N v1.5 Poll: Small Changes

Talk about the classic version of Metanet Software's amazingly popular freeware platformer right here!

I think that making small adjustments for N v1.5 is:

A Good Idea
A Bad Idea
Don't Care
Total votes: 180

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Postby Meta Ing » 2010.06.05 (02:37)

Eh, well maybe the boards could be cleared again, but I REALLY think the current highscores should be preserved in some way*. Imo, this is comparable to typing, say, a 10 page essay and having your work erased a few sentences in, versus having your work erased after you've finished 9 and a half pages.

I (think I) can see where you're coming from by saying that clearing the boards would give new highscorers a chance to get on the boards. I'm not totally against new highscore boards. I just want the current ones preserved in some way*.
Kablizzy wrote:Also, if they fix some of the physics, all highscores break anyway.
Oh no! D=

* /redundantMeta

Just to make sure there is no confusion, I'm ok with resetting the highscore boards, so long as the current highscores aren't just wiped completely from existence.

..maybe I'm just biased because I'm a highscorer, though. 7=

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Postby Arachnid » 2010.06.05 (10:32)

Most people here seem to have a misconception: Saying 'no' to this doesn't mean that existing demos and levels will continue to function as they do now. Read the blog post - M&R are talking about completely re-implementing the N physics engine. They're simply not going to be able to do that without a few things being ever-so-slightly different, in a manner that doesn't affect gameplay, but will affect replays, and some levels.

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Postby vankusss » 2010.06.05 (13:50)

Kablizzy wrote:And that's a reason to say, "All you new people, don't bother. We've already got highscores, thanks."?
This point of view is completely bad, because new people don't stand any chance anywhere, on current boards and erased boards, too. Highscoring it's not like painting, that anyone can do it. New people need to gain some skill before being able to compete against current active highscorers (who are a minority in the community, sadly). And btw, being 0th on new erased board, knowing there were at least 20 better runs in the past, won't give me ANY satisfaction.
Btw Kablizzy do you actually care about highscores?

EDIT: painting as painting rooms with just 1 colour :P I definitely can't paint as paintings and pictures.
Last edited by vankusss on 2010.06.05 (17:13), edited 1 time in total.
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Postby EddyMataGallos » 2010.06.05 (14:32)

vankusss wrote:
Kablizzy wrote:And that's a reason to say, "All you new people, don't bother. We've already got highscores, thanks."?
This point of view is completely bad, because new people don't stand any chance anywhere, on current boards and erased boards, too. Highscoring it's not like painting, that anyone can do it. New people need to gain some skill before being able to compete against current active highscorers (who are a minority in the community, sadly). And btw, being 0th on new erased board, knowing there were at least 20 better runs in the past, won't give me ANY satisfaction.
Btw Kablizzy do you actually care about highscores?
Yeah, im not a highscorer, and I only have got 17 metanet tops-20 and 0 0ths :) And a i´m completely against erasing highscore leaderboards or making any change that crash the old demos. Why? Because i dont want the metanet highscore leaderboards to be a piece of cake to appear on them, because in that case there is no satisfaction on appearing on them, I prefer that metanet leaderboards continue being challenging for me, so i need to practise more, and there is a big satisfaction when i appear.

Look at this:

And im no satisfaced for it, i have very very poor scores on most of them, and there are a lot of levels that I have only played a few times, without any effort, and they're still a top 20, thats not fun, there is nothing challenging or satisfactory on them, so i dont give them importance.

Please, dont let metanet leaderboards to became like this! N would lose a lot of fun!
If a player likes N, he wont care about the difficult of the leaderboards, he'll simply practise because he likes playing N, and, if he really likes N, he will appear on leaderboards, sure.

PS. Yes, i've completed the game, but i have negative score on 83-3 xD
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About me & Stats (Spoiler)

Hi, im Eddy, a Spanish highscorer and current Grandmaster of N. I've been playing N since 2006, I beat it on the 8th September 2008, and NReality later too. Started intermittently highscoring Metanet in 2010, although serious highscoring started in late 2011.

Current Stats
• Completed N on 8th Sept. 2008
• Completed NReality on 24th Dec. 2010
0th Place on Metanet 0th Rankings with 443 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Top20 Rankings with 599 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Top10 Rankings with 599 Scores.
1st Place on Metanet Top5 Rankings with 595 Scores.
0th Place on Metanet Level 0th Rankings with 361 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Episode 0th Rankings with 82 0ths.
0th Place on Metanet Total Level Score: 72142.900 (20:02:22.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Episode Score: 35669.900 (09:54:29.900)
0th Place on Metanet Total Point Rankings with 11669 Points.
0th Place in NReality 0th Rankings with 235 0ths.
0th Place for a grand total of 676 Total 0ths.
• Winner of some contests (BUST, 100, 9000, Bounty Hunters, SOAST) and of some rounds of some contests (ROPP, NErratic, Red Ball, NReality Team Arena)

{Info as of 01/Feb/2015} The info may be outdated.

• 6th highscorer to reach 100 Metanet 0ths
• 4th highscorer to reach 200 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 300 Metanet 0ths
• 1st and only highscorer to reach 400 Metanet 0ths
• 8th ever Grandmaster
• 2nd* highscorer to reach 599 top-20 Scores
• 1st highscorer to reach 599 top-10 Scores
• 10th highscorer to reach 70k Level Score
• 5th highscorer to reach 71k Level Score
• 2nd highscorer to reach 71.5k Level Score
• 1st highscorer to reach 72k Level Score

Relevant Dates
• First 0th: 31-3 on 04/Oct/10
• Reached 100 Metanet 0ths on 25/Feb/12
• Reached 200 Metanet 0ths on 30/Sep/12
• Reached 300 Metanet 0ths on 16/Mar/13
• Reached 400 Metanet 0ths on 04/Sept/14
• Reached highest amount of 0ths on Jan/2013
• Became the Grandmaster on 12/Apr/2012
• Reached 70k Level Score on 25/Dec/11
• Reached 71k Level Score on 13/Jan/11
• Reached 71.5k Level Score on 01/Aug/12
• Reached 72k Level Score on 04/Jul/14
• Completed N 1.4 on 08/Sept/08
• Completed NReality on 24/Dec/10
• Reached 100 NReality 0ths on Oct/2011
• Reached 200 NReality 0ths on Nov/2011
• Reached 100 Top-20 Scores on Aug/10
• Reached 200 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 300 Top-20 Scores on Nov/11
• Reached 400 Top-20 Scores on Dec/11
• Reached 500 Top-20 Scores on Jan/12
• Reached 599 Top-20 Scores on 04/Apr/12
• Reached 599 Top-10 Scores on 18/Nov/12

Deds & Images (Spoiler)

Thanks to ska for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to BluePretzel for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to da_guru for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this full episode to me!: 00-0 00-100-2 00-3 00-4
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this mappack to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to runningninja for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for partially dedicating this map to me
Thanks to trance for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to zoasBE for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to llabesab for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Traveleravi for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to 123leonidas321 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to the23 for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Uniden for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Ors_II for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Sunset for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Leonhard for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Daggafork for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to VODKALOVER for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to blue_rocks for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to Armaghan_Ali for dedicating this map to me
Thanks to RandomDigits/SpartaX18 for dedicating this map to me
Sorry if Im missing any ded.

ImageThanks to leo.

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Postby RandomDigits » 2010.06.05 (16:34)

vankusss wrote:Highscoring it's not like painting, that anyone can do it.
Yes, but there's good paintings and bad paintings. The more you paint, the easier it becomes to depict whatever you want... Unless you meant abstract painting, in which case the same holds true. Unless you mean throwing paint on a canvas with your eyes closed, in which case, I completely agree with your above statement!

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Postby epigone » 2010.06.05 (16:43)

It's definitely a good idea to make small changes here and there that make the game better. That's the whole point of an update anyway, amiright?
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Postby TheRealOne » 2010.06.05 (18:02)

vankusss wrote:
Kablizzy wrote:And that's a reason to say, "All you new people, don't bother. We've already got highscores, thanks."?
This point of view is completely bad, because new people don't stand any chance anywhere, on current boards and erased boards, too. Highscoring it's not like painting, that anyone can do it. New people need to gain some skill before being able to compete against current active highscorers (who are a minority in the community, sadly). And btw, being 0th on new erased board, knowing there were at least 20 better runs in the past, won't give me ANY satisfaction.
Btw Kablizzy do you actually care about highscores?
First off I don't want to see four years worth of work that highscorers put in to making run on the just blinked out of existence. Also there just aren't enough highscorers these days to repopulate the highscores with the quality runs we have now. I really don't want to see the highscores have just the top 5 spots be competitive and then the rest just be random completion runs by people who just beat the game. Even though Mr_Lim, Jonny_Faneca, Clux, lookatthis, etc. have moved on to other things, their highscores stay and still make the boards competitive in their absence. There are only a few active highscorers good enough to beat those runs, but if the boards are wiped we will end up with the NReality legit mode boards where only the top few spots are anywhere close to being in the regular top-20 and all the rest are just completion runs that don't follow any route and are extremely slow. No one wants only semi competitive boards because that will cause the remaining highscorers to lose motivation and then we will end up with less and less great runs.

For those who say wipe the boards because they are just too hard to get on, keep in mind that almost a third of all the runs on the current boards are hacked with impossible scores so if those were deleted that would free up some space for runs that are not quite 0th material, but it would make getting a top-20 slightly easier possibly encouraging some new highscorers to step up and start taking 0ths. Rather than just saying "Oh, I will never get on those boards so I just wont try."
<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.

<@Kool> bro no joke, I saw the sexiest swedish chick giving herself anal on one of those pop-up alarm-clocks at my uncle's house

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Postby 999_Springs » 2010.06.05 (20:18)

Meta Ing wrote:Eh, well maybe the boards could be cleared again, but I REALLY think the current highscores should be preserved in some way*. Imo, this is comparable to typing, say, a 10 page essay and having your work erased a few sentences in, versus having your work erased after you've finished 9 and a half pages.

I (think I) can see where you're coming from by saying that clearing the boards would give new highscorers a chance to get on the boards. I'm not totally against new highscore boards. I just want the current ones preserved in some way*.
Kablizzy wrote:Also, if they fix some of the physics, all highscores break anyway.
Oh no! D=

* /redundantMeta

Just to make sure there is no confusion, I'm ok with resetting the highscore boards, so long as the current highscores aren't just wiped completely from existence.

..maybe I'm just biased because I'm a highscorer, though. 7=
Such as the way that the NReality v4 boards were frozen when v5 came out?

Agreed with TheRealOne, that the current NReality boards only have the top 8 or 9 spots or so competitive (for the metanet levels), and that getting a top20 doesn't actually require much work (for almost all levels a slow agd will get there). So my 897 NReality top20s (0th place) don't count for too much. However, Nreality has been around for roughly half as long as the metanet boards, and from wayback machine it looks like they were a lot easier to get onto than they were in 2007.

Actually, thinking about it, there's an enormous skill gap between being able to complete N and being able to take metanet top20s. (Unless you're vankusss, who needed fifty metanet 0ths and 450 thousand deaths to complete N.) So we need some way to encourage new potential highscorers to bridge the ever-growing gap. Having two separate boards, one for v1.4, and one for v1.5 with some minor changes doesn't seem like too bad an idea.

Completed N and NReality.
106 N v1.4 highscores.
I used to maintain 1000 NReality Level Top20 Highscores - Ranked 0th
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I've taken 10 Metanet 0ths. 6 of them lasted <2 days. I don't have any of them anymore. >:(
Third Place in BLUR 4 highscore.
Not highscoring anymore until v2.

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Postby otters~1 » 2010.06.06 (00:22)

raigan wrote:And of course, full undo/redo.
Coolest thing I've read so far. Literally the only good idea I've seen in this thread so far from any of us is that the text in Ned should have a hide option. The rest is either wishful thinking, or so contentious that we as a community will never agree -- so you two should decide.

Arachnid wrote:Most people here seem to have a misconception: Saying 'no' to this doesn't mean that existing demos and levels will continue to function as they do now. Read the blog post - M&R are talking about completely re-implementing the N physics engine. They're simply not going to be able to do that without a few things being ever-so-slightly different, in a manner that doesn't affect gameplay, but will affect replays, and some levels.
This too. To everyone who has used the term "broken" with reference to demos: what is your argument to the fact that you will still have v1.4 on your computer, sitting around waiting for you to load a map and some demos up? Or, if M&R have the inclination, you will have a handy classic mode built into v2.0. Win win.

N's devs are being pretty damn considerate about asking our opinions on all of this; we should do them the courtesy of thinking before we post.
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Postby Kablizzy » 2010.06.06 (01:49)

Meta Ing wrote:Eh, well maybe the boards could be cleared again, but I REALLY think the current highscores should be preserved in some way*. Imo, this is comparable to typing, say, a 10 page essay and having your work erased a few sentences in, versus having your work erased after you've finished 9 and a half pages.

I (think I) can see where you're coming from by saying that clearing the boards would give new highscorers a chance to get on the boards. I'm not totally against new highscore boards. I just want the current ones preserved in some way*.
Kablizzy wrote:Also, if they fix some of the physics, all highscores break anyway.
Oh no! D=

* /redundantMeta

Just to make sure there is no confusion, I'm ok with resetting the highscore boards, so long as the current highscores aren't just wiped completely from existence.

..maybe I'm just biased because I'm a highscorer, though. 7=
If they change the game, they'll be broken anyway. You get broken highscores, or wiped highscores. They won't work anyway.
vankusss wrote:What 'more time' means?
I'm going to buy some ham.

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Postby im_bad_at_n » 2010.06.06 (02:07)

I just thought of a great change that could be made in the next version: Userlevels

Make it easier to load a map off of nmaps.net to userlevels with a save feature so I can still play it even if I do not have internet connection. The userlevels in v1.4 are really out of date, and for the life of me can't figure out how to change that. It would be cool to see an obvious "delete" button next to some levels in unserlevels and an obvious "add" button too. Of course I understand the memory capabilities, maybe max of 50 levels possible to save etc. But making it more user friendly will be a great change I believe.

Then it would be easier to have a more obvious place to copy a demo data out of in userlevels, like that of in Ned. But that might be picky :/

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Postby Meta Ing » 2010.06.06 (02:26)

Kablizzy wrote:If they change the game, they'll be broken anyway. You get broken highscores, or wiped highscores. They won't work anyway.
Don't forget that v1.4 will most likely still be available somewhere after v1.5 is released, and many people may well keep their copy of v1.4. (There's also the possibility of M&R implementing the 'classic mode' people have suggested.) Even if they do make big physics changes to the game (hopefully not but meh) that break all the highscore demos in v1.5, I'd still like the current highscores to be around to watch in v1.4. (I'm not sure how this works since I've only ever had v1.4, but I imagine that since the highscores are online based, if they are reset for one version they are reset for all... correct me if I'm wrong...)

raigan wrote:Just to be clear: we're not going to touch v1.4 stuff, all of those scores/etc will remain. The new version will be a completely separate thing.
So as long as I'm interpreting that correctly, everything should be all good. That sentence should probably make any more debate between us on this issue completely useless.
Quotes (Click to open):

Izzy and TRO - #n-highscores: <@Izzy> Where'd those frames come from? | <TRO> meta's ninja runs faster | <@Izzy> He stole TFK'S?!
Life247 - #n-highscores: Grrr, you're too perfect Meta.
Pryocheese - this map: of course you'd figure out how to cheat anti-cheat methods
Kablizzy: Click
kkstrong: I fully expect him to sig that.


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Postby aids » 2010.06.06 (06:11)

im_bad_at_n wrote:I just thought of a great change that could be made in the next version: Userlevels

Make it easier to load a map off of nmaps.net to userlevels with a save feature so I can still play it even if I do not have internet connection. The userlevels in v1.4 are really out of date, and for the life of me can't figure out how to change that. It would be cool to see an obvious "delete" button next to some levels in unserlevels and an obvious "add" button too. Of course I understand the memory capabilities, maybe max of 50 levels possible to save etc. But making it more user friendly will be a great change I believe.

Then it would be easier to have a more obvious place to copy a demo data out of in userlevels, like that of in Ned. But that might be picky :/
That's what the userlevels.txt file is bro. Check it out.


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Postby formica » 2010.06.06 (06:42)

a happy song wrote:I say make some changes. Chain gun randomness is not fun, and honestly think people here are being a little too nostalgic about them. The options for building levels around a more manageable chain gun fire would be really interesting, and I think after getting used to them people would find them much more enjoyable.

Fix the chaser drones too.

These things are machines, they're supposed to react to you with precision. And while I find a fluke can be very satisfying every now and then, I know it's frustrated me a lot more often.

Fix the chain guns, fix the slope stutter, fix the one way glitch (imo, it's fun but annoying when you have to add more objects just to get the one you really need working properly).

However, make sure you include a classic option as well.

Keep the rest. BB physics, corner jumping, etc.. are what give this game such depth.

I honestly think people would get over the one-way glitch, and I'm almost certain they'd grow to love the chaingun and drone fixes.
What he said.

Only maybe without the chain gun part- I always figured that's how they were supposed to work in the first place. I think avoiding what seems like certain chaingun deaths is rare enough that people don't actually try for/ depend on running through the gap in the bullets- which makes the occasional fluke fun and exhilarating, rather than an occasional death feeling cheap and frustrating.

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Postby aids » 2010.06.06 (06:59)

Yeah, about those oneways. Could you please make the downward- and rightward-facing oneways on the same level as the tiles? It won't be that hard to do. I agree with atob about the oneways and chainguns too.


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Postby mintnut » 2010.06.06 (09:44)

Out of interest, does this mean that a column similar to the current 80's is not going to feature? I used to really love the idea that when you guys got around to making v1.5 I might stand a slim chance of getting a map into the game...

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Postby Miststalker06 » 2010.06.06 (10:17)

Keep glitches. They are what makes the game ever so special. <3
One-way glitches, thwump glitches, bounceblock glitches, tileglitches and all the other glitches available for experimenting with should be kept.

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Postby  yahoozy » 2010.06.06 (11:38)

I don't really understand the desire to keep the glitches unchanged, especially because N 1.4 is going to remain untouched and still attainable. Mario 64 was a great game, and was made great partly by the number of glitches and exploits the game had. Mario Galaxy is also a great game and gains merit by being air-tight from a programming standpoint while maintaining (basically, I know this metaphor is kind of a stretch) its core gameplay. I'm definitely all for fixing everything and releasing the game that you guys had "intended" to make, more or less.

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Postby otters » 2010.06.06 (19:15)

Yahoozy wrote:I don't really understand the desire to keep the glitches unchanged, especially because N 1.4 is going to remain untouched and still attainable. Mario 64 was a great game, and was made great partly by the number of glitches and exploits the game had. Mario Galaxy is also a great game and gains merit by being air-tight from a programming standpoint while maintaining (basically, I know this metaphor is kind of a stretch) its core gameplay. I'm definitely all for fixing everything and releasing the game that you guys had "intended" to make, more or less.
This was exactly my point, only Yahoozy said it better. QFE

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Postby Kablizzy » 2010.06.06 (21:39)

EddyMataGallos wrote:
vankusss wrote:
Kablizzy wrote:And that's a reason to say, "All you new people, don't bother. We've already got highscores, thanks."?
This point of view is completely bad, because new people don't stand any chance anywhere, on current boards and erased boards, too. Highscoring it's not like painting, that anyone can do it. New people need to gain some skill before being able to compete against current active highscorers (who are a minority in the community, sadly). And btw, being 0th on new erased board, knowing there were at least 20 better runs in the past, won't give me ANY satisfaction.
Btw Kablizzy do you actually care about highscores?
Yeah, im not a highscorer, and I only have got 17 metanet tops-20 and 0 0ths :) And a i´m completely against erasing highscore leaderboards or making any change that crash the old demos. Why? Because i dont want the metanet highscore leaderboards to be a piece of cake to appear on them, because in that case there is no satisfaction on appearing on them, I prefer that metanet leaderboards continue being challenging for me, so i need to practise more, and there is a big satisfaction when i appear.

Look at this:

And im no satisfaced for it, i have very very poor scores on most of them, and there are a lot of levels that I have only played a few times, without any effort, and they're still a top 20, thats not fun, there is nothing challenging or satisfactory on them, so i dont give them importance.

Please, dont let metanet leaderboards to became like this! N would lose a lot of fun!
If a player likes N, he wont care about the difficult of the leaderboards, he'll simply practise because he likes playing N, and, if he really likes N, he will appear on leaderboards, sure.

PS. Yes, i've completed the game, but i have negative score on 83-3 xD
The only reason it's like that is because the leaderboards have been up for five years and no one cares anymore. If the highscores get wiped, everyone cares again. Simple as that. If they stay up, then no one highscores.
vankusss wrote:What 'more time' means?
I'm going to buy some ham.

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Postby vankusss » 2010.06.06 (21:59)

Kablizzy wrote:The only reason it's like that is because the leaderboards have been up for five years and no one cares anymore. If the highscores get wiped, everyone cares again. Simple as that. If they stay up, then no one highscores.
ehm, hm?
Btw as i mentioned before, would it make you happy to be let's say 5th on the wiped boards knowing that there were 1000 better runs before and the only reason you're actually at the boards is that they got wiped? Pretty lame way how to get there... And the only reason most of people can't get on the boards is because they can't play good enough.
But this is pointless since the old boards will stay (in classic mode or w/e).
iNsane http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwrkTEaTXk4 (watch in 480p)( yellow wins )

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Postby TheRealOne » 2010.06.06 (22:29)

vankusss wrote:
Kablizzy wrote:The only reason it's like that is because the leaderboards have been up for five years and no one cares anymore. If the highscores get wiped, everyone cares again. Simple as that. If they stay up, then no one highscores.
ehm, hm?
Btw as i mentioned before, would it make you happy to be let's say 5th on the wiped boards knowing that there were 1000 better runs before and the only reason you're actually at the boards is that they got wiped? Pretty lame way how to get there... And the only reason most of people can't get on the boards is because they can't play good enough.
But this is pointless since the old boards will stay (in classic mode or w/e).
If the boards are wiped then yeah more people may hit the submit button, but that does not qualify as highscoring. If there is not a challenge then highscoring loses all of its meaning. Also if the current boards had the hackers deleted then there would be some space for slower runs, but still maintain competition. The old scores must stay in one way or another. Personally I would like to see the current boards be wiped of hackers, but all other runs stay and they should be the only boards, but if the updates M&R do are going to break all of the demos then a "classic mode" or something like that will suffice.
<@Izzy> Holy balls, sweet run.
<@gloomp> Holy sweet, balls run.
<@Izzy> Sweet, balls run holy.
<@gloomp> Run sweet, balls holy.
<@Izzy> Sweet run, ballsy hole.
<@gloomp> All's sweet, holeb run.
<@Izzy> Ballsy nun, sweet mole.

<@Kool> bro no joke, I saw the sexiest swedish chick giving herself anal on one of those pop-up alarm-clocks at my uncle's house

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Postby aids » 2010.06.06 (23:36)

If M&R were to make this two separate games, with two separate scoreboards, everyone would be happy. You can edit the new version but retain the old highscores.


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Postby Meta Ing » 2010.06.06 (23:39)

Yahoozy wrote:I don't really understand the desire to keep the glitches unchanged, especially because N 1.4 is going to remain untouched and still attainable. Mario 64 was a great game, and was made great partly by the number of glitches and exploits the game had. Mario Galaxy is also a great game and gains merit by being air-tight from a programming standpoint while maintaining (basically, I know this metaphor is kind of a stretch) its core gameplay. I'm definitely all for fixing everything and releasing the game that you guys had "intended" to make, more or less.
Hm. Personally, I'm against glitch changes. (although I'm a tiny bit curious to see exactly what M&r intended for the game, just not enough to want it)

You are right that comparing N v1.4 and v1.5 to Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy is a bit of a stretch, mainly because the glitches in super Mario 64 weren't such a huge part of the game that completely removing them would make it so much less fun to play... (I'm going to switch over to Super Metroid for this however, since I'm more familiar with that)

In Super Metroid, there is a major glitch known as the reset glitch, which, by using a certain combination of beams in certain rooms, then saving the game after performing the glitch, you can play through the entire game from the beginning, with all the items you had when you performed the glitch (minus regular missiles) -- Allowing you to recollect items over again, fight bosses with weapons the developers never intended you to have at the time, achieve item collection percentages over 100%, etc...

It's a pretty fun glitch to exploit, and it does make the game quite a bit more fun, particularly if you're bored of just playing and beating the game normally over and over again or something. However, if this glitch were removed, the game would still be quite fun -- Mainly because it has several other elements in it to keep it so. Things such as atmospheric music and graphics, suit and weapon upgrades, and a complex and continuing storyline mean that the game doesn't rely mostly on the gameplay itself to be any fun. (Although yes, the gameplay is (always) a major contributing factor.)

N, on the other hand, is much more simplistic than that. It doesn't have the atmospheric music and graphics of Super Metroid. Your ninja doesn't collect weapons and upgrades that ultimately improve it's skill (the closest thing to this in N is getting better as you play). The storyline consists of, roughly: "you are a ninja with a thirst for gold that keeps you alive for longer than 90 seconds. Many robots are out to make sure that you don't reach the exit of the room you are in and prevent you from ultimately reaching transcendence." -- It's a pretty basic storyline that basically just tells you the ninja's purpose and a few basic details of the game. If this story weren't in the game, very little would be lost, because everything in it is discovered while playing the game itself.

For this reason, pretty much all of the fun of the game relies on the gameplay and design of the levels itself (coincidentally, the design of the levels hugely affects the gameplay) This is where the "glitches" come in -- particularly the ones in the actual gameplay. Although I don't think anyone is exactly sure what tricks are considered glitches, it seems to me like people generally consider anything that M&R don't display in the help file nor display in their demos -- so let's go with that definition. As a bit of shameless advertising reference, my simple-challenge-esque series should provide a fairly accurate list and demonstration of such tricks. Some other tricks that aren't directly in that series (if any) should be common enough for just about anyone who's been playing for more than a few weeks to know.

Now, let's say that removing all glitches in the game means that all of those tricks are rendered impossible. This would basically mean that the only skills the ninja would have left are running, walljumping, surviving falls with slopes and wallslides, perpendicular jumps, corner tipping, and your ability to control how high, far, and fast you can do these tricks. Gameplay, especially highscoring and speedrunning, would obviously be drastically affected by this. Try to imagine it from a highscorer's perspective. Imagine if there was no corner jumping, double bounceblock jumps... no triple jumps. Several routes on various levels would be lost, the gameplay would become quite a bit more linear, and highscores and speedruns would eventually consist of all the same methods and routes, with little to no room for innovation, and pretty much the only area of competition being whoever can pull the route off the fastest. Does this sound as fun as how the game is now?

There are also the various glitches used in DDAs, puzzles, and overall a good majority of user created maps. So many maps on NUMA would be rendered impossible if gameplay glitches were removed.

Of course, it's probably not the best method to say that removing all glitches would mean removing all tricks, (since, as I mentioned before, I'm pretty sure nobody is exactly sure what tricks are considered glitches) - However, there are still the gameplay glitches that we know for a fact were not intended. (going through oneways, chimneying through doors, gold delay, random chaingun bullet dodging, false and glitch tiles, getting switches through doors, etc...) Even if no highscore tricks are removed, and it's just the (known-for-a-fact-that-they-are) glitches like these that are removed, there are still a good amount of maps that would be rendered impossible or less fun to play because of that.

You did mention that v1.4 would still be around for people who want to play the game with all of it's current glitches, bugs, and oddities. This is true, and a valid point -- however, assuming that v1.5 adds several new features to the game, I am personally going to want to switch over to that version to utilize those new features. I don't, however, want to constantly switch between v1.4 and v1.5 just to utilize the features of v1.5 and play the game with the glitches and bugs of v1.4. It would seem impractical to me.

Even if the glitches are fixed however, I (and other people) can always hope that the possible v1.4 classic mode in v1.5 means that the gameplay and glitches remain untouched, but the new features of v1.5 are still included. I think if anything, this would be the most ideal solution.

All in all, I'm against removing most of the glitches (particularly the in-gameplay ones) because too much would be lost if they were.

That's my opinion on it.
Quotes (Click to open):

Izzy and TRO - #n-highscores: <@Izzy> Where'd those frames come from? | <TRO> meta's ninja runs faster | <@Izzy> He stole TFK'S?!
Life247 - #n-highscores: Grrr, you're too perfect Meta.
Pryocheese - this map: of course you'd figure out how to cheat anti-cheat methods
Kablizzy: Click
kkstrong: I fully expect him to sig that.


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Postby Kablizzy » 2010.06.07 (04:14)

vankusss wrote:
Kablizzy wrote:The only reason it's like that is because the leaderboards have been up for five years and no one cares anymore. If the highscores get wiped, everyone cares again. Simple as that. If they stay up, then no one highscores.
ehm, hm?
If you disagree, talk to EddyMataGallos there. That's what he's saying. It's one or the other, gentlemen. Either the highscores are boring and no one highscores, or they're exciting and everyone highscores. If the latter is true, then the Leaderboards are stagnant and should be wiped anyway. I dunno. Pretty clear case to wipe the highscores. I think the only reason not to is out of vanity.
vankusss wrote:What 'more time' means?
I'm going to buy some ham.

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