE) go to hell.
you hear me IW? you go to HELL! you go to hell and you DIE!!!
.... but thats just me still pissed at the piece of crap pc version of modern warfare 2.
Also, kai, you need a console. PC gaming is just awful; it's like buying a kitchen and saying "It's multi-purpose!" and then getting your dumbbells and weights and turning it into a gym.
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If you enjoy playing games at reduced resolution, lower framerates on years old hardware then sure.
Also Treyarch confirmed Dedicated servers.

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Universezero wrote:Also, kai, you need a console. PC gaming is just awful; it's like buying a kitchen and saying "It's multi-purpose!" and then getting your dumbbells and weights and turning it into a gym.
Oh sorry, I couldn't here you over running a game at 2560 × 1600, ultra high settings and being able to pin point shoot any enemy from across the entire map with a pistol.Universezero wrote:I've never noticed any of these problems.
In case you missed the point, "HD" gaming a load of bullshit, PC has had resolutions above 1080p in mainstream (As in affordable) since about 2004, now a days it's possible to get monitors at 7680 × 4800 that's 16 times the resolution of 1080p. PC gaming has always had better graphics, consoles usually have their settings around about medium to high depending the game (Sims and the like don't need to process as much as shooters so they tend to be better graphics) where essentially every PC game that comes out now has at least very high and sometimes even higher. Now the controls, yes a game pad is better for movement control (Analogue stick has 360 degrees of movement while PC has WASD) a keyboard has more buttons so it can support more complex games (Mechwarrior anyone?) but beyond that a mouse is infinitely more accurate than a controller, hell game devs quite often mention having to rebalance a game to compensate for a mouse making the game easier. And if you still prefer a controller just plug the 360 controller in to your PC, the drivers are pre-installed to windows and almost every game that comes out now has native support for it, quite often even replacing the keyboard prompts with the controllers buttons.
Also cost, you can whine about a decent gaming PC costing £12598 or whatever but if you're spending that much you're an idiot. £600 I can make a gaming PC with the correct hardware to upgraded every few years so it can last a while, but what's this I hear you say? "My console still only costs £150" while true if you have a 360 but you're going to end up spending that on accessories, bigger hard drive (Yep £100 or so for a 120GB, I just spent £50 on a 1000GB (1TB) for my PC), headsets, controllers, wireless receiver etc. so say £250 minimum to really have a 360 running properly, so you've just spent all this money, you turn on the console. RED RING OF DEATH, now if you're under warranty you're fine but after the first repair the warranty is put at 3 months, any issues after that and you have to pay for the repair which is another £60 or you may just end up buying another console to replace it which is another £150.
Oh and you pay £40 RRP for your console games, I pay £30 RRP for my PC games, also thanks to stuff like steam I get them -much- cheaper (Just bought one for £5, got five for £7 last weekend, got about 60 or so for about £30 last Christmas).
Console gaming isn't cheaper, it's about on par with PC in costs if you actually buy smart. Oh and don't get me started on DLC as that definitely makes consoles more expensive.
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Higher resolutions are great and all, and they sure make the games look better. Maybe you're right... most PC games have better textures and higher detail than the console versions. Thing is, some of us don't have the resources or expertise to build a PC ourselves. Then we have to upgrade it later. At least the PS3 was built with the future in mind. It finally got the powerhouse games it needed... 3 to 4 years after it came out! And it still hasn't reached its full potential.
I can look at all of the screenshots, reviews, and trailers I want, but I can't really say if they're fun or not unless I play it. It's kind of a gamble for every game you buy with the exception of trusted developers or series you enjoy.
There's also lots of games only for the PS3 that I couldn't play on the PC, such as... Modnation Racers, God of War 3, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, Demon's Souls, inFamous, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, Yakuza 3, Ratchet and Clank games... MGS 4... hmm. This list keeps going into some of the older games like Heavenly Sword, Uncharted: DF, Resistance: FOM and Warhawk. It's also getting The Last Guardian later this year, and Killzone 3 and LBP 2 are confirmed for development, probably for 2011. I'm sure your resolution of 092450987 by 198724 would make it look fantastic, but none of these games are available for the PC and it's a shame to miss any of them because of how fun and unique they are.
PCs are great for shooters, MMOs, and RTSes and Steam is definitely a trump card. But I sure as hell haven't missed out on anything by getting a PS3.

"A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult."
-Proverbs 12:16
Newfrag is my PSN name. Add me as a friend so we can play and chat, just make sure to tell me you're from these forums or else I'll think you're trying to molest me.
- Slice of Wisdom
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i run a windows 7 os with an i7 920 running at 2.67ghz. i have 6 gigs of memory and a nividia geforce gtx 260 video card with 3 gigs of virtual memory and a 1tb hard drive.Universezero wrote:Hah, it's funny, because Black Ops isn't made at all by Infinity Ward. It's made by Treyarch, the same company that made World at War. Basically, if you liked WaW, you'll like this. Because it isn't IW, I'm not too keen... I'm not going to jump on it like I did on MW2. Maybe I'll rent it first, or get the demo before I go out and spend my money (of which there is very little... I need a job).kai wrote:let me save you the time and 60 bucks.... ITS GOING TO SUCK ASS. LOTS AND LOTS OF ASS. MATCHMAKING VIA PC.
ive lost all faith with IW. they can ALL (and when i say all, i mean the development team as a FUCKING WHOLE) go to hell.
you hear me IW? you go to HELL! you go to hell and you DIE!!!
.... but thats just me still pissed at the piece of crap pc version of modern warfare 2.
Also, kai, you need a console. PC gaming is just awful; it's like buying a kitchen and saying "It's multi-purpose!" and then getting your dumbbells and weights and turning it into a gym.
in laymen terms, my load screens are NEVER more then 10-20 seconds, even for games like fallout 3, battlefield 2, or bad company 2, my graphics look ten times better then on the 360 or ps3 (and yes ive seen the difference first hand and im not the first one to say this, other peeps that have seen me play say this also.... and curse me out for it XD, not to mention i can mod games to look even BETTER then the best the game has to offer :P), im always one of the first peeps to load in game online (givin the circumstances are good, cant do anything if its the servers fault :/)... and then theres the mods, long list of extra options, tweaks, edits, and other things the 360 (or any console) lacks. and lets not forget the freeware games and shareware.
plus i agree to everything lf said.
oh and yeah, my rig actually counts as 3 consoles right now: ps2, snes, and n64. WHAT, WHAT!!! SAY SOM'N!!
BUT i do play 360 as well, but only for games that are exclusive to the 360. if i had it my way id make ALL games have pc versions. i mean i have a 360 controller for my pc so theres really no difference save for quality.
and WaW wasnt all that great... but it did have custom servers!! ...huh, ok, i think you just gave me some hope for this game!!! WOOT!! now for the real test, if they do a beta WITHOUT matchmaking
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- Slice of Wisdom
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yeah nam isnt done too often and nobody has really got it right yet, but in the hands of cod theres more then a glimmer of hope. hopefully they will be able to cover the gritty, dark animalistic nature of one of the most controversial wars in US history.
also completely off topic, has anyone tried split/second? that new racing game from Disney? its pretty sick. i dont know if theres a demo on the 360 (i have it on pc), but its more then worth a look. still surprised Disney made it...
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1) The 'expertise' required to build a computer amounts to 'put tab A in slot B, repeat about 8 times' (also, there is that method of just straight up buying one)Twistkill wrote:Higher resolutions are great and all, and they sure make the games look better. Maybe you're right... most PC games have better textures and higher detail than the console versions. Thing is, some of us don't have the resources or expertise to build a PC ourselves. Then we have to upgrade it later. At least the PS3 was built with the future in mind. It finally got the powerhouse games it needed... 3 to 4 years after it came out! And it still hasn't reached its full potential.
2) You don't have to upgrade often, I built my computer for $1000 in 2008, I can still play BC2 on max graphics settings.
3) The PS3 wasn't built with the the consumer's future in mind, it was built with Sony's in mind. Specifically "Shit, we need to get Blu-ray popular before Betamax happens all over again!" They also gave IBM a cool few hundred million to build them a chip architecture that was supposed to trump everything in gaming, they seem to have forgot that games don't require obscene amounts of CPU power, they require obscene amounts of GPU power. And it 'still hasn't reached its full potential' in the same vein that the PS2, N64, and NES hasn't reached their full potential, there is always another trick you can do.
I'm not saying your PS3 is useless, but there are certain things consoles are good at (one-screen-multi-person games, racers, fighting games) and things that PCs are ridiculously better at (FPSs, RTSs, anything that requires more than 12 buttons, anything that requires quick and precise aiming/movement, everything I didn't mention in the console section).
As for the topic at hand, this is still being funded by Activision, which hasn't exactly been earning much of my goodwill recently (which, unfortunately, they are publishing Blur, which I want so so much), so I'm not really interested at all.

Tycho: "I don't know why people ever, ever try to stop nerds from doing things. It's really the most incredible waste of time."
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I dunno, I liked MW2 but haven't played WAW, should I preorder?
If it's on steam I probably will, my computer can definitely handle it.

Orange- N cannot be spoken, or even thought about in my household. If my parents ever found out that I have played N since the cleansing, my life would be ruined. I keep the game in a multi-passworded .rar on a USB flash drive inside a locked boron alloy container that requires two keys to open (I keep one under the 64th hammer in my piano, and the other one in a small section of removable ceiling in the corner of the attic) hidden in a wall compartment lined with aluminium foil to prevent sonar detection behind my 375 kg cupboard, which is bolted to the floor - the only way to reach it is to abseil outside the fourth floor window and use a screwdriver to unfasten the screws holding the secret brick in place on the opposite side of the wall, but the screwdriver must be a specific type like the one I own, since if any other screwdriver comes into contact with the screws, the entire building will explode, as will a seperate charge placed inside the boron alloy container, rendering the USB useless. Even once the container is retrieved, attemping to open it without the arming pin in place (which is kept inside the battery compartment of my Maglite) will cause the water reservoirs lining the container to burst and react with the caesium lining, causing the container to burst into flames - the only way to prevent this is to use the arming pins to shut off the reservoirs with a sliding steel door. The USB itself contains an accelerometer linked to an explosive charge, meaning that if the USB detects its own movement speed as being greater than 5 cm/s, it will explode - any person attempting to steal it would have to move at a uselessly slow speed. Once plugged into a computer, the USB will upload a ghost virus onto it, leaving no traces. Only the right password can deactivate this virus, and if it is left on the computer for more than six hours, it will format all drives.
As you can see, I take my N playing very seriously.
Guiseppi- I'd much rather watch animals get boned in the ass.
Yanni- If it's glad, it's not rape.
Tsukatu- I refuse to use throw-away bags for such a frequent purpose as buying groceries. Instead, I've collected the hair of my two pet dogs and have woven them together into an all-natural, 100% environmentally friendly bag that I bring with me everywhere. And when I buy products that come in glass and plastic containers, I track down the company that packages them and ship back their containers so that they don't take up space in landfills.
Yeah, I use plastic.
Tsukatu- I hear Ebony Online is great, too. Cum save your princess, my lord!
Ska- why d i get the feeling what i typed will end up in the quote depository; or worse: someone's sig.
KinGAleX- I did it on the couch a little while ago.
Zeph- I got too pissed at the knife in the end so I just broke the wood on my knee
[13:50:29] |<-- Zeph has left (Quit: Zeph)
[13:50:53] <Zeph> omfg 1950s jazz
[13:50:57] <WorldCupE> ZEPH
[13:51:01] <WorldCupE> WHAT
[13:51:11] <WorldCupE> hpw
[13:51:12] <WorldCupE> how
[13:51:12] <Zeph> everyone wears out halfway through the match
[13:51:15] <WorldCupE> ._.
[13:51:17] <WorldCupE> you
[13:51:19] <WorldCupE> aren't
[13:51:20] <WorldCupE> here
[13:51:24] <WorldCupikaze> I think the broadcasters lowered the volume for certain frequencies
[13:51:35] <WorldCupikaze> WOAH
[13:51:38] <WorldCupikaze> STOP IT ZEPH
[13:51:46] <WorldCupE> he's in #n
[13:51:49] <WorldCupE> but not here
[13:51:58] <Zeph> that nz guy wasn't fouled
[13:52:05] <WorldCupikaze> DUBBLE YOO. TEE. EFF.
[13:52:05] <WorldCupikaze> STOPIT
[13:52:29] <WorldCupE> I don't think Zeph can read what we say
[13:52:38] <WorldCupikaze> No
[13:52:41] <WorldCupikaze> But it still happens
[13:52:46] <WorldCupE> xD
[13:52:47] <Zeph> holy shot I'm vibrating to 1950s relaxing jazz
[13:52:58] <WorldCupE> ZEPH
[13:53:01] <WorldCupE> CAN YOYU HEAR ME
[13:53:20] <WorldCupE> donfuy
[13:53:23] <WorldCupE> have you seen this
[13:53:35] <Donfuy> i can't
[13:53:43] <WorldCupE> can't what
[13:53:47] <WorldCupE> Zeph isn't here
[13:53:48] <WorldCupikaze> WHAT's GOING ON
[13:53:51] <WorldCupE> but is speaking
[13:53:51] <WorldCupE> D:
[13:53:58] <Donfuy> can't see what huh?
[13:54:06] <WorldCupikaze> IT'S THE APOCALYPSE
[13:54:10] <Donfuy> where's zeph o_o
[13:54:18] <WorldCupE> precisely
[13:54:21] <WorldCupikaze> Exactly
[13:55:21] <WorldCupikaze> call wide
[13:55:24] <Zeph> Pooh
[13:55:28] <WorldCupikaze> EH?
[13:55:37] <WorldCupikaze> OOOOOOOOoh
[13:55:38] <Zeph> amazing slide tackle saves day
[13:55:48] <WorldCupikaze> WHY ARE YOU TALKING YOU AREN'T HERE
[13:56:53] <WorldCupikaze> call wide
[13:57:02] -->| Zeph ([email protected]) has joined #Worldcup
[13:32:33] |<-- Zeph has left (Quit: Zeph)
[13:32:43] <WorldCupE> ZEPH D:<
[13:32:44] <Zeph> fucking irc app
[13:32:47] <WorldCupE> O_O
[13:32:50] -->| Zeph ([email protected]) has joined #Worldcup
- Slice of Wisdom
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...unless you have a 360 controller for your pc, then its all good in the hood homie XD. and twistkill go to and check out all the cool deals. i got my PC for 1300 USD but they got some pretty decent rigs for as low as 500 - 800 USD ... best of all you can choose what you want to be installed (hardware wise), what kind of accessories (mouse, keyboard, screens) and anything/everything else giving you even more control over the final price.smartalco wrote: I'm not saying your PS3 is useless, but there are certain things consoles are good at (one-screen-multi-person games, racers, fighting games) and things that PCs are ridiculously better at (FPSs, RTSs, anything that requires more than 12 buttons, anything that requires quick and precise aiming/movement, everything I didn't mention in the console section).
EDIT (BACK ON TOPIC): ... ion-Page-1 ... it all makes sense now. this is why MW2 sucked so much to me and so many others, and why black ops is prolly gonna suck even more. Activision is the devil.
- Schlock Schtock and Two Schmoking Barrels
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Happy yet?

- Slice of Wisdom
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So no Bob, cant say im happy yet :P
Seriously tho, thats sick news XD. Hopefully they beta it too.
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Multiplayer Trailer
Prestige Edition Trailer. ... re=channel
Wager Match ... re=related
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This was the beta so they`ll fix things like the RC-XD sinking into the ground.
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This sounds awesome.Slayr wrote:player/gun customization.

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Then you'll love thisMAXXXON wrote:This sounds awesome.Slayr wrote:player/gun customization.
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