SłappyMcGee wrote:If the dude is working at a convenience store, chances are he has a social security number
This made me lol.
I live in a city that's gained some local notoriety for being full of illegal immigrants. I have personally known and worked with illegal immigrants from Mexico who hardly speak a word of English and split housing payments with the eight other immigrant families living in their room. It is pretty rare to find a fast food joint in this city whose kitchen staff is not 80% non-English-speaking Mexican. They're everywhere.
They get jobs because their services are cheap when paid in cash, because their managers were in their shoes and don't look closely at the social security numbers on the application when one is required, and because markets for necessities like cars and housing, in many places in this city, run more or less like barter systems than proper commercial establishments.
Of course, I do not mean to say that I'm in any way in favor of this Arizona bullshit. I'm just saying that the grievances used to justify it are at least facts.
(When I think of 'dem eeleegals stealin' our jabs, it always reminds my of my family's experience with a moving company when we moved to our current residence. We found their ad in a local paper and their rate was very cheap, so we called them up. It turned out that the manager was the only one who spoke any English, and that the entire team of movers were weary-looking Mexicans. We didn't ask any questions because the price was too good.
During the actual move-in, we found out that one of our new neighbors worked for a moving company and could have helped us out. We found this out because this fat redneck slob was yelling at us from across the street for hiring "some fucking illegals" who were "stealing all the fucking work from [him]" as he splashed his greasy wife-beater with his beer (10:00 AM) as he gesticulated wildly.
But the moving team was unfazed; they worked dutifully to move our things into our new home. They never showed any attitude, they handled everything with care, and they did it silently and efficiently. Overall, it was very professional and painless. We gave them all big tips.
I shudder to think of what our experience might've been like if we had overpaid Hillbilly Joe and his six inbred cousins to spend the better part of the day smashing our furniture carelessly into the walls of our new home.)
Oh, also, there's this new mom & pop donut shop that opened up recently. The only owner and employee seems to be this really kind and energetic Asian woman. When she attempts to speak English in her sweet little voice, I have
no idea what she's saying, but the quality:price ratio is outstanding, and she gives me free donut holes!