ok... thankschume14 wrote:
Ok so he hasn't actually modded the gravity thats a ninja mod and they are not trigger able. Instead he has applied a custom path to the ninja.
Look at the code of the ninja (it's always the first in the object data starting with a 5^ here it is)
Breaking this down
5^84,252 refers to a normal ninja and its position
5^84,252^^^u,6,,0.2 would make that ninja constantly travel upwards ( info after 3 of these ^ like this ^^^ means its a custom path u is for up) all this pathing does is move the ninja up 0.2 each frame (note this is also why he doesn't accelerate up as gravity would do) it doesn't actually define his position (which some pathings like circular do) so that can still be influenced by other factors like the reaction forces of tiles and the friction you artificially generate when pressing the arrows.
5^84,252^^1,9,10^u,6,,0.2 info after the second ^ indicates this pathing is trigger-able the 1 means wait for a trigger before starting the 9 means it is trigger ID 9 that will start it and the 10 means it is trigger ID 10 that will stop it these refer to area triggers at the end of the map data which you can check and alter for your desired triggers.
i get this otherways
but thanks at all - maybe they should add this mod :)