The NReality Mod Help Thread

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Postby shadow93kangaroo » 2009.12.24 (19:19)

chume14 wrote:
Ok so he hasn't actually modded the gravity thats a ninja mod and they are not trigger able. Instead he has applied a custom path to the ninja.
Look at the code of the ninja (it's always the first in the object data starting with a 5^ here it is)


Breaking this down
5^84,252 refers to a normal ninja and its position
5^84,252^^^u,6,,0.2 would make that ninja constantly travel upwards ( info after 3 of these ^ like this ^^^ means its a custom path u is for up) all this pathing does is move the ninja up 0.2 each frame (note this is also why he doesn't accelerate up as gravity would do) it doesn't actually define his position (which some pathings like circular do) so that can still be influenced by other factors like the reaction forces of tiles and the friction you artificially generate when pressing the arrows.
5^84,252^^1,9,10^u,6,,0.2 info after the second ^ indicates this pathing is trigger-able the 1 means wait for a trigger before starting the 9 means it is trigger ID 9 that will start it and the 10 means it is trigger ID 10 that will stop it these refer to area triggers at the end of the map data which you can check and alter for your desired triggers.
ok... thanks
i get this otherways

but thanks at all - maybe they should add this mod :)
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Postby terrazza » 2010.01.30 (00:29)

Mod: Rocket

Mod Properties: I want the bullet to go slower

Other: Connect it to this code:

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Postby bufar » 2010.02.03 (20:31)

Do you want it to accelerate slower or have a slower top speed?

Half acceleration:

Half top speed:


I hope this helps.

~edited for code correctness~

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Postby Aldaric » 2010.04.19 (00:10)

Mod: Luminescent Ninja
Mod Properties: Make a circle of light around the ninja that illuminates everything in the circle of light. The rest of the map being dark.
Other requests: ...
I have never used nreality but I once saw a map that had lights in it. Is this something that could be possible? Sorry for my ignorance.

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Postby kkstrong » 2010.04.19 (14:05)

This map does that, and tells you how
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Postby enespanol4268 » 2010.05.06 (13:41)

I downloaded modmaster but i still cant make mods!
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Postby bufar » 2010.05.06 (17:32)

First off, you don't need modmaster to make mods.
But now that you have it, all you need to do is pick which mod you want, fill out all the stuff it asks for, and press the "Calculate Code" button. If you're making a drone, the code might have variables in it, such as x, y, path, or direction. You need to fill those in with the values from the unmodified drone. Take this code and copy/paste it into nreality. If you modded an item it goes with the item data. If you're making an object mod, put four bars (||||) after the item data and then paste it. For player mods, do the same but with five bars.

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Postby enespanol4268 » 2010.05.06 (20:08)

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Postby remm » 2010.05.25 (08:57)

What I would like to know is if you can use triggers to get a stationary tile drone to move (and clear) a distance of two or three tile spaces and then stop.
Sorta like, you touch the trigger and the wall in front of you moves back/disappears


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Postby bufar » 2010.05.25 (18:45)

Here is the code for the drone:

Code: Select all

This is assuming you want it to move left three spaces. If you want it to move less or more, reduce or increase the number of 0s after the first caret and the number of Ls after the last carat. If you want it to move right, change the Ls to Rs. To have it move right five spaces, the code would be this:

Code: Select all

I hope that answers your question.

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Postby remm » 2010.05.25 (21:03)

You are awesome.
I am planning on making a whole mappack or something about that sort of thing. Actually no, because they can't be playable in the N userlevels. damn.
Well I have plenty of ideas at least.
put the trigger inside the drone, so that you run into it and the drone moves out of your way.

EDIT. I probably should have taken a look at the posts on this earlier, then I wouldn't have had to ask.


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Postby brianlyao » 2010.06.21 (23:02)

Is it a bug or is it part of the code, because when I compute a code in ModMaster for areatrigger there is an extra "!1,,,! in front of the object that has the trigger (in this case, I had a startTrigger 1). Also, I can't seem to get the code for areatrigger straight.

Even after reading the wikia, and trying to follow its code line number by number it fails...

Oh, and I have another question. If you make the ninja have to go through an area trigger, does his entire body need to be inside that rectangle at once? If so, it may be a problem of having a small rectangle (1 tile size).


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Postby amconline » 2010.06.22 (14:53)

Hi !

Mod: Rotating lasers
Mod properties: lasers rotating at different speed
Other Requests: Problem uploading the map : white screen

Here's my map :

Can you help me ? What did I do wrong ?

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Postby kkstrong » 2010.06.23 (04:06)

brian - it is probably a bug in Modmaster's code. I attempted to code it before I fully understood how to make the mod, so it never turned out very well... and I've just never gotten back into re-doing it because I always seem to have more pressing matters. I doubt I will be making a next version of modmaster unless more mods come out or some serious bug comes into play (neither of which I see happening very soon)

amcoline - sorry i didnt catch the post in time, nice map though.
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Postby bufar » 2010.06.23 (04:08)

brianlyao: I don't use ModMaster, so I don't know why it gives you that weird item. If you're following the wiki, it should work. I assume that you want a trigger to start when a ninja enters a region, so here's the code for that:

Code: Select all

I did some quick tests and I think the region has to be at least 4x4 or 5x5 pixels for the ninja to set off the trigger.

amconline: Only the drone in the top-right is moving at a noticeably different speed (IMO). I can't figure out why, but I think I know what the problem is. The code for your drones is something like this:

Code: Select all

When it should follow this format:

Code: Select all

X, Y, Path, and Direction should be taken from the drone you put in the map before you modify it. You want to make sure that rotate speed is the same for all of the drones. Starting Angle and Speed are pretty self-explanatory, I think. Always Move determines if the drones move or stay still (If they stay still then whatever value you assign to Speed won't matter). Fixed Laser Length you don't have to worry about for this map, but if you set a value to it the laser will always be that long, even if tiles get in the way.

I hope that these are clear and solve both of your problems. If they don't, please don't hesitate to ask me.

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Postby BBBB » 2010.07.15 (18:22)

Im new at this how do you add a player mod and a object mod at the same time? and i read something about a playerslot which i dont know what that means

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Postby bufar » 2010.07.15 (23:58)

BBBB wrote:Im new at this how do you add a player mod and a object mod at the same time? and i read something about a playerslot which i dont know what that means
All the mods are added after the normal map data. It breaks down like this:

Code: Select all

Tile Data | Item Data | Background Image | Foreground Image | NReality Map Type | Object Mods | Player Mods | Area Triggers
    Normal Map Data   |           Image Map Data            |  Ignore For Now   |     Put Your Mods Here    | Ignore For Now
The top line is the breakdown and the bottom line is my explanations. If you want to add player and object mods, put four bars ( this symbol: | ) after the map data, then put your object mods, then put another bar, and then put your player mods.

If you were wondering, the NReality Map Type is what shows up when you load the map in userlevels (action, race, etc.). If you leave it blank, it'll take one of the tags from NUMA.

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.07.22 (15:03)

The only help I need is how to make moving turrets, like this map:

AFAIK it is a moving gauss turret, but I dont know how to make it in modmaster 1.4

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.07.22 (16:49)

I also wonder if it is possible to have a seperate image for Zap Drone and Seeker Drone.
I couldnt do it, becuse they both have ID 0

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Postby 大見解 » 2010.07.22 (19:24)

that wouldn't be possible. although i'm pretty sure you can (if you're not using) something like..... an alarm drone... and set that picture....(as a normal zap drone).

then the seeker would have the other modded picture you want, and still have the functionality of a seeker
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Postby NPLUS » 2010.07.22 (20:54)

Great suggestion, making alarm drone work as a normal zap drone is a great idea!

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Postby Slayr » 2010.07.25 (15:44)

i just need help using custom icons for my zap drones, and other objects.

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Postby Universezero » 2010.07.26 (07:53)

Slayr wrote:i just need help using custom icons for my zap drones, and other objects.
Well, this has all the basic information; is there anything specific that you're having trouble with?

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Postby Slayr » 2010.07.26 (17:05)

when ever i try to use a custom icon it refuses to load so i'm wondering if the code i'm putting in is incorrect, here is the code.
||||0,_icon,-12^12^ ... rdrone.png

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Postby NPLUS » 2010.07.26 (19:09)

Slayr: your URL is incorrect, you must use direct links to the images.


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